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How To Use Non-jew In A Sentence

  • I wish that Mr. Montefiore had expanded his book a little some of his most interesting bits are relegated to footnotes, and told us something about the origins of the synagogue and of monasticism, which is essential to the story of Jerusalem, but clearly a non-Jewish phenomenon. The City With the Big Ego
  • The concentration camp system also claimed millions of non-Jewish victims, though their murder was not part of the same plan as that devised to rid Europe of Jews for ever.
  • Jacob, according to the testimony of Origen (contra Celsum, iv. 33), were used by numerous non-Jewish magicians; and the "Solomonic" incantations were considered as especially efficacious. The Miracles of Jesus
  • I note, however, that no obituarist reports what Beichman told me, that his family sat shiva when he married a non-Jewish woman, or reflects upon what that means for assimilation. American Overpopulation Promoted with Inaccurate Numbers and Pollyanna Futurism
  • Many pundits of the time tried to explain Jewish basketball prowess as biological: Jews were naturally more dexterous and had greater intrinsic athletic ability than non-Jews. A Renegade History of the United States
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  • The American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants, which represents about 80,000 families, said Iott's "failure to apologize is particularly shameful and desecrates the memory of all victims of the Nazis, Jew and non-Jew. Democrats criticize GOP over House nominee who dressed as Nazi during battle reenactments
  • Consider the word "goy" -- a gentile, or a non-Jew. Amy Klein: The Real Myth -- and Gift -- of Jewish Chosenness
  • Why then, Trumpeldor, did you not use either 'gentile' or 'non-Jewish' to express your meaning? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Non-Jews (derogatorily referred to as goyim, minim, heathen, or gentiles, by the Jews) are considered to be no better than cattle, according to the Talmud, so their possessions, their land, and even their lives can be taken at will, by the Jews. Wake Up From Your Slumber - The Truth Will Set You Free
  • Since customers would normally assume the meat is kosher, the defect must be revealed to all customers, even non-Jewish ones, to avoid misleading them.
  • Since 1945, since the Holocaust and the Nazis' exterminatory warfare, German non-Jewish authorship has had to relegitimize, refound itself with every single text.
  • During the past three decades, however, a number of Jewish philanthropies have been established with the explicit purpose of mobilizing Jewish money to assist non-Jewish communities.
  • Because of the crazy anti-Jew situation, the father and his two sons were riven out of the non-Jew school to teach and study at the Jew schools.
  • This prohibition forbids speaking or acting in a disparagingly way toward a fellow Jew or non-Jew.
  • E: One non-Zionist state – stable non-Jewish majority (accomplishable, as in South Africa, by giving the vote to people who currently do not have it and reforming race-based immigration laws) – Maximalist anti-Zionist Matthew Yglesias » Israel’s Irrealism on Settlements
  • Her impressive knowledge stems from her traditional education, from her intense and judicious attention to the oral culture of her immediate environment, which did not lack for learned men and religious scholars, and from extensive reading of works in Yiddish, in particular stories, drawn from both Jewish and non-Jewish sources, and works of musar. Glueckel of Hameln.
  • Does anyone in America care to know that the Hebrew word Orthodox Jews use to refer to America's non-Jewish population is 'goyim' - ie 'unclean, cattle.' Legitgov
  • We did not want non-Jews to enter our Temple.
  • Moreover, the victim of the bombing is a non-Jewish woman from an unnamed, distant land, where almost half the novel is set. The Passion Play of Death by Todd Hasak-Lowy
  • In Het huisje aan de sloot (The Cottage by the Creek, 1921), she describes the wretched state of Jewish life in the so-called Mediene (Dutch Jewry outside the main urban centers like Amsterdam) and the hostility of non-Jews towards people they saw as foreigners. Modern Netherlands.
  • Nations. yep, it's pretty quaint stuff, couched in terms of newness and normalcy, of foreigness and familiarity. it describes the music as modern and "swingy" and yet timeless, as being of universal appeal - they belong to everyone - and yet "from a single nationality." i wonder whether the universalist rhetoric was meant to appeal to non-jews or simply to jews ambivalent about their jewishness? or am i simply being naive about midcentury, metropolitan jewishness? it is interesting to me also that, apparently, zionist discourse had not yet divorced the term palestinian from any association with jewish heritage.
  • He wrote about ritual matters such as kashrut as well as business questions, relations between Jews and non-Jews, medical procedures, marriage, divorce, conversion and synagogue practice. Feinstein, Rabbi Moses.
  • This means that it is clearly open to non-Jewish claimants to seek redress.
  • The Shach seems to say on 115:20 that it is not like chalav akum, but rather, like pas akum the bread of the individual non-Jew, made at his or her house, NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH WHAT I MENTIONED BEFORE, which was pas palter, bread of the baker. Actually, Not Sure What’s For Dinner | Jewschool
  • A separate Palestinian state would most likely remain unviable and impoverished, whereas a "Jewish" state with a rising non-Jewish minority will increasingly be at odds with the principles of democracy and equality. Letters to the Editor
  • While the Jewish DPs strove to rebuild their shattered lives and played a critical role in the struggle to establish the State of Israel, the non-Jewish DPs had no clear ideological or other mission other than to exist while waiting, mostly passively, for the next chapter of their lives to unfurl. Menachem Rosensaft: Review: The Long Road Home, The Aftermath of the Second World War
  • Once there was a drought in Israel, and during that time of scarcity of food, God only sent his Prophet Elijah during that time to a Shulamite woman that is, to work a miracle for a non-Jew outside Israel. Archive 2007-01-01
  • In his responsum, Radbaz wrote that Simhah “exaggerated on the measures to be taken when writing that [the wifebeater] should be forced by non-Jews (akum) to divorce his wife ... because [if she remarries] this could result in the offspring [of the illegal marriage, according to Radbaz] being declared illegitimate (mamzer)” (part 4, 157). Wifebeating in Jewish Tradition.
  • A terrible disservice is done to the half-million to one million non-Jewish parents helping to raise Jewish children whenever our community commissions yet another study to demonstrate how different the intermarried are from the in-married. Paul Golin: What Is the Biggest Divide in the Jewish Community?
  • It's precisely when Paul is dealing with the problem of what is the relationship between non-Jews to Jewish law that Paul actually quotes Jewish scripture the most, and that's in Galatians and Romans.
  • I won't argue with your message as I love your writing but I will argue with the use of the word shiksa to mean non-Jewish woman. Undefined
  • Maybe the couple wasn't even Jewish--now non-Jewish couples are getting them, too I call it ketubah envy. Stephanie Caplan: My Favorite Ketubot
  • This psychopathology is made all the more palpable because of the intense moral contradictions: while it has accomplished impressive things, including “Jewish democracy,” a place for some Jews to take refuge or to find pride, survival at all odds, and economic and technological development, Israel is a colonial settler society in origin as much as Zionism is also a variant of Jewish nationalism; it is both non-democratic in its exclusion of non-Jews and democratic for its Jewish majority. Think Progress » Lying About Ledeen: National Review Falsely Claims NeoCon ‘Has Opposed Military Action Against Iran’
  • But later he identifies the palmette on the back of the throne as typical ‘artistic embellishment’ that would suggest a Jewish influence, and favors a non-Jewish ownership of the first building.
  • Plenty of evidence indicates that in Paul's day Judaism with its monotheism and high ethical standards was an attractive religion to many non-Jews.
  • In each case he shows how they were similar to or differed from their non-Jewish peers.
  • The author of eight books, Cohen concerned herself with traditional historiographic concerns: Jewish politics, Jewish/non-Jewish relations, and the status of Jews in American society. Historians in the United States.

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