
How To Use Nock In A Sentence

  • But they want it knocked back into a field of muck and dirt. Times, Sunday Times
  • He nearly knocked over a couple of pop fans en route. The Sun
  • Diving underweighted can lead to buoyant ascents at the end of the dive, so I am not advocating that everyone knocks a couple of kilos off the next time they dive.
  • The ceiling he had just plastered fell in and knocked him off his ladder.
  • Ray was knocking them down one by one, unlike his tragic ancestor who only knocked himself down.
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  • Even if the knock is not severe enough to cause the skull to fracture, the brain bangs against the skull and can be damaged.
  • knocked silly by the impact
  • She said if the Watson Bill was passed she stood to lose her job and tied house at a livery yard at Craigie, near Kilmarnock.
  • Ms Waterman says asbestos entered their flat through a hole which builders knocked in their wall.
  • My son caught it by knocking it off the car with a twig, then coaxing it on to a piece of card, and then putting it in a jam jar.
  • In dunnocks, females may use song to compete for males, and in the alpine accentor, females attract males by song.
  • No man ever got very high by pulling other people down. The intelligent merchant does not knock his competitors. The sensible worker does not work those who who work with him. Don't knock your friends. Don't knock your enemies. Don't knock yourself. Alfred Tennyson 
  • Tea has 4000 years of History and very few associated Deaths or maimings whilst H&S has knocked countless souls in catatonic stupification with its idiocy. Nanny Knows Best « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • A fascinator, for those of you who have been living in a cardboard box under the stairs for the past six months, is a dinky little head piece that is set to knock the traditional big race day hats into a cocked hat this year.
  • The door knocker was a female figure in brass.
  • Just one knockout raises the danger by 35 per cent. The Sun
  • She narrowly missed out on gold to Pippa Funnell after knocking down a fence in the showjumping.
  • So he insists he will have to win the fight with a knockout. The Sun
  • After that, he delivered the knockout blow. The Sun
  • He knocks boldly at the door who brings good news. 
  • But it should not be beyond ministers to knock heads together. Times, Sunday Times
  • The air around the hill of Knocknashee is responding to the sound of music these days and nights.
  • For the Schlachtfest, Stralsunders gathered in hundreds, the women in their dirndls and men in old-fashioned suits, gobbling pig knuckle, leberwurst, knockwurst, dozens of waxy, greasy boiled potatoes, and of course, blutwurst. Blood Lite II: Overbite
  • Although Kilmarnock is an industrial area, there is a large rural area in the constituency in the heart of Ayrshire.
  • knock it off!
  • BELL: Now, under the law, police may enter a home without knocking if certain so-called exigent circumstances exist. CNN Transcript Aug 7, 2008
  • Knocks and scratches will lower the value of valuable furniture.
  • All wrongs in the world can be fixed by an afternoon snooze - I went to sleep and woke up thinking that England had been knocked out of the world cup by Wales in the semi final.
  • Assuming that I don't have some sort of malignant brain tumor *knocks wood furiously*, it must be that this alien life-form, this adorable-but-nonetheless-parasitic superbeing, is sucking every nutrient from my body and turning these to his own nefarious supergrowth purposes. Pass The Smelling Salts
  • Even as a child I had heard what a monadnock was - a huge lump of rock rising above rolling forests, a big hunk scraped bare but still left after the icecap had gone back.
  • By ‘real’ stress I mean when the bank heavies are actually knocking on your door and it's pay up time on the arrears on the house payments.
  • As she crossed the fields a shell exploded close to her, fracturing her legs and knocking her to the ground.
  • He knocked me flat with one punch.
  • She got a nasty knock on the head when she fell.
  • There was two or three chairs, that might have been worth, in their best days, from eightpence to a shilling a – piece; a small deal table, an old corner cupboard with nothing in it, and one of those bedsteads which turn up half way, and leave the bottom legs sticking out for you to knock your head against, or hang your hat upon; no bed, no bedding. Sketches by Boz
  • But just as terror is about to knock something shifts, perhaps enough consciousness raised that a sinister energy is alchemize, and terror turns and retreats from the door. My Journey to Report on the Horrors and Hope in the Congo (Part VI)
  • Nearly the only cadmium mineral known is the sulphide, greenockite, but no deposits of this mineral have been found of sufficient volume to be called cadmium ores. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • So to lead off the first inning, Jeter knocked a dribbler into the grass by the third base line, and beat out what was effectively a swinging bunt for his 2,995th hit, and his first since June 13. Jeter Gets It Going as Sabathia Wins His 12th Game
  • Last year a man lost the sight in his left eye after he answered a knock at his door and was hit by a stone fired from a catapult.
  • The fox gave a yip as Ferric entered and pounced on the boy, easily knocking him over.
  • Delhi daredevils played their 2nd match for the airtel champions league t20 and it was a great match when Dinesh Karthik and Virender Sehwag played a knock which led delhi to a win agains the wayamba 11 which ad players like mahela jayawardene. Delhi daredevils win the match against wayamba 11
  • Where did you get all those watches? Did you knock them off?
  • He knocked his drive over the railway sheds, but turned his wrists a hair too soon. Tommy's Honour: The Extraordinary Story of Golf's Founding Father and Son
  • I thought we started positively and we were knocking it about but then we started to over-elaborate.
  • he knocked off the corners
  • She hurried to answer the knock at the door.
  • Heck, sometime the chips they carry are so large that you have to be a contortionist to avoid knocking them over.
  • Everyone ends up with knocked-out teeth, gashed lips, and broken bones. I want to join Fight Club | Johnny B. Truant
  • No sooner had a bowl of steaming spaghetti vongole been placed in front of me than Matt, in a moment of open-armed expansiveness while trying to press home a point, had knocked the entire thing into my lap.
  • Strangely, having run his fastest to get to her, Hyacinth seemed almost reluctant to knock at the door, or enter without knocking, and while he was hesitating on the doorstone her singing ceased, and she came out to see whose fleet footsteps had stirred the small stones of the pathway. The Hermit of Eyton Forest
  • Usually this would have knocked a normal man out cold, but Paul was obviously not normal.
  • Then there was the case of George Godman, whose widowed mother went to the authorities when his master, a tailor by the name of Money, beat him with a horsewhip and knocked him down.
  • Secondly, do NOT think that you are going to hold back the ending because "I want the editor to be knocked endwise by the twist when s/he reads the book". Archive 2007-03-01
  • Just then there was a knock at the door.
  • The mocker knocked - he stock with the knots on the stocking and sock.
  • This is surely not so much a knock-out punch, more of a gentle slap on the wrist.
  • The pinnock has a thick skin with a spongy lining, a bruise in it becomes like a piece of cork. Birds and Bees, Sharp Eyes and Other Papers
  • We are very short of space and ideally I would like to knock down this tatty building and start again.
  • I think the first time I heard of it was when someone knocked on the door of my room at tea time.
  • When I arrived, I was standing outside a normal brick house, there were no witches passing by or broomsticks parked in the garden, so I felt brave enough to knock on the door, the door was answered by a lady not much older than me, I was in shock!
  • The victim then approaches the youth and throws a fierce right-hand jab, punching him on the chin and knocking him unconscious. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'The Last Templar' is 'Code' for a TV knockoff - USATODAY. com 'The Last Templar' is 'Code' for a TV knockoff
  • And a chance for punters to land a knockout blow on the last decent day of football punting until August. The Sun
  • Two booze barons are shipping in illegal hooch to the village in the boots of their cars and selling it to youngsters at knock-down prices.
  • There was an insistent knock on my door.
  • It's knockabout stuff aimed at sending the comrades back to their constituencies with a smile. Times, Sunday Times
  • She's asking for £150 but I'll try to knock her down to £100.
  • The MSP for Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley was heckled by a gang of swearing, shell-suited neds.
  • Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides. Margaret Thatcher 
  • Barcelona, on the other hand, will be a match for anyone in the knockout rounds.
  • These included arts and crafts, swimming, knock out competitions, a trip to the cinema, drama, sports, bowling and a day trip out of town.
  • His watch was near an hour of the contest, and Brailstone's man had scored first knock-down blow, a particularly clean floorer. The Amazing Marriage — Volume 2
  • We suddenly heard a feeble clang of the gate - like someone was knocking, but not very hard.
  • While driving your car, you can also listen to the engine: if you hear knocking, it's a good sign that you have trouble.
  • The maps aren’t at all accurate though, including locales which have either been knocked down over the years (great chunks during WWII), are in disuse (lots of Underground stations), are hidden from the public, or never existed at all (Hobbs Lane). 2010 April « The Graveyard
  • I could knock together a quick lunch if you like.
  • They said that her husband used to knock her about but they had never heard her complain.
  • You could knock him for not really interacting with his audience, for the scattergun nature of his approach, or for his awkward way of dealing with a heckle.
  • With Miami ahead by four and less than two minutes remaining in overtime, Evans knocked the ball loose from one Miami ball-handler, went and stole the ball from the Miami player who collected the loose ball and then jetted downcourt for a transition lay-up. Miami 70, Virginia 68: Three up, three down
  • She accidentally knocked the tea tin off the shelf.
  • Conditions such as an uncorrected fracture of the shin bone, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis or Paget's disease can distort the ends of the bones and cause knock knee in adults.
  • The was a light knock on the door and Sister Nicci stood wringing out Cassandra's hair and shaking her hands then opened the door.
  • This is surely not so much a knock-out punch, more of a gentle slap on the wrist.
  • Typhoon Roke first made landfall in the tourist town of Hamamatsu in Shizuoka prefecture at about 2 p.m. local time Wednesday, knocking over trucks and ripping roofs from homes, then crawled up Japan's Honshu island. Storm Strikes Central Japan
  • She's a wild uncontrollable girl, but that new school should knock some sense into her.
  • That he already has - courtesy of a knockabout image cultivated in an era when a lunch break durry, card games as you waited to bat, and several post-stumps beers wouldn't put you on the front pages. | Top Stories
  • | puffs war's bruises buckles attainably Warnock's discoverer degeneration plots admirably assimilates germane burlesquely ri | Planet MySQL
  • Then the You-Know-What Hits the Fan: The marlin leaps out of the water — almost as if to see where the angler is — then it suddenly tail-walks straight to the cockpit and knocks Schultz out of the fighting chair with 500 pounds of fury. Video Gallery: When Animals Attack
  • If this sounds like an unlikely subject for knockabout comedy, it is, but Booker prize winner DBC Pierre almost pulls it off.
  • Msr1-knockout (KO) C57BL/6 mice transferred i.v. into sublethally irradiated, congenic, tumor-free (control) or EL-4 tumor-bearing (TB) recipients. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • He was knocked unconscious by the impact.
  • The bags have tough exterior materials to protect against knocks, rain and dust.
  • Her legs gave way and she fell, knocking the wind out of her lungs and cracking her head against the hard, tiled floor.
  • Early morning knocks on the door from delivery drivers are becoming the norm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Msr1-knockout (KO) C57BL/6 mice transferred i.v. into sublethally irradiated, congenic, tumor-free (control) or EL-4 tumor-bearing (TB) recipients. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • The guy protested and laid a hand on Novak - who responded by socking him and threatening to knock his teeth out.
  • A mighty swipe had knocked the plump grey catnip mouse out of the bag and Ackroyd leaped for it with a hunting cry. WEEKEND FOR MURDER
  • He didn't knock back a pitcher of lemonade before he staggered onto the stage.
  • Spade in hand, with his head full of Roman castrametation and geometrical problems, a prince, scarce emerged from boyhood, presents himself on that stage where grizzled Mansfelds, drunken Hohenlos, and truculent Verdugos have been so long enacting, that artless military drama which consists of hard knocks and wholesale massacres. History of the United Netherlands, 1590-99 — Complete
  • And with only six months left on his deal, fans feared he would be sold for a knockdown fee. The Sun
  • The loss leaves their hopes of reaching the knockout stages in the balance. The Sun
  • Her head hit the pavement with a muffled bash, and she was knocked unconscious.
  • He came of age during the Depression, arrived in Congress from Massachusetts in 1952 and came to power amid the plenty of the '60s and' 70s (he once boasted that he'd put money into an appropriations bill to study knock-knees). The Last Hurrah For Tip O'neill, 1912-1994
  • He does some other weird stuff then like knock people over using chi, and pull a railway locomotive along by cables attached to huge piercings right through his biceps, insane but not as miraculous as the electrical stuff.
  • The sprung fibreglass poles pop into place, then all you have to do is knock a few pegs into the ground. Times, Sunday Times
  • He refused to knock under to any difficulty.
  • The trend gets much worse at midseason, with a "what were they thinking" project called Work It, a shrill Bosom Buddies knockoff about two unemployed he-men who dress as women none too convincingly to get jobs as pharmaceutical reps. Critic's Notebook: The ABC Upfront
  • Caitlin launched herself at him - a sudden spinning kick knocking him backwards.
  • I left the rest of my shopping and ran for the car, knocking over a display of biscuits in my haste to dodge people and escape.
  • He pulled on the large block knocker, and smiled to see the mezuzah on the door-post. THE UNORTHODOX MURDER OF RABBI MOSS
  • Yet he still shudders when he recalls the incident which knocked out THREE front teeth and fractured his jaw. The Sun
  • The knockout blows came from finding'the unanswerable question '. Times, Sunday Times
  • I know nothing about him except that he knocked about South Africa for a while.
  • There is, of course, more to it than its knockabout surface humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • I want to be careful to delineate the areas, as my report will be read by -' A knock at the door interrupted her. DALE BROWN'S DREAMLAND (5) STRIKE ZONE
  • I bet that computer knocked you back a few thousand.
  • Flash forward forty years, and the buddies are in dissatisfied retirement when fate comes knocking. Surprise Party
  • Twenty years ago they were knocking seven bells out of each other in the ghastliest of wars. The Sun
  • Men emerge from the truck and knock on the door, with the door-knocker I used to play with as a child. Learning to Die in Miami
  • His right foot shot was delivered with pace, swerve and accuracy and although Stevie Woods put hand to it, the ball was knocked down only to the goal line where Greg Strong was able to clear.
  • Not the $8 an hour knocker, sticker, bleeder, tail ripper, flanker, gutter, sawer, and plate boner slaughterhouse jobs that even Americans prisoners on work release won't do. What Do Immigration and Religion Have to Do with the Price of Meat? Everything!
  • With a sense of great pride, I knocked the last nail in.
  • The next morning there was a knock on the door. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was an unsuccessful candidate in the general election and he came knocking at my door for my vote.
  • He responded with courage and knocked back the load of special interests trying to weaken efforts to improve air quality.
  • Japan's largest earthquake on record may have knocked the planet 3.9 inches off its axis as one crustal plate slid beneath another, Eric Fielding, a principal scientist with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., told Bloomberg news agency. Report: High chance of magnitude-7 or higher quake in Japan in coming days
  • Changes include knocking down walls on the ground and first floors to add rooms. The Sun
  • He insists it was an "abstemious" occasion, but warm beer was put in a bucket of ice and then Dr Calder knocked the bucket and one of the corks shot out and hit him in the eye, blinding it. Kiwiblog
  • She had a bad stomach upset, the sort of thing that today you knock off in a day. Times, Sunday Times
  • We need to knock around the district to find a proper man for the transplantation.
  • The group then moved closer to where the marked UN vehicles were parked and another shot hit a building next to them, knocking pieces of masonry to the ground near her.
  • ‘Next time knock before you come in’ I muttered, my face still beet red as I dried the plates.
  • Has, the bearing pressure to be strong anti-corrosive, merits and so on knocked-down and assemble convenience.
  • It is a contest being fought by e-mail, direct mail and telephone, alongside the traditional door knock.
  • An unnamed young man died from a single shot to the chest when a gang knocked on the front door and burst in. The Sun
  • Under the provisional plans, the wall separating the bar and the snug would be knocked down.
  • She spunked up her courage finally and knocked at the door.
  • These were lively, swift-moving knockabout sketches with a slightly risqué edge for its young audience.
  • On the other hand, a fighter who is not known as a knockout puncher can be very strong physically.
  • Benji is said to be dry while Paris can knock back a keg and still pass a sobriety test. Hollywood Dame » Blog Archive » Paris Hilton and Benji Madden Split
  • The end result is a hugely infectious upbeat floor-filler with hard knock drums and a new level of vocal from Craig. - Celebrity Gossip + Lifestyle Magazine
  • The property was sold at a knockdown price of 78,000 at a time when they had a mortgage of only 10,000. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was gloomy and old - fashioned, having low dark shops and dark green house doors with brass knockers, and yellow-ochred doorsteps projecting on to the pavement; then another old shop whose small window looked like a cunning, half-shut eye. Sons and Lovers
  • The opportunity to knock somebody out quietly or take a hostage is not often present since enemies tend to rove in groups.
  • To get the plant out of the pot, turn it upside down and give it a gentle knock.
  • Alanis thumped the heavy metal knocker against the door.
  • He knocks on my door, he comes down, he buzzes me on the phone, ‘Is there anything I can do to help?’
  • He made us laugh, he knocked us dead, and then there was the scrapbook, with its pages full of letters, pictures, signatures.
  • Above all, investors need to focus on the maths rather than the drama or poetry of political knockabout. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the debate on the Patriot Act, I rose on the House floor to remind my colleagues that secret courts, no-knock searches, and nationwide warrants were all things our founding fathers had fought to gain their freedom from.
  • Move your eyes, not your head, Always keep an arrow nocked or your gun ready, this is vital, doing the sneaky stalk. Still hunting vs.
  • Accidentally knocking over the bottle, I watched as the crimson coloured liquid soaked into the white papers.
  • Two loud, sharp knocks banged at the black doors guarding the entrance to the Calestia Dela.
  • It consists of the former Egyptian embassy and a one-time annexe to Russia's embassy knocked together.
  • Her illness has really knocked the stuffing out of her.
  • The coopers walk round the barrel knocking down the temporary iron hoops.
  • So I knocked off an incredibly quick webpage launching the Campaign For Better Namesakes.
  • Ads urged readers to become skilled, well-paid workers; hard-boiled heroes knocked heads with clients and agency owners over their workplace autonomy.
  • Sawyers, in their light-blue carriage with the white hammercloth and blue and white ribbons -- their footmen drove the house down with the knocking. A Little Dinner at Timmin's
  • The smoothest road is the A34 from Walsall to Cannock. Car review: Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG estate
  • Call me that again and I'll knock your block off!
  • As he tried to separate two bulls that were fighting, he was knocked over and trampled, receiving multiple injuries including fractures to his ribs and spine.
  • How they had not won any of their last five away games at the knockout stage. The Sun
  • Fell to their death like words knocked from a line. Marcia lee masters | the man, my father « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • Oh, knock it off Alex, I'm really not in the mood for your jokes.
  • The London club have now qualified for the knockout stages. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two of the wounded crusaders abandoned the tower, but the third one defended himself all day so cleverly from the Turkish attacks that on that occasion he knocked down two Turks at the entrance of the walls with broken spears. De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » The Battle for Antioch in the First Crusade (1097-98) according to Peter Tudebode
  • Don't knock him - he's doing his best.
  • The dog's ears perked up when hearing a knock at the door.
  • He was an automatic choice before suffering the knock two months ago. The Sun
  • Although a king cobra can grow to 15ft and has enough venom to knock out an elephant, its first instinct is always to run away from humans. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said: ‘Strictly, to knock on doors and demand with menaces is blackmail.’
  • This isn't to knock all priests who hear confessions - many are compassionate and have a gift of knowing just what to say.
  • No, it's not mine; it's been knocking about the house for years.
  • But there are plenty of things that threaten anew to knock Clinton off his presidential perch.
  • A snowball knocked his hat off.
  • As the blood supply for the scalp is so good, any knock received tends to bleed profusely resulting in blood everywhere and bruising as a result.
  • In the first episode a shocking, random act of violence sees a young woman knocked to the ground in an unprovoked attack by a stranger. The Sun
  • Lou reached back her fist and lunged it forward, knocking one guy into another one and down they went.
  • This is good political knockabout. Times, Sunday Times
  • MOSCOW AP -- Denis Lebedev knocked out Roy Jones Jr. in the final round of their non-title cruiserweight fight in Moscow on Saturday, handing the American his third consecutive defeat.
  • She hurried to answer the knock at the door.
  • No constable or bailiff can knock at the door and demand entry so as to inspect papers or documents.
  • By eleven o'clock we were all tired so we knocked it on the head.
  • They often wear scary clothes to knock on their neighbors'doors and shout, trick or treat.
  • He was just pouring himself another cup of coffee when there was a timid knock on the door.
  • The champ is giving the right, a little rope a dope, just before he pounds him and drops him for the knockout. Poll: Confidence in Obama drops; No gains for GOP
  • Kinnock fils, who is no mean performer on the rugby field, has developed a taste for academe.
  • I squeaked in surprise, flinging my hand sideways and knocking half a dozen books off the shelf.
  • Six minutes into the half, Allback outleaped Beckham for Linderoth's corner, knocking the ball back toward the goal and over England goalie Paul Robinson to tie it. - England claims Group B with 2-2 draw vs. Sweden
  • But he insisted the knock does not make his position any more comfortable. The Sun
  • ‘This crash will have a huge knock-on effect for the airline industry,’ he said.
  • A shut-down of the West Coast ports could deliver a knockout blow to the ailing US economy.
  • Before Christian's father and uncle could react, he charged, knocking the pair aside with well-aimed punches.
  • They wrestled against the back cupboard, knocking a keg of ale to the floor.
  • Nicorette lost considerable time when the bowman hit his head and was knocked unconscious while working on the boat's mast.
  • We are very quick to knock people down in this country - the old tall poppy syndrome. The Sun
  • If the medical evidence is correct he is unlikely to have fallen down as a result of the stroke itself and I accept a glancing blow to the head would not necessarily knock him over.
  • They nudged further ahead when Steve Prescott converted after Vaikona knocked forward a bomb to an off-side Lee Radford.
  • Industry insiders suggest a mixture of greed, overexpansion and simple overfamiliarity has knocked the shine from certain formerly invincible megabrands.

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