How To Use No-account In A Sentence

  • They'll ask me what in the world I'm doing ride with a no-account cowboy and why didn't I wait for Brad.
  • He is the Quantico drill instructor who has never seen combat - but has saved countless lives by turning slouchy, no-account rednecks and gang members into Marines, and teaching them to watch each other's backs.
  • The foolish child married some no-account and got herself pregnant.
  • That's because the no-account former Mayor Adrian Fenty, who Barry said was the 'most unaccountable mayor' he'd ever seen, is no longer in power. DeMorning DeBonis: Jan. 21, 2011
  • But what else could I expect from a bunch of low-rent, no-account hoodlums like you?
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  • West Topsham is a small no-account town just a few miles from the Northeast Kingdom.
  • The hooks are less obvious, and the tales of castaways and hopeless no-accounts not nearly as prevalent.
  • When the no-account Mr. Skeen learned he had a child coming, he up and ran off to Cleveland with barely a goodbye, she said. The curious case of the corpse in the car trunk
  • As film historian Thomas Doherty notes, the ‘slanderous central conceit’ of High Noon was that ‘the Old West was packed with no-account yellow-bellies.’
  • She cried for one of his no-account hoodlum friends, one whom she'd barely known at all.
  • What type of business truly gives away anything for free or hires lazy, no-account, unskilled employees?
  • Also turning up to pay their last respects are Bud's sister Marguerite and her no-account son, Royce.
  • But what else could I expect from a bunch of low-rent, no-account hoodlums like you?
  • But protecting the right of a people to run no-accounts out of office and to have a real voice in decisions that affect them is dear to US and Taiwanese hearts.
  • Without such an advisor, of course, the bench could potentially become crowded with no-account Liberal hacks of no discernible talent or skill.
  • Most promisingly of all, there is Jack Black, playing Shaun's no-account brother Lance.
  • At one point I hear Charlie Robison's song ‘My Home Town ‘, where there is the part where he sings about being a no-account pipe-line bum who quit his job at the end of the week and took his check and ‘spent it all on pot‘.
  • Well, Kane is a hero and a scoundrel, a no-account and a swell guy, a great lover, a great American citizen and a dirty dog.
  • She has no daughters, or daughters-in-law (unless you count the no-account woman her younger son is married to, which no one does), and only one sister, so I think she sort of misses out by not having a close female friend.
  • When the Jets finally won -- thanks to a goal line pass intereference call against Denver -- I could barely remember why I had ever liked the no-run, no-account Donkeys, who plunged to 2-4. Michael Conniff: Con Games: A Jet All the Way
  • ‘Hustling the Hustler’ brings in Buddy's no-account brother, and adds a convenient basement and pool table to the Petrie home.
  • Not in a negative way, but in the sense that she's almost reduced it to the status of a no-account irritation.
  • It's all complemented with the serious pathos of Hattori's sickly and melancholy wife and naturally the full-tilt violence with numberless ruffians and no-account villains feeling Zatoichi's cold steel.
  • Barlow used to say, the difference between a good detective and a no-account one is three things: patience, patience, and patience. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • Piney-woods people" was the local name for the tackies, the clay eaters, the no-accounts, that had settled about on the poorer lands in that section of Georgia, and given themselves over to thriftlessness for good and all. Stories Of Georgia
  • Do you reckon I'm stupid enough to waste money on a no-account like you?

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