
nolle pros

  1. drop prosecution of by entering a nolle prosequi in the court records
    They nolle prossed the charge

How To Use nolle pros In A Sentence

  • They nolle prossed the charge
  • Often a defendant is 'shotgunned' with multiple charges in many jurisdictions with the expectation (or hope) that they will plead guilty to at least one, - and the rest nolle prossed (or dropped) and the DA or States 'Attorney will be spared from going to trial. City
  • _They found the man not guilty and they found her guilty_, but Judge Avery set the verdict aside and ordered the case _nolle prossed_ against her. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 4, 1919
  • The part of preface: with the express abuse of bring an accusation against minor, make sure the intention of establishing the minor relative nolle prosequi system in our country.
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