How To Use Noise level In A Sentence
Low noise level , low oil consumption, wind cooling without water, reasonable structure, steady performances.
Here's my list of factors to take into account: seating for browsers flooring general look of the place temperature, light, smell, noise level browsability of books availability of coffee attitude of security staff
Archive 2005-11-01
It is an unfunny fact that last-desk violists - placed immediately before the trumpets - have been proven to suffer noise levels and hearing loss more usually associated with wielders of electric drills and road-cutting equipment.
The decibel scale is logarithmic - a noise level of 30 decibels is therefore ten thousand times quieter than the sound of a conversation.
They have been asked to submit a technical proposal outlining specific building or insulation plans to contain the noise levels to an acceptable standard within an appropriate timescale.
The pickup features an exclusive transducer that Guild claim offers advanced sensitivity and dynamic range as well as low noise levels.
Also, construction equipment such as jackhammers and trucks were equipped with mufflers in order to keep noise levels as low as possible.
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The noise level recorded reached 65 decibels - the equivalent of a train thundering past.
The willful violations are for failing to conduct noise monitoring for employees who were exposed to noise levels at or above a time-weighted average of 120 dBA, to identify and evaluate respiratory hazards associated with methylene diphenyl diisocyanate and to provide a carbon monoxide monitor for employees utilizing compressed air from an oil lubricated compressor as breathing air during blasting operations.
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The addition of full-length curtains, soft furnishings and cushions will go some way to reducing noise levels.
After reaching the usual 8000-ft cruising altitude, the engines were throttled back to create a moderate cabin noise level.
If the noise level rises above that point, hearing protection, earplugs or a similar device, would be required.
She offers advice on colors, hardwood floor designs, matching your floorcovering to your lifestyle, the relative noise levels of different floorings, and even cleaning and maintenance.
Assuming the case blocks 8dB, that will leave us with an exterior noise level of 44dBA adjacent to the case.
Noise levels will not exceed 45 decibels when measured over any 15 minute period between 12 midnight and 8a.m.
After installing the five noise-reduction baffles, the noise level measured 101 dBA with background level of 95 dBA room average.
Ended up back at the Wismar creek but the noise level there had gone up too much, so we decided to go to one of the less crowded creeks on the highway for the ON ON.
The Linden Hash
Keeping noise levels low is the bane of airport administration.
Noise levels in factories must not exceed 85 decibels.
This is generally agreed to be a tolerable noise level above which continuous noise could well cause annoyance.
And watched three-spined stickleback fish hunt water fleas, to the accompaniment of either white noise calibrated to match the noise level of speedboats or a silent track as a control.
Interestingly, the marginal disamenity cost of noise fell across this range: in other words, as noise levels rise, each extra increment causes less extra disamenity than at lower noise levels.
Routing the supply ducts from the machine room over unoccupied bathrooms or storage areas provides another 10-point reduction in radiated noise level in occupied spaces.
We have always set noise levels to those decided by Environmental Health and we do regular noise checks to make sure that we stick to those.
The noise levels are monitored, he said, and the range never exceeded the limits allowed in the Noise Pollution Regulations.
As the noise levels grew again, two women came in from the bar area and the whole place quietened down again.
Utilizing high-tensile steel in critical areas in the unibody increases stiffness and ensures high resistance to flexing, enhancing ride and handling qualities and lowering noise levels inside the vehicle.
This example demonstrates that a low trim exit velocity head does not result in a low noise level in the valve, unless the valve outlet mach number is low.
Witness for the rugby club, Mr Brian Nolan, who lives in a wooden chalet adjacent to the clubhouse, said he had no problem with the noise levels.
The past three days workers have been out every morning greasing the tracks and the noise levels have dropped dramatically.
For many, driving on the right hand side of the road can take some getting used to, particularly with the raised noise levels of a carload of family members.
The problems stemmed from different standards of privacy and acceptable noise levels.
The noisiest and bumpiest road is the A74 Lanarkshire to Kirkton noise levels reach those equivalent of a whistle being blown inside the car.
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The noise level can be quite punishing, for a start.
And remember to be considerate of your colleagues who may not like the same noise levels as yourself.
The noise levels rose by more than a few decibels, while the games whizzed by at such speed that they made Concorde look slow.
Lincoln Equipment featured its Impinger conveyorized oven with FastBake Technology designed to speed up the baking process without increased noise levels or loss of product quality.
The noise level was high in both languages; all faces were deadly serious.
We were both wearing headsets to enable communication, but whenever he turned his microphone on I was treated to blast of the noise levels where he was.
68% of those questioned in the poll thought noise levels had increased.
“Our procedure uses multiatepr spectral estimation in concert with a robust noise level determination to allow for optimal detection of periodic and quasi-periodic signals buried in cliamtic red noise”
Graybill and Idso [1993] Online « Climate Audit
Special attention was paid to minimising noise levels .
The correlation coefficients for overall spectral noise level and perceived vowel roughness were all significant.
Increased waterway traffic could increase pollution, whilst floatels could involve higher noise levels and the unnatural use of floodlights, which could disturb wildlife, possibly altering natural breeding behaviour.
Club bosses have already turned the volume down and assured residents they would monitor noise levels.
If more than one wants to go to bed early, then the group should keep the noise levels down.
Big-city noise levels prompt birds to sing louder in order to be heard by other birds over the din, according to research by German ornithologists.
68% of those questioned in the poll thought noise levels had increased.
The internal noise level becomes the important index of weighing the grade level of the automobile.
The pickup features an exclusive transducer that Guild claim offers advanced sensitivity and dynamic range as well as low noise levels.
Using frequency in speed adjustment to achieve flexibility, asmoothniess and low noise level in speed adjusting.
When the woman had the noise level tested, it measured 67 to 72 decibels.
Lowest interior and exterior noise level of any high speed business jet.
I mean nada, zilch, noise level, off the screen, under the radar.
For instance, ceiling tiles that absorb sounds and reduce noise levels can cost about the same as materials that are less sound-absorbent.
Keeping noise levels low is the bane of airport administration.
Even among fan-jet engines, noise levels have been considerably reduced with the most recent models compared to the earliest types.
The noise level also depends on the angle and distance of the shell from the ear.
Leading causes of acquired hearing loss include infectious diseases, especially meningitis and otitis media, trauma to the nervous system, damaging noise levels, and ototoxic drugs.
they made a comparison of noise levels
With this set-up it is shown even with much larger background noise and pickup noises, white noise level can be easily measured in seconds.
The noise level would pick up however, just enough to cover the rain of the silent bombs.
Keeping noise levels low is the bane of airport administration.
The intelligibility was affected significantly by the type of signals and noise levels.
Keeping noise levels low is the bane of airport administration.
The cool, dehumidified air from the circulators will flow throughout your home, but there may be uneven temperatures and the noise level is higher than with a mini-duct system.
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