How To Use Nominalist In A Sentence
The first aspect of Field's case is to rebut this charge, by providing nominalistic formulations of scientific theories.
This gives us a way of understanding how nominalists can plausibly use an appeal to bruteness to respond to the One Over Many argument.
Platonism in Metaphysics
Conceptualists hold that universals are mental constructions and traditional nominalists hold that either universals are linguistic constructions or they do not exist at all.
The common aim of the Yinming and the Nominalistic doctrine is to guarantee the validity of the argument, which is the premise that they belong to the thinking tools subject.
His approach is broadly nominalistic, but Buridan's nominalism is more of a parsimonious way of doing philosophy than a doctrine about universals.
The nominalist points out that it is a downright mystery how human beings, as physical creatures in a physical universe, can have knowledge of the eternal, detached, acausal mathematical realm.
Those who think there is some actual universal existing outside the mind are called realists; those who deny extra-mental universals are called nominalists.
This is the doctrine of the nominalist party.
Of course, it would be too much for a single nominalist to provide an acceptable version of each respectable scientific theory.
Nevertheless, despite the nominalists 'charges to the contrary, the via antiqua framework, as far as its semantic considerations are concerned, was no more committed to the real distinction of the significata and supposita of its common terms than the via moderna framework was.
The Medieval Problem of Universals