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How To Use Non In A Sentence

  • Which is stupid, considering the drivers around here A: Don't normally stop for people and in fact have been caught trying to sneak ~around~ them and B: I've been nicked several times and almost hit three times different instances last summer attempting to obey the biking laws, none of those for mistakes on my part as I've been scared shitless at the lack of aware driving that's crept over my town. The funny thing about Pain..... (Let's talk trauma!)
  • As a book about a nonoperational aircraft, Valkyrie will probably attract only a limited audience within the Air Force community.
  • If there was any hope of holding on to even a shred of her dwindling self-respect, she should do exactly what she knew Margo would do—close the laptop, take her de-scrunchied, perfumed, and nearly thonged self down to the nearest club, pick up the first passably good-looking stranger who asked her to dance, and bring him back to the apartment for some safe but anonymous sex. Goodnight Tweetheart
  • Sometime in the early eighteen hundreds, they trekked to the flat plain between the Ohio River and Lake Erie and settled in Mount Vernon, which was then a few small buildings in a forest of tall trees. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Whisk the egg in a bowl and heat a little oil in a nonstick pan. Times, Sunday Times
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Master English with Ease
  • There are a lot of so-called "Mathematical Economic Models" in today's market, but none of them presents an inclusive and deterministic system.
  • Nonetheless, today's pic made me do a little bit of a double-take. Ryan Seacrest, Don Johnson And Larry King Are Three Amigos In Today’s Daily TwitPic » MTV Movies Blog
  • We chit-chatted about a lot of different things, and none of it was really important.
  • We must remember that the prime motive for Housmann's boulevards and circuses was to ensure that a strategically placed cannon could fire down many streets, quelling the citizens who were periodically disposed to revolution.
  • I'd say name it except for your second point, that named Wealden brachiosaurids are plentiful and once better material is described, some would near certainly be synonymized. ‘Angloposeidon’, the unreported story, part IV
  • It likewise furthered the career of Mary Shelley as "The Author of Frankenstein," the rubric under which she continued her anonymous publication with a second novel immersed in medieval Italian history, Valperga: or, The Life and Adventures of Castruccio, Prince of Lucca (1823). Biography
  • The bolide probably prolonged and intensified the change, and may have weighed heavily in favor of mammals or birds and against non - avian dinosaurs.
  • Words are confusing, but they're nothing compared to non-words, mainly because non-words lead to rash assumptions and misunderstandings.
  • In July, the project came to a standstill for nine days when workers stopped to oppose the use of non-union contract labour on the site.
  • You can't win in this world unless you are 100 percent flexible, and none of us are that.
  • New antioxidants include ferulic acid, idebenone, ubiquinone coenzyme Q10, alpha lipoic acid, and resveratrol and are already making their way into our friendly neighborhood counters. You Being Beautiful
  • This is Marshgate Lane, a 100% non-residential slice of East London, one solitary road cutting across the flood plain of the River Lea.
  • Venuti advocates that translators create a discursive heterogeneity by using non-dominant English forms to make the foreignness of the source texts felt and render the translations visible.
  • The Chorus mentions that Agamemnon and his brother Menelaus are very similar to each other, ‘twin throned, twin sceptered, in twofold power.’
  • We may earnestly believe that they're wrong - whether they're non-Christians, heretics, apostates, agnostics, atheists, or what have you.
  • None of the fathers' job descriptions given on the birth certificate referred to work at a nuclear establishment.
  • CANON LXXXI: We have said that a Bishop, or a Presbyter must not descend himself into public offices, but must attend to ecclesiastical needs.
  • It was the first Nonconformist chapel in the area.
  • This is due to the then nonexistent mobilization of what is called today the "civil society."
  • But people were not as nonchalant as they appeared. Times, Sunday Times
  • They spent their honeymoon adventurously cruising on a motorcycle, Nona riding comfortably in the side-car. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Now the word "prayer" to non-Muslim readers will evoke an image of people perhaps silently clasping their hands together, leaning forward in a pew, and either silently, to themselves, or in a quiet tone, speaking heartfeltly to God. David Horowitz Freedom Center
  • It engages in iron ore mining, pellet production, manganese ore mining and ferroalloy production, as well as in the production of nonferrous minerals, such as kaolin, potash, copper and gold. Five BRIC Strength Stocks
  • The development of innovative new technologies and highly specific, nonradioactive labels has changed all of that. The Scientist
  • The invention concerns a cable drum having a non-cylindrical profile of its outer surface and the use of this cable drum in a window regulator system, particularly in a vehicle.
  • However, I took the risk of putting a hand close to a yowling muzzle and was greeted with a cold nose and a non-committal snuffle before the full-on baying started again.
  • This approach can also help identify where non-value-added steps exist in the care delivery process and where bottlenecks occur.
  • nonpersonal forces
  • To Lucien, loyalty to France is non-negotiable.
  • We now read that men are to be targeted with a range of pink summer wearables by the high-street fashion chains 'cashing in' on the growing phenomenon of ' metrosexuality.
  • She was finally evicted in April for non-payment of rent .
  • Nearly 40 parents were prosecuted for their child's non-attendance.
  • None of the books quotes any sources or authorities for its statements, and all have pathetic indexes.
  • Fox relied heavily on the strength of his personal image as a caudillo, which is by no means a new phenomenon in Mexican politics.
  • The committee submitted guidelines that applied to off-air recording by nonprofit educational institutions.
  • Finding the swiftest pursuer close upon his heels, he threw off, first his blanket, then his silver-laced coat and belt of peag, by which his enemies knew him to be Canonchet, and redoubled the eagerness of pursuit. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • Plantations of exotic non-native trees use up large quantities of water, which can have adverse affects on natural habitats.
  • Non-emergency surgery planned over the next few days had to be cancelled because of the blood donor crisis.
  • These deficiencies indicate a broad need for training and education throughout the TB-control system, among both public health and nonpublic health participants.
  • OSE II in contrast can be used to wash your hands and is non toxic.
  • Canaanite: but [197] _John baptized in Ænon, near to Salim, because there was much water there: and they came, and were baptized_. A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume I.
  • Adjacent to the restaurant is a bar, which is well stocked with an assortment of alcoholic beverages and non-alcoholic drinks.
  • Try poppies, cornflowers, stocks, love-in-a-mist, cosmos, mignonette, larkspur, honesty, ox-eye daisies, marigolds, phlox, sunflowers, zinnias - whatever takes your fancy.
  • The officials and diplomats spoke anonymously because of the delicacy of the negotiations on what tack to take on Iran.
  • He was one of the first 19th century sailors who tamed the seas through science, inventing systems for transporting cannon over marshy ground, ciphers for code and a system of hydrographical surveys.
  • It's probably good to keep some of the nonverbal aspects of my mind sharp.
  • Non-selective NSAID therapy may be appropriate for chronic pain management in aspirin users given that suitable GI prophylactic measures are utilized in high-risk patients.
  • Clear information boards indicate the location of different types of trees which include Persian, Japanese and black walnut trees, coastal and dawn redwoods, cedar of Lebanon, atlas and deodar cedars, and swamp cypresses.
  • I am a violent man who has learned not to be violent and regrets his violence. John Lennon 
  • The range of the word would be the definitions contained in the dictionary, and the field would be all the synonyms and antonyms that might be found in a thesaurus.
  • Gadafy's striking non-endorsement of the Democratic candidate focused in part on Obama's pledge of "unshakeable" support for Israel, which caused dismay, if not surprise, across the Arab and Muslim worlds last week. Obama Taking Over Democratic National Committee Partly To Avoid Kerry's Fate
  • The phenomenon, called tachyphylaxis, means larger and larger doses are needed to have an effect. The Sun
  • His theory was that animals were the ‘slaves of man’ and he spoke of the ‘tyranny of humans over non-human animals.’
  • Non argumenta, non verisimilitudines quaerimus, quibus judicium nostrum incumbat; sed ut rei extra aestimandi aleam positae, judicium ingeniumque nostrum subjicimus ... Pneumatologia
  • Immunoproteomics, a powerful tool for studying antigens at the proteomic level, allowed a comparative investigation of the immunogenicity of capsulate and non-capsulate strains of L. garvieae for vaccine development.
  • Sémillon (also Muscadelle and Sauvignon Blanc) is the best grape for making botrytis-affected sweet wines.
  • Yet he's also studied jazz and Indian music and learnt to play the sarod, so his band achieves a curious rapprochement between world-jazz and heads-down, no-nonsense boogie.
  • Of course, the kobold’s nonexistence is no reason to stop playing the game … Matthew Yglesias » The New Atheism
  • It is probably a measure of the depths to which political conversation has sunk — all the more remarkable given the chaos that male leaders have through the generations created — that this non-gender-specific "ballsiness," as it were, is so frequently trotted out as a measure of high praise. Half-cocked
  • In my scenario, the Senator tells the drowning person that it was the flailing non-swimmer's fault for falling in and not learning how to swim, not the Senator's doing, just before the erratic splasher goes under the surface for the last time. Norman Cressy: Musings II
  • By its nature it will be great for political rights management, because it's an enormously penetrative surveillance tool, and it makes it hard to do anything anonymously involving a computer.
  • But it was the introduction of the breathalyser in 1967 that really thrust her into the public's consciousness, especially as she herself was a non-driver.
  • Fontaine has prettily set it off, and an anonymous writer has composed it in Latin Anacreontic verses; and at length our Prior has given it with equal gaiety and freedom. Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3)
  • Incommon law countries such as Canada, thetest of criminalliabilityis expressed by theLatinphrase, actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, which means that “the act does not make a person guilty unless the mind is also guilty”. Man Not Criminally Responsible for Greyhound Bus Beheading; Victim’s Family Call for Punishment : Law is Cool
  • Then they would bicker about who won the non-existent trophy. Christianity Today
  • But it is nonetheless another intriguing work from one of the true auteurs currently working in cinema.
  • And there lies the secret: you are none of the above and your life is a chaotic mess. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our established, non-party political forum has members in Shipley, as in the rest of Bradford.
  • No major American artists in the twenties were making totally abstract, non-objective paintings.
  • Actual results may differ materially from those set forth in this release due to the risks and uncertainties inherent in Somaxon's business, including, without limitation, Somaxon's interpretation of its communications and interactions with the FDA relating to the requirements for approval of the NDA for Silenor, and the FDA's agreement with such interpretation; Somaxon's interpretation of the results of the clinical trials for Silenor, the timing of the interpretation of such results and the FDA's agreement with such interpretation; the potential for Somaxon to make a resubmission to the Silenor NDA; the potential for Silenor to receive regulatory approval for one or more indications on a timely basis or at all; the potential for the FDA to impose non-clinical, clinical or other requirements to be completed before or after regulatory approval of Silenor; Somaxon's ability to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the FDA that potential NDA approval of Silenor is appropriate prior to the completion of standard, long-term carcinogenicity studies, given the context of completed trials and pending studies; the timing and results of non-clinical studies for Silenor, and the FDA's agreement with Somaxon's interpretation of such results; Digital 50 Daily Industry News RSS Feed
  • Using the manual option allows you to attempt to disable the enemy boat's sails with chain shot, destroy the boat's hull with cannonballs, or kill off the crew with grapeshot.
  • This is derived from my recipe for “Almonzano” from my book "Nonna's Italian Kitchen", but Dori from the bakehouse blog suggested using okara in it instead of almonds. A PRACTICAL WAY TO USE OKARA
  • It is believed however than none of the four were from the Sligo area, despite the secluded nature of the beach.
  • None of them were bleeding, so she fetched a washcloth and bathed them, one by one, just to be sure there wasn't any dirt in the wounds. GALILEE
  • More troubleshooting is attempted none of which remedies the situation. Xbox Live Won't Refund Points For Game They Can't Deliver - The Consumerist
  • Listening to this intense young man, there is little doubt he has done things the hard way; no favours doled out and none asked for.
  • This is unsatisfying in many respects, for, as should be clear at this point, we often need to nontrivially reason about theories which Impossible Worlds
  • Haec alii rident, sed vereor ne dum nolumus esse creduli, vitium non efugiamus incredulitatis. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • For many Africans, the ‘coffin-headed’ black mamba is synonymous with death.
  • Most, but not all, of the closed handle backsaws appear to be tenon saws while most, but not all, of the open handle backsaws appear to be dovetail saws.
  • I must admit to being a biased Observor here, as I do relatively poorly with the math elements of Economics, and I have attempted a writing career of expressing Economics in nonmathematical terms. Math and Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • None of us wanted to ‘need’ cigarettes almost desperately and to feel insecure and anxious without them.
  • These noncancerous growths of the uterus may appear during your childbearing years.
  • Plans for a non-segregated cemetery in Enniskillen faced criticism.
  • Non equidem accipiam. proin tu quaeras qui ferat. nolo ego mihi credi. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • Quibus omnis in armis vita placet, non ulla juvat nisi morte, nec ullam esse putant vitam, quae non assueverit armis. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Previous vintages of Katnook's Cabernet Sauvignon were equally successful.
  • Brad Murphy on Sep 14, 2008 one more thing people, stop affiliating this with steve carrell. kevin james has his own style and this video shows none of it so dont expect this movie to be at all like this trailer. he does his own thing, not imitate steve carrell Unfunny Mall Cop Viral Video with Kevin James «
  • There are numerous non-French vineyards pumping out inauthentic champagne.
  • My knowledge of lip balm is second to none. Times, Sunday Times
  • The letters began pouring in, giving me a broader picture of this phenomenon.
  • The State Department claims a 1980s General Services Administration directive resulted in the destruction of many passport applications and other "nonvital" passport records, including Hot Air » Top Picks
  • The captain continues the bitter commentary for a moment before calming himself down, saying he knows that Jenko wouldn't have wanted them to get angry about his death, and himself would have "rapped" to them about balance in the cosmos "and some nonsense about karma. Tomato Nation
  • Grill, broil or cook patties in a nonstick fry pan, about 5 minutes per side until done.
  • The UK already grants work visas for industries with labour shortages but these are required only for non-EU citizens. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think you could get aroundthe police strategy discussed above by Orin Kerr arrest the potential non-consenting guy first with this sort of blanket prohibition. The Volokh Conspiracy » Does Georgia v. Randolph Apply to Computers?
  • Any instrument of knowledge proving the non-existence of consciousness, could do so only by making consciousness its object -- 'this is consciousness'; but consciousness, as being self-established, does not admit of that objectivation which is implied in the word 'this,' and hence its previous non-existence cannot be proved by anything lying outside itself. The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Ramanuja — Sacred Books of the East, Volume 48
  • Make sure that the construction proposal is reliable, the working procedure works canonically, and the construction monitor goes effectively.
  • The suggestion is sheer nonsense.
  • Starting this month, rival United Parcel Service Inc.'s freight division is raising average noncontractual shipping rates in North America by 6.9%, as the industry copes with rapidly rising fuel costs. FedEx to Raise U.S., Canada Freight Rates 6.8%
  • We can also see this in the contrapositive: having more than one sexual partner is by definition nonmonogamous. S-e-x. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • Even after hours of non-stop dancing into the wee hours, most people find that they are rejuvenated and full of energy.
  • The Japanese fisheries agency said activists on Thursday obstructed Japanese whaling in the Antarctic by throwing bottles of what it described as butyric acid onto whaling ships, as well as flashing laser lights and using water cannon. EcoEarth.Info Environment RSS Newsfeed
  • Indeed, to the nonexpert the research and results could easily appear to be more of the same.
  • The relative clause: it is defined as a clausal modifier, restrictive or non-restrictive, used to modify a preceding construction, most often a preceding noun or noun phrase.
  • In the twelfth century the canon lawyers devised an elaborate, and comparatively humane, legal framework for poor relief.
  • You can upgrade your already present cannon or purchase new weapon types including plasma bolts, lasers, flame-throwers and grenades.
  • Dominus Papa non mittebat aliqua munera; quia non erat certus, qu騞 ad illos peruenire possemus, et insuper veneramus per loca vald� periculosa. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • They also have abandoned past pledges and now threaten first use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states.
  • Even in the straight world of economics, where production and tangibles were once central, indices of happiness, creativity and other non-material values have taken centre stage.
  • But to Mr. Robin there is no actually existing Burkeanism anywhere, making those who cite the ideal of a reasonable, pragmatic, nonreactionary conservatism guilty of the kind of utopianism the left is more commonly faulted for. NYT > Home Page
  • It is becoming a taboo habit now and there are far more non-smokers than puffers.
  • I was studying a phenomenon known since 1908 as the phototaxy of chloroplasts: the property of some algae living at the surface of ponds to orient their large unique chloroplast according to the intensity of light; if the light was too intense, the chloroplast turned inside the tubular cell to present its edge. Luc Montagnier - Autobiography
  • Police called up water cannon to combat violent left-wingers in the capital.
  • Tomus 2: Index disputationum; Maestlinus-Zyra, Opera anonyma Assorted Moments of Moral Ambiguity from the World of Gay Porn
  • Analyses were also performed by splitting the epifauna into mobile, nonmobile, and attached organisms, but these analyses were not included here because the results are not substantially different from those presented here.
  • Fifty consecutive, nonobese, habitually snoring, otherwise-healthy children (age range: 6-9 years) and 50 age -, gender -, and ethnicity-matched obese children (BMI z score: 1.67) underwent an overnight polysomnographic evaluation, followed by a multiple sleep latency test the following day. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Is Sleep Apnea a Significant Problem in Sleepy Kids?
  • Aragon's writings circulated anonymously or under pseudonyms.
  • What’s getting lost in the rancor is that we are Americans (apologies to the non-American posters here). Think Progress » Obama bumper sticker fuels violent political road rage in Tennessee.
  • A non-conductor can be charged by induction by exposure to an electrostatic field that is present on a surface charged with static electricity.
  • You know how sometimes SF/Fantasy is referred to as "speculative fiction", in an attempt to encompass all types of non-realistic fiction, and also to avoid the stigma of genrefication?
  • Prof. Charles Francis Xavier: Anonymity is the mutant's first defense against the world's hostility.
  • Nonetheless, this era had the same conflicts (over cultural diversity and nativism, for example) as later periods, and established lasting policies toward immigrants and aliens.
  • For those who don't know about Shannon, he was the father of information theory, which in its simplest form means he made possible the leap from telephones and telegraphs to computers.
  • Every Est é e Lauder formula has undergone stringent evaluation for ingredient integrity, non - irritancy and overall efficacy.
  • The cannon was placed in a large waterproof crate of fresh water to leach out the salts, which, if untreated, would have eventually corroded the metal.
  • But I was going through a reclusive and non-communicative phase, and his efforts to talk to me, to establish genuine communication, were met with a stony and moody silence.
  • Any book that is written for the public, as this one is, needs to bring across that maturity and complexity of thinking in such a way that it is digestible by nonspecialists, without trivializing the subject.
  • Your Anon commenter is a TROLL, they are people who basically google a topic, find blogs and start trouble. Homemaking Without Worry
  • Ma il coraggio di buttare il sasso nello stagno non è di tutti. Archive 2006-10-01
  • One wonders how Ecevit, with his exaggeration and selective memory, can have an objective and nonaggressive attitude toward a fair solution in Cyprus. Europe's Highs And Lows
  • None of us could think of anything meaningful to say. Provided You Don't Kiss Me: 20 Years with Brian Clough
  • Nowadays the word jabberwocky is used to mean nonsensical language in general. †"V Venkata Rao, Ahmedabad The Times of India
  • It works non-invasively, by analysing how the mix of gases in the breath of its test subjects alter between inhalation and exhalation.
  • When her character (played by Winona Ryder) leaves the psychiatric institution never to return, the film takes a turn toward the tear-jerker.
  • These analyses depend on a number of potentially confounding factors such as nonstomatal transpiration and temperature.
  • His work remained hermetically anonymous.
  • As a beneficial side effect, there was a notable reduction of damage to the crop by the rice brown planthopper; on the negative side, there have been reports that neem has a detrimental impact on non-target organisms, including fish. Chapter 13
  • Though he has been on scholarship for the past two seasons, Mr. Merriewether, who wasn't recruited, says he's offended by the term walk-on and has done everything he can to welcome the nonscholarship players into the team's rituals. Who Invited All the Walk-Ons?
  • BTW … the online article was written long ago and the LJW staff will, I am sure, update it when they have puddleglum (Anonymous) says … kansas redlegs: yeah I know exactly what you mean. stories: News
  • But most Western bankers now acknowledge, as Peter Boone, cohead of research at Brunswick Warburg in Moscow puts it, "" that we ignored for too long the size of the nonpayments crisis. '' A Black Hole
  • Nonetheless, the multistep process has worked well for several cholesterol drugs — including Lipitor and Zocor, which are in a class of drugs known as statins.
  • Bon sinon mercredi ou jeudi (mais j'vais prendre mercredi si jeudi j'suis tout seul ca va pas et 'simple) faut que j'fasse une affiche qui pete bien pour la promo du poisson .... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • With very few exceptions, however, Cabernet Sauvignon was left to command California's highest wine prices, Merlot to swell sales volumes.
  • There has been terrorism in the world, more or less nonstop, since twelfth-century Syria, when a persecuted Persian religious sect called the Assassins knifed people to death in crowds. The Fiddler in the Subway
  • Were Medicare abolished, the nonpoor would finance health care in their old age by buying health insurance when they were young. Becker and Posner vs. Medicare, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • For the 1999-2000 school year EF cashed in some of its stock donated from start-ups and put $325,000 to work for the nonprofit.
  • Rear panel and wall trims must be heat-resistant and consist of a non-flammable material.
  • Geoengineering, its proponents would say, is about keeping the planet earthlike, and critics would say, is about making it non-earthlike. The Volokh Conspiracy » Time to Look at Geoengineering?
  • Despite her illness, she had lost none of her enthusiasm for life.
  • Mr. Lennon said appraisers can sit down and come up with an inherent commercial value for a patent "based on how much in damages a person could collect, analyzing profitability in the market of a product and how much is sold. Contenders to Line Up for Nortel Patents
  • These results illustrate the importance of examining for nonhistorical signals.
  • The attorney for one of the accused denounced what he calls cowardly and anonymous leakers at the Pentagon. CNN Transcript Jun 5, 2006
  • A move to the relative anonymity of Los Angeles, where AA meetings turn into celebrity hang-outs, became inevitable.
  • That social science does not examine a phenomenon does not compel us to conclude that the phenomenon does not exist. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • The second was rather less complimentary and said he was more non-League than World Cup winner.
  • None of this success has made me a more saintly or holy person. Christianity Today
  • (Under the Indian constitution nontribal people are prohibited from directly acquiring land in certain parts of the country, so the government must obtain it on their behalf and sell it to the companies.) India's Dirty War
  • PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Well, Lou, a senior defense official tells CNN that that consideration of using helicopters to rescue Americans would happen only if the Americans could not move over land to the seaport, which is the preferred option to get all the Americans out of Lebanon. CNN Transcript Jul 19, 2006
  • Non-governmental organizations were formed to oppose the pumping, and in 2001 the federal government launched an investigation into the company on the grounds it was violating constitutional prohibitions on demineralizing water.
  • It is a secure, multilingual website on which company employees can anonymously report any bribe demands that they receive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of the popular non-executive directors are propelled into the top boardrooms following a career in business.
  • In a previous essay, we saw that a super-majority of evolutionary biologists self-identity as "pure naturalists," providing us good reason to think that a non-teleological prism is used to shape our current mainstream understanding of evolution. 2007 June - Telic Thoughts
  • nonobvious" too easy a standard to meet. 7 It is unclear, however, whether that judgment will produce concrete effects on actual practices of patent grants and litigation. The Public Domain Enclosing the Commons of the Mind
  • Almost all non-functional programmers are unaware that tail calls facilitate a programming paradigm that they have never seen. what's new online!
  • As can be seen, the recurring theme of the principle is universality, non-exclusivity, non-discrimination, and indivisibility.
  • The decision was uncontroversial, as the Soviet's non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany had precipitated the war.
  • Both originals (instrumenta) of the Concordat of Worms were read and ratified, and twenty-two disciplinary canons were promulgated, most of them reinforcements of previous conciliary decrees. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • What's interesting about the idea of an anonymous e-mail search engine is that you could search on content keywords and probably get your mail without even remembering your account name.
  • Nonetheless, with two wins and two second places in his last four tournaments, he remains favourite to capture the money title.
  • These small, bushy plants literally bloom nonstop with an extraordinary abundance of petite flowers.
  • If you want somebody to vouch for Mr. McEachern's non-burglariousness, I can do it. The Intrusion of Jimmy
  • And as it was a non-uniform day, many took the opportunity to colour their hair in shades of green and red.
  • If this age is to survive, it must follow the way of love and non-violence that he so nobly illustrated in his life.
  • None of this puts you in a good mood, but when they came, the main courses weren't bad.
  • None, at least today, is acting as if he can win power by ousting the others through force. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'Fraternitas canonicum in Ecclesia statutum non habet et eius ministri nullum ministerium legitime agere possunt.' RORATE CÆLI
  • As plants do not possess a mechanism to degrade lignins, lignification represents a significant, non-recoverable investment of carbon and energy.
  • E.g. the genes are found in sea urchins and other non-vertebrate deuterostome genomes. Assessing Applegate's Attack
  • The investigators have recommended the removal of dual control joysticks for all non-training flights.
  • Since I had the OJ, I added some to my tsimmes too & that dish was none the less for the addition. The Calico Cat
  • It's just that none of those festivals claims to be untarnished by commerce, unsmitten by celebrity, etc., etc. GreenCine Daily: Park City, 2/1.
  • Of course, it never hurts if a biographer's subject boozes and ... whatever the non-gender-specific equivalent of "wenches" is. ON PARNASSUS FOR 15 MINUTES
  • Actually, they call it "pranked," and you probably think I'm talking about famous Canadian-born SNL producer Lorne Michaels, but no, no, no ... or should I say "non, non, non? The Seminal :: Independent Media And Politics
  • Rather, he appears to have seen it as an organon for the acquisition of knowledge from unquestionable first principles; in addition he wanted to use it in order to help make clear the epistemic foundations on which our knowledge rests. Saving Prostitutes in Sevilla
  • Early appendicectomy was first recommended and performed for non-perforated acute appendicitis in the 1880s.
  • The course teaches you the skills and knowledge needed to command, lead and support non-commissioned personnel. The Sun
  • They entered the market obliquely through the production of non-agricultural products such as barrel staves that they bartered for textiles, hardware and cheap consumer goods.
  • Can nonstandardized bitewing radiographs be used to assess the presence of alveolar bone loss in epidemiologic studies?
  • But the real problem with citing thorough court review as a standard for denying clemency is that none of the 152 executions Bush approved would have landed on his desk had the cases not already passed through all the courts. The Texas Clemency Memos
  • It's a clever business tactic: Not only is the donation tax-deductible, but participating nonprofits bring in their lists, and shoppers are incentivized to buy, knowing the profits go to worthy causes. Artful Style on the Bowery
  • Tahoma has a work-release program for non-violent offenders and routinely has inmates doing some of their time providing labor at the cemetery. Reggie Buddle
  • Internet use refers to Internet user status (coded as 1 = nonuser, 2 = user) rather than the type of Internet use (ie, frequency). Journal of Medical Internet Research
  • It introduces, maintains, characterizes, and evaluates germplasm collections of banana, plantain, sapodilla, mamey sapote, cacao, Garcinia, Annona, and bamboo.
  • The Ivorians seemed willing to be heard, but none of them seemed willing to listen.

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