How To Use Non-automatic In A Sentence
This non-automatic numbering has the advantage that if a text refers to the numbers, insertion or deletion of an item does not disturb the correspondence.
So it is resorting to informal tools. Its main method is "non-automatic licensing", a tactic recognised by the World Trade Organisation that lets countries delay imports for 60 days.
Pistols are not covered in the agreement and neither are non-automatic, long-barrelled weapons such as a shotgun or a hunting rifle.
The tennis athlete athletics ability participation variation is mainly the automatic control factor primarily, non-automatic control factor for auxiliary.
This paper has put forward to use a kind of non-automatic broadcasting property in TTCAN protocol to improve CAN protocol in reliability and real time between the contradictory and mutual restriction.

If it were up to me, mathematics, cold-calling, my daughter's current headmistress and non-automatic cars would be outlawed entirely.
The side entrance, where you can easily leave a car while you go fetch your luggage, involves a long, narrow corridor with non-automatic doors and stairs.
The commissioner's office issues licenses for certain specified non-automatic guns.
Here we tackle our first non-automatic locks (with strong-arm tactics) and cruise upstream between banks of willow herb, yellow water lilies and ragwort.