How To Use Nondescript In A Sentence

  • Otherwise, I would not have noticed as it now blends in nondescriptly, with the rest of the businesses.
  • In "Sunset Park," Auster is more interested in the neighborhood's vast semi-industrial stretches peppered with nondescript houses, all the better to endow the proceedings with an enforced sense of dreariness. Paul Auster Paints a Dreary Picture In 'Sunset Park'
  • The cashier, a middle-aged woman with nondescript features, cleared her throat and pointed to the right.
  • The patron is a nondescript in late middle age who shakes his head.
  • This expression gave temporary meaning to a set of features otherwise nondescript.
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  • At first quick glance, the image appears to present a pretty nondescript, rusty-colored flatland dotted with rocks.
  • As you enter a nondescript building at Microsoft Headquarters in Redmond, Washington, you are met with enough cutting edge technology to make any gadgeteer gleeful. Rita Braver: Future Shock?
  • They posed in hallways, foyers, in front of doors, in generally nondescript spaces.
  • Cold and nondescript from the street, it sits about 2 miles from campus, adjacent to a Bed Bath & Beyond and engulfed on three sides by the tall, barbed-wire fence of a local auto body shop. Catlin has made a career out of busting juicers
  • Arriving to an enthusiastic welcome in the nondescript village, he shed his characteristic reserve.
  • Towering above the frankly nondescript suburbs of a frankly nondescript town, the Big Swan stadium was visible from miles away.
  • Billy Green, at the moment, was training a tiny, nondescript, frizzly-haired dog. CHAPTER XXVIII
  • So we don't have that many more genes than these tiny, somewhat nondescript, oftentimes considered non-complex, organisms.
  • I follow these fleeting figures and shapes down a dimly lit hallway, to a room nondescriptly marked "4".
  • Well," replied the other, coolly, "he is what I call a nondescript; like an attorney, or a surgeon, or a civil engineer, or a banker, or a stock-broker, and all that sort of people. Love Me Little, Love Me Long
  • We pause on Park Avenue, cabs swooshing past, slick, chill streets, slippery sidewalks, a grey evening, a nondescript night.
  • He sits, nondescriptly dressed, with his back to the room. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fruiting plants are immediately recognizable by the unique bright blue color of their drupes, but sterile shrubs are very nondescript and easily overlooked.
  • With its nondescript, brainiac anti-heroes and dialogue crammed with technospeak, it is the ultimate geek movie.
  • This expression gave temporary meaning to a set of features otherwise nondescript.
  • The address Geraldine Hope had given him turned out to be a nondescript street of Victorian brick semis in a rundown area of Tynemouth. LOST SUMMER
  • The small, nondescript moth is seldom noticed as it flies in the evening.
  • But a lot of them are completely unidentifiable, even if they're not nondescript.
  • A plain, nondescript man in a chauffeur's uniform approaches them, pushing a cart bearing an aquarium.
  • Instead it's all about looking nondescript and blending in. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rolling into the grey streets of the small lowland towns, past open fronted stores set in nondescript concrete slab buildings, the bus was transformed into a mobile drive-in restaurant. The bus ride from hell that I learned to love Oaxaca
  • The nondescript passion fruit charlotte contained leaves of undissolved gelatine.
  • It was a sign of the anonymity of the Service that Owens was not sure of the name of this nondescript man who, from rimless glasses to conservative shoes, seemed a college professor or a haberdasher's clerk. Fantastic Voyage
  • Nondescript tables, bookcase headboards, trunks, and chests and toy benches are valuable storage pieces that can be transformed into focal points when treated to a healthy dose of colorful paint!
  • In its native habitat, the Canary Islands, the bird is a nondescript greenish songster with a melodious warble.
  • As soon as she arrived at her room, she began to pack a few nondescript clothes and a few basic necessities.
  • Standing nearby is a plain, nondescript man in a chauffeur's uniform.
  • The fact is, this is a distinctive vehicle in a very bland, anonymous and nondescript market.
  • The dancers' clothes look like nondescript T-shirts and jeans. Times, Sunday Times
  • T5 sees a woman killing time in a nondescript airport hotel room. Times, Sunday Times
  • It lit at once, and a nondescriptly handsome young man was grinning toothily out of it. Null-ABC
  • He loved nondescript hotel rooms and staring out of windows, as though always looking for another place to wander to. Times, Sunday Times
  • The acute presentation is often preceded by years of nondescript gastrointestinal symptoms.
  • The address Geraldine Hope had given him turned out to be a nondescript street of Victorian brick semis in a rundown area of Tynemouth. LOST SUMMER
  • He was short and thickset, barely the required Service height, with wary eyes and a pleasant, nondescript face. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • Their 1967 double-A-side single "Penny Lane"/"Strawberry Fields Forever" transformed the nondescript streets of Liverpool suburbs into places of aching nostalgia.
  • In a nondescript building, down a largely unmarked hallway, is a series of rooms, each with a rack of servers and a "ground control station," or GCS.
  • This nondescript little gem across from Arizona Stadium has been languishing in relative obscurity for the last two years.
  • Fruiting plants are immediately recognizable by the unique bright blue color of their drupes, but sterile shrubs are very nondescript and easily overlooked.
  • He stood by the windows, looking out over the great expanse of choppy sea, his tall form draped in something nondescript which might have been a military greatcoat.
  • After the standard rambling walk following his contact he found himself at another nondescript West End hotel.
  • Aykan's house was one in a street of nondescript redbricks, and I was staring at it for several seconds before I saw that anything was wrong.
  • Utterly nondescript, but it's been a grocery store, an auto dealership, an office building, and a laundromat.
  • What's left of the city appears nondescript and soulless, without any apparent centre or focal point.
  • I'm looking for an inn called Hamamatsu‑‑that's a name with really common characters, ‘beach 'and‘pine tree'‑‑and there it is right there,” John said triumphantly, pointing to a weathered plastic sign hanging in front of a nondescript house. Relativity
  • In a nondescript building, down a largely unmarked hallway, is a series of rooms, each with a rack of servers and a "ground control station," or GCS.
  • Their nondescript appearance belies their importance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The three of them live together in a very modest, almost nondescript house on the outskirts of Princeton, across the railroad tracks.
  • “I…” Sabrina edged a sideways glance at Dylan, who was scrutinizing her closely, his expression nondescript. Scent of Danger
  • The Finn never rose to the bait, either feigning an inability to understand the question or flat-batting inquiries with a quizzical shrug and a nondescript answer.
  • Their nondescript appearance belies their importance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gingin is located in a small green gully sitting astride a nondescript creek.
  • Two scenes in particular stand out for their use of offscreen space; the first, a shot of a nondescript intersection, which seems unremarkable until the roar of an unseen plane flying very close overhead is deafening.
  • Dressing nondescriptly can broadcast the message, ‘I'm not looking.’
  • Later, when I began to sing along with the Opera stars, it was my chance to express those blurred, but primordial feelings I had bottled-up inside a thin, nondescript physique.
  • The group meets in a typically nondescript office complex full of small hi - tech start - up companies.
  • The small, nondescript moth is seldom noticed as it flies in the evening.
  • There are posters all over the place bigging it up, but it is so nondescript from the outside that it's easy to mistake for a regular hedge.
  • The address Geraldine Hope had given him turned out to be a nondescript street of Victorian brick semis in a rundown area of Tynemouth. LOST SUMMER
  • The pitch was pristine, the sky cloudless, the air breathless and his attack was a mixture of the inexperienced and the nondescript. Times, Sunday Times
  • So my buzzcasts go out and they try to break in and libelous pictures of Sill get passed around campuses and electronic office parks and meanwhile, my storewell gets nondescriptly dumped into Gabrielle Denizen†™ s system in Managua. 365 tomorrows » 2007 » November : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Against the wall to the right of us was a dresser made out of nondescript fake wood with three drawers and a blue lamp with a yellowed lampshade on top.
  • The Holloway road is a grim grey artery filled with traffic pollution and lined by nondescript retail outlets.
  • Confederate cavalry — fine, rough-looking fellows, dressed in nondescript uniforms, red shirts, grey tunics; some with boots and some without; armed with sabres and revolvers. Illustration of the War in America
  • To them, he is just another nondescript resident who strives hard for a square meal a day.
  • It was a poky, nondescript place, part of what, these days, would be called keyworker housing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The walls were paneled with nondescript sand colored wood.
  • Most of the game is set in open expanses of water framed by nondescript stretches of land and changing weather conditions.
  • His schlumpy attire, including floppy hats and baggy khakis, is pretty nondescript, but we did notice an interesting insignia on a puffy vest he was sporting.
  • The dancers' clothes look like nondescript T-shirts and jeans. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a sign of the anonymity of the Service that Owens was not sure of the name of this nondescript man who, from rimless glasses to conservative shoes, seemed a college professor or a haberdasher's clerk. Fantastic Voyage
  • Yet this nondescript clay pot endures.
  • Contemporary photos show a nondescript, unkempt home, not a “big, rambling, orchard-embowered house” with a dooryard neat enough to eat off. Land of Green Gables
  • Most were rather nondescript, though a few had gilt covers, or even covers inlaid with precious jewels.
  • In Hanna-Barbera toons, we often see a looping, nondescript background that gives the impression of extended horizontal movement.
  • T5 sees a woman killing time in a nondescript airport hotel room. Times, Sunday Times
  • From a distance this crowd looked a uniformly nondescript plaster colour, a neutral tone made up chiefly of faded blue and dirty grey.
  • The primary symptom is a painful, aching shoulder of rather nondescript type.
  • At first acquaintance Bedfordshire seems a rather nondescript county to walk in. Times, Sunday Times
  • What would you envision? Chances are a gray, nondescript blur of motion.
  • A man turns up in a small, nondescript Breton town. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of these were of the old-fashioned, classic type, and others new examples of a national architecture seeking to find itself, -- white and yellow colonial, roughcast modifications of the Shakespearian period, and nondescript mixtures of cobblestones and shingles. Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill
  • Music, chatter and laughter spill out across a nondescript suburb in the bald hills of southern Turkey. Times, Sunday Times
  • The meteorological bureau is in a nondescript building on the outskirts of town.
  • Bull-terriers, retrievers, nondescripts — the dog-lover abhors the term mongrel — sheep dogs and cattle dogs, pointers, and, most beloved of all, Irish terriers. Last Leaves from Dunk Island
  • While not exactly bland or nondescript, these scores seem to indicate that few rebels, experimenters, or fantasts are writing music in Scandinavia today.
  • Numi Tea is seems hit and miss thus far — their vanilla decaf was absolutely nondescript yesterday, but their genmaicha, Toasted Rice Green, was decent, well-rounded and sweet, as all genmaicha are. Daily Tea: April 7, 2010 | Tea Derivations
  • She pulled the wrapping paper from the gift, pausing only briefly at the nondescript box.
  • The temperature reads 81 degrees on a typically hot July day in South Carolina, and a 55-foot sport fishing boat sits almost nondescriptly in the waters off of Hilton Head Island.
  • The other man, in nondescript garments that were both of the sea and shore, and that must have been uncomfortably hot, slouched and shambled like an overgrown ape. Chapter 14
  • Europa House is one of those hundreds of nondescript buildings along the Bath Road.
  • Contemporary photos show a nondescript, unkempt home, not a “big, rambling, orchard-embowered house” with a dooryard neat enough to eat off. Land of Green Gables
  • Behind high walls down a nondescript street on the outskirts of Mumbai is what looks like an abandoned circus. Times, Sunday Times
  • “Come,” he said to his dog and, scratching his bare abdomen, which had been made lean and hard by the work he did around the ranch, he padded down the hall of the nondescript redbrick ranch house and into the kitchen. A Light at Winter’s End
  • Mail-coaches and chaises were the only vehicles then in requisition, with the exception of the awkward gingles, buggies, and other gear of that nondescript class which were peculiar to the times, and principally confined to the metropolis. The Black Baronet; or, The Chronicles Of Ballytrain The Works of William Carleton, Volume One
  • It's just that the place is suburban and somewhat nondescript, although it does have a nice river running through it.
  • Their nondescript appearance belies their importance. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was a nondescript fellow, in his shabby suit, but with an eye bright and unwinking as a bird's questing over me and missing nothing, and while he wasn't above middle height I guessed that anyone who ran into him would come away bruised. THE NUMBERS
  • Pale curtains with butterflies on them had once been a blaze of colour but now were nondescript.
  • If you did not notice the nondescript corridor, you certainly would not notice the nondescript door at the end of it, nor would you notice the nondescript sign with nondescript letters that read, nondescriptly, NO ADMITTANCE. The Shadow Thieves
  • It's nondescript, faceless - yet bristling with hubris.
  • It was a poky, nondescript place, part of what, these days, would be called keyworker housing. Times, Sunday Times
  • women dressed in nondescript clothes
  • One of them was an Icterine warbler the other was some other nondescript type of Hippolais species, possibly an olivaceous warbler.
  • Most species of freshwater mussels are nondescript and difficult to distinguish from one another.
  • He spent a few minutes making polite, nondescript conversation, then he proceeded to devote the remainder of the meal to Alyssia.
  • Their ethereal, angular post-punk replication is competent but anonymous, and their lyrics are epigrammatic bordering on cryptic, serving as ideal, nondescript verbal placeholders.
  • Whereas the figures in his earlier works wore either nondescript clothing or costumelike garb, those in his later works are urban and fashionable.
  • Aside from a few unpeopled shots of the nondescript, working-class house, most of the images depict visitors touching either side of the glass, creating a palimpsest of earnest prayers.
  • He loved nondescript hotel rooms and staring out of windows, as though always looking for another place to wander to. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, she headed for the small, nondescript building about twenty yards away.
  • Of course, the "Borat" part was a giveaway, as was the semi-discreet entourage "ten men, dressed to blend in with jeans, T-shirts, and nondescript backpacks or briefcases with camouflaged cameras"And while we're talking about Ali G... Archive 2005-07-01
  • Caserta is a large, rather nondescript single story building on Spruce Street near the historic Federal Hill/Atwells Avenue area of downtown Providence. Rhode Island Dining: Caserta Pizzeria
  • HOUSTON — In the lab, the Moon rocks look nondescript — dark gray basalt, a whitish mineral called anorthosite and mixtures of the two with crystals thrown in.
  • Humble Elias will be there in any event, he will be the one dressed very very very nondescriptly. The Chimes at Midnight
  • These birds include the quelea - a small, rather nondescript weaverbird that has replaced the locust as the most serious pest of small-grain crops in parts of Africa. 10. Sorghum: Specialty Types
  • Based in a former ice house, the Watson empire lies behind a nondescript glass door.
  • He had a shock of the brightest red hair I had ever seen on a human being, with rather nondescript gray eyes.
  • He loved nondescript hotel rooms and staring out of windows, as though always looking for another place to wander to. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was a very ordinary nondescript man with average brown hair and build.
  • Well, I'm two and thirty, and have never been in the fray: a kind of nondescript, half scholar, and by nature half billman or bowman or musketeer; if I'm worth anything, London's the field for me. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • The result is charmingly eclectic, and quite unique for Bulgaria, where nondescript design still prevails.
  • Fox ambled away and, returning ten minutes later, found the two merchants loading nondescript crates onto their shuttle.
  • For the best part of the week, during which I stayed at the Dai butzu, I only had an occasional glance at a slice of nondescript meat, served one day as "rosbif," and the next day as "mutin shops," but unfortunately so leathery that no Sheffield blade could possibly divide it, and no human tooth nor jaw, however powerful, could masticate it. Corea or Cho-sen The Land of the Morning Calm
  • And then I'd prove my point by unwinding the scarf on what they thought was a pretty nondescript costume to reveal hideously convincing strangulation bruising.
  • Even in the nondescript gray shirt and trousers she has been wearing in the garden, the slightest scent of trilia and erhenflower enfolds her. Scion of Cyador
  • This expression gave temporary meaning to a set of features otherwise nondescript.
  • Bacon's not-quite-leading-male good looks are complemented with nondescript, reasonably smart clothes and a neat haircut.
  • The ratatouille filling consists of neatly shaped vegetables that are lightly cooked so it doesn't degenerate into a nondescript mess like many of its kind.
  • Near the sculpture, there's a seemingly nondescript grove of japonica trees that were planted in 1976 by the crew of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, the first US-Soviet international space mission. Zoe P. Strassfield: Walking on the National Mall
  • It fills the corner of a nondescript block, its size calling to mind an old-fashioned parlor where you might order at the counter, choose between a selection that doesn't range much wider than pistachio or maple walnut and then take yourself to a bentwood chair at a water-stained wooden table. An Ice Cream Pilgrim's Progress
  • It is coloured a nondescript grey to brown, with lots of irregular dark blotches.
  • What this ad seems to be suggesting is that if everything goes right, you too can have your pockets rifled through by a stringy haired androgyne in a psychedelic meadow of nondescript yellow.
  • It is the most costly farce ever misinterpreted by a group of nondescripts.
  • The Badger was a bit past middle age, and dressed nondescriptly.
  • Huesca was as nondescript a provincial town as our friends had said it would be.
  • The soft sound of charkas and the chanting of ‘Vande mataram’ and ‘Raghupathy Raghava’ flowed out of a nondescript building on Cherry Road, Salem.
  • T5 sees a woman killing time in a nondescript airport hotel room. Times, Sunday Times
  • We took Lola, then six months, to Lanzarote for an autumn break at Casa Katharina, a smart but affordable house on a peaceful, if nondescript, estate near Playa Blanca on the island's south-eastern side. Summer holidays: 10 best places for under-fives
  • The mood in a nondescript office block near Victoria was subdued. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rising up against a soothingly nondescript gray background, the bewigged La Tour appears before us in a simple jacket of blue velvet and lace frill. A Tour de Force, Honest and Engaging
  • A frankly dumpy madonna in a nondescript landscape simpered at the viewer with a look you could only describe as ninnyish. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • Humble Elias will be the one dressed very very nondescriptly. The Chimes at Midnight
  • I had never really looked at the ceiling above my bathtub before, and I found it quite nondescript, quite boring.
  • It doesn't feel unduly heavy and the steering is light to the point of nondescript. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now 19 men waited in nondescript hotel rooms to board four flights the next morning.
  • IAP is presently headquartered in a nondescript strip shopping mall in Richardson, Texas.
  • Nothing wrong with it, but at first I thought it was nondescript, and then I thought it felt weird.
  • The nondescript enclosure stands squeezed on a road full of cowsheds and one-room hutments.
  • But what incentive is there to build the best when the shoddy and nondescript can get the go-ahead? Times, Sunday Times
  • Basically, he's a nice sort of nondescript guy, who spends a weekend hanging out with odd groups.
  • The house looked totally nondescript from the outside and at the time it was the first of its kind. The Sun
  • He's wearing pretty nondescript jeans, Chuck Taylor shoes and a polo neck shirt, buttoned open to display the hickey on his neck which just screams ‘I got some last night!’
  • Let's hope that his penchant for sentimental slop is behind him because no one else can sport such a nondescript look, while bringing an undercurrent of rage or emotional torture to the screen.
  • Most are dull to read and nondescript to look at. Times, Sunday Times
  • He walked by bay rose and bulrushes towards Trentside Farm, nondescript marshland plated with rubbish tips. THE OPEN DOOR
  • Dressed nondescriptly yet characteristiclly, he walked quickly and bore his seventy-odd years with a vigor of half his age. Heinold's First and Last Chance Saloon
  • Today, and for quite some time, he was feeling as unremarkable and nondescript as he looked.
  • He is a wizened old nondescript with satyr-like beard, a kind of Thersites, who is understood to have established, from the days of Abdelkader and "for certain reasons," his headquarters at Gafsa, where he sips absinthes past all computation, exercising his wit upon everybody and everything with a fluent and rather diverting pessimism. Fountains in the Sand Rambles Among the Oases of Tunisia
  • a nondescript novel
  • A nondescript sort of young man, all skin and bone, fairish, potato-faced—but what did it matter? Portobello
  • The boys took a solemn pledge at a nondescript hockey stadium in Poland.
  • Some part of this structure had been made into shotgun-style living quarters that ran front to back along the side of the garage, beginning at a nondescript door on the side of the building, behind yet another chain-link fence. The Sins of Brother Curtis
  • The nondescript bacteria were responsible for the infectivity of the filtrate.
  • At Slabtown, a nondescript spot a mile above Cannon's, the light-marching band crossed in a row-boat; they piled brush and bent down saplings in the traveller's road, where he should almost reach the brow of the hill in his buggy, and when the fleshmonger halted at the obstacle, _chis, hola! The Entailed Hat Or, Patty Cannon's Times
  • They gave this parturient goddess the nondescript title of "resin garden mummy 5 piece set," but her moon belly reveals the truth. Halloween Fertility Decor | Thingamababy
  • The restaurant is housed in a nondescript small blockish building, which has in the past served as an internet cafe and a shop for plumbing supplies.
  • It lies in a modest, nondescript building in a leafy neighborhood of Vancouver.
  • Most targets were small groups of people in nondescript civilian vehicles that blend in with traffic, or inside unremarkable buildings. Matthew Yglesias » Time Machine
  • Someone was huddled in a nondescript heap against the wall.
  • The elevator itself was nondescript chrome with hard, ashy brown carpeting.
  • If we had written the number as a decimal or even in binary then it looks a pretty nondescript number.
  • The building is a refreshing place of hope amid the uninspiring concrete and nondescript buildings found in the city.
  • Not the Irish one, not the ginger one, not the one who was supposed to have called a bathroom attendant a "jigaboo" and not the completely nondescript one – Sarah Harding is the blonde one who seems to be contractually obliged to appear in a bra in at least one tabloid newspaper every day. Whitney Houston Flogs Off A Bunch Of Her Crap

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