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How To Use Noisily In A Sentence

  • Here and there a red squirrel jumped down noisily, then hopped back on to a horizontal log cushioned with soft green moss.
  • Cats were slumbering noisily beneath the TV set and a smallish party of utter strangers were drinking Harp in the saloon lounge. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • Lizards scurry in the leaf litter at my feet, monkeys feed noisily in the branches above nay head, a vine snake makes its sinuous way toward an unsuspecting small bird.
  • The children whined, splashing each other and Knazarath a few more times, but then followed the guard to the bedroom obediently, if a bit noisily.
  • The man beside him belched noisily and turned to the traveler.
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  • Below, the stream tumbles noisily into a large pit broken by an enormous spike of rock.
  • The reptilian monstrosity shook off the vines with total ease, body curled up beneath the neck, and tail stretched out behind it, rattling noisily.
  • She noisily chewed on her gum, stomping to the seat adjacent to mine, not bothering to reply until she'd settled comfortably with said boots crossed upon the desk.
  • I stomped noisily into my bedroom and sat on my swiveling chair.
  • The cheerleaders who were already occupying a big table in the center did the DSV cheer in their seats, waving their pompoms around noisily.
  • They continued until they got to the front desk where the receptionist gave them suckers, which they sucked on noisily.
  • So saying, the otter slipped several quivering slabs of coelenterate between two pieces of breadfruit and commenced chewing noisily. The Time of the Transference
  • As she slurped water noisily, I put her leash back in the drawer.
  • It landed on an outjutting rocky snag in the center of a large hot pool and shattered noisily. The Moment Of The Magician
  • As she buried herself under the thin, moth-eaten sheets, she knew it was no use trying to sleep, she had two hours of it in the carriage, and the way Zacharias was noisily rummaging through his suitcase wasn't helping.
  • Boys noisily demand balloons from him, which they then watch fly into the gunmetal Glasgow sky bearing the slogan ‘Say yes to progress’.
  • The pile of books flopped noisily onto the floor.
  • When no answer was forthcoming, the plump girl began to bawl noisily.
  • They decided to frighten her off by firing an arrow so it would noisily strike the pot.
  • The students on the grass bank cheered noisily.
  • The sound of someone moving noisily up the steps attracted Margaret's attention.
  • At the sink, Neil noisily gargled something medicinal.
  • Every few seconds he harrumphed noisily to indicate his impatience.
  • Inside the floors are splintery and rusty fans clank noisily above our heads.
  • He had cried noisily and without shame at the news of Esther's death.
  • But he didn't endear himself with the others by chomping noisily on his food either. The Sun
  • Chattering noisily, the crowd began to filter into the auditorium.
  • Regarding personal habits, you will meet few people who still manage snot and mucus in the traditional way by hawking it up noisily and then spitting, at least not in the city.
  • Massive thumbs flicked, effortlessly sending metal crate tops high into the air, defying both their locks and hinges, to land noisily in crumpled heaps on the floor. 365 tomorrows » 2006 » November : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • A stiff north-westerly wind blew bracingly in from the grey and ochre ocean, soughing noisily through a field of high green corn stalks, bending the inland ash and thorn and willow, scraping the short turf and the bare headlands. Margaret Drabble | Trespassing
  • A procession of Treasure Island pirates carrying cardboard boxes bulging with beer bottles were already noisily boarding the coach.
  • One of the regulars tapped his pewter tankard on the bar and cleared his throat noisily.
  • Ko-chin looked curiously at Molly who was noisily slurping her soda.
  • She was crunching noisily on an apple.
  • He also missed the essential semantic component of to crepitate, namely, ` to expell gas noisily, 'regardless of whether as a burp or a fart. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VI No 3
  • A pigeon emerges, wings flapping noisily, from the tower.
  • As the sun goes down, the birds flock together noisily then settle in for the night.
  • The exhausted dancers were amazed to see a full-and noisily excited-house when the curtain rose.
  • She sat by the window, noisily gulping her morning coffee.
  • He flung a butter knife at my head and it clanged noisily off the wallpaper and onto the abused linoleum floor.
  • Both of the treads and several wheels couldn't take the sudden acceleration, tearing away noisily and flying off on their own short trajectories.
  • People look askance at the young driver as the car passes noisily by.
  • As I write, the skies are echoing not with the beating of angelic wings but with the rotating blades of surveillance helicopters circling noisily overhead.
  • A procession of Treasure Island pirates carrying cardboard boxes bulging with beer bottles were already noisily boarding the coach.
  • Frank noisily rummages around a drawer and gets a pack of cigarettes and lights one.
  • But he didn't endear himself with the others by chomping noisily on his food either. The Sun
  • Black, brown, orange, yellow, must be a few thousand fluffy little birds, waddling determinedly away from the train that passes noisily above them.
  • Kalvyn was steps ahead as he smacked noisily on the delicious bird.
  • His particular poison was a boilermaker of Guinness and Tullamore Dew whiskey, supped noisily and with relish. Three for the christmas
  • Giant wasps noisily hummed around the countryside killing innocent people with their deadly sting.
  • I launched out of the room noisily and into the living room, clenching the phone tightly.
  • I could have lived without Annie Sullivan's writhing and lavishly bruised and sore-pocked young brother dying noisily in her arms in the middle of the second act, but I'm sure she could have, too. The Miracle Worker
  • I'm parked in front of the television my thumb resting on the remote control volume button in case the kids decide to noisily tumble into the room.
  • A bird to match sang in a cage in the window, noisily saluting the room. COFFIN IN FASHION
  • She ran faster, shouted harder, but it roared noisily on and disappeared round a bend.
  • Jane sobbed noisily, but the others were calm with what is sometimes called the calmness of despair. The Phoenix and the Carpet
  • The pile of books flopped noisily onto the floor.
  • I scudded my seat back noisily and stomped up to the counter, swooping the sandwich up myself.
  • On the UK version they were just selling this plasticky bath mat thing that shoots bubbles at you (very noisily, as the presenter had to shout throughout the presentation).
  • No lights, no water, but, strangely, on Bourbon Street, a generator churned noisily to life and a model of a woman's leg, gartered and fishnetted, began to swing back and forth from above the entrance to the club.
  • He returned, and began to noisily bang his spoon on the table to distract Al-Allaf, who ignored him and continued to read out loud.
  • What exactly is the etiquette of sitting next to someone on the train who is noisily and abusively breaking up with their boyfriend on a mobile phone?
  • The outraged Father was supping noisily from his medicine, oblivious of the head's disapproving frown. THE MANANA MAN
  • Ducks were quacking noisily on the lake.
  • It roars to life and sputters noisily, but Hill assures me this has nothing to do with the biodiesel; the van just needs some work.
  • His particular poison was a boilermaker of Guinness and Tullamore Dew whiskey, supped noisily and with relish. Three for the christmas
  • A TV set is propped in a corner, budgies in cages tweet noisily as we walk past fish tanks.
  • There was no other sound save the rattle of equipment and the trundle of the wagons as the column slid noisily into the town. Man of Honour
  • A troop of children rushed in and chased each other noisily.
  • That when all men have said "Impossible," and tumbled noisily elsewhither, and thou alone art left, then first thy time and possibility have come. Daily Strength for Daily Needs
  • Mr Howard departs in the Jag, the square empties and young people he might call ‘yobs’ resume their evening perches, mooching about noisily and doing wheelies on their bikes.
  • Uncle Rob noisily looked through the room before breezing out the door, shutting it behind him.
  • A group of children noisily pushed through the crowd, so Jag flattened himself against the wall to keep from getting squashed.
  • Her pen fell out of her fingers and clattered noisily onto the table.
  • Mid-interview, his adopted son, Michael, noisily interrupts as he barged in with a few friends clutching a bunch of bananas.
  • An assistant began waving his arms and talking to the dealer noisily in his native tongue.
  • One article I just found on the Internet, which means it should be accorded no more respect than it deserves, has this: "To barrack for," Australian slang for "to vigorously and noisily support a sports team," most likely comes from the Aboriginal Australian word "borak," meaning "nonsense or silliness. Genre writer Peter Temple wins literary award
  • Although the empty buildings on the now derelict structure are silent by day, they come noisily alive on winter nights with the chirps, whistles, and varied murmurings of starlings - tens of thousands of them.
  • During Autumn, flights of noisily calling fieldfares often pass low over our garden heading into a fresh south-westerly wind.
  • It does du louvre hotel in damkina out that too insistently dolichocephaly is not a unshakably bize, this is particularly the unwittingly vicarious scandentia. is lablink with much machiavellianism direfully round, he unceremoniously mangosteen corvine a noisily safranine gerreidae when narghile to his onomasticon songfulness. Rational Review
  • They splashed noisily into the water and we clambered down the pier steps, watching the ghostly glows from their torches disappear into the inky blackness.
  • When the waitress returned with everybody else's drinks, Jason snatched the white cappuccino mug and noisily slurped the foam beginning to overflow atop the glass.
  • After lunch I felt so bad I dissolved some aspirin in warm water, gargled noisily and swallowed gratefully.
  • Their subtle lack of receptiveness is finally made flagrantly obvious when one noisily hawks an enormous loogie and spits it onto the stove, where it sizzles like an oyster at a beachside barbecue.
  • Others watched as sheets of metal flapped visibly and noisily.
  • We should stop and think about why he noisily rattled a big tin cup midway through the week.
  • At one point, he noisily rips a sheet of paper off his pad.
  • Autumn's idea of musical harmony was recklessly playful and noisily uncaring of delicate fragility.
  • The bolt noisily slid away, and they opened the door.
  • Just saw either Denny or Furzey on the goshawk nest who came into site noisily from off-camera and picked at the nest a bit. L'accent tonique - French Word-A-Day
  • A black snake - a harmless racer - dropped noisily from a low sable palm branch and disappeared into the underbrush.
  • I dropped the bottle at her feet, so the liquid noisily sloshed and fizzed.
  • There was no other sound save the rattle of equipment and the trundle of the wagons as the column slid noisily into the town. Man of Honour
  • She stomped noisily away, and headed towards the long wagon where her family slept.
  • Giant wasps noisily hummed around the countryside killing innocent people with their deadly sting.
  • The kids stomped around noisily much to the consternation of the waiters who nevertheless stood stoically in attendance.
  • About a sazhen [Fathom] below the level of the barraque there coursed noisily over its bed of stones a rivulet white with foam. Through Russia
  • I heard voices in the cabins on either hand of me; some people came out of one of the after berths, and passed us, talking noisily but they took no heed of me or of my friend.
  • Someone suddenly dived into the man, and the blade clattered noisily to the floor.
  • LEDs flashed within its motorized depths, eclectic raspings and moans issued forth as cobbled-together parts scraped noisily against one another. The Mocking Program
  • But he didn't endear himself with the others by chomping noisily on his food either. The Sun
  • He sat down in his chair and visibly twitched in annoyance as it squeaked noisily.
  • Brittany followed closely behind, noisily stomping up the stairs.
  • The students on the grass bank cheered noisily.
  • Margarethe begins to sulk at Henrika and, from time to time, to disagree pointedly, even noisily, over methods of housewifery. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • Despite being seated apart, Liz, Gloria and Serena talked to each other noisily across the round table. JUST BETWEEN US
  • he blew his nose noisily
  • The ringing of the phone continued to burst through my eardrums noisily.
  • The sun was bright and cheerily shone in on her bed, the birds were chirping noisily, Mathilde was lowing from the barn eager to be milked, and she smelled breakfast.
  • On the opposite corner a dusty station wagon idled noisily at the red light.
  • The rough clientele of the pub, understanding nothing except that a formerly bad-tempered dispute was being amicably resolved, cheered noisily.
  • Police stormed the residence and found 11 enthusiastic people noisily engaged in a rowdy game of dice.
  • She was noisily sucking up milk through a straw.
  • Sleep through that, and you could still be woken early by magpies clattering along the corrugated rooftop like Cajun washboard-players, or an ill-bred bluetit noisily investigating the eaves. Wildwood
  • She chewed with her mouth open, crunching her cereal noisily and glaring at Aus.
  • McPherson pulled a large bundle of keys out of his overstuffed pocket, causing them to chink and jingle noisily.
  • The knife clattered noisily to the floor.
  • She was noisily sucking up milk through a straw.
  • We were noisily appreciative of this, and spent much time sitting around on Midsummer Common (outside the Fort St George), and toasting Heather's brilliant supportive role.
  • She poured herself a cup of tea, adding three lumps of sugar since she loved sweets, and sipped it noisily.
  • The pile of books flopped noisily onto the floor.
  • She paused to swallow noisily, burped, and then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.
  • Their only fellow bedmates now were the old man snoring noisily against the far wall, and the cat curled above Michael's head like a black fur halo.
  • He heard Hughes eating noisily at a folding table in a far corner of the room. THE LAST RAVEN
  • We spent the rest of our time in town watching freight trains noisily pass over the diamond.
  • He solved the Chelsi problem by having her noisily eaten by a Stygian panther in the lab menagerie.
  • There is also a farm where one can noisily wrestle with an alligator. Times, Sunday Times
  • If a program must "abend" (Abnormal End) then it should do so noisily and with as much information as possible. The Mainframe Blog
  • And then the vehicles noisily rumble back in again at 3.30 pm.
  • The chestnuts on the fire sputtered and crackled noisily.
  • At this point the squire was laughing so noisily that Sophia had to stop; and his hearty _ha, ha, ha_! was so contagious, that Harry and The Squire of Sandal-Side A Pastoral Romance
  • The children were playing noisily upstairs.
  • The children clattered ( ie ran noisily ) downstairs.
  • She also got cranky several times: when her powerpoint remotes didn't work for a few seconds, when a bartender was apparently too noisily shaking a drink at one of the bars, and, most rudely, when she was "heckled" by those who had had enough of her new album. Dr. Jim Taylor: Natalie Merchant a Disappointment in Concert
  • The veneers are prone to peeling and cracking, the cabinet door hinges tend to loosen and the doors bang noisily instead of shutting with a satisfying 'thunk'. Archive 2005-10-01
  • Wildlife was plentiful, especially bustard which soared vertically into the air when disturbed, flying noisily in a wide circle until we were past.
  • I could hear mum venting her frustration by banging the pots noisily.
  • The air was sweet as a cool bath, the stars were peeping noisily beyond the their neons, and the citizens of the Queendom, in their jeans and separates, were floating down the Shaftesbury avenue canals, like gondolas.
  • The lady to my left is fissling her sandwiches open and munching away noisily.
  • From the word sabot, comes the verb saboter: "to bungle," literally, "to walk noisily": with it, the reminder to no longer stomp, but to tiptoe past the Gallic culture that still whispers out from every French nook and cranny, to travel forward--light on my feet--so as not to "sabotage" this French experience. Mother-in-law

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