How To Use Nominal In A Sentence

  • Received telemetry data confirmed the initial phases of the mission to be nominal.
  •  Thin capitalisation - offshore jurisdictions tend not to impose \ "thin capitalisation\" rules on companies (except for regulated entities such as banks and insurance companies), allowing them to be formed with a purely nominal equity investment. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The late S.M. Shukla, an authority on numismatics from Mumbai, gave him a big part of his collection for a nominal payment.
  • In such cases, the demonstrative (or argumental name) is interpreted as “a pronominal place marker” (op. cit., Names
  • It ought not to be news when a nominal price index reaches a new peak; it's what ought to happen. Times, Sunday Times
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  • It's nominally a documentary, but not necessarily a wholly truthful one.
  • In the latter, the old three-way pronominal system followed its own course of development.
  • Of course, that all begs the question as to whether the athematic nom. sg. ending *-s and athematic pronominal nom./acc. (better "abs." for absolutive) sg. ending *-d are indeed from postclitic demonstratives/articles, as opposed to coming from some other source(s). Precising on a new rule to explain Pre-IE word-final voicing
  • RULERS OF EGYPT (1811-1953) Egypt remained nominally a province of the Ottoman Empire until Britain declared it a protectorate in 1914, but from 1805 it followed an increasingly independent course of development as a separate country. E. Egypt
  • The dollar amounts are nominal, but inflation is low here.
  • Our southern ally's loyalty to her beautiful "unredeemed" provinces, and her claim, which all right-minded Englishmen (I include myself) most heartily endorse, to dominate the historically Italian waters of the Adriatic, happily proved too strong for a machine-made sympathy for Berlin based on nothing better than a superficial resemblance between the histories of Piedmont and Prussia, and a record of nominal alliance with powers whose respect for paper treaties was always fairly apparent. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, August 15, 1917
  • Nevertheless, the immense size of its larynx or thropple, which William dissected out and brought with him to England, seems to indicate vast powers of voice in this animal; but I am at a loss to conjecture why it should be provided either with this unusual capability of "blaring," or with the exceedingly strong whiskers that arm its muzzle, organs which, though nominally of little or no importance except in The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 367, April 25, 1829
  • The high incidence of nominalization in the CMA code completes the message of authority given by the imperative mode and its deontological orientation.
  • You will be charged a nominal 155 fee for administration costs in delivering this letter. Times, Sunday Times
  • In an age when general staff pensions did not exist the railways might well keep elderly staff on the payroll for nominal duties.
  • Stevens identified four types of measurement scales: nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales.
  • The way a devaluation works is to cut real wages (by raising import prices) while keeping nominal wages constant. Times, Sunday Times
  • It ought not to be news when a nominal price index reaches a new peak; it's what ought to happen. Times, Sunday Times
  • The spread between inflation-linked bonds and their nominal counterparts -- known as the breakeven inflation rate -- fell to single digits on the most recent linked bond and into negative territory on older notes, a phenomenon market-watchers said they had never seen before. Japan bond yields drop
  • There are photographs of ‘jilleroos’, but while nominally these are the female equivalent of ‘jackeroos’, the important difference is that jackeroos are young men getting station hand experience before passing onto something better, while jilleroos are merely female station hands full stop.
  • All of these are nominal dimensions and we have to remember that there are always some tolerance spreads in brass.
  • Kenworthy looked at the dejected cakes nominally protected from flies by sliding panels of smeared glass. PASSION IN THE PEAK
  • This, at a time when Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts seem to have been going nowhere, in part because control of the Palestinian territories is nominally split between Mr. Abbas and nonparticipant Hamas. Lots to Think About
  • The first aspect of Field's case is to rebut this charge, by providing nominalistic formulations of scientific theories.
  • Justices have thrown out the nominal victory of the sitting prime minister and now called for a revote, a revote that will happen December 26.
  • As in Keynesian theory, the model posits some degree of short-run nominal rigidity. New Keynesian Macro in graphs!
  • The seigneur would, in turn, subdivide his acreage to tenants who paid a nominal rent, cleared, and farmed the land.
  • The quantitative relation between dynamic nominal fragment size and porosity is developed by employing the energy description of dynamic fragmentation.
  • For if Geras was not to sublate the realm of the social entirely to nature, he had to leave room for a nominally separate society which was underpinned by both external and human nature.
  • Nominal concepts are relatively autonomous, whereas relational concepts display a high degree of conceptual dependence.
  • TIPS offer a nominal yield, plus principal indexed to inflation.
  • He remained in nominal control of the business for another ten years.
  • For this reason these adjectives are sometimes called the «pronominal adjectives». Latin for Beginners
  • They sailed for nominal wages and primage, or five per cent of the gross freight paid the vessel. Modern American Prose Selections
  • Any resemblance to nasty industrial poutine is purely nominal. Globe and Mail
  • A number of insurers seek to solve the problem of festive underinsurance by increasing their level of contents insurance cover for a nominal period before and after Christmas.
  • His role, however, was nominal, and the group was actually managed by professionals.
  • It is expected that there will be a nominal charge.
  • She is only the nominal chairman: the real work is done by somebody else.
  • A red cotton T-shirt or running vest is available at a nominal charge of £1.00 together with sponsorship forms.
  • In that case, BMW could demand repayment of the £500m loan it granted to keep MG Rover going, when Towers and his colleagues bought it for a nominal £10.
  • Nominal wages increase in the more agglomerated region because, as a result of the additional firm's entry, there is greater aggregate production and thus greater demand for labor.
  • Hence nominal earnings growth and real earnings growth have been almost the same. Times, Sunday Times
  • The nominal Health Secretary rose without trace and now been elbowed aside by the Prime Minister himself.
  • The variables used in qualitative research are likely to be nominal. Sociology
  • It seems to be, at this intermediate stage of nominal determiner grammaticalization, a lexical feature of indefinites rather than an effect of syntactic or pragmatic factors.
  • Thirty-seven children with language deficits were identified and assessed on both standardized language measures and experimental tasks involving the generation of regular and irregular past tenses together with denominals.
  • But we are chiefly concerned with what may be called pronominal variation, in which the word avoided is either a noun or its obvious pronoun substitute. Elegant Variation.
  • Incitement to murder, by people living nominally under a country's law, should automatically lead to arrest.
  • To unify the curves to a single abscissa, we define a nominal maximal velocity for W / T e = 1, [beta] = 1, and y = 4.5.
  • If Nocrates lives in a possible world where nominalism is true what more needs to be explained? An Argument from Realism Against Naturalism about Human Beings
  • In order to determine the universal and applicable parameter for the fatigue life estimation of spot-welding un-der various multi-axial loads, the nominal structural stress was shown by D.
  • When it became apparent that they were missing, I asked for a nominal amount of money in compensation. Times, Sunday Times
  • This seemed misguided to me; I think it would make more sense to say that the denominals are part of a VP-shell configuration, and the subject comes from the outer VP (which would mean, according to their theory, that it is in ‘agent’ position, and would be seen as ‘causing’ the action).
  • While the notions of instantiation, quantification, and grounding are applicable to all nominals, their morphosyntactic realization may be affected by the status of a noun as count or mass.
  • In a wider sense, the phrase refers to any verb form whose grammatical object is a reflexive pronoun, regardless of semantics; such verbs are also referred to as pronominal verbs, especially in grammars of the Romance languages. Page 2
  • The word ‘shooting’ here is a nominalization - a noun derived from a verb root.
  • _ -- It is a rough and ready way of giving some idea of the power of an engine or engines on the basis of the number of inches in the area of the cylinder or cylinders, but when the process of taking the diagram of the engine is gone through the term nominal is dropped, and indicated horse-power is then expressed, because it was proved by actual experiment and certainty. The Stoker's Catechism
  • Most former European colonies began their independence as nominal democracies, then rapidly moved either to single-party oligarchies, military rule, or both at once.
  • Yet the resemblance between the two is nominal, or numerical. Times, Sunday Times
  • As my whole generation discovered, the world, whether at war or - nominally - at peace, has in any case kept moving in on us.
  • As he was still not allowed to run a company, his wife became its nominal head.
  • We should give up the pretence, take holidays for their own sake, and restore some dignity to the nominal purpose of existing national holidays. Times, Sunday Times
  • Furthermore, demonstrative nominal and demonstrative pronominal anaphors appeared to function quite differently in expressing differences in transition stages of discourse referents.
  • People don't talk much at all about the ending in -(a)χ but I've noticed that it forms either a type of deverbal noun/adjective derivative that conveys the meaning of "that which is X-ed" (where X represents the verb root), or a denominal noun/adjective derivative meaning "that which pertains to or derives from X". Etruscans, the status quo and the unpopularity of bold questioning
  • We agree that the road runs straight as it passes through the scene and has a nominal width of around 6 metres.
  • If the murdered leaves a widow with children, this widow may claim the criminal as her own, and he becomes her husband nominally, that is to say, he must hunt and provide for the subsistence of the family. Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet
  • The one - year returns on long - term bonds are risky in both real and nominal terms.
  • Well, I do, and so did Michael Kaschack and Arthur Glenberg, who actually went out and conducted a set of experiments on the understanding of novel denominal verbs1. I Typoed a Whole Post for the Language Log
  • But despite the show of unity, Britain remained in political limbo with Cameron holding the most seats in parliament, Brown still in nominal power and Clegg the so-called kingmaker following Thursday's vote. The Times of India
  • Hopefully when we do we'll be focused on an authentic agiornamiento that will revitalize the Church's mission to evangelize non-Catholics and re-catechize/catechize nominal ones. The "homosexualization" of the clergy in Latin America
  • And, if I understand correctly, prenominal phrasal adjectives are hyphenated–making them one word. How important is college? - 22 Words
  • A similar distinction can be made between nominal returns and real returns. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • Excess reserves currently earn 0. 25%, but in today's deflationary environment, with nominal rates at historical lows, it's not hard to imagine banks turning into hard-core "savers" if the incentive to park funds risklessly at the Fed were raised even a skoach. Home Page
  • Of particular interest, a nominal roll of all participants (including non-Australian contingents), will be included as an appendix.
  • Rogosin's work was a pioneering documentary hybrid, starring tippling nonprofessionals acting out a nominal plot about a railman who hits town looking for work. Where American Dreams Went to Drink
  • Police and security services are even grouped around every transport link, every city square, and any site of some nominal importance.
  • Figo, nominally a right-sided midfielder, reinvents himself as a striker, ballwinner or even full-back…
  • And in this paradigm, he argues that the ontology is one of nominalism, programs do not exist in the abstract but only in the concrete. Three Paradigms of Research in Computer Science « Beki's Blog (there's an original name)
  • Right now, though the intelligence director has nominal authority, the Pentagon largely controls the budgets and personnel of these two crucial spy agencies.
  • There is relatively strong nominal price stickiness in China's commodity market.
  • And believe it or not, ‘reveal’ as a nominalization is pretty old, in fact archaic.
  • In their pioneering work, Brown and Gilman proposed the sociolinguistic terms power semantic and solidarity semantic for the first time, which govern the choice of the pronominal forms.
  • Since injection into orbit the spacecraft's behaviour has been nominal.
  • The nominally independent Financial Accounting Standards Board defines accounting and auditing standards.
  • Grand Trunk shares traded at around three times their nominal value.
  • the nominal GDP
  • The province is nominally independent.
  • Spacecraft operations engineers take control of the satellite after it separates from the launch vehicle up to the time when the satellite is safely positioned in its final nominal orbit.
  • Yeah, higher inflation and therefore higher nominal interest rates that allow for more monetary policy flexibility during crises is theft! Matthew Yglesias » Olivier Blanchard on the Case for Higher Inflation
  • In 1783 she proceeded to annex the nominally independent Crimea and to construct a large Black Sea fleet.
  • Mr Warburton said release of the minutes would expose external directors to undue criticism and pressure from the sectorial groups they nominally represent.
  • This entitled him to use the postnominal letters KCB, but not the title "Sir. Britain behind Gukurahundi massacres
  • He remained in nominal control of the business for another ten years.
  • There was _no_ other monitor who did not try to be of some use to his fags; many of the monitors, by quiet kindnesses and useful hints, by judicious help and unselfish sympathy, were of most real service to the boys who nominally "fagged" for them, but who, in point of fact, were required to do nothing except taking an occasional message, seeing that the study fires did not go out, and carrying up the tea and breakfast for a week each, in order of rotation. St. Winifred's, or The World of School
  • She possesses nominally the largest merchant fleet in the world. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • In the far northwest, comprising western Ohio and the Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan Territories, the Americans battled an Anglo-Indian alliance, with Tecumseh serving as the nominal leader for the northwestern Indians. Between War and Peace
  • A nominal charge is made for use of the tennis courts.
  • They are supplying ‘mission control’ with a steady stream of valuable data and all systems are nominal.
  • We are not interested in somebody who makes nominal moves on school improvement.
  • In French Indo-China, the Japanese kept the former colonial masters in nominal command.
  • Record oil prices (in nominal terms) will likely have a depressing effect on growth over the medium term.
  • A nominal charge is made for use of the tennis courts.
  • The province is nominally independent.
  • The heterogeneous enrichment among individual worms agrees with reports that this nominal deposit feeder can facultatively filter-feed using a mucus net in its burrow, and that the ability to do so varies among populations.
  • Most finite verbal forms diachronically derive from nominalizations and periphrastic constructions with auxiliary verbs.
  • Nominalisations allow us the option of being more abstract and impersonal, which is why they are useful in academic writing. On nominalisations
  • No lover of France certainly should die without having seen Carcassonne, foremost of what I will call the pictorial Quadrilateral, no formidable array after the manner of their Austrian cognominal, but lovely, dreamlike things. In the Heart of the Vosges And Other Sketches by a "Devious Traveller"
  • the Russian system of nominal brevity
  • What has happened to the other wing of nominally progressive politics is more surprising. Times, Sunday Times
  • The nominal system distinguishes five cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, and ablative; the genitive and dative endings are always the same.
  • key" - annotated genes in the group will follow a binominal distribution. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Even the introduction of the mildest sanction - a nominal, barely enforced fine - seems to persuade citizens to turn out.
  • Plural pronouns with nominally singular antecedents like ‘everyone’ have been a major battlefield in the grammar wars.
  • The local agents provide an extensive catalogue of programs available at a nominal charge.
  • He halves nothing whatever with our more earnest-minded juniors who -- perennially discovering that all religions thus far put to the test of nominal practice have, whatever their paradisial _entrée_, resulted in a deplorable earthly hash -- perennially run yelping into the shrill agnosticism which believes only that one's neighbors should not be permitted to believe in anything. The Queen Pedauque
  • What has happened to the other wing of nominally progressive politics is more surprising. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet the resemblance between the two is nominal, or numerical. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is borne out by several studies that concur in stating real and nominal rates ‘are leading indicators of future output.’
  • -- When are they called interrogative pronominal adjectives? English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
  • Contemporaneously the coinage in Spain was 34 cuartos to one peseta and 5 pesetas to one _duro_ -- the coin nominally equivalent to the peso -- but the duro being subdivided into 20 _reales vellon_, the colonial real fuerte came to be equivalent to 2 1/2 reales vellon. The Philippine Islands
  • Nominally Elliot's goal was game over, but you could probably have said that at quarter past three.
  • I think Friedman's macro black box held up badly--that the conglomerate of bank liabilities called M2 would have a "velocity" or really, a ratio to nominal income that is subject only to zero mean random shocks. More on Matt Yglesias, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • If the ambient temperature exceeds 20 degrees, the nominal length of the beam is longer than when calibrated in the laboratory.
  • We have already seen this use generalised to descriptive titles of books, paintings etc (Reclining Nude; Portrait of a Lady …) Of proper nouns, Halliday has this to say “With proper nouns [the referent] is defined experientially: there exists only one, at least in the relevant body of experience … This means that typically there is no further specification … Proper names usually occur without any other elements of the nominal group”. A is for Articles (2) « An A-Z of ELT
  • The alternative between a theological and an independent theory of ethics is, he holds, the alternative between ethical nominalism and realism.
  • The final episode started with an explanation for the mystery, but if you thought this was designed to be a closing episode, guess again. and the same thing is also often found with prenominal concessive modifiers.
  • Whatever surnominal adjective Kazuo Ishiguro finally bequeaths us (Ishiguronian? New Fiction
  • This change was occasioned by the opening of armistice talks, nominally between the opposing commanders-in-chief.
  • Birdwing, a damaged galleass in tow, dipped its ensign to its nominal Zhir admiral.
  • It is under the nominal rule of a governor general elected by Parliament to represent Queen Elizabeth II of England, the head of state.
  • ‘Provided the charge was nominal I don't think this would kill the scheme but I imagine it would affect it,’ she said.
  • All levy a nominal admission fee.
  • I hope to be able in a few days, in consequence of this measure, to transmit you an account of the actual value and produce of the jaghires, opposed to the nominal amount at which they stand rated on the books of the circar. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 08 (of 12)
  • There will be a nominal charge of £10 per participant.
  • The Food and Agriculture Organization's food-price index rose 2.2% on month in February, the eighth-consecutive monthly rise, to the highest level in real and nominal terms since the FAO started monitoring prices in 1990. World Watch
  • This gendered argument is bolstered by the verse in Exodus 13: 9 which refers to tefillin as “a sign on your hand” where the masculine pronominal suffix “your hand” (yadekha) is used to exclude women. Legal-Religious Status of the Jewish Female.
  • This is a clear sentence, with two nominal substantives - fire and rice, an activity - cooking, and an agent - the fire which brings about the cooked rice.
  • Furthermore, demonstrative nominal and demonstrative pronominal anaphors appeared to function quite differently in expressing differences in transition stages of discourse referents.
  • Malaysia's government is nominally headed by the king whose position rotates among the nine hereditary Malay rulers every five years.
  • He _was_ mistaken, and I hold that the Bāb was mistaken in appointing (if he really did so) Ṣubḥ-i-Ezel as a nominal head of the Bābīs when the true, although temporary vice-gerent was Baha-'ullah. The Reconciliation of Races and Religions
  • Stevens identified four types of measurement scales: nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales.
  • When the instantly available bandwidth is larger than the nominal bandwidth the second part is retrieved and transmitted.
  • We had to pay a nominal fee to join the club.
  • The company could not indicate a person even nominally responsible for staff training.
  • the nominal (or titular) head of his party
  • Governors of the Mughal empire also took advantage of growing feebleness - the nawabs of Bengal, Oudh and Hyderabad were soon to establish quasi-independent states which owed only nominal allegiance to Delhi.
  • Specifically, the southern provinces will remain nominally Iraqi but be allowed to hoard their oil wealth, impose backward polcies of religious fascism and become an uindisclosed satellite state of Iran. Think Progress » Brzezinski: Air Strike on Iran Could ‘Merit the Impeachment of the President’
  • All methods I am trying to evaluate are working in the same way - they are using local stresses (i.e. nominal ones for unnotched specimens, which thus relate to something you would probably call the multiaxial fatigue limit) and reduce them in some more or less complicated way to a single parameter. IMechanica - Comments
  • There is a nominal charge of €3 for non-members at the door - all are welcome.
  • Cantonal police units and a nominal confederate police, initially aided by an international contingent, should maintain public order and ensure peaceful relations between diverse cantons.
  • The local jeweler will do it either free or for a nominal charge while you wait.
  • Incitement to murder, by people living nominally under a country's law, should automatically lead to arrest.
  • Office space will be rented out at nominal prices to IT firms.
  • So the charge made for the accommodation during her lifetime was the nominal charge referable to her exiguous state retirement pension.
  • In every Slave State there are laws affording, at least, some nominal protection to these unhappy beings; but, according to this resolution, slaves might be flayed alive in the streets of Washington, and no representative of the people could offer even a resolution for inquiry. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • The subject nominal is in the oblique form and the verb phrase lacks tense and agreement markers.
  • Some would opt for gold, although it pays no yield and its nominal value is highly volatile.
  • The numeral plus classifier can be used in a pronominal sense.
  • Bulks are sold for a nominal fee to gyms and hotels and are free to the public. Times, Sunday Times
  • First, the medium-term vulnerabilities and constraints to robust growth discussed last week (see "Ten Risks To Global Growth"); second, the risk of a double-dip, W-shaped recession, as the wings of a tentative recovery of growth in 2010 could be clipped toward the end of that year or in 2011 by a perfect storm of rising oil prices, rising taxes and rising nominal and real interest rates on the public debt of many advanced economies. Doomsayers--Or Realists?
  • Prefiguration and 'post-figuration' are equally important in a novel whose nominal author we encounter as a dead soul. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The legislature and judiciary are nominally independent but remain susceptible to executive influence.
  • The process is sometimes called denominal derivation, and it’s extremely widely studied in linguistics and psycholinguistics, as it provides a lot of interesting clues not only into the, shall we say, archeology of language, but also into semantics and how we process meaning. The Volokh Conspiracy » “The Modern Practice of Making Certain Nouns into Verbs”
  • Our method identifies adnominal phrases assigned relatively small weight values.
  • I agreed a nominal concessional rate of £10,000 per day from 28th November 1999, the day after completion of contract 1.
  • You might be able to infer from such a system, for instance, that ‘assignments’ is the plural form of the nominalization of the verb ‘assign’.
  • This gives us a way of understanding how nominalists can plausibly use an appeal to bruteness to respond to the One Over Many argument. Platonism in Metaphysics
  • The purple flowers, even when they're nominally pink and growing in the sun, such as wild thyme, restharrow, wild marjoram and pyramidal orchid, bring with them a kind of shadow. Country diary: Wenlock Edge
  • Nobel-prize-winning economist Joseph E. Stiglitz contrasts the American response to its economic crisis with the measures it shoved down the throats of poor countries during their crises, and discusses why rich-world double-standards ( "Buy American/European" provisions in bailouts that only discriminate against poor countries) contribute to a global disillusionment in the values that the rich world nominally espouses: democracy, transparency, and so on. Boing Boing
  • If prices rise and the nominal wage remains constant, the real wage falls.
  • Nominally, at least, the debate in the Senate is about who should impose the standards.
  • Jenny and I went to pick up a carload of pizzas and other teenage food half an hour or so ago, leaving Jenny's best friend Sue and her partner Paul in nominal charge of the party.
  • With the usual perversity also, the common standard "peseta," in which small bargains are struck on the coast, was omitted, the nearest coin, the quarter-dollar, being nominally worth ptas. Life in Morocco and Glimpses Beyond
  • A nominally progressive tax structure to some degree retards the concentration over time of wealth among individuals.
  • Given that the prenominal possessive is itself an noun-phrase, we should expect a prenominal possessive to be able to occupy the noun-phrase slot within a larger prenominal possessive.
  • So I say, not titularly, not nominally, not so counterfeitly, but the self-same in nature with the Father (John 1: 1,2, 1 John 5: 7, Phil 2: 6). Works of John Bunyan — Volume 02
  • Most recently, some 2008 Silver Eagles with nominally updated design elements were instead released with the Reverse of 2007, most easily identified by the U (of UNITED) which does not have the right-side downward stroke (sometimes called a serif); the 2008 Reverse does have the downward stroke on the letter U. One Ounce Silver Eagle Bullion, 1986-Present : Coin Guide
  • The filter states include displacements from the nominal track, the cant, and the track gauge.
  • The term breakthrough innovation is used consciously as opposed to nominal or incremental innovation with little or no social value. Archive 2008-03-01
  • The burn executed nominally and was within about 0.4% of the expected design of the burn.
  • She is only the nominal chairman: the real work is done by somebody else.
  • The government provides electricity, gas, water, and bread at a nominal charge.
  • A recoinage was ordered, by which the currency was depreciated one-fifth; those who took a thousand pieces of gold or silver to the mint received back an amount of coin of the same nominal value, but only four-fifths of the weight of metal. Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
  • Blanco is a nominal – not a real – horse-stealer, that is to say, he has committed the sin which a society of horsemen does not pardon. Our Irish Theatre: A Chapter of Autobiography
  • It is under the nominal rule of a governor general elected by Parliament to represent Queen Elizabeth II of England, the head of state.
  • Based on a careful understanding of his main work on universals: Logica ingredientibus, the present paper tries to give a systematical account of Abelard's philosophical thoughts of nominalism.
  • That means the status of strings in string theory in physics can become a philosophical topic by way of discussions of realism and nominalism.
  • The verbs are called denominal verbs, and you use them all the time for example, “hammer”, because many if not most verbs are denominal verbs. The Volokh Conspiracy » “The Modern Practice of Making Certain Nouns into Verbs”
  • On the one hand, we can analyse the expression as a regular verb phrase, consisting of a transitive verb followed by its nominal direct object.
  • She's the nominal head of our college - the real work is done by her deputy.
  • Remember that British law still gives lots of nominal power to the monarch – the monarch is in charge of appointing the Prime Minister, of declaring war, of giving “assent” to legislation, etc. Matthew Yglesias » By Request: The Case for Parliamentarism
  • Using biblical language and talking about restored Christianity and the Great Apostasy is not only meaningless in those two contexts, it is embarassingly parochial, like introducing the medieval controversy of nominalism versus accidentalism in the middle of a contemporary presidential debate. mike: Zelophehad's Daughters
  • Kenworthy looked at the dejected cakes nominally protected from flies by sliding panels of smeared glass. PASSION IN THE PEAK
  • Many churches make audio or video recordings of their services available for a nominal charge. Christianity Today
  • Nominal velocity in feet per second and muzzle energy in foot-pounds are drawn from the amino-makers' catalogs and from the pages of Bob Forker's excellent text, ‘Ammo and Ballistics.’
  • Goodman and Quine (in his pre-naturalist phase) once began an article by declaring that the basis for their nominalism was a fundamental philosophical intuition irreducible to scientific grounds (1947). Naturalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics
  • The suffix *-ye/o- is found in presentives, in denominal verbs and I'd dare even say fossilized to the causative in *-eye/o-. Thoughts on the early Indo-European subjunctive 1ps ending
  • However, by the proposed approach, the false-positives appearing in the abstracted data can be controlled, allowing significant increases in cell function apparent in the microarray data to be tested by reference to the binominal distribution model ( PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • He applied for a grant of land and this was sold to him for a nominal sum.

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