How To Use Nob In A Sentence
I chatter with enthusiasm whilst knobs of butter slide off the fishes' backs and sizzle to blister bubbles.
I again affirm that I need make no apology for attaching my name to that of one so worthy the esteem of his co-dogs, ay, and co-cats too; for in spite of the differences which have so often raised up a barrier between the members of his race and ours, not even the noblest among us could be degraded by raising a "mew" to the honour of such a thoroughly honest dog.
The Adventures of a Dog, and a Good Dog Too
Alfred Nobel invented dynamite, a product in which the explosion-prone nitroglycerin is curbed by being absorbed in kieselguhr, a porous soil rich in shells of diatoms.
Physiology or Medicine for 1998 - Press Release
Both names are unobjectionable, but as the term Caddo has priority by a few pages preference is given to it.
Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1885-1886, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1891
This is a play where priests are elderly and drunk, old ladies mutter curses and blessings, supernatural visions are everywhere and nobody can open their mouth without uttering a mystical insight.

No, Jack won't have nobody tell him what he can't ever be, even if he weren't born with a silver spoon in one end and an Harley Street hooter up the other.
Jack Scallywag
The heroic deeds of this brave and noble Irishman have brought honour and glory to his native land.
Of course, this kid dreams of a place like this island, where nobody works except to keep house and pick wild blueberries and beachcomb.
He added: ‘As far as I know nobody was injured at the incident, although the football match was abandoned.’
She will be nobody's stooge, least of all Washington's.
The term Great Depression was a perfect fit in the 1930s; nobody has coined a phrase to properly describe our current plight. RSS
There is nobody to direct the workers.
He could spot hypocrisy, pomposity, smugness, snobbery, tomfoolery and turpitude from miles away.
Here is nobly born quartz living with a green mineral, called epidote; and they are immense friends.
The Crown of Wild Olive also Munera Pulveris; Pre-Raphaelitism; Aratra Pentelici; The Ethics of the Dust; Fiction, Fair and Foul; The Elements of Drawing
'En esta capilla esta enterrado el noble hidalgo el Lic.
Fray Luis de Leon
When in the following October the nobody met Katsu Kaishu, the enlightened commissioners of the shogun's navy, it might have been with intent to assassinate him.
He found that nobody could speak English.
Nobody, not even the young actress girlfriend of the main detective, is dressed to impress.
Tin Boxes
Nobody lets you out of a side turning.
Times, Sunday Times
It was so cold that nobody can make his hands naked.
Similarly, a firm may value worker characteristics that are unobservable to employment agencies but quite observable to family and friends.
We realized with a sense of growing desperation that nobody knew we were in there.
This initially meant they were loath to adopt a reportage style, preferring empty streets and unobscured buildings, with people represented only to provide an area of scale or as pure portraiture.
The nobles of his court believed he had simply gone away from them for a time to meditate.
He is never alone that is in the company of noble thoughts.
Fifty consecutive, nonobese, habitually snoring, otherwise-healthy children (age range: 6-9 years) and 50 age -, gender -, and ethnicity-matched obese children (BMI z score: 1.67) underwent an overnight polysomnographic evaluation, followed by a multiple sleep latency test the following day.
Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Is Sleep Apnea a Significant Problem in Sleepy Kids?
Years afterward, the same nobleman's son who was saved from the bog was stricken with pneumonia.
Nobody told you to flirt with me like a grown mature responsible adult man would do.
Two Americans will share this year's Nobel Prize for Medicine.
The whole point is that the process is nobody 's business.
Times, Sunday Times
Although it is present in huge amounts in these plants, nobody knows what caffeine is for.
Vnde cum Imperator electus in sede regni debuit poni, nobis in curia tunc existentibus, tanta cecidit grando, quod ex subita resolutione plusquam CLX. homines in eadem curia fuerunt submersi.
The long and wonderful voyage of Frier Iohn de Plano Carpini
His thoughts on life after forty have convinced him to accept uncertainty and nobody believes he is more than forty years old.
Persons thus co-opted by the Senate were liable to the burden of the praetorship , and likewise those whom the Emperor ennobled, unless special exemption were granted.
England's wars, waged successfully by humble bowmen as well as knights and noblemen, created among all ranks a self-confidence that warmed English hearts.
Love is like sea with lots of waves,I recall the sailing boat when I am old. Nobody will remember all of you like me.
It may have been the biting cold wind that concentrated minds on my questions, but contrary to what opinion surveys are finding, almost nobody owned up to being a don't know or no-show.
nonobvious" too easy a standard to meet. 7 It is unclear, however, whether that judgment will produce concrete effects on actual practices of patent grants and litigation.
The Public Domain Enclosing the Commons of the Mind
If you are too fortunate, you will not know yourself; if you are too unfortunate, nobody will know you.
However, on a bad day chaos reigns, and nobody can predict a likely departure time.
Pictures like "Snoball," which portrays a snow-cone shack with a yellow topped cone is softened by his gentle sense of humor: it is almost a "Pop" painting.
John Seed: Rod Penner: Rust on Poles, Crumbling Asphalt, Light Hitting the Grass (PHOTOS)
If this age is to survive, it must follow the way of love and non-violence that he so nobly illustrated in his life.
That was a trick you learned early, from the regimental bonzes who instructed noblemen's sons.
Do you ever read writing?
In 1867 another visitor, Mark Twain, called Jerusalem “the knobbiest town in the world, except Constantinople.”
Crossing Mandelbaum Gate
I contented myself with merely trying to become a migrant worker, a plan that fizzled because nobody in my family would advance me the cash necessary to go out west and meet my fellow migrants.
It was a noble situation — noble as the ancient hau tree, the size of a house, where she sat as if in a house, so spaciously and comfortably house-like was its shade furnished; noble as the lawn that stretched away landward its plush of green at an appraisement of two hundred dollars a front foot to a bungalow equally dignified, noble, and costly.
In one of her wittiest pieces, three gorgeously entangled clay figures hobnob.
Meet the best new artists in Britain
Virtue is the only true nobility.
Nobody can take part in the traditional European contest for possession after the tackle if his nose is more than 6in off the ground.
Nobody questions the wisdom behind the decision to set up the commission.
Numps has sent for me to see poor little Greek and Latin hobble to the altar, but, 'tis a million to one, if our noble baronet does not whisk you there before her.
Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
The villages of San Juan and San Salvador Paricutín, the last just one kilometer from the rising volcano, were in danger, but nobody wanted to abandon land and home.
Paricutín, The Volcano, Michoacán
But nobody owned up to being among the 24 who had kited $1,000 a month or more.
Who Says There's No Free Lunch?
As it happens, Hicks was the first in what would become a long line of "difficult" men to whom Murdoch was attracted, culminating in a long affair with Elias Canetti, the future Nobel Prize-winner.
The Good Apprentice
As described in Section 1.6, the constructive empiricist argues that one can make sense of the observable/unobservable distinction, even if observation is theory-laden.
Beyond the Voice
He ennobled everything he touched with his brush or his pencil.
Horse riding suffers from the taint of elitism and snobbery which is a legacy of the past.
The rest of the book is a rampant cornucopia of sickness and murders as the noble hero, Dr. Alex Cross, attempts to find Casanova's victims, hidden deep in Casanova's sex caves.
It's A Good Thing He Can't Blow My Mind
There was nobody behind/on the counter when I went into the bank, and I had to wait to be served.
Nobody can even put an exact figure on the number of children who have been excluded, which is a disgrace in itself.
The inobedience of Adam caused the first war, of that he had offended God, whereof followed the two other wars.
The Golden Legend, vol. 7
In a strange way she seemed ennobled by the grief she had experienced.
We shouldn't slight anybody even if he's a nobody.
Nobody really knows what the marks on the ancient stones signify.
Valerie cautiously approached the door, reaching for the handle and turning the knob.
The smaller of its hands occasionally slipped round on the pivot, and thus, though the minutes were told with precision, nobody could be quite certain of the hour they belonged to.
He that is ill to himself will be good to nobody.
Apparently they're up to here in woolies, but nobody ever remembers that homeless men need underpants too.
The cavalry were too numerous to be maintained solely by the king; rather, each of the seven great town-chiefs had to support, in his own sector of the capital, ten noble warriors and their entourages.
OK, our garden is based around ethnobotanical plants which are useful to people, not only for foods and medicines, but also for fibres, dyes, cosmetics, perfumes, poisons and so on.
Eh, Brother, don't you mean any and all capitalist running dogs are smelly, of which the Noble House and the House of Chen are chief and dung heavy?" he said banteringly.
Noble House
He is one of a platoon of French intellectuals praising the game as a noble art compared with the selfish showmanship of football.
Times, Sunday Times
It is unknown to men of noble mind; it does not lead to heaven; on earth it causes disgrace, O Arjuna.
Metabolism of xenobiotics plays an important role in chemical carcinogenesis.
It is a speech that cannot fail to thrill the reader for its noble and patriotic eloquence.
I learned the word dépanneur 'convenience store'; I heard the affricated d and t; I did not notice the tense/lax vowels or the -tu questions; I did notice the contractions (chais &c) and a feature nobody mentioned in the comments, the raising of nasalized vowels: vent sounded almost like vin (with /æ/ as in hat), and vin had a high [e] and sounded diphthongized ([veiN]) -- in fact, one guy said matin so that it struck my ears as [matiN]. MONTREAL 2.
The Nobel laureate Richard Feynman once made a tentative suggestion that a theory uniting quantum mechanics and relativity might lead to an objective state reduction, and others have taken up and built on this idea.
He preferred to watch, unobserved, the street life of the city from a hole in his prison wall, than to smoke cheroots and talk politics with his fellow prisoners.
Now I know it's surprising to see a different gas price every time you stop at a Texonobil.
At the front of the church, Nobleman had changed costume and character.
It's not often you can eat the utensils, and the friendly, unobtrusive service saw to it we never wanted for extra injera, so we were pleased. - 1 / 2
It was the duty of her noble hosts to lay on entertainments as she went about the country.
Suddenly the lobby door crashed into the adjacent wall and stayed there, the knob half-buried in the Sheetrock.
Least Resistance
Turn/Twiddle the little knob to adjust the volume.
The banquet hall was bright and cheerful, full of nobles and lords looking dignified and regal.
Nobody ever gets shingles or quinsy, or mumps in a novel.
From whatever vantage point, the views are panoramic and unobstructed.
Times, Sunday Times
But if lawyers and solicitors wish themselves to be identified as men of noble standing and exemplariness then they deserve the kind of reverence they will yield from the public should they decide to embrace Karpal Singh's call to sieve out bad hats.
Malaysiakini :: News
Likewise, the status of the father determined that of the offspring; the children of a noblewoman who married a commoner would not be noble.
All staff, from Stilwell to the summer interns who answered phones and restocked supply shelves, were assembled and scattered among the desks in the largest space in the headquarters, where partitions had been removed to give them an unobstructed view of their candidate.
O: A Presidential Novel
Many South Africans are apparently wary of what they see as ignoble intentions by profit-hungry American drug companies.
A few appeared at the same time on both legs and were slightly raised but not 'knobbly', and not bad enough for her to want to stop wearing skirts.
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A pretty feeble ruse, perhaps, but it works. which might work except the nobble is pretty damned big ... that's the problems; and then there's writing as avoidance of writing (kinda like this post!):
Writer's Block
It is a political and legal quagmire, so nobody will go near it.
Times, Sunday Times
A cenobite is usually a monk in a monastery, as opposed to an anchorite, who is a monk living alone (also called an ‘eremite’ or ‘hermit’).
This attitude was not taken in earlier years however, as is evident from the following statement made by Committee Chairman Arne Westgren, in a survey over the first 60 years of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
Nobody fancied taking the stuff the next week.
Notorious: The Maddest and Baddest Sportsmen on the Planet
She turned the knob and was enveloped in a shroud of fetid air as the door swung open.
The valiant one and his noble steed hiked up to the hill where the castle was.
The honest man was grown splenetic: disregarded by every body, he was become disregardful of himself: he hoped for a cure of his gloominess, from her cheerful vein; and seemed to think himself under obligation to one who had taken notice of him, when nobody else would.
Sir Charles Grandison
Imagine his glum answer when asked if he'd ever made an ace: ‘Yeah, but nobody was there to see it.’
Google says they will be, quote, "unobtrusive" -- uh-huh, likely story -- and will appear at the bottom of some of the videos for 10 seconds.
CNN Transcript Aug 22, 2007
Noblemen weren't supposed to be afraid of such things, but that didn't change the fact that the deep, caliginous mist was just plain creepy.
Both François Massialot, in Le Cuisinier roïal et bourgeois, and Menon, in Le Cuisinière bourgeoise, speak of the bourgeois kitchen as simple in style and limited in possibilities, but where special occasions required special efforts, indicating that for them the term designated a style of life and social position beneath that of the nobility.
Savoring The Past
Yet, more serious is the blunder in his statement "the Finzi-Continis moved out of society altogether and began to cultivate what B's father sees as absurd pretensions to nobility (the name Finzi-Contini in Italian actually suggests 'fake little counts').
Bassani's Father
I really, truly, don't mean to snark, but your question is your answer: nobody dates because to not do so would be "unhealthy".
As you may be aware I am the Speaker of the House of Commons and it is incumbent upon me to honour and uphold the noble traditions of the House.
It's simple for a thief to break glass panels and then reach in and open a doorknob from the inside.
As soon as she laid her hand on the doorknob the door opened from the inside and she jumped back with a start.
(obshejitel'nyie) or idiorhythmic (neobshejitel'nyie); but these latter are not n favour with the Holy Synod which restores the coenobic rule wherever possible.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
We have no low buffoonery in the former, such as disgraces Enobarbus, and is hardly redeemed by his affecting catastrophe.
The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 05
Favorite designer labels cater to hot bods and rich snobs Bauble Head
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Experts in how different peoples and cultures use indigenous plants, the field known as ethnobotany, believe the work could prove a catalyst for medical breakthroughs, putting scientists on the trail of new, life-saving drugs.
In the past, noble lords and rich men - when they could get a licence from the Crown - built themselves a living larder in the shape of a deer park with high fences and walls.
The worst thing about Britain is that so many people are disenfranchised by price and snobbery.
Times, Sunday Times
Have clean and pure mind, noble sentiment; in each patient with a occupation smile; do not expect anything in return just offer in their heart.
Some of the world's leading economists - including three Nobel laureates - answered this question at the Copenhagen Consensus in May, prioritising policies for improving the world.
So to recap, that's no new ideas and a cast of nobodies.
Times, Sunday Times
Phylogeny, cytology, ethnobotany, conservation biology, and infraspecific taxa are all reasons why a revision of the North American species of Apios was needed.
I was just enjoying a daydream about winning the Nobel Prize for literature.
As previously discussed, protocols have been developed for determining single lifecycle responses of mysids to xenobiotic chemicals.
I made it known that I was a candidate and nobody thought it worthwhile to oppose me.…
A group in Stockholm believed they had made it in 1957, and proposed the patriotic name nobelium, after the Swede Alfred Nobel.
My - dear - Count!" says I, astonished, and everyone stopped talking; the Queen looked pop-eyed, and even Albert left off prosing to the noble corpse beside him.
But these tedious arguments have more to do with inverted snobbery than progressive values.
Times, Sunday Times
The procedures were modeled after the Nobels, with the final selection being made by the international jury with all deliberations and voting in secret.
Much as I would love to be wrong I fear there is as much chance of this happening as there was of the Soviet hack-writer Sholokhov giving his Nobel Prize for Literature to some more deserving writer - one who had not only suffered in the Soviet gulag but whose works were actually worth reading.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
_ 45, 'Nobis tam longae absentiae condicione ante quadriennium amissus est.'
The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
But relatively speaking, it's the opposite of propaganda - nobody is being force-fed.
The noblest work of God?Man, Who found it out?Man.
Equally, John Walker, who won a Nobel for his research on the energy molecules of the cell, would not have solved the problem if he had had to rely on short-term grants.
All good, noble things are religious and moral in nature, but have nothing to do with religion. Dr T.P.Chia
I don't have any open wound healing is slaughtered,nobody knows my heart setbacks.
Some ethnobotanists and anthropologists are convinced that root and tuber crops were among the first plants to be domesticated.
The other four Nobel prizes, for chemistry, physics, medicine and literature, are given in Sweden.
Just ask Professors Darryl Gwynne and David Rentz, whose study snared the Ig Nobel Prize also known as "Ig" or "Igs" in Biology on Thursday night.
Katherine Meusey: Ig Nobel Prizes: Think First, Then Laugh
Peter succeeded to leadership of the movement after the murder of Asen by boyar (i.e., noble) conspirators.
G. The Second Bulgarian Empire
Bands do have a natural lifespan and if the whole thing had come to an end nobody would have been surprised.
Times, Sunday Times
Nobody on board was and Canadian Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon thanked Brazilian and rescue operation.
Turn the door knob to open the door.
If you wink enough nobody will notice your answerless gestures, dog-gone-it!
Beat 360° 10/3/08
Nobody, unless he's an arrogant ninny, would ever say ‘I am an intellectual.’
The quartzite shows granoblastic and blastopsammitic texture, with grain sizes varying from coarse sand to very fine pebble and with minor microcrystals of sericite, fuchsite, andalusite and iron oxide, besides detrital tourmaline, rutile, and zircon." link
Archive 2008-03-01
I wish I had, because my dread about being trapped with cruise-ship bozos would have been replaced by a more accurate dread of being trapped with ocean-liner snobs.
Nobody else knows barring you and me.
Hamstrung by his uncle, he was having to go through an exasperating charade in order to nobble the project.
It is not true suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering, for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive.
As a member of the nobility, he had certain rights and responsibilities: he could raise troops and command them in the field, he held his own courts of justice, he could coined his own money.
Alfred Nobel, by the expression of his lofty ideals, has recognized the importance of science and creative accomplishments in augmenting human happiness.
George R. Minot - Banquet Speech
Finding out that nobody wants high quality hand-stitched brogues anymore, Charlie realises that a change of product is needed.
They are never alone accompanied by noble thoughts.
The principal beneficiaries of these grants were the middling and lesser nobility.
One of those passive protests, where one lies down nobly in front of the bulldozers.
Times, Sunday Times
Above the centre gateway, between the noble wings of the propyla which flank it, is a representative emblem of Osiris, in the shape of a splendid shield of the sun, a half-sphere of gold, from which extend wings for many yards, each feather glittering with precious stones.
The pillar of fire, or, Israel in bondage
The magazine noted that 'nobody paints a moving picture as fantastically' as this writer-director.
Races, which was written by a number of MGM contract writers including George Seaton (who later went on to write and direct Miracle on 34th Street), seems to me to soften the Brothers up quite a bit more; Groucho's less of a * schnorrer*, Chico has a real job (working at the sanitarium), as does Harpo (a jockey?!), and their goals are even nobler: they don't just want to help out young lovers, they want to save a failing sanitarium from the evil businessman.
I Had that Same Horse When I Had My Eyes Examined
Our noble captain did not get rid of his angry looks for some days, and actually wept at what he termed the treacherous conduct of the Admiralty.
A Sailor of King George
A feeling of drowsiness steals over me; that succulent cold chikor, followed by a generous slice of cake upon which I so nobly lunched, clouds somewhat my active faculties, and the article -- "A Bear Battue in the
A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil
A much longer pause ensued, and Rolloniss casually walked across to the edge of the cliff, staring at the vast, unobscured countryside.
Why nobody has ever written a biography of David is beyond me.
It is nobler to declare oneself wrong than to insist on being right - especially when one is right.
Nobody really knows what goes on inside the inner recesses.
Times, Sunday Times
The recently ennobled Lord Farmer has vivid memories of childhood.
Times, Sunday Times
I don't have any open wound healing is slaughtered,nobody knows my heart setbacks.
We're experts at turning a noble fiasco into a story about fortitude and stoicism.
Nobody would be in a position to give other than a personal view on what might happen if you engaged, for example, in amalgamations of these various bodies.
As a complete man, constant, generous, full of honest courage, as a hardy follower of Thought wherever she might lead him, above all, as a confessor of that Truth which is forever revealing itself to the seeker, and is the more loved because never wholly revealable, he is an ennobling possession of mankind.
Among My Books First Series
These terms were agreeable to the Magyar aristocracy, but could not satisfy the revolutionaries or moderates among the lesser nobility.
The only way to memorise a book is to say it out loud to yourself, and this I did, gabbling away as children do, my real purpose concealed because nobody ever listens to what a child has to say.
The Norwegian Foreign Ministry summoned Iran's charge d'affaires on Thursday to protest against what it called the confiscation of Ebadi's Nobel medal and diploma and express 'grave concern' about the treatment of her husband.
Khaleej Times : UAE News
I think the Nobel Prize commitee is sending a clear message to the world about the corruption rampent in our current administration.
Think Progress » Generosity.
The menu also has milkshakes and fruit ices, but nobody ever seems to order them.
Where you usually have a nuclear family living together and nobody else, we will often have not just a nuclear family but cousins, aunts, great-aunts, uncles. The extended family lives together, tightly knit.
From this he developed Ikenobo, the Japan's oldest school of Ikebana, literally translated as ‘The Way of the Flower’.
Satire is a lonely and introspective occupation, for nobody can describe a fool to the life without much patient ...
Of the five endemic amphibians two are tree frogs (Afrixalus clarkei and Afrixalus enseticola), two are ranid frogs (Phrynobatrachus bottegi and Phrynobatrachus sciangallarum), and one is a caecilian (Sylvacaecilia grandisonae).
Ethiopian montane forests
For Life Nobles and knights, only the person originally granted the arms bears them undifferenced.
Concordance A Terran Empire concordance
This whole section appears to me to be a wonderful revelation of his prison thoughts, an example of what we may call the ennobling power of a passionate enthusiasm for Christ.
Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Corinthians, Galatians, and Philippians Chapters I to End. Colossians, Thessalonians, and First Timothy.
The most urgent diagnosis is retinoblastoma, a malignancy most likely arising from retinal germ cells.
Being five inches in diameter, the doorknobs were more than twice the size of regular glass doorknobs of the same period and style.
You can't expect him to be perfect.nobody is.
He was ennobled in 1774 and put in charge of irregular forces.
I like riding clubs, and I don't think they are snobby at all.
These organisms are small and rarely noticed, much like relative nobody Preston.
The Sun
Charity dinners and celebrity dos for a cause are a trend these days - what better way to raise a big sum for a noble cause?
That state of having been purified is called cessation, which is the third noble truth.
Becoming Enlightened
That their designment halts: a noble ship of Venice
Othello, the Moore of Venice
Nobody is safe from suspicion at the moment.
For a few seconds nobody said anything.
Nobody has decided for definite; it's still just a giddy conversation about something that happens to other people.
Times, Sunday Times
If that was not enough, nobles of both countries thronged the hall.
The angel-noble of Henry VII, valued at ten shillings, appears to have been the coin given; it was in common use and not made especially for this purpose.
Three Thousand Years of Mental Healing
His message is that nobody can get a wage rise unless they accept less time with their family and friends, longer hours at work, and endless bullying from jumped-up managers.
It would be sounded high that he debased human nature, which has a "cognation," so the reverend and learned Doctor Cudworth calls it, with the divine; that the soul of man, immaterial and immortal by its nature, was made to contemplate higher and nobler objects than this sensible world, and even than itself, since it was made to contemplate God and to be united to Him.
Letters to Sir William Windham and Mr. Pope
The Dutch scientist Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1913.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1987 - Presentation Speech
Follow them the first time to see how they do, (you can tell them and do it very inobtrusively,).
Donna Fish: The Ever Expanding Umbilical Cord, or Tweens and Independence
A while later, she came back with their drinks as well as pretzels that nobody wanted.
Mascots are some of the most noble, dedicated, and stout-hearted performers.
They are very nice examples of the gothic form, employing noble materials, good colour and detailing, and in edifying proportions.
Solemn Mass at Ss. Gregory and Augustine Oratory, St. Louis Abbey
Music of the highest nobility crawled forth like toothpaste squeezed from an unending tube.
Times, Sunday Times