

  1. German mathematician (1882-1935)

How To Use Noether In A Sentence

  • The notion that someone like Évariste Galois or Emmy Noether and they really do need to be mentioned in the same breath might be out there, but bored to tears by a math class they comprehended long ago or discouraged by various factors, is really astonishing to behold. Archive 2008-09-01
  • This principle of time invariance is enshrined in Noether’s Theorem. The perpetual motion machine « Anglican Samizdat
  • The monoethers of the diamondoid diols are produced by reacting the diamondoid diol with a halogenated alcohol CHOR1R2 in the presence of a catalyst acid. Innovations-report
  • The subject was set upon firm foundations around 1930 by Emmy Noether and van der Waerden using an abstract algebraic approach.
  • The monoetherified diols according to the present invention are produced by reacting the diol with a halogenated alcohol CHOR1R2 in the presence of a catalyst acid. Innovations-report
  • More carefully, Noether proved that a physical system described by a Lagrangian invariant with respect to the symmetry transformations of a Lie group, has, in the case of a group with a finite number of independent infinitesimal generators, a conservation law for each such generator. Special Post: Noether’s First Theorem – Emmy Noether for Ada Lovelace Day
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