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How To Use Non-catholic In A Sentence

  • He has also been firm in his ban on illicit intercommunion, to the extent of telling one state premier (a non-Catholic) not to receive Communion, as he had earlier done at official functions in Catholic churches.
  • Well-meaning and often charming, my father escaped his heritage as much he could by marrying a non-Italian non-Catholic; he anglicized his name from Vittorio Giuseppe to Victor John Corsini.
  • The crucial change brought about in the relationship of Catholics to non-Catholics by Vatican II was the abandonment by the church of the charge of "deicide" against the Jewish people as a whole: in other words, the dropping of the allegation that the Jews bore a historic and collective responsibility for the torture and murder of Jesus. The Pope’s Denial Problem
  • Naturally, Catholics refuse to admit such a denomination, and we employ "deuterocanonical" to designate this literature, which non-Catholics conventionally and improperly know as the "Apocrypha". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • He does not spend his time in brooding on the fact that he is a Roman Catholic, and he is not particularly conscious of being different from his non-Catholic neighbours. The Road to Wigan Pier
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  • That the recognition he received was slow in coming, is in part explained by the fact that he was already in middle life before he published anything likely to arrest the attention of the public in these islands, Catholic or non-Catholic, and that he was well past that period when his most important work was done. The Life and Death of Edmund Bishop, English Liturgiologist: An Account by His Contemporary, Dom Hugh Connolly, OSB
  • He thinks non-Catholics, including his own wife, are bound for hell and damnation.
  • '' Summa Theologica '' is the bed-rock of Catholic teaching, while for non-Catholic philosophers, his mammoth compilation '' Summa contra Gentiles '', concerning the principles of natural religion, is the a key text. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Obviously, with the boffo business the film is doing and the many positive reactions we are hearing to it from Catholics and non-Catholics alike, the film's appeal is not limited to this ‘reactionary clique.’
  • To many non-Catholics, especially religiously skeptical ones, belonging to Opus Dei means nothing more than being a high-octane Catholic of a certifiably orthodox sort.
  • Indeed, this rejection of the idea of socially and economically significant State intervention in the affairs of the commonweal is the very essence of the ideology of the Whigs, whether neo-Catholic or non-Catholic. Catholic Whiggery:The Neo-Conservative Betrayal Of Church Social Teaching
  • One thing you notice when you attend non-Catholic services where people sing with gusto, where people love their hymns, and the hymns truly do reflect an organic preference of the people: all the verses are sung because the hymn is the only thing going on. The Reform is Being Reformed
  • Black Catholics vote just like black non-Catholics. Fourth Poll This Week Shows Obama With Solid National Lead
  • Perhaps the most ecumenically minded Catholic independent schools are the twenty-one members of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools, and many Jesuit schools also have substantial non-Catholic enrollments.
  • They also consulted widely with non-Catholic observers and theological experts (periti), many of whom were also active in drafting council documents.
  • Had he not considered the beneficial benefits of the Protestant parsonage in non-Catholic lands?
  • Could you please help me understand more how Mary was redeemed or saved and to be able to explain it to Catholics and non-Catholics?
  • Today, many Creoles are nonpracticing Catholics with some agnostics, some atheists, and a very few professing a non-Catholic faith.
  • * For the information of Protestant and other non-Catholic readers it may be mentioned that all the titles enumerated in this passage are taken from the Litany of the Blessed Virgin. The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Lourdes, Rome and Paris
  • This exactly mirrors Catholic teaching: Ministers of Holy Communion are only to deny the Sacrament to non-Catholics or Catholics living in manifest (public) grave sin. A bit more on Holy Communion and non-Catholic Christians
  • On air, Colbert has chided the pope as an "ecu-menace" for his outreach to other faiths, referred to non-Catholics as "heathens and the excommunicated" and calls those who believe in evolution "monkey men. The Quiet Faith Behind Colbert's Right-Wing Funnyman
  • A non-Catholic who is married to a non-Catholic can have that marriage annulled in order to be baptized and marry a Catholic.
  • All you have are the non-canonical scriptures, the apocrypha and pseudepigrapha, both of which are universally rejected by the non-Catholic Evangelical church as fakes and poor imitations of real scripture. Chris Hitchens meets the Christians | RELIGION Blog |
  • Hopefully when we do we'll be focused on an authentic agiornamiento that will revitalize the Church's mission to evangelize non-Catholics and re-catechize/catechize nominal ones. The "homosexualization" of the clergy in Latin America
  • Catholic with a baptised non-Catholic constitutes a "relative" impediment and needs a special dispensation and provisoes, such as a guarantee to bring up the children in the Roman faith to give it validity. A Short History of Women's Rights From the Days of Augustus to the Present Time. with Special Reference to England and the United States. Second Edition Revised, With Additions.
  • It was actually the standard view among Catholic theologians for that time; and even today, tutiorism might be safer than some of the alternatives for non-Catholics. Why tutiorism is now unsafe

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