How To Use Noggin In A Sentence

  • My guess would be that her headmaster born in the late 16th century, no doubt, when men were men and rules were rules rapped her on her noggin for inelegance at some crucial point in her development, and voilà! Author! Author! » 2010 » March
  • Tea at a tiny inn sunk in a dell through which a sleepy lane trickled between high banks -- tea in the pocket garden under sweet-smelling limes, where stocks stood orderly and honeysuckle sprawled over the brick-nogging, brought back old days of happy fellowship, just to outshine their memory. Anthony Lyveden
  • Typically the word describes a relatively uncomplicated event, physiologically speaking: just a pain in the noggin.
  • From the shine atop his bald noggin to the curl in his waxed mustache, Perez strikes a remarkable pose when compared to the herds of button-shirted cowboys gathered around him.
  • Not Blogging (otherwise known as nogging) « Squash Not Blogging (otherwise known as nogging) « Squash
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  • I want to blog, I really do, but it's been an overwhelming few weeks and I can't get my noggin in order.
  • He'd be awfully sorry after he accidentally walloped her on the head with a cuspidor, but she'd still have the aching noggin.
  • What goes on inside Pujols 'noggin is a wonder to all. - Pujols' Texas-sized homer gives Astros pause
  • Examples include finding yourself wandering by a dual carriageway at 5am, or finding yourself snogging someone with no idea how you got onto intimate terms with them.
  • But as time passed, the songs never left my noggin, and it's been months now.
  • He went on to explain that adept runners like horses, dogs, and rabbits keep their noggins remarkably steady as they lope, thanks to an obscure bit of anatomy called the nuchal ligament.
  • According to The Sun, the former Coronation Street star, 24, has been spotted "snogging" the pro ice skater. All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News
  • Apparently the fame went right to this fella's noggin, by gum, as his hollerin' and harp-playin' have now become a permanent fixture at Barfly's bluegrass nights as well.
  • But, before you had time to slip on the mud, the two were snogging as if it was the last festival ever.
  • He had sheet creases across the fizzog and a red chin and noggin.
  • American readers wondering what on earth full-frontal snogging is will find the answer in the helpful (and hilarious) glossary appended to this antic diary of a year in the life of an English girl named Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging: Summary and book reviews of Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison.
  • Angus, thongs and full frontal snogging is a diary full of crazy confessions and extremely hilarious things that happen in the world of Georgia Nicholson. Reader reviews of Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison.
  • I'm afraid I couldn't stop laughing when I realised that the only apple to actually have fallen off the tree had managed to hit him right on the nogging! Snell-Pym » Russet Apple Harvest
  • In both, students attended classes, ate together, and started "snogging" in their teenage years, but in Ishiguro's new book, the students never received mail. Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
  • I DO aspire to use my noggin as something other than a hatrack, although all too frequently I fail, here and elsewhere. Bush Slanders Freedom « Blog
  • For instance, the Latin word testa once meant a pot, and became slang for "head," something like the word "noggin" in English. The Daily News - News
  • But I've never worked in a place big enough to have people snogging in corners and meeting their life's love or behaving so badly as to be dismissed.
  • Similarly, while sometimes all it takes to drop a mook is a round to the get, you can other times empty a clip into someone's shiny noggin and they'll just grin and blow you away with a Skorpion. Atomic
  • I spent a whole day snogging different beautiful women.
  • Overall, though, the predominant notion in the human noggin is one of superiority. Archive for » 2009 » May : Sustainablog
  • A follower of Airedale Beagles since 1956, he would stop by to enjoy a tot of whisky or a noggin of port before setting off behind the hounds.
  • Jason is 5-6, cornsilk thin, a jet-black thatch on his so-serious noggin. Whatever Happened To ... the guy who saved Mike Wise and his dog?
  • The first one, where you aren't supposed to call, write, or even breathe in the direction of Snark Central lest we hurl invectives upon your noggin is the query/submission/are we right for each other process. Archive 2006-03-12
  • The chandelier is large and hangs down a few inches about my head so, anyone taller will have to watch their noggin. What the hell? (and Solar Chandeliers)
  • I don't imagine she suffered much, not with that kind of clonk on the noggin. WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • If my later dates were anything to go by, I imagine we sat in a rancid little coffee bar at Golders Green bus station for hours, before snogging messily in one of the nearby phone boxes.
  • After his manager and the head of HR berated him for the next 30 minutes for poor judgment, I felt like putting him in a headlock and giving him a noogie on his noggin.
  • Sometimes, this request does come out of a genuinely blue sky, whacking a conscientious multiple querier or submitter right in the noggin. Author! Author! » 2010 » September
  • Scorched into my nogging Harry Chapin came from a lot of money, but he was driving a damn Ford Pinto. Old Pop Mannion completes another trip around the sun
  • Apparently, this is because snogging virtually stops a year or so into a romantic affiliation.
  • Its baptismal font (in which many of my ancestors' noggins were wetted) now reposes in a side-chapel of the nearby Johanneskirche.
  • Economists will rub their noggins and say they expected it.
  • Use your noggin - think before you decide what to do!
  • I saw them snogging in the corner.
  • There's snogging aplenty, natch, but something deeper is afoot here, depending on who you listen to.
  • An article1 by Nanna Rognvaldardottir, an Icelandic food expert, states that the drink adopted the nog part of its name from the word noggin, a Middle English phrase used to describe a small, wooden, carved mug used to serve alcohol. Like the new bowl. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Professors, please understand, our noggins are in your hands, and our brains are yours to shape.
  • As every Memory Man knows, the fitter you are the more oxygen can reach the old noggin, which is good for remembering stuff, especially where the gym is.
  • But there's one thing that Jacques D (as I always called him) never really got his froggy noggin round: the relative fact that a deconstructed truth looks very different on the page from when you say it out loud.
  • His buddy Manuel volunteered to lend some drama to it by putting a plastic cup of beer on his noggin for a target.
  • They were snogging on the sofa.
  • He has a nasty bump on his noggin, but if he follows his doctor's orders, he will be fine.
  • A wiry man, he has an oversize noggin that rides on his lean 145-pound body, so that he vaguely resembles a five-foot-ten-inch sunflower.
  • Better than smile beatifically, she should have bopped him on the noggin with the nearest ornament.
  • It lasts for all of 30 seconds and consists of the pair snogging and tearing at each other's clothing, but even so Jones was nervous.
  • After so many shots to the noggin, one gets a little punch drunk.
  • In fact, only 10 percent of your heat leaks out via the noggin, says Daniel Sessler, an anesthesiologist at the University of Louisville School of Medicine.
  • Just ran out for some milk and there's this couple snogging in the car outside the store.
  • Put your noggins together because two heads are better than one.
  • Well, Nanna Rognvaldardottir of Iceland, in her article on the history of eggnog, states that the drink adopted the nog part of its name from the word noggin, a Middle English phrase used to describe a small, wooden, carved mug in which to serve alcohol. Archive 2007-12-01
  • But snogging a balding besuited man on a bench will never be my style…
  • When things heat up, bike helmets with plenty of ventilation to keep your noggin from blowing a gasket are a good thing. - HOME PAGE
  • You know then that within an hour of beginning, it will feel like someone's trying to pop open your noggin with a steamroller.
  • So, like a good, barely verbal he-man, Drogo went all medieval and poured a pot of the melted metal over the ingrate's noggin. Watercooler: Game of Thrones' Crowning Moment
  • She's in that stage where she takes some nasty spills about 5 times a day - the stage poor Shane-bug was stuck in for awhile because of his disproportionately large nogging. Pho for Five
  • Use your noggin for something besides a Baby Bush hatrack. Torturous
  • These kids have such a collection of knowledge in their noggins that I am constantly in awe.
  • After all that and an ice cream, I headed back to the park for another three hours of revision, this time distracted by snogging teenagers, toddlers toddling and cricketers practising in the nets.
  • Also look out for her video which features two blokes snogging!
  • I wonder what the policy is on snogging in the gym?
  • There's always the possibility of an unsuspecting flasher getting whacked in the noggin by a purse wielding grandma.
  • Here, before we even get to the parts that I wanted to talk about, I have to stop, scratch my noggin, spit and ponder a bit.
  • Does that mean they're dizzy blondes who only care about counting alcohol units and snogging cute guys?
  • William Sutton, first licensee of the aptly named Scenic Hotel, was up here in the 1840’s too, running a general store offering everything from lolly sticks to a noggin of wine before the pub was built about 130 years back.
  • Naggin" is probably a variant of "noggin" -- dialectical, the author's misspelling, or a typo. but I don't know how much wine a noggin-full is. Science Press Release Synopses
  • In the meantime, Sam Jones III Pete returns for a guest spot and finds himself snogging Charisma Carpenter, which confuses all American viewers who still don't know what "snogging" means, but any criticism is immediately halted when Charisma Carpenter gets naked. The WB/UPN merger
  • This whole episode set off two trains of thought in my noggin. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were houses of brick-nogging, which derived their chief support from those adjoining. The Mayor of Casterbridge
  • Whichever way I twisted or turned, it seemed everyone was snogging, except me.
  • She was out "egg-nogging," as I used to call it, when Mrs. Sewall called. The Fifth Wheel A Novel
  • I saw them snogging on the back seat of a bus.
  • I saw them snogging on the back seat of a bus.
  • I don't imagine she suffered much, not with that kind of clonk on the noggin. WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • Beldar's noggin pokes through his sunroof, Prymaat's idea of foreplay is a little ringtoss. Comedy: The New Coneheads On The Block
  • But when Don had the gall to ask Allison to write her own recommendation letter, I don't think there was a perpetually put-upon employee watching -- male or female -- who didn't cheer when she very nearly clonked Mr. Draper right in the noggin. 'Mad Men': Who was this week's empowered heroine -- Allison or Peggy?
  • The old hits got the drunks singing and snogging and slopping paper cups of beer.
  • Maybe my trip SOB will help clear some of these cobwebs from the old noggin. How can I find? Where can I get?
  • You know, looking at the things that people like Angelica here say and write, and from that making inference as to what makes their noggins tick, is like turning over a rock where some dead thing is moldering underneath. Matthew Yglesias » Did Haiti Form a Pact With the Devil?
  • We were surrounded by fresh-faced young people drinking and snogging.
  • Rennison includes a funny glossary to cover all the terms, such as snogging (kissing), unfamiliar to Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging: Summary and book reviews of Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison.
  • On the way, I see a couple snogging in my path.
  • So far we have only had one trip to York District Hospital after he ran head first into the fireplace and got a bruised lump roughly the size of a pickled egg on his noggin.
  • And don’t get us started on good old Uncle James – the man’s noggin is tremendous (love you, James!). » Small Head?
  • From the shine atop his bald noggin to the curl in his waxed mustache, Perez strikes a remarkable pose when compared to the herds of button-shirted cowboys gathered around him.
  • Freddie has been to the Harvard School of Government, and has brains in his noggin.
  • Besides a few minor quibbles such as the Aeschylus quote or some "snogging" (how I hate that word!), and besides also the magic, which I insist be discussed as a separate issue, the opponents of the series will note a very, very serious moral flaw, and they will be entirely correct in pointing it out and condemning it. Book Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
  • There are wires that can be tripped over, microphones that can electrocute you, flying bottles that can strike you right on the noggin.
  • Noggin, American Pop and Oxygen all had fairly developed Web sites in advance of their on-air launches.
  • You have to be on your mettle to snag them agates (especially with some monster thug trying to put a lump on the back of your noggin).
  • I'll do a few little things first, and then maybe ease into the big subjects that've been running through my noggin of late.
  • But this having been said, what drug-addled monkey-noggin is doing the PR work for Blood Assurance? January 5th, 2006
  • Luckily, there was a hard drive around that had uploaded his big noggin beforehand, and it was rebooted, albeit to a time before the Civil War storyline when he infamously supported the Superhuman Registration Act. "It was a dark trip, but I feel a real sense of ownership now, which is weird," Fraction explains. How Iron Man got his groove back and new armor
  • I'm going to have put that in the old nogging and try to figure out what that means..... Please do not drink my's medicinal.
  • You could poleax these people with a sledgehammer to the noggin, morning, noon and night, and still nothing would get through. How Much Longer Can the GOP Maintain Credibility When All They Say Is "No! No! No! No! No!"?
  • After a four-bagger, some pitchers felt the next batters noggin was fair game. Sluggers: Water, Water Everywhere
  • Wearing a helmet undoubtedly helps protect your noggin, but allowing Edmonton's new bike helmet legislation to distract us from the real issues may prove to be the biggest threat to the city's cyclists.
  • You could blow off Jim Phelps' head in one episode and he'd sport a fresh noggin the next week.

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