How To Use Noncellular In A Sentence
I put down my noncellular phone and picked up the trash can.
Futures Imperfect
Gradually he and his followers disinterred other obsolete doctrines and fancies, such as the possi - bility of cells forming from noncellular globs of organic matter, and the sudden transformation of wheat into weeds.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
There are many kinds of wired connections, and also noncellular wireless technologies in the home, like a hand-held phone that works within a short distance.
Now, Even Granny's Fuzzy Slippers Are Texting You
This chapter download delves deep into the "mobile" aspects of fixed mobile convergence (FMC) and looks at the similarities and differences between cellular and noncellular systems.
Named for the "translucent, elastic, noncellular layer surrounding the mammaliam ovum," ZP is performed by Stephen Lawson under the direction of Aaron Pollard.
JAM! Showbiz
The company estimates that about one-third of the world's noncellular phone calls are completed over circuits that contain its chips.
AMDZone Frontpage
The noncellular assets are, in effect, the general assets of the company.
Daily News
They were even building noncellular “bridges” around the location of the injury to carry nerve impulses between the brain and the muscles.
The Burning Wire
The algæ are a stage higher in the evolutionary scale than the undifferentiated noncellular plasmodium.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 623, December 10, 1887