How To Use Nnw In A Sentence
These include the cesium - and potassium-rich zeolites, pollucite and leucite, and the lithium-rich mica, zinnwaldite (a variety of the mineral lepidolite).
Nevertheless, several clear and important trends of probable Tertiary faults are present on satellite images; in particular, the two NW-SE splays and a NNW-SSE trend marked a, b and c in Figure 5.
On Nunnwood - the sole remnant of antique British forest in a region whose lowlands were once all sylvan chase, as its highlands were breast-deep heather - slept the shadow of a cloud; the distant hills were dappled, the horizon was shaded and tinted like mother-of-pearl; silvery blues, soft purples, evanescent greens and rose-shades, all melting into fleeces of white cloud, pure as azury snow, allured the eye as with
Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
These include the cesium - and potassium-rich zeolites, pollucite and leucite, and the lithium-rich mica, zinnwaldite (a variety of the mineral lepidolite).
Right now, it's 41F here in Providence, but feels like 32F, when you factor in the 18 mph wind blowing from the NNW.
"A forest's son, a river's daughter..."
The volume of displacement along the NNW - verging master thrust fault is estimated to be about 13.
NNW like I said, old argument, I'm not going into it
Mi neshi ddwyn heater o'r stafell gyfrifiadur ond ma hwnnw gena ni erioed a diom yn dda iawn felly dim ond cynhesu fy mhenegliniau oedd o.
She was on her way to the breakers' yard carrying a cargo of coal that shifted in a fierce NNW gale, causing her to take on water and founder off Penzance on 29 December 1911.
Druupee, baggee trowsurs, woarn wif teh waestband beeneef teh hipps an teh krowch arownd teh nees an moast ob teh unnwares shoing, luk reellee stoopid.
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On Nunnwood -- the sole remnant of antique British forest in a region whose lowlands were once all sylvan chase, as its highlands were breast-deep heather -- slept the shadow of a cloud; the distant hills were dappled, the horizon was shaded and tinted like mother-of-pearl; silvery blues, soft purples, evanescent greens and rose-shades, all melting into fleeces of white cloud, pure as azury snow, allured the eye with a remote glimpse of heaven's foundations.
Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 6
As both creep westwards, Uranus shifts from 1. 8° due W (right) of Jupiter tonight to lie 0. 8° (less than two Moon-breadths) NNW of Jupiter on the 19th and 1. 4° NE of Jupiter by the month's end.
Jupiter at opposition in September night sky
NNW and FD do have the advantage of easy offline operation, which Google Reader does have with Google Gears, but from my experience this isn't as slick as a desktop app caching pages to the computer. Software Archives
I tried the help file in NNW, but it seems to be for the older 3.1.x version, because it directs me to menu commands that don't exist.
FeedDemon, NetNewsWire To Sync Exclusively With Google Reader | Lifehacker Australia
Today there's no gold standard that is being mismanaged around the world in a deflationary mannwer as nations try to re-impose and hold it at pre-WWI parities that don't fit -- in the US in particular, causing the Fed to raise interest rates in the midst of deflation and recession in a manner that seems insane by our standards.
Lessons of the Great Depression, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Baboons are especially notorious for this rather unnwholesome exhibitionist behaviour.
There is an article at NNW by Goar on what should/could be done to imporve EI. skuleman Says:
Another Story Of E.I. Failure To Help Canadian « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
As the ridge weakened as predicted, NANGKA started to turn to a NNW movement.
It is represented by small-scale open folds that trend NNW-SSE and plunge to the north.
From here one could see the citadel of Degannwy, which was the official entrance to the kingdom of Gwynedd.
Towns such as Mittelwihr and Bennwihr were virtually razed to the ground.
The Lancang - Gengma earthquake sequence of 1988 formed a obvious epicenter zone which is in NNW strike.
Their defenders were being thoroughly beaten particularly Adam Lange who was towelled up by Matt Kennwell.
Shear sense indicators suggest overthrusting towards the WNW to NNW.
I have a lot of sympathy with NNW comments, those sort of things happen where I work.
[incentives] or one size fits all
Emplacement was accompanied by local dilation to form contact parallel, NNW- and WNW-trending dykes and by stoping of contacts.
It tra (1ei in whitf clethi and tammies, and it iK mile* sw of York, and i84NNWof London.
The general gazetteer, or, Compendious geographical dictionary [microform] : containing a description of the empires, kingdoms, states, provinces, cities, towns, forts, seas, harbours, rivers, lakes, mountains, capes, &c. in the known world : with the
SDreamer: NNW for iPodT/iPhone is continuing, all other mobile-specific apps are going away in deference to GR's mobile web interface critter42
FeedDemon, NetNewsWire To Sync Exclusively With Google Reader | Lifehacker Australia
By 1851, when the family moved to Suvalk (Suwalki — 114 km NNW of Bialystok) in Congress Poland, Markel-Mosessohn had undertaken a rigorous course of Jewish study, with an emphasis on acquisition of Hebraic skills.
Miriam Markel-Mosessohn.
(As an aside, one fun feature of NNW is that it shows all edits that have been made.
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“No peaceful sleep, Domnuathi, but a wakeful eternity in the deepest pits of Annwn.”
Earl of Durkness
The dip of the minimum reflectance (R_c) in the allochthon turns from NNW to WNW, indicating the state of stresses in the frontal zone of nappe.