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How To Use Nog In A Sentence

  • She is also part of a large group of oceanographers and taphonomists of the SSETI project (Shelf / Slope Taphonomic Initiative) examining carbonate preservation and destruction across the shelf and slope regions in Gulf of Mexico and Bahamas using submersibles.
  • Indeed, purified antigen-specific B lymphocytes from HIV-1-infected patients can be activated invitro by HIV-1 antigens to secrete cytokines and immunoglobulins.
  • As the author repeatedly points out, the pornographic material he seized wasn't simply more explicit than 18-certificate films or top-shelf magazines.
  • the carcinogenic action of certain chemicals
  • Immunoproteomics, a powerful tool for studying antigens at the proteomic level, allowed a comparative investigation of the immunogenicity of capsulate and non-capsulate strains of L. garvieae for vaccine development.
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  • Actual results may differ materially from those set forth in this release due to the risks and uncertainties inherent in Somaxon's business, including, without limitation, Somaxon's interpretation of its communications and interactions with the FDA relating to the requirements for approval of the NDA for Silenor, and the FDA's agreement with such interpretation; Somaxon's interpretation of the results of the clinical trials for Silenor, the timing of the interpretation of such results and the FDA's agreement with such interpretation; the potential for Somaxon to make a resubmission to the Silenor NDA; the potential for Silenor to receive regulatory approval for one or more indications on a timely basis or at all; the potential for the FDA to impose non-clinical, clinical or other requirements to be completed before or after regulatory approval of Silenor; Somaxon's ability to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the FDA that potential NDA approval of Silenor is appropriate prior to the completion of standard, long-term carcinogenicity studies, given the context of completed trials and pending studies; the timing and results of non-clinical studies for Silenor, and the FDA's agreement with Somaxon's interpretation of such results; Digital 50 Daily Industry News RSS Feed
  • For the whole night, under the influence of a hallucinogen called yagé, the healer sings his song the power of which is due not to words, lyrics, or poetry.
  • When social mating systems were dichotomized, extrapair chicks were twice as frequent in monogamous as in polygynous species.
  • We can also see this in the contrapositive: having more than one sexual partner is by definition nonmonogamous. S-e-x. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • Thus the expectations regarding the strength of sexual selection for polygyny, polyandry, and monogamy are fairly simple.
  • In rat liver, it has been shown that tamoxifen forms covalent DNA adducts, implying a genotoxic mechanism for its carcinogenicity in this tissue.
  • My guess would be that her headmaster born in the late 16th century, no doubt, when men were men and rules were rules rapped her on her noggin for inelegance at some crucial point in her development, and voilà! Author! Author! » 2010 » March
  • Fifty consecutive, nonobese, habitually snoring, otherwise-healthy children (age range: 6-9 years) and 50 age -, gender -, and ethnicity-matched obese children (BMI z score: 1.67) underwent an overnight polysomnographic evaluation, followed by a multiple sleep latency test the following day. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Is Sleep Apnea a Significant Problem in Sleepy Kids?
  • He later went on to design the moderne iconography in the Bank of Nova Scotia building at 44 King W.
  • The oblique rays of the sun on the orchards create this typical landscape that traditional iconography would associate with an earthly paradise.
  • His semi in ‘Foulness, near Southend’ has long been reduced to ‘a condition of untouchable sordor’, and is also ‘saturated with pornography in all its forms’.
  • Pornography may be legally banned but it is still available under the counter.
  • Pott suggested that chimney soot contained carcinogens that could cause the growth of the warts seen in scrotal cancer.
  • Breast milk contains a range of antimicrobial proteins, including immunoglobulins, lysozyme, and lactoferrin.
  • In May, FBI agents searched his home and found alarge cache of child pornography, federal prosecutors said. Official gets 6 years for child porn
  • This course is a practicum - style seminar in anthropological methods of ethnographic fieldwork and writing.
  • But dutifully stenographed Greg, as always, with enough practice you might become a fax machine. Hillary Hits Obama: "Pennsylvanians Don't Need A President Who Looks Down On Them"
  • Teratogenicity and carcinogenicity can result from biochemical toxicity.
  • According to the National Cancer Institute, asparagus is the food highest in glutathione, an important anticarcinogen. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • Liberal proponents of American Values praise the freedom that opens the floodgates to gay marriage and pornography; conservatives, the liberty unleashing that locust plague called unrestrained capitalism; neo-conservatives the license for lying, murderous Machtpolitik. Founding Fathers vs. Church Fathers
  • Cross-correlation coefficients computed from comparisons of sonograms reflect differences in the spectral and temporal characteristics of the call, as well as differences in signal-to-noise ratio.
  • Free-motion machine embroidery, quilting and monogramming are all easier with this unique needle.
  • My polygamist tendencies wouldn't jive with your inclination for monogamy.
  • The monogram EJP is positioned identically on both.
  • Intermingled with the Euphorbia scrub is a Zizyphus scrub that is characterized by Zizyphus nummularia with Acacia leucocephala, Acacia senegal, Anogeissus pendula, and Dicrostachys cinerea. Northwestern thorn scrub forests
  • Growing up bilingual in English and German, Hobsbawm picked up three or four other languages along the way (he reproves monoglot historians for their provincialism).
  • Some species consist only of females that produce their daughters from unfertilized eggs, a type of reproduction called parthenogenesis.
  • Last year, the Iranian government blocked five million websites for having allegedly pornographic content and disseminating impendent news information to the public. Media Repression in Iran
  • It started at four this morning when I was jolted awake by a particularly hideous hypnogogic hallucination. Actually, Today Is Pretty Typical, So Far
  • Conclusion MTBE′s carcinogenicity to animals may relate to induction of cell proliferation and inhibition of cell apoptosis.
  • But there is one make that takes a contrary view of the iconography of the metal box. Times, Sunday Times
  • Metabolism of xenobiotics plays an important role in chemical carcinogenesis.
  • Key aspects here are the political structure and the degree of organisation, which are both closely related to each other: there are projects (such as Debian) which has a clearly laid out organogram.
  • Naturally, I was appalled to discover that Knog's entire product line is simply a cheap ruse to smuggle sapphist erotica into America. Conspiracy By Mail: The Hidden Dangers of Online Bicycle Retail
  • And they're highly versatile: You can make deviled eggs for appetizers, spike them in eggnog or make quiches, frittatas, omelets or other brunch-type party fare.
  • In addition to marijuana, cocaine, and crack cocaine, the illicit drugs reported in the survey included hallucinogens, heroin, inhalants, and psychotropics.
  • You start to look for more graphic pornography and start using porn that disgusted you earlier.
  • One of the more interesting paths Donoghue sets out to traverse is what she terms the borderline territory of "murkily criminal" lesbian sex as found in mystery and detective fiction. Edmonton Sun
  • Golub, whose large-scale paintings drew inspiration from everything from Greek kouroi to images of male pornography, used a technique that was more sculpture than brushstroke, famously using a meat cleaver to create aggressive peaks on the canvas. Home | The New York Observer
  • For example, it was claimed that the study presented uniquely reliable evidence that simvastatin is not carcinogenic.
  • The chemical heating process in producing the so-called pomace oil from olive residues may result in the carcinogen, but pure oil, turned out by mechanically squeezing olive fruits, presented no health threat, the minister said.
  • The rich Hettangian ammonite fauna first collected and recognized by Muller has been monographed by Guex.
  • A silver-backed brush and comb set with her monogram gleamed in the soft bedside light. SUMMER OF SECRETS
  • Tea at a tiny inn sunk in a dell through which a sleepy lane trickled between high banks -- tea in the pocket garden under sweet-smelling limes, where stocks stood orderly and honeysuckle sprawled over the brick-nogging, brought back old days of happy fellowship, just to outshine their memory. Anthony Lyveden
  • MySpace sarah omg nina dobrev i love your charector every since the day you were on degrassi have loved you please email me sometime thanks oh and hers my email adress pianogirl[email protected] thanks emily the guy on photo is her brother?? nina's ok girl; p lol xxx theTVaddict 10 Questions with DEGRASSI Actress Nina Dobrev | the TV addict
  • These plasma cells produce a homogeneous immunoglobulin protein which stains as a well-defined peak in the gamma region.
  • A threat also exists in the form of steganography, which is the insertion of an encrypted message in a larger image file.
  • However, if flowering is asynchronous and the behaviour of individual pollinators does not follow a regular pattern within a plant, dichogamy might have little effect on reducing geitonogamy.
  • Barely 12 or 13 inmates had turned up during 1998-2003 for tailoring and stenography.
  • The King is Dead is not a conventional scholarly monograph like those published by university presses and read by precious few. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stenography is no longer a marketable skill.
  • Video footage emerged yesterday of a British student introducing himself at a Colombian tribal ceremony just before taking a fatal dose of a hallucinogenic drug. Times, Sunday Times
  • Research using sonograms (device for visualizing sound), hydrophones, and other acoustical devices have shown that that these whales produce two sounds termed A or B calls.
  • Ranging from antiquities and ethnographia through medieval manuscripts and quattrocento panel paintings to Bacon and Polke, it is of course the European Fine Art Fair at Maastricht.
  • In the middle of the spectrum were naturalists and physicians who supported the unity of the human species (monogenism), though almost all assumed racial hierarchy.
  • And it took them three years to construct their own crannog, a timber dwelling built on stilts over the water, which links the way of life of people in 600BC with ours today.
  • An unexpected sharp vibration can cause the head to crash onto the surface of the disk, gouging it like a phonograph needle can scratch a record.
  • Lookit you getting all the hotties -- I mean you "snogged" on a sidewalk! Thewhat Diary Entry
  • Almost all stenographers have their own customized machines, which they take with them on specific jobs.
  • Both tobacco and cannabis have a similar range of carcinogenic substances.
  • There are parties with spiked eggnog and trees adorned with colors and stars and angels.
  • When they had sex he looked at pornographic pictures rather than at her.
  • Every project is appended with the brief design introduction, general planning, ichnographies, section pictures, some general layout maps, scenery pictures and effect charts.
  • Both cabinets include the discreet monogram of the painter E.J. Poynter in the third panel.
  • Several sociolinguists have discussed the ethnography of cross cultural discourse conventions in the law court in the United States.
  • Data from both venogram and fibrinogen scans demonstrate that deep-vein thrombosis usually originates in the deep-veins of the leg.
  • The Mercury said there were fears that the event, in which thousands of mostly adolescent girls parade bare-breasted wearing traditional beaded skirts, had become a target for pornography syndicates.
  • It is true, and worth stressing, that scholars have often treated some activities as exclusively male - notably hunting, stone toolmaking, and rock art - whereas ethnography shows that women often do these things too.
  • Lleyn, stories that must have come to him straight from the Mabinogion, or from the verbal tradition before that. TESTIMONIES
  • Originally, he may have been pouring a libation from a patera, as is common in similar sacrifice scenes belonging to this iconographic topos.
  • The abyss of ethnographic otherness has been momentarily bridged.
  • Intravenous immunoglobulin prophylaxis and therapy is being given for a growing list of indications in the fields of immunology, neurology, hematology, and oncology.
  • Hurrell helped established the identity of many actresses and actors and created an iconography of steamy sexuality with dreamy glamour.
  • University presses still compete for many monographs, including revised dissertations, and, contrary to this belief, they pay advances for a significant number of them.
  • You left out the bush whackers, rump rangers, fifth column traitors, child pornographers, baby rapers, brain addled dope smoking malcontents, serial abortionists, incorrigible violent criminals and drug pushers as well as the Clintons that make up the Filthy Left wing of the Liberal Losers. Think Progress » Rumsfeld on Iran Today = Rumsfeld on Iraq in 2002
  • The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has two sex chromosomes and three autosomes.
  • Scrotal ultrasonography is helpful in confirming a varicocele or testicular tumour.
  • He is concerned by the mainstream media's portrayal of women as much as Internet pornography.
  • The company started developing a type of malicious software known as adware that hackers install on PCs, where they served up pop-up ads for travel services, pornography, discounted drugs and other products, including its flawed antivirus software. IOL: News
  • The audio is sure to give the venue's newly upgraded sound system a thorough breaking-in, while the images transport with a hypnogogic flow of abstract patterns conjured through digital manipulations of a dozen shots of what looks like crumpled aluminum foil. Sad Sacks and Barrels of Laughs
  • We see, now that Christianity has interpreted it for us, the significance of the cross – that monogram of Christ and cote-armure of pity, built up somewhere in the branches of almost every tree, stamped in the centre of almost every flower. The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
  • Maybe if we could be honest about sex, we could be honest about marriage and monogamy and family.
  • These yield an unearthly effect, especially since the artist has draped his monogram, suspended from a garland, across the top of the picture.
  • However, early growth of S. litura larva was reduced 36% on Huia plants, and this was attributed to the greater cyanogenesis.
  • Monogamy is universal but adultery frequent.
  • His most prized possession, an obsolete can opener with the monogrammed initial ‘S,’ was still at Tatz's apartment along with his only change of socks.
  • If symptoms are not relieved, physical therapy that includes ultrasonography, massage, and iontophoresis should be considered.
  • Tulad ng mga tulisang-dagat Blanchard, Associate Professor ng Chemistry sa Northern Kentucky University, said, "Ito ay katulad ng nasusunog ang mga kasangkapan sa bahay upang panatilihin ang mga bahay na mainit-init sa kalagitnaan ng Enero. »2,008» Hulyo
  • In these respects, MRI is superior to ultrasonography or plain-film radiography in detecting tissue inflammation and necrosis.
  • The pyramidal building, which has the form of a cubical building with a pyramidal roof and entrance porticoes, differs from the iconographic tradition of the Meta Romuli.
  • Several European governments have pledged to work together to crack down on child pornography and sex tourism.
  • The aim of the ethnographic papers is to understand violent and peaceful behaviour in different societies.
  • The sonograms, which prognosticated a boy, were wrong.
  • So the seeds are individually detected after each of it is placed in the prostate followed by the ultrasonographer performing a volume sweep on each of them. New Blogs and RSS Feeds
  • Reproductive modes include sexual reproduction and parthenogenesis, but much remains to be known about development.
  • Teyechea now has a lush park next to Nogales City Hall named in his honor.
  • Moreover, Llewellyn's almost complete abnegation of issues of style, iconography, authorship, or artistic quality results in a rather restricted view of the monuments as mere historical objects, as products of an industry.
  • Not a single defendant at the1692 Salem Witch Trials was burned at the stake...19 were hanged while a 20th, a man who refused to enter a plea, was crushed to death with heavy stones medical historians have ascribed the bizarre behavior exhibited there to various causes, such as an outbreak of encephalitis or rye bread contaminated by the hallucinogenic known as ergot! Dr. Franklin Ruehl, Ph.D.: 15 Intriguing Halloween-Related Factoids!
  • Professor Mike Zubkov from the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton presents his study on bacterioplankton consumption at the Society for General Microbiology's spring meeting in Edinburgh today. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Do not use this drug if you are allergic to other antibiotics of the aminoglycoside family. Chapter 37
  • Provos is an expert on steganography, the science of concealing secret messages in seemingly innocuous content.
  • At the desk, customers can make appointments with personal shoppers, arrange private shopping parties, request monogramming, preorder items from its high-end Collection line, look at color swatches for bridesmaid dresses that are sold online, and order clothes, such as those from the kids 'line called crewcuts, that aren't carried in most stores. Concierge Services and Mismatched Socks
  • The air looked sweet and noncarcinogenic on the spectrograph. A Hole In Space
  • However, because of its lower combustibility it contains 50% more carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons including naphthalene, benzanthracene, and benzopyrene, than tobacco smoke. Impact Lab
  • Theories of origin Various theories have been proposed to account for the origin of pidgin languages, and fall into three broad types: monogenetic, polygenetic, and universalist.
  • I am familiar with the mix of Bromley lads and lasses out for a good time, having a drink or two, a boogie on the dancefloor and perhaps a sneaky snog before the semi-unconscious journey home.
  • You might even have thrown parties when it wasn't your birthday, for the sole purpose of grabbing a snog off someone.
  • Set in Los Angeles of the 1930s, it depicts a dark and uncertain world, a world of pornographers and gamblers.
  • Now go drink some egg nog … but first watch this video. 2009 December « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • In the stomach, pepsinogen is secreted, and activated into pepsin by the acid that is secreted at the same site.
  • Hypercalcemia increases calcium, which is believed to activate trypsinogen.
  • Figure 1 shows sonograms and oscillograms of a whine-plus-chuck call of a túngara frog (Physalaemus pustulosus; left) and a call group of a cricket frog (Acris crepitans; right).
  • The gallery forests are dominated by Cynometra vogelii; the patches of dense dry forest by Isoberlinia doka, Anogeissus leiocarpus, Cola cordifolia, Antiaris africana, which is nationally threatened, Chlorophora excelsa (VU), and the edible akee Blighia unijugata. Comoé National Park, Côte d'Ivoire
  • The past as ethnographic material is reconstituted, not only by exploring encoded records of the past, but also by suggesting that there is a constant relation of decoding.
  •  All plants produce their own toxins or they wouldn't survive predators, and as noted by eminent University of California biologist Bruce Ames, a high proportion – about half – of these toxins tested in animal cancer bioassays are carcinogenic. Turning gene science into a fishy business
  • There's black and white pictures of presidential iconography: the oval office, motorcades, and the Presidential helicopter Marine One.
  • The Greek male is often ambidextrous in his early sexual life, as he is usually monogynous later on. Kallman in Athens
  • Standards for noncarcinogenic chemicals, for instance, are defined by the maximum dose that causes no harm to animals in a toxicity study, divided by numerical factors to reflect data uncertainties. Toxicity testing- new dimensions
  • In these conditions serum pepsinogen C provides additional diagnostic information, especially when expressed as pepsinogen A:C ratio.
  • The chlorine used to bleach the paper fibers is bad enough, but the manufacturing process is also known to release dioxin, a probable carcinogen, as well as tributylin (TBT), a biocide used in paper mills that is highly toxic to wildlife. Sloan Barnett: Pooping the Progressive Way
  • PVC commonly contains DEHP, a "plasticizer," endocrine disrupter and probable human carcinogen. Long Island Press
  • Plasma pepsinogen levels are above the normal of 1.0 i.u. tyrosine and usually exceed 2.0 i.u. in sheep with heavy infections.
  • They are monogrammed with the arms of Devon families - Cholwich impaling Duntz.
  • You can make deviled eggs for appetizers, spike them in eggnog or make quiches, frittatas, omelets or other brunch-type party fare.
  • It's the confidential stenographer who has been tampered with — you remember that middle-aged, youngish-oldish woman, Tom? THEFT
  • Some may use solvents that the art conservation field has long since abandoned, such as benzene and carbon tetrachloride, which are proven carcinogens, or caustic soda otherwise known as lye. Daniel Grant: Repair Damaged Artwork Yourself? Maybe Not
  • [422] Note in passing that this marks the beginning in general of the universal chronography of history, and consequently of the general Christian outlook upon the entire course of human history. The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
  • A venogram of the blood supply might be necessary to fully evaluate the condition of vessels in the hoof. News
  • A discrepancy between size and dates because of polyhydramnios in fetuses with giant neck masses is a common indication for ultrasonography, leading to prenatal diagnosis. Giant Neck Masses (GNM), Cervical Teratoma
  • Angiotensinogen, the initial substrate of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, is produced in the liver; renin converts it to angiotensin I in the kidneys.
  • The commitment to boycott Westminster would hardly cause a 'Sinn Feinner' like H.R. Jones to frown too much, and it's possible that demanding a monoglot Welsh speaking Wales would have been to his taste. Archive 2008-05-01
  • People with allergies to antibiotics of the aminoglycoside family like gentamicin should not take this drug. Chapter 37
  • Where fixed property became the chief form of livelihood, monogamy, rather than polygamy, came to predominate due to the need to limit heirs and to discourage divorce.
  • In the 1960s and '70s, many psychiatrists and medical school textbooks perpetuated the myth of the' schizophrenogenic mother, 'in which a mother's personality was viewed as the source of Press Releases
  • We do have pages on the Solenogastres and the worm-like Caudofoveata, as well as the chitons and some early shelled mollusks, the Rostroconchia.
  • Platelet aggregation tracings of the PRP from 12 healthy individuals, adjusted to five different plasma fibrinogen concentrations, were the primary parameter measured.
  • Downy Woodpeckers form monogamous breeding pairs in late winter.
  • And they're highly versatile: You can make deviled eggs for appetizers, spike them in eggnog or make quiches, frittatas, omelets or other brunch-type party fare.
  • Volgens mij zijn ze vergeten bij WD dat er ook nog een WD Mediaplayer in hun assortiment zit zonder live Mixed RSS Feed
  • Some researchers contend that carcinogens may turn healthy cells into cancer cells.
  • Why is our war coverage invariably sanitized to “PG” or even “G,” when we can go to the movies anytime and see “R” rated, pornographically violent films? William Astore: A Very American Coup: Coming Soon to a Hometown Near You
  • Already a ground-plan, or ichnography, has been laid down of the future colonial empire. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 54, No. 337, November, 1843
  • Crabtree and his colleagues show why this issue is important in their discussion of ethnography and ethnomethodology.
  • They've got a carcinogenic potential and the potential to suppress the immune system.
  • It has since been discovered that these materials were not suitable for use, containing a number of contaminants, including carcinogenic chemicals.
  • Preeclampsia was linked to levels of oxygen in the blood and a protein called angiotensinogen. The Sun
  • There is no ventilation system that reduces or eliminates the carcinogenic products of second-hand smoke or the sidestream smoke from cigarette smoking.
  • Several agricultural innovations like 2,4-D weed spray and diethyl stilbestrol for cattle feeding were banned by federal agencies because of their carcinogenic consequences. Diffusion of Innovations
  • Gathered about the Cross with St. Macarius and St. Helena are bishops, priests, and hymnographers.
  • The course aims at presenting an overview of the most important tools and processes of ethnographic museography, with special attention to the theoretical debates on the subject.
  • · Appropriate starters have been developed that can produce amylase and linamarase enzymes necessary for starch breakdown and cyanogenic glucoside hydrolysis; two major biochemical processes needed in cassava processing. 12 Cassava Processing in Africa
  • In this country pornography was once sold under the counter.
  • The information panels and labels, on the other hand, are strongly ethnographic so that the exhibition can work at both levels.
  • Noguchi was a man of dualities: West and East, coarse and refined, optimist and realist.
  • It was the home entertainment center before radio and phonographic records came along.
  • Plasma fibrinogen concentrations, for example, are related to weight at 1 year but not independently to birth weight.
  • Radial immunodiffusion may be used as a means of demonstrating measurement of immunoglobulin levels.
  • You therefore get strange devices like automatic watch winders (more, more), the humidors of the chronographic world.
  • The terms xenogamy, geitonogamy, and autogamy were first suggested by Kerner in More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2
  • The more likely explanation is that developmental changes occurred that involved greater solidifying of romantic relationships, making stable monogamy more possible.
  • The combination of cigarette smoking and exposure to many occupational carcinogens increases risk of cancer.
  • The spectra that are observed indicate that small molecules, such as cyanide, methane, and cyanogen, can assemble in outer space.
  • Conclusion:Rhesus monkey xenoreactive natural antibody titers are greatly different among individuals. It is necessary to detect the antibody before using rhesus monkeys for xenograft studding.
  • The incessant barking of a neighborhood dog in Nogent that day seemed a bad omen.
  • This inimitable project aside, the search for visual rather than textual material has been dominant in Courbet studies, supplanting the logocentric premise of iconography.
  • Has Rima, by that illicit act -- identifying herself with stripping, and hence prostitution and pornography, and by extension the oppression, degradation and exploitation of women, including sex trafficking, domestic violence, rape and other phallocentric crimes (Yes, I was throwing a Bindel there) -- Has Rima thrown away a lifetime of opportunity? Ruth Fowler: Rima, Carrie and Donald: Feminist Liberators
  • Callan finds a host of possibilities for this ‘punching’ process, including tapping Mac Zedong into Elvis in a Warhol monograph, and making layered, sculpturesque objects that look like topographical maps.
  • Although tabun can be destroyed by its reaction with bleaching powder, that reaction causes another chemical reaction that produces the deadly blood agent cyanogen chloride.
  • The ethnographer becomes more than participant-observer, the informants more than informants, resulting in a hybrid text that is more than/other than ethnography.
  • But most sociologists of religion still tend to do ethnography the traditional way, one that purports to be objective and therefore value-free.
  • Prevention campaigns focus on monogamy and fidelity.
  • Many designs are found on ancient tiles, such as heraldic devices, monograms, sacred symbols with texts, architectural designs, figures, and patterns. English Villages
  • The problem is that the glands of the toad secrete another chemical known as bufotenine, a compound that is found in a hallucinogenic snuff made from a plant by Indians of the upper Orinoco in Venezuela. The Serpent and the Rainbow
  • She also comments on the amount of pornographic material that was pinned up on inmate's walls, despite the prison having a policy banning it.
  • He described the results of both his reading of the ethnographical literature and, even more importantly, the surveys he had conducted among the elderly in Sweden.
  • The patient's chest roentgenogram was normal.
  • The American government classifies both asbestos and environmental tobacco smoke as class one carcinogens.
  • Discovering the presence of fibrinogen defect in another family member is the best way to show a hereditary condition.
  • These salinity changes are unprecedented in the relatively short history of the science of oceanography.
  • Have you ever thought how great it would be if someone took the ickiest aspects of monogamous lifestyle BDSM, blended it with a double measure of religious-right patriarchy, then added a generous sprinkling of disturbing domestic violence? Happy Slapping
  • Marriage, or any other form of promiscuous amoristic monogamy, is fatal to large States because it puts its ban on the deliberate breeding of man as a political animal. Maxims for Revolutionists
  • He's the perfect point man for the band's brand of hallucinogenic rhythm 'n' raunch, a style they've dubbed ‘cold soul.’
  • In other words, a lot of white folks will not even blink twice at this kind of negative iconography because they are enured to it by their racist culture. McCain Campaign's Ad Spending Now Nearly 100 Percent Devoted To Attack Ads
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We found varying levels of nicotine, carcinogens, which are cancer-causing chemicals, and even a poison, and it's ethylene glycol, which is found in antifreeze. CNN Transcript Jul 23, 2009
  • Although it is often difficult to decide whether a sign is an ideogram or a phonogram.
  • What I am now engaged on is the monograph of the _principal_ Southern Nebulæ, the object of which is to put on record every ascertainable particular of their actual appearance and the stars visible in them, so as to satisfy future observers whether _new stars_ have appeared, or changes taken place in the nebulosity. Personal Recollections, from Early Life to Old Age, of Mary Somerville
  • This song rests on the talents of vocalist Nicole Jackson, a woman who weeped into Dannii Minogue's unforgiving bosom on the 2009 X Factor as she was tossed aside to make room for Rachel Adedeji. This week's new singles
  • DATURA Family: Solanaceae Genus: Datura Species: Species: fastuosa: large shrub with white flowers inoxia (Don Juan's Datura): native to mexico metel: native to India. sanguinea (Eagle Datura, Tonga): Native to S.America. stramonium (Jimson Weed): Dangerous hallucinogen widespread in temperate regions. Natural Highs Frequently Asked Questions by Vince Cavasin
  • It converts fibrinogen to fibrin, and unlike thrombin, is unaffected by heparin.
  • The free cyanogen determinator is used to make density analysis of free sodium cyanide in the cyanide leaching solution of gold ore.
  • But he delivered his most controversial views on marriage and monogamy. The Sun
  • Typically the word describes a relatively uncomplicated event, physiologically speaking: just a pain in the noggin.
  • Additionally, volcanoes are grouped by type, from the stratovolcanoes to rhyolite caldera complexes and monogenetic fields. Volcanoes in Mexico
  • Neelson found that the pigment of _B. cyanogenus_ gives a band in the yellow and strong lines at E and F in the solar spectrum -- an absorption spectrum almost identical with that of triphenyl-rosaniline. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • What about ‘non-traditional’ scholarship, which may appear in obscure peer-reviewed journals or specialized monographs.

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