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How To Use Nomia In A Sentence

  • The whole lecture has a morally subversive ring, and the savour of antinomianism about it.
  • ShiftRows: cyclicly shift each row by a fixed amount MixColumns: treat each column as a polynomial over the Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • It is not that the themes of modernization and antinomian desire could not be found in these texts, but that neglecting them makes it easier to evade the problem of rhetoric and audience in Blake.
  • Horae (Hours), and Eunomia (Order), Dike (Justice), and blooming Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • Here we use the EM algorithm to obtain the maximum likelihood estimate of multinomial random variables with probabilities. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
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  • The binomial designates a duel made up of two individuated forces which intersect.
  • With your mouse, drag data points and their error bars, and watch the best-fit polynomial curve update instantly.
  • Dositheus is said to have opposed antinomianism, that is, the rejection of Old The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • The question of what name to apply to this or that binomial species was often left unresolved.
  • Re: official quant thread for CAT 2009Re: official quant thread for CAT 2009hey puys can u give me the rough idea of a multinomial theoremRe: official quant thread for CAT 2009Re: official quant thread for CAT 2009 Undefined
  • It genders the antinomianism which is going to cause a large part of professing Christendom as well as the world, to take the mark of the Beast when he appears.
  • SSR and RRIV are simple paraclinical electrophysiologic tests that confirm clinical dysautonomia.
  • For a long time, the Alexander polynomial was one of the few tools topologists had for telling knots apart.
  • In this respect, iconoclast though he is, he is rather with the Buddha and the Christ than with the modern antinomians. Visions and Revisions A Book of Literary Devotions
  • The algorithm run-time increases in polynomial time, and so the problem is called ‘P-type’.
  • That Bruno himself, in "the enthusiasm of the idea," drew from his axiom of the "indifference of contraries" the practical consequence which is in very deed latent there, that he was ready to sacrifice to the antinomianism, which is certainly a part of its rigid logic, the austerities, the purity of his own youth, for instance, there is no proof. Gaston de Latour; an unfinished romance
  • Some, notably the antinomians, were theologically unorthodox; their obsession with personal “conversion” led them to question whether the “visible saints” governing the colony were truly saintly.
  • Vallée Poussin also worked on approximation to functions by algebraic and trigonometric polynomials from 1908 to 1918.
  • An algorithm with polynomial complexity was presented to generate the public part of the process from its private one.
  • He also developed a way to name plants called binomial nomenclature (bi NOH mee ul · NOH mun klay chur). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Guisante (Corrupted Latin: Arabo-Romance Spanish Dialect Mozarabic, adopted by Castillian dialect) _Pisum sativum_ (Modern day binomial scientific name of the English pea or Green pea) "Rooted" in the same time frame we had: cicer, cicero (Latin) Translation for peas & greenbeans (nfm)
  • Before beginning this attempted duplication we ought perhaps to remind ourselves exactly what polynomials are.
  • Variable represents the discriminant of the cubic polynomial,
  • Overlooked was Buckley's proposal of the binomial T. texanum, now considered a variety of T. pusillum.
  • But even the basic standards are full of serious math such as factoring polynomials and dealing with systems of inequalities. The Common Core and the Tech Industry « Steve Wildstrom on Tech
  • By pulling these observations together with some mathematical syntax, a theorem is formed relating to the expansion of binomial terms.
  • Since its antinomianism is so restricted and its lust for blood is minimal, however, it is not an especially dangerous (or effective) one. The truth about left and right « Isegoria
  • One can do this by basing the material on the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein theorem and the like, approximating the Black-Scholes model with discrete-time binomial trees.
  • One of the results on which al-Karaji uses this form of induction comes from his work on the binomial theorem, the binomial coefficients and the Pascal triangle.
  • Etymology.-From Cretaceous, the geological epoch of the genus; and the standard suffix for thrips binomials.
  • To calculate the selection coefficients, the fitness function must be expressed as a polynomial.
  • An analytical expression for determining of singularity configuration which is a polynomial equation is set, and the numeric symbolic manipulating technique is introduced.
  • But of course the variations within England DO take account of variations, albeit imperfectly, and the question we should probably be asking rather than: "How far from £7,362 are we? would be "How does the above list vary from the amount that might be generated by the huge multinomial equation accounting for these and other pertinent factors? Doh! Dimwittery: Game Over For Barnett Formula?
  • Other isolated instances of orthogonal polynomials occurring in the work of various mathematicians is mentioned later.
  • Chronomorphs are recognized by a trinomial preceded by a ‘slash’ mark, such as in Ondatra zibethicus Imeadensis.
  • I haven't factored a polynomial for a decade and then it was to help my daughter with her homework, but I spend most of the day doing multivariable problem solving. Tom Vander Ark: Schools Should Help Kids Build Robust Mental Models
  • We are told that there are similar formulae for roots of cubic and quartic polynomial equations, but these are more complicated, and so, in school we are not taught these formulas.
  • There are some different flavors of random, such as gaussian or normally distributed, binomially distributed, Poisson distributed and the like. Verification r2 Revealed!!! « Climate Audit
  • In the above examples, each piecewise polynomial is defined on an interval with the same length and thus forms a uniform basis. Wolfram Blog : Splines Come to Mathematica
  • There is a wealth of information in the binomial theorem that we have yet to exploit.
  • I had not known about the halting problem, the number [Omega], or Lucas's curious theorem connecting the parity of binomial coefficients and the binary system.
  • Lanczos was much influenced by Fejér; he learnt from him about Fourier series, orthogonal polynomials, and interpolation.
  • Never underestimate the power of antinomianism veiled in the language of love.
  • Polynomially harmonizable processes and finitely polynomially determined Levy processes AvaxHome RSS:
  • There are two kinds of method to calculate the eigenvalues of a matrix:characteristic polynomial method and QR method.
  • In nine cases only one of two same-sex siblings became a breeder; in eight of these it was the heaviest of the two sibs (p =.019, binomial test, n = 9).
  • The likelihood was calculated under the two models according to the multinomial formula.
  • Language disturbance may be evident, as in dysnomia or dysgraphia and perceptual disturbances are common.
  • As Feduccia has pointed out, there is not a great deal of utility in giving every scrap of lithified bone a Latin binomial.
  • The choice of x genes and y taxa approaches true randomness as the binomial coefficient increases relative to replicate number.
  • Liberals find it necessary to deny recurring suspicions that they are antinomians, moral relativists, and secularists set on removing religious values from the public square.
  • It wasn't fun, but it established the rare dysautonomia diagnosis beyond all argument and gave the doctors something to work from rather than blaming me for my symptoms, as a few of them did. My specialist referral: blamed for my own death. Will ANYONE be 'responsible?'
  • In the programming for finding the eigenvalues of the companion matrix of the characteristic polynomial equation, a new balancing transformation technique is developed.
  • binomial nomenclature of bacteria
  • There are also facilities to display the data's standard errors and select polynomial and rational functions.
  • Because the correction is a negative value, a binomial correction results in an overprediction for small numbers of parents.
  • We call a polynomial p (x) with integer coefficients irreducible if p (x) cannot be written as a product of two polynomials with integer coefficients neither of which is a constant. LearnHub Activities
  • An algorithm with polynomial complexity was presented to generate the public part of the process from its private one.
  • His work allowed computations in groups to be replaced by computations in certain polynomial algebras over the field of p elements.
  • B - splines are piecewise polynomial curves that have a parametric representation.
  • -- Key wireless functions such as polynomial generation and multiply - accumulate for de-spreading functions (up to 16 complex code MACs/cycle) -- High precision FFTs with adaptive range management Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • I (x) of the archetype's text (message x) is The expression on the right is the logarithm of the multinomial probability of the particular set of numbers PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • But the nature of quartz, and the basis of relationships among minerals in general, defies the required logic of causality for any system legitimately described in Linnaean binomial terms.
  • The last two categories are the familiar binomial nomenclature used to formally name a species, such as Salvelinus fontinalis. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • Some well-understood examples of these sorts of mutations include the single base pair changes that lead to cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia or other, rarer hereditary diseases like familial dysautonomia or acid maltase disease (a.k.a. Glycogen storage disease type II or Pompe disease, as was featured in recent Harrison Ford flick Extraordinary Measures). Dr. Elaine Schattner: An Educated Medical Consumer: On Personal DNA Testing
  • While structures such as binomial heaps and red-black trees are presented, it is assumed that the reader already knows and understands them. Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • Since I haven't kept up with every antinomian argument since the time of the Huguenots, I only understand about half of his rants.
  • Mathematicians have developed algorithms for finding the roots of polynomial equations without having to plot graphs and locate where curves cross the x axis.
  • The controversial "binomial" electoral system that guarantees congressional seats for the political right remains in place. 'The Glass Has Broken'
  • In 1935 he investigated multinomial distributions.
  • Resentment of an affront is sin; it is anomia, disconformity to the law of love.
  • To do this, you will need to compute 4 distinct Binomial terms. Find the value of each, then add them.
  • It says ‘factor as the product of linear binomials or write prime.’
  • Throughout, all binomials have had the generic name reduced to its initial.
  • These beliefs mark the outer limit of diversity in the generally antinomian culture of contemporary American liberalism.
  • The impedance function is approximated by fractional polynomial, which is represented as a series connection of parallel RL elements (Foster form).
  • Gmelin attributed to Chemnitz's species the binomial name Arca pectinata.
  • The binomial model is a generally accepted method of valuing options.
  • Ms. BAILEY: Depending on what specialist you go to, you can get a different diagnosis, whether it's dysautonomia or mitochondrial disease or chronic fatigue syndrome. 'The Sound Of A Snail': A Patient's Greatest Comfort
  • There are also facilities to display the data's standard errors and select polynomial and rational functions.
  • One year later she was diagnosed with dysautonomia, a disease that affects the autonomic nervous system that would render her unable to practice medicine. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inside Basketball
  • In essence, they consist of piecewise polynomials with local supports. Wolfram Blog : Splines Come to Mathematica
  • Attempts to fit other functions, such as quadratics, other polynomials, logarithmic functions and exponentials all produced very small R-squared values. Home Page
  • There are offenders in the rich world, the worst in this regard, in some respects, being the French, though the antinomian intellectuals of Britain and America are not much better.
  • A new data - processing method for gyro orientation , the trigonometric polynomial fitting method, has been put forward.
  • The same notions can be extended to polynomial equations involving complex numbers.
  • There is still much discussion over the issue of species and binomials in the phylogenetic system, and at present, the draft PhyloCode only addresses supraspecific taxa.
  • Also, all such calculations are done modulo another polynomial, which is called the irreducible polynomial for the field. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • He improved methods for finding square and cube roots, and extended the method to the numerical solution of polynomial equations computing powers of sums using binomial coefficients constructed with Pascal's triangle.
  • In the context of the Boston church, which already taught a Covenant of Grace, the objections of the Antinomians centered on the concept of sanctification.
  • D dissertation is concerned with the dynamics of biquadratic polynomials.
  • The trinomial naming system has been abandoned in favor of the usual binomial naming convention.
  • She has lived her entire life with familial dysautonomia, a less severe form of HSAN. CNN Transcript Feb 20, 2006
  • In such instances, you may know, the individuals who make the discovery have the honor of creating the trinomial.
  • This may serve to overthrow the wild and irrational justification of the antinomians, libertines, and lazy solifidians, who upon this ground only judge themselves to be Christ's, because they believe they are: a way of justification, for its easiness, rather to be wished true than to be thought so. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VII.
  • Paleontologists and biologists have the honor of giving a two-word name, or binomial, to any new species they formally describe in the scientific literature, and the rules for naming are relatively few.
  • He would seem to be offering a kind of antinomian horology at worst, at best an unctuous pragmatism of local mores.
  • The authors were inconsistent in providing the binomial following common names of organisms, including crops, within the text.
  • Curves (such as the trigonometric polynomials of elliptic Fourier analysis) may be fit to such an outline, and then compared through statistical analysis of their parameters.
  • The presentation then went through the "binomial" break apart strategy that's supposed to be teaching kids "algebraic principles in 4th grade", the "change it and make it easier problem" using 98 x 15 as an example (ok change it to 100×15 - 2×15 = 1500 - 30 = 1470). Citizen Tom
  • The STEM topics cover math through a solid precalculus course including basic vector algebra, trigonometry, exponential and logarithmic functions, and advanced understanding of polynomials. The Common Core and the Tech Industry « Steve Wildstrom on Tech
  • In 1915 Macaulay discovered the primary decomposition of an ideal in a polynomial ring, which is the analogue of the decomposition of a number into a product of prime powers.
  • But, over nearly three centuries, the classification system used to organize much of our biological knowledge has remained remarkably arbitrary and ancient: The so-called binomial system of genus and species that Linse and thousands of other biologists use today was first proposed by a Swedish biologist born 300 years ago Wednesday, Carolus Linnaeus. What's in a Name? The Future of Life
  • Many invalid trinomials will persist until someone takes the time to quantify them and reassess their validity.
  • Following Coughlin's analysis, we see how the laxity encouraged by an antinomian atmosphere results in the countenancing of sinful and criminal behavior which, in turn, produces a legalistic reaction.
  • We use the likelihood ratio test on the trinomial probability of the number of nucleotide substitutions over codon positions under the two models and under observed sequence evolution.
  • Akhir kata semoga saran-saran ini sedianya dapat membantu perekonomian Indonesia maupun beberapa negara berkembang yang sedang menghadapi krisis pangan yang cukup berkepanjangan. OPINI DAN ANALISA TAMBAHAN PENGAMATAN PEREKONOMIAN INDONESIA
  • Linnaeus's consistency and wisdom in developing and defending the binomial system of hierarchical classification carried him through to intellectual victory.
  • He generalised Gauss's method of quadrature and expressed the polynomials which are involved as a determinant.
  • Highflier company has launched the R/C helicopter 50 with multinomial independent intellectual property –Aeolus 50.
  • Plinlimmon would seem to be offering a kind of antinomian horology at worst, at best an unctuous pragmatism of local mores.
  • Demonstrations of general theorems; contracted method of division and of finding the highest common divisor of polynominals; theory of indices and radicals; discussion of equations; mathematical infinity, infinitesimals and indeterminate quantities; summation and interpolation of series; theory of logarithms; binomial, multinomial and exponential theorems; theory of probabilities general theory and solution of equations of the higher orders; symbolical representation and properties of numbers; different systems of notation, etc., constituting the philosophy of Arithmetic. A Catalogue of the Officers and Students of The Furman University, for 1860-'61
  • A more recent estimate puts the total number of species at 436 ‘species’ (352 Demospongiae, 49 Calcarea, 35 Hexactinellida) if trinomial taxa, subspecies and varieties are included (R. W. M. van Soest, unpublished data).
  • In an attempt to gain acceptance for the use of duplicate binomials, MacMillan proposed the tautonym A. apios.
  • The concern about antinomianism shown by Schlissel, Shepherd and others should also be shown by other evangelicals.
  • There are many other forgeries in the paper to do with primes, Catalan numbers, binomial and trinomial numbers, mixing some genuine examples with the forgeries.
  • The history of the Church, Coughlin notes, displays periods of both legalism and antinomianism.
  • The curve is a fitted second-degree polynomial.
  • Eunomian heresy; the African voyage was consecrated by the baptism and auspicious name of the first soldier who embarked; and the proselyte was adopted into the family of his spiritual parents, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • This doctrine is known as antinomianism, the doctrine that the Elect are free of all constraint by laws. One Stop Thought Shop
  • Then came the great reform of Carolus Linnaeus and his system of Latin binomials, identifying each organism by genus and species.
  • Curves (such as the trigonometric polynomials of elliptic Fourier analysis) may be fit to such an outline, and then compared through statistical analysis of their parameters.
  • Based on an analysis of 692 binomial tokens from online corpora, we show that a number of semantic, metrical, and frequency constraints contribute significantly to ordering preferences, overshadowing the phonological factors that have traditionally been considered important.
  • Basil calls trigamy, polygamy, and quoting Gregory of Nazianzus (Orat. 31) as calling a third marriage paranomia. NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • For the dispersal of the binomial in the polynomial gives rise to a number of minor difficulties.
  • Oddly enough, with the exception of those related to sex, American Christians tend to take an antinomian view of ‘physical sins.’
  • Head injuries that harm the parietal lobe can also impair the ability to focus on one object at a time, write words ( '' agraphia ''), and name objects ( '' anomia ''). CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The error is in taking the polynomial to be a structural representation of the system, but the basic underlying fallacy remains.
  • Whitney also wrote on graph theory, in particular the colouring of graphs and chromatic polynomials.
  • This isn't a trivial difference; a model that can solve a problem in polynomial time really is fundamentally more powerful than one that takes exponential time. Boing Boing: June 8, 2003 - June 14, 2003 Archives
  • Euler starts with an nth degree polynomial p with the following properties.
  • Many techniques are available to better assess the true relationship between a continuous predictor and an outcome variable, including fractional polynomials, smoothing splines or other smoothing functions.
  • The original title of Proteus (now changed because Miramax is doing a submarine story with the same title) involves the naming of the Protea flower in 1735 when it was given its correct Latin binomial.
  • In this paper, I will take a close look at binomial expressions, namely of the form noun+and+noun, verb+and+verb, and adjective+and+adjective.
  • We show that the unconditional means derived in this paper are actually the positions of the central nodes in HW's trinomial tree.
  • The language has innumerable binomial compounds and collocations, as well as many "sesquisyllabic" or polysyllabic words of Khmer or Indic origin that contain unstressed vowels, so that the phonological texture of the language is very different from that of uncompromisingly monosyllabic languages like Chinese and Vietnamese.
  • That is why it is called the binomial system - there is genus and species.
  • The work contains binomial coefficients and the notation +, -,.
  • McFadden used it to develop his own multinomial logit model, a mathematical formula that assigns preference values to discrete choices for calculating the probability of each choice cf. discrete sets. Korea University: Daniel McFadden's Lecture
  • Liouville had introduced such numbers as examples of transcendental numbers - real numbers that are not roots of polynomial equations with integer coefficients.
  • The error is in taking the polynomial to be a structural representation of the system, but the basic underlying fallacy remains.
  • By the late sixties, however, critics routinely derided Capp as bitter and out of touch; the antinomian values of the generation that he mocked were ascendant.
  • I don't think you made a real distinction between eternal security and perseverance of the saints in your article, and yes, dealing with antinomians has made me sensitive to that.
  • With rational splines, one can create shapes that are not possible to represent with polynomials — for instance, a perfect circle: Wolfram Blog : Splines Come to Mathematica
  • Blake was not an isolated rebel but part of an antinomian tradition, a radical underground, those who wrote within the assumptions of ‘enthusiasm,’ dating back at least to the seventeenth-century religious revolutionaries.
  • Note that the simulated covariance function was not generated from a polynomial.
  • seratonin syndrome hyperadrenalism seizures associated with vasovagal syncope and other types of dysautonomia Hit by Normal, the medicos begin worming in
  • He considered computation with irrational numbers and polynomials to be part of algebra.
  • The two names make up the binomial species name.
  • Health legislation is being used not to improve the state of the nation's health but to undermine its old, family-based values and to replace them with the antinomian morality of the urban elite.
  • And there are tons of computational complexity classes above the standard P and NP that represent problems that deterministic and non-deterministic Turing Machines can solve in polynomial time. Boing Boing: June 8, 2003 - June 14, 2003 Archives
  • Real numbers that are solutions of polynomial equations with integer coefficients are called algebraic, and the search was on for numbers that are not algebraic. Set Theory
  • The papers look at algebraic curves, the Riemann Roch theorem and algebraic polynomials.
  • Indeed, her writing falls within an American antinomian tradition and can be seen as an act of sustained radical revisionist historiography.
  • I guess that null set can hark to nullstellenseitz (sp?) which is the “set of zeroes”, meaning, the set of vectors or points on which a certain function (usually, a multi-variate polynomial) has value zero. stefan Says: Matthew Yglesias » Null Set Blogging
  • The papers look at algebraic curves, the Riemann Roch theorem and algebraic polynomials.
  • On one hand, Luther condemned Agricola's antinomian theology for its rejection of the law in the Christian life.
  • The multinomial coefficient depends only on the sample size and does not influence the parameter estimation and the maximum likelihood tests.
  • A trinomial is the sum of three monomials.
  • From these beginnings he moved to prove a number of limit theorems, now known as the Szegö limit theorem, the strong Szegö limit theorem and Szegö's orthogonal polynomials and on the unit circle.
  • Now Stirling's formula is a classical approximation for the factorial function, and factorials are one way to evaluate binomial coefficients.
  • Erasmus Darwin published his Zoonomia in 1794, which was partly a medical textbook, partly a treatise in biology.
  • In the second chapter, we characterize the relations between locations and multiplicities of zeros of a sequence of real-rooted polynomials defined by a three-term recurrence relation.
  • TASK: write a program to calculate sum of Polynomial by Horner scheme.
  • This strong sense of predestination is a characteristic element in Greene's work and explains much of its antinomian flavor.
  • Several involve retaining the binomial name (genus, species: Homo sapiens) but formatting it differently to distinguish from clade names, so that human beings might become homosapiens in the Hominid clade.
  • Cotes discovered an important theorem on the nth roots of unity, anticipated the method of least squares and discovered a method of integrating rational fractions with binomial denominators.
  • The idea was to start a pendulum from several different heights in order to cover a range of velocities and then to use simultaneous algebraic equations to fit a two or three term polynomial to two or three lost-arc data-points, changing the exponents until the polynomial achieved good agreement with the other lost-arc data points. Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
  • It has various Latin binomials including Acanthopanax gracilistylus, A. sessiloflorus, A. senticosus and according to Chang and But, the name given by Harms, Eleutherococcus senticosus.
  • Daemen and Rijmen picked x 8 + 1 as the modulus polynomial because it was simple-as simple as one could get.
  • El anhelo de la socia es sacar profesional a su hijo que está estudiando la carrera profesional de Ingeniería de agronomía. Kiva Loans
  • E o Doutor Destino, como é conhecido Nouriel Roubini, diz que tamanha injeção de dinheiro no sistema até pode tirar a economia do buraco (em 2011), mas então a conta terá que começar a ser paga. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Does the country play a new role in the world?
  • Then imagine you had several options of specialized online tools, at your disposal, that have been proven to help students like him who may struggle with, for example, polynomials. Leonie Haimson: Gates, In Alliance with Murdoch's News Corp, Builds a New App for Corporate Education Reform?
  • With your mouse, drag data points and their error bars, and watch the best-fit polynomial curve update instantly.
  • There's a spark missing in him, an additional passion that would have long ago forced him to overcome his nerves and to play publicly, knowing that playing is forging a link with an audience, which makes the quadrinomial defined by composer-music-listener-performer complete. A Traitor to Memory
  • Retort is a gathering of antinomians based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Pacific Free Press - Hard Truths for Hard Times - Progressive opinion, dissident news
  • For example in Li's method of writing the sum of the pth powers of the first n natural numbers as sums of binomial coefficients is given.
  • By the doctrine of the covenant of grace without conditions of performance on man's part, but only to believe that he is justified: taught by the antinomians, 84. 2. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
  • It is for this reason why the conflict between legalists who follow the law without the spirit, and antinomians, who believe the law has been renounced in the order of grace, represents a false dichotomy - for the world to be, for our actions to have any real meaning, there must be a law which regulates and grace which frees. Vox Nova
  • The essence of this method is in finding coefficients of basic monomials via the number of possible arrangements of a graph on a finite linearly ordered set that preserves the order of location of vertices.
  • Dementia is chronic and progressive, and it is characterized by the gradual onset of impaired memory and deficits in two or more areas of cognition, such as anomia, agnosia or apraxia.
  • Foil, First-Outer-Inner-Last, refers to the distributive property for multiplying two binomials.
  • Back distinguishes an avant garde from an antinomian stance by situating the latter ‘firmly within a tradition as much as she is in defiance of that tradition’.
  • If fifth-degree polynomials are so hard, what can one do with transcendental functions of a complex variable?
  • Al-Khwarizmi's concept of algebra can now be grasped with greater precision: it concerns the theory of linear and quadratic equations with a single unknown, and the elementary arithmetic of relative binomials and trinomials.…
  • In general there are few known identities involving sums of products of several binomial coefficients.
  • In essence, they consist of piecewise polynomials with local supports. Wolfram Blog : Splines Come to Mathematica
  • Only Cantino et al. have so far discussed and presented a number of proposals as to how the PhyloCode will deal with species, most of which involve taking existing binomial names and making them the names of species under their new system.
  • The two-tailed test of equal binomial proportions was also carried out, but the significance results were so similar to the results that they are not given here.
  • He conjectured results about the number of solutions to polynomial equations over the integers using intuition on how algebraic topology should apply in this novel situation.
  • [8] Head injuries that harm the parietal lobe can also impair the ability to focus on one object at a time, write words (agraphia), and name objects (anomia). CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The degree of the polynomial is the degree of the term with highest degree. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • There are the two extremes of legalism and antinomianism to avoid.
  • Within the 98 families with at least three genera, 59 families had a positive relationship between the speciosity of genera and the mean number of subspecies per species within those genera (one-tailed Binomial test, p = 0.027). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In this paper, we find necessary and sufficient conditions for the stability of a family of annular, complex polynomials with the possibility of including a center polynomial. The proposed results can be modified to solve the disk problem by simply equating the inner radius of the annuli to zero.
  • The use of Linnaean binomials (even in paleontology) conveys more information about the likely relationships of taxa than can the PhyloCode.
  • Montel also investigated the relation between the coefficients of a polynomial and the location of its zeros in the complex plane.
  • But this is the doctrine of the antinomians: and the foundation of this they have laid in another wild, erroneous assertion, that every believer was actually justified from eternity, and that his faith is only a declaration of this to his conscience, but no ways effective of any alteration of his state or condition. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
  • Elsewhere in this issue, Loomis argues that the use of trinomials should be discontinued, causing Witmer Stone to write a letter stating that saving trinomials was ‘of greatest importance.’
  • If we were to insist that every binomial consist of two real Latin words - words known to the Romans - then perhaps there might be trouble ahead.

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