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How To Use Nomad In A Sentence

  • Born in an American Stalinist medical facility**** to foreign parents, he spent his early years nomadically, drifting from country to country***** as his feckless father moved the family in search of lasting employment******. Support Al Kemal for Mayor of London: the People’s Choice! « raincoaster
  • Like the Rhine it also marked a boundary for the Romans; beyond it - unknowable nomads!
  • She was come as a part of a delegation from her people; one of the ragtag nomadic bands that roam the mountains to the north and east. Duet « A Fly in Amber
  • The Nomads played at the club on Thursday and proved very popular with the membership.
  • In theory, this could be a smart strategic move but it is likely to "domesticate" Julian Assange; running such an NGO would require too many boring meetings with potential funders many of whom have already been alienated by the organisation and a nine-to-five office routine - the exact opposite of the glamorous nomadic lifestyle that the founder of WikiLeaks has become famous for. The Guardian World News
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  • The arid land of this autonomous republic supports a nomadic lifestyle.
  • Add to that decades of se vere drought that drove nomads south onto their neighbors 'land, as well as meddling by Libya, America and Chad — which militarized Darfur tribes as Cold War proxies — and by the mid-'80s, the region had ex ploded in civil war, which spi raled into an international con flict with escalating atrocities. Explaining Darfur
  • Legend by then had fructified Chapman (1774-1845), a footloose (and footsore) son of a Bunker Hill veteran, into a mythic, apple-spreading American nomad of the lonesome frontier. A Pro-Growth Strategy
  • As a nation of warrior nomads, they had either attacked or demanded protection money from any outsiders entering their kingdom.
  • Among nomads, women make tents and have more freedom of movement.
  • Many years after we find him living in a remote district beyond the great Orange River, leading the life of a "trek-boor," -- that is, a nomade farmer, who has no fixed or permanent abode, but moves with his flocks from place to place, wherever good pastures and water may tempt him. The Bush Boys History and Adventures of a Cape Farmer and his Family
  • It's why I have no difficulty with Carmen: even if I was not free, I understood her because I have a gypsy, nomadic side.
  • As he described them to the nomads of the Empty Quarter, they thought of the hard dark dunes found in their own desert called barchan dunes.
  • York Nomads hit top form with a 9-1 hammering of Haxby Lions in division five.
  • their nomadic mode of existence
  • Here they lead a nomadic life, following the insect swarms which provide their principal diet.
  • Although they were originally nomads, most Uzbeks have been settled for more than three hundred years.
  • Whereas historically the Kyrgyz were nomadic herders, Uzbeks were settled farmers.
  • Nomads have inhabited this region for thousands of years.
  • The sheer simplicity of camping in wild places has been a way of life for nomadic tribes for thousands of years.
  • Traditionally, Eritreans lived rural lifestyles as farmers or nomadic herdsmen and women.
  • Though they were now only 65 air miles from their destination, the great salt lake lay more than 200 miles down the meandering river, through bands of belligerent nomads, wild rapids and a sun that threatened to "carbonize those who should be unprotected from its fierceness. Old Salt, Dead Sea
  • So there's this Wahhabi sect, very hard liners, I say, and then you have the House of Saud, which is essentially a nomad tribe from the Riyadh vicinity or Najd. NPR Topics: News
  • Settling down has been the Turks' secret to asserting their dominion. Traditionally a nomadic people, they have at last adopted a system of centralised rule to form the Seljuk Empire.
  • The Touareg people are nomads who traveled through the desert.
  • Thus, even though nomads have to get much of their food by slaughtering animals from their herds, their way of life is still religiously respectable.
  • nomads...absorbed among the settled people
  • They named it the Ethnic Corridor (minzu zoulang) and argued that a full understanding of early migration through this pass would shed light on many myths of ethnicity, language, and ritual around Yunnan. 21 The influence of the Di and Qiang nomadic culture was evident in Neolithic relics in Yunnan, revealing the close relationship among Yunnan, Tibet, and Central Asia. 22 Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • Carting along her son and her big 4x5 camera, with its heavy tripod and stacks of sheet film, Kurland has climbed mountains and braved railyard guards to follow and document her "Gypsy American nomads," as she describes the people she's photographed. Photographer Justine Kurland on a road trip with her son, capturing life along the rails
  • The pampas were where the gauchos, nomadic half-Indian herdsmen, roamed and worked.
  • They are addressed to a nomadic tribe whose main economy is primitive agriculture and whose wealth is sometimes counted in people as well as animals. Religion
  • It was a nomadic yet static, spontaneous yet premeditated, engrossing yet mind-numbing existence with no end in sight No prize to be won. ICED
  • Such hats were worn by the Fulani, a semi-nomadic tribe of cattle herdsmen.
  • A member a nomadic Turkic people inhabiting Turkmenistan and neighboring areas in Iran and Afghanistan.
  • The court ruling means other gipsies may also argue that their nomadic lifestyles have been restricted in future planning cases.
  • When approaching a traditional nomad's ger, the correct greeting is "Nokhoi khor," which literally means "hold the dog. Bill Heavey Chases Mongolian Taimen (with Prairie Dogs as Bait)
  • Meanwhile, Beijing forced Xinjiang's nomadic farmers into collectives, which, thanks to the region's limited arable land, were even less productive than those in other parts of the country.
  • Baluchi nomads live in tents made of palm matting stretched on poles.
  • Its people are the Jebali, hardy, semi-nomadic camel-herders whose mother tongue is not Arabic but an ancient South Arabian language related to that once spoken by the Queen of Sheba. Ghost safari: spotting leopards in Oman
  • The red rover of that region will disappear as a combatant in the same way, and before the same weapon, as his brother nomad of Algeria, the earliest victim of the conoidal bullet. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 85, January, 1875
  • The Afars are mostly nomadic pastoralists whose grazing area extends from eastern and southern Eritrea into Ethiopia.
  • Lawrence's nomadic life supplied him with material for much of his writing and he wrote four travel books of a very personal kind.
  • This ability to be self-contained probably came in handy during her nomadic childhood. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Innu were a nomadic people until the mid-20th century. Toronto Sun
  • We unravel old nomadic tents—usually from the border of Kurdish Iraq and Turkey—and respin the wools and redye them using natural dyes. Rug Expert Ben Solemeini
  • In return for their deposits the nomads were given receipts issued by Nur Muhammad that they presented to Nur Muhammad's subcontracted broker and weighman in Peshawar, Jit Mall and his brother, respectively, who countersigned the receipts. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • This nomadic horde on horses is supposed to have ‘conquered’ a civilization covering an area of almost 800,000 square kilometers.
  • Isaac ventured into agriculture to such an extent as to allow us to classify him as a kind of seminomad. Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1
  • This arrangement resulted in the Jamrud darogha often only inscribing in colonial record books the potential transit taxes due from the nomads for their textually coerced commercial traversing of the Khaibar, and the sugar episode indicates the British did not attempt to collect many of these fees from the nomads. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach. Stephen Hawking: Avoid Contact With Aliens | Impact Lab
  • This nomadic improvisation troupe takes its ad-lib comedy to movie theatres and bars.
  • The Tuareg are a nomadic people who have roamed the southern Sahara for centuries. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The nomadic herdsmen of those times constructed stone mounds and stone-flagged graves of great size.
  • The nomadic life in part explains his success. Times, Sunday Times
  • Devaji's family, like other Marwari nomads, has travelled all over the country before reaching the city five years ago.
  • Canoes have played a crucial role for the Kamoro to retain their semi-nomadic lifestyle, particularly in collecting sago and catching fish - their two basic staples of their diet.
  • Nomadic space is smooth, without features, undifferentiated from other spaces.
  • After Tiglath-Pileser I, the Assyrians were in decline for nearly two centuries, a time of weak and ineffective rulers, wars with neighboring Urartu, and encroachments by Aramaean nomads.
  • After three more moves, our people were ready to forsake the nomadic life. Christianity Today
  • Other reminders of the family's nomadic life also appear. Times, Sunday Times
  • The nomad was buttoning on a deep green shirt over his wife-beater as he strode toward the landing, his nut-brown hair hanging in loose, shining waves to his shoulders. Etched in Bone
  • A few species of Emberizids are migratory, but most are permanent residents or make only short-distance migrations or nomadic wanderings.
  • The nomads who lived in this harsh land wove no moral message into the landscape. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • We have seen the proliferation of "schizoid" global/local dialectics and non-binary explanations to map the uneven, fragmentary, and nomadic flux of capitalist culture across borders.
  • Among those added to the list is the saiga, a nomadic antelope inhabiting the steppes and semi-arid deserts of central Asia.
  • The circus, the nomadic tent show of breathtaking performances, is on.
  • A deep-toned booming note came then from the hills, commencing like the warning siren of a space liner approaching its berth and swelling to a bombilation of ear-shattering sound that set the steel of the _Nomad's_ hull vibrating and their very flesh and bones a-tingle. Creatures of Vibration
  • Sometime between now and Tuesday we need to go over to the camping store in Carmarthen or perhaps in Swansea to buy either air beds or roll-up foam mattresses for our nomad night in Lincolnshire.
  • Actually, however, its roots go back deeper to an ethnic dispute and power struggle between African farmers and Arab nomads over water and land rights.
  • And their nomadic way of life appears incompatible with the realities of modern society in these crowded islands. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each year during harvest time, this rural community in Mali is host to two nomadic groups that come to graze their cattle or to work as herders.
  • It was only after the Mongols tamed horses, yaks and camels that they took to a nomadic herding lifestyle.
  • In the story, the central character, Nazar Chagataev, sets out from Moscow to rescue the starving nomadic nation of his own birthplace and bring it safe back to the bosom of the Party.
  • For centuries the nomadic Tsaatan people have roamed the taiga of northern Mongolia, raising the reindeer that provide their livelihood.
  • At one time, the nomadic Kazaks lived in yurts, cone-shaped tents of white felt stretched over a framework of wooden poles.
  • There was no indication of life anywhere, no flock of goats nibbling at desert weed, no low-pitched tents of nomads, no string of came ls. SKORPION'S DEATH
  • The species is desired by nomadic livestock herders for harvesting.
  • An old story tells of a desert nomad who awakened hungry in the middle of the night. Christianity Today
  • nonnomadic people
  • This remote and arid steppe, across which Ghengis Khan marched his vast army, was once the haunt of nomadic farmers.
  • The interaction between the Eurasian pastoral nomads and the surrounding sedentary societies is a major theme in world history.
  • He is not the only one to opt for the nomadic lifestyle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lauri Lyons is the publisher of NOMADS Magazine and the author of Flag: An American Story. Lauri Lyons: Go Wild and Green in Costa Rica!
  • Once when we met in the midst of his frequent and hectic jaunts from airport to airport, city to city, project to project, I asked, ‘Karanth, what do you want out of this nomadic life?’
  • He was, in truth, a nomad, a rootless wanderer, trailing from one country to another and one place to another, varying longer stays with many restless shorter travels, living alone except when visiting or journeying with friends.
  • In fact, it's a diverse land of stunning scenery, generous nomads and abundant wildlife.
  • What yellowbelly Hack and Mr. El Cid fail to mention relative to the numbers they cite is that it includes Bedouins who were not permanent residents of what is now Israel but were nomads who just happened to be present when the census figures were taken. Matthew Yglesias » Gaza and Just War
  • The only native Emirian artistic traditions are those passed down from the Bedu nomads.
  • In the east and north are the humanoid hordes and the barbarian nomads.
  • Presumably the nomads brought them with them when they came.
  • The first and most important are authentic nomadic items which employ their own tribal guls.
  • Since the Kazaks were nomads, during the 1800s it was possible for large numbers of Slavic settlers to move into and seize the land inhabited by the Kazaks.
  • These are pastoralists or nomads, if you will, who make their living by herding their livestock.
  • The vehicles contained five men dressed in the flowing robes and turbans of nomadic tribesmen. Times, Sunday Times
  • First of all it is difficult for nomads to gather at one place so important events are made to coincide.
  • The naked nomad in the bedrooms of the land.
  • Political tensions exist between sedentary peoples and nomads.
  • Initially, the Jewish settlers coexisted peacefully and harmoniously with the indigenous, partly nomadic Arab population.
  • While most of the Bedouin tribesman of the Wadi Rum area have now given up a nomadic lifestyle, camels are still valuable currency in a country not enriched by oil.
  • We found a pastoral scene of verdant meadows and a scattered population of seminomadic Kyrgyz - Islamic subsistence farmers who come here in summer, tending yaks and cows.
  • As with nomads generally, it was always easy for a Parthian king to shark up a great army and achieve a striking victory; but as a rule impossible to keep the horde so sharked up thogether for solid conquests; and above all, it was impossible to organize anything. The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • Ships in this niche group are higher priority for longterm preservation, meaning Nomadic has a better chance of winning funding, including Heritage Lottery Funding. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Another problem, he said, was that nomadic Bedouin tribesmen who may have information of value are difficult to find. Speicher, Michael S.
  • He often prepared dishes that he and Becky had discovered in their nomadic hippie days in Mexico, and I still get weak-kneed just thinking of his roasted Coca-Cola chicken with hominy and his boiled yucca with olive oil and sea salt.
  • The prisoners were also made to cook and wash for the militiamen, who are mostly from nomadic tribes and who travel by horse and camel.
  • And, of course, fur, shearling and leather are major components of the collection and recall the animal-skin coats that all the best-dressed nomads favour.
  • Nomads of the desert and the high plateau live in tents woven from goat's hair, wool, and grass.
  • Nomadic species take advantage of temporary superabundant food resources that are unpredictable in time and space.
  • Do you live a nomadic lifestyle? Times, Sunday Times
  • My father's family are descended from the Wends, a nomadic people from the Slav lands who were gypsies, musicians and physicians.
  • The nomadic life as led by a Bedouin in the desert may have some romantic appeal, but I can't see what is attractive about it here.
  • Even then, the term sumptuousness may seem ill-chosen, since the nomadic nature of African life persists in spite of palaces and chamberlains and all the elaborate ritual of the Makhzen, and the most pompous rites are likely to end in a dusty gallop of wild tribesmen, and the most princely processions to tail off in a string of half-naked urchins riding bareback on donkeys. In Morocco
  • Norse nomads
  • After all, I†™ m still going to be LIVING Life Nomadic,. "you got all hyped about pushing through the dip, but it doesn't seem like you're going to do that for LN to make it the best in the world. anyways, i follow all your sites (gadling, here, etc) through rss, so combining them or not doesn't matter to me, i'll see all your content anyways. it could be a fine idea Tynan | Life Outside the Box
  • Sufi cultists, Egyptian deserters, riverain farmers, and desert nomads all received the patched white jibba. Three Empires on the Nile
  • These new nomads were the survivors, the refugees displaced by the natural disaster, sometimes referred to in mythology as the ‘sea peoples’.
  • These Indians retain few of their ancient characteristics, except their dark complexions and their comfortless nomade way of living. The Englishwoman in America
  • Are we to believe that bushido warriors in Edo Japan, princes and minstrels in medieval Europe, Renaissance courtesans and Mongol nomads were lacking because their lives failed to square with a modern ideal of personal autonomy?
  • I am one such nomad, which is why I find myself in Hong Kong airport, now en route to Paris Travel news, travel guides and reviews |
  • Men from the north in those days came from nomadic tribes and were supposed to be strong and brave.
  • The Germanic tribes were not nomads, they were farmers.
  • Also, computer industry trends toward distributed computing, and nomadic or mobile computer users, only exacerbate security challenges.
  • Because origin could not be ascertained, both species were classified as resident as well as nomadic.
  • As with his brother's songs, Nels Cline's material often contains an emotional charge, most conspicuous during introspective, acoustic numbers such as dobro / guitar duet "The Nomad's Home," "The Androgyne," and "Prayer Wheel," an older conception that may be Cline's most melodically accessible appearance, suggestive of Ralph Towner's ECM releases. Audiophile Audition Headlines
  • The Conference would not allow the club to groundshare for longer than five seasons without having some definitive end in sight to their nomadic life.
  • Certainly, the Turkoman nomads have used the gul motif as a tribal emblem, or standard, for centuries.
  • Hishorrific wounds and demonic face all paint and fakery for the sake ofthe show, a performer belonging to the Bahurupi nomad communityprepares to entertain villagers in the state of Maharashtra.
  • The Polka are a semi-nomadic people, traversing the continent in motorhomes and campers annually in search of summer recreation at Polka Festivals.
  • -- Emily FlynnExhibits: The Art Is in the SpaceIf any artist today could be called a nomad, it's Canada-born photographer Gregory Colbert, who roams the globe shooting wildlife. Periscope
  • Half a century ago, most Arabs lived in rural areas or as nomadic tribes. Times, Sunday Times
  • What many do not realise is that Niger is a country three times the size of France and that 85% of the people are nomadic.
  • Asher has never stayed in one place for long; he is a nomad, and he remembers it well.
  • The view from the top is epistemologically crippling, and reduces its subjects to the illusions of a host of fragmented subjectivities, to the poverty of the individual experience of isolated nomads … This placeless individuality, this structural idealism which affords us the luxury of the Sartrean blink, offers a welcome escape from the ‘nightmare of history,’ but at the same time it condemns our culture to psychologism and the ‘projections’ of private subjectivity. Matthew Yglesias » Time to Play This Video Again I Guess
  • The prisoners were also made to cook and wash for the militiamen, who are mostly from nomadic tribes and who travel by horse and camel.
  • Canaanites in the Early Bronze Age lived both as wandering nomads in the countryside and as settled traders in walled cities.
  • Romani nomads
  • The nomads were standing with their camels, the animals looking as expectant as their owners. Somewhere East of Life
  • ‘Natives’ — nomadic persons, encamping now in Asia, now in The Mystery of Edwin Drood
  • Competing trade documents prompted tangible social interaction between state functionaries such as the Peshawar qafilabashi and the Jamrud darogha, and between each of those officials and the nomads, as documents from 1896 indicate. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • The nomad existence of the Gypsies is a mystery to a lot of ordinary people.
  • The first settlers of Japan, the Jomon people, named for the cord markings that decorated the surfaces of their clay vessels, were nomadic hunter-gatherers.
  • My first task was trying to acquire some reliable information about the nomads.
  • It was a nomadic yet static, spontaneous yet premeditated, engrossing yet mind-numbing existence with no end in sight No prize to be won. ICED
  • I had such a nomadic childhood and adult working life, modelling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tchink, and by a forced march to surprise the tribes which nomadized on the Sam. Russia As Seen and Described by Famous Writers
  • A central exploration of these situations has been the creation of nomadic habitations, which are designed to be worn, slept, stored and sheltered in.
  • Without a dar, the Jalul and the handful of other nomadic groups relied on a socio-geographical order that gave them customary rights to migrate and pasture their animals in areas dominated by farmers.
  • Like waxwings, fieldfares are nomadic and show no allegiance to regular wintering areas.
  • Similarly in the remote Wakhan corridor in the North East of Afghanistan a nomad people who summered there were trapped when the passes were mined.
  • Living constantly in public, without opportunity for holding family intercourse, and being without either home cares or home pleasures, nomade, restless, pleasure-seeking habits are induced, which have led strangers to charge the Americans with being destitute of home life. The Englishwoman in America
  • Ryan's comfortably nomadic existence is upset when his smarmy boss, Craig (Jason Bateman), hires the freshly minted Natalie (Anna Kendrick) and institutes her plan to "revolutionize" the business by terminating employees via the Internet. Timely 'Up in the Air' rises to challenge with humor, heart
  • The Native American tipi was used mainly by nomadic Indians of the Great Plains.
  • The presence of such oases made human travel and nomadic existence possible in arid lands.
  • He felt a certain sense of dread slowly creep over him as he watched her move to sit with another group of the nomadic gypsies.
  • He had heard her story trading tales with the nomads who had once ferried him across the Shem plains. Archive 2009-12-01
  • And yet the state, which includes all the citizens of the state, believes that it can blot out this wisdom of mine in the final dark by means of a rope about my neck and the abruptive jerk of gravitation — this wisdom of mine that was incubated through the millenniums, and that was well hatched ere the farmed fields of Troy were ever pastured by the flocks of nomad shepherds! Chapter 1
  • The converts among the merchants and nomadic rulers built temples, pagodas and cave sanctuaries carved into the canyon cliffs and mountains along the Yellow River.
  • The nomads raided the enemy camp and captured over 100 camels.
  • Birds that were altitudinal migrants or local nomads were classified as resident.
  • Saint was so impressed by the catering and culinary skill of our host, that she decided to inaugurate a prize to be won by the bachelor estanciero who shall provide the best meals for the hungry nomads during the trip; certainly our host for to-day has put the standard very high for the other competitors. Argentina from a British Point of View
  • Characterizing Jews as cerebral nomads, submissive and victimized by nature, he almost seems to hate and accost them as a means to elicit their retaliation. Overlooked Movie Monday: The Believer » Scene-Stealers
  • Of the country's two and a half million people, nearly half remain nomadic livestock herders.
  • He often prepared dishes that he and Becky had discovered in their nomadic hippie days in Mexico, and I still get weak-kneed just thinking of his roasted Coca-Cola chicken with hominy and his boiled yucca with olive oil and sea salt.
  • The nomads, he said, were intensely jealous of strange men catching sight of their womenfolk, so I should stay in the Landcruiser while he advanced half way across the scrub.
  • The Tuareg are a traditionally nomadic people who live in countries touching the Sahara Desert including Mali, Algeria, Niger and Libya.
  • Since then, MV ‘Nomad’ has been busy with various other operations including coastal towage, berthage assistance and buoy/light handling and positioning.
  • It's about a nomadic storyteller in India named Bram who's preoccupied with Dracula.
  • UN workers are a strange breed who lead a bizarre, nomadic existence.
  • A group of nomad families sharing a common ancestry is more likely to deal with the challenges of the desert.
  • What did this desert nomad make of that? Times, Sunday Times
  • In ancient times, the people of Asir were able to take advantage of the damp climate and abandoned the nomadic way of life essential for survival in the rest of Arabia.
  • Historically, Arabs in Sudan tend to practice nomadic pastoralism, and black Africans (such as the Fur or Masalit) tend to subsist through sedentary agriculture.
  • They led a nomadic life, moving to wherever they could find adequate grazing around the southern edge of the Air Mountains.
  • There are the tents of nomads and flocks of sheep and goats with children and women in attendance.
  • There are about two million nomads in Afghanistan.
  • It was only after the Mongols tamed horses, yaks and camels that they took to a nomadic herding lifestyle.
  • He's a nomad, never staying in one place too long.
  • The dead included nomadic people who had only tents for shelter and villagers cut off from food and medical aid because roads had been blocked. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the opening ceremony, 56-year old Runggye Adak, a respected senior of the nomadic community, strode onstage -- an unexpected presence among Chinese military guests and dignitaries in attendance. Kate Saunders: Pictures From Tibet That Tell a Story of Courage
  • A tantalising childhood image was of nomad tinkers who came trailing families and children, and disappeared as suddenly beyond the horizon.
  • As I travelled with the nomads and researched about them I found that nomadism was more than just being on the move.
  • The bug showing multiple nomad invasions warn has been fixed.
  • A legacy of nomadic lifestyles gives people a sense of defiant self-rule, observers say, while the nation's poverty nurtures discontent toward people in power who take bribes and kickbacks.
  • Such is the nomadic existence of the international press corps.
  • He is not the only one to opt for the nomadic lifestyle. Times, Sunday Times
  • His bold, expressive pictures are unmatched in the Islamic world, showing scenes of nomadic life; dancing and music-making demons, and Sufi dervishes.
  • Raiding nomadic herders forced the populations to live in walled cities for defense and to entrust their protection to an aristocratic class of leaders.
  • It's about a nomadic storyteller in India named Bram who's preoccupied with Dracula.
  • Tacitus admired the Germanic tribes, Herodotus the barbarian Scythians, Ibn Khaldun the nomadic Beduin, and the Chinese the Mongols. [more ...] Archive 2010-02-01
  • But even in calm times nomads are scornful of nation - states.
  • Partly because so much of my life has been a nomadic existence. The Sun
  • The Nomads were the only other large group of people around, but they were so different from us that we could never hope to coexist.
  • In Romantic poetry, for instance, and its Victorian derivations and attenuations, anything nomadic is anticipated by the sporadic: those irregular phonemic rhythms entrained to signification in the first place — but not entirely enchained there. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • No matter where they paid their fees, the nomads received a pass for their expenditure from the Peshawar qafilabashi that was necessary for them to be formally received by the darogha or British official stationed at Jamrud, the eastern "gate" of the Khaibar Pass. 57 The nomads 'textual, fiscal, and physical engagement of the Peshawar qafilabashi was ostensibly confined to the animals used to convey Durrani state property to Kabul. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • Since then, they were more like marauding nomads.
  • Contrary to their romantic image, nomads are not simply footloose people addicted to wanderlust.
  • India and Al-Yaman, Banca tin, hides supplied by the nomade Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • The nomads were standing with their camels, the animals looking as expectant as their owners. Somewhere East of Life
  • In fact, the massive increase in migration contained a considerable quantity of impermanent movement - temporary, seasonal or merely nomadic.
  • Another big misunderstanding of previous decades was to confuse nomadism with migration or travel.

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