How To Use Nomothetic In A Sentence

  • Both can contribute to scientific approach - idiographic suited to description; nomothetic to predictions. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • What I am here to say shall not derogate anything from his Highness’s supremacy, because it includeth no such thing as a nomothetical power to prescribe and appoint such sacred and significant ceremonies as he shall think good. The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • “Island biogeography has changed in a decade,” Simberloff wrote, “from an idiographic discipline with few organizing principles to a nomothetic science with predictive general laws.” The Song of The Dodo
  • I believe the distinction by Wilhelm Dilthey between "nomothetic" (= positing laws) and "idiographic" (= describing individuals) sciences, is still much more fruitful than other approaches that tend to blur the dividing line. Demarcation, Demarcation, ….
  • To achieve scientific, nomothetic goals in the information disciplines, we should focus on the technological, demographic, environmental and economic conditions that motivate and constrain people operating in social groups.
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  • Existentialism, in its broadest terms, is both idiographic and nomothetic - it is about personal will and humanity.
  • Two approaches can be complementary - idiographic can further develop a nomothetic law. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • It's also worth stating that one of the theoretical approaches associated with ethnographic research is an idiographic, rather than nomothetic, approach to data -- a concern with the particular, rather than the general. Anti Anti-Anecdotalism
  • When combined with data from records and interviews, nomothetic information from sound psychological tests increases the chances of convergent validity and decreases the possibility of error.
  • The Ballzheimer's cup first round must remain undecided, as both present maximal claims within their respective (nomothetic vs idiographic re: wars) approaches. Le joueur prussien
  • Existentialism, in its broadest terms, is both idiographic and nomothetic - it is about personal will and humanity.
  • The clinical ramifications of this entire exercise should be placed within a context that includes both nomothetic and ideographic dimensions.
  • Hence, given that historians make such claims ‘it behooves them to make sure that the cited nomothetic principles have an empirical foundation’.
  • Qualitative research may be idiographic or nomothetic. The Bass Handbook of Leadership

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