

  1. the seventh month of the civil year; the first month of the ecclesiastic year (in March and April)

How To Use Nisan In A Sentence

  • Nisan has seven Nemutan covers in total — he buys them at Internet auctions and at fan conventions whenever he finds a good deal (he paid $70 for the original).
  • Then let Jehoiarib begin again with the month Tisri; and suppose all the courses jointly ministering at the feast of Tabernacles, and they will have finished their round (excepting one week over) by the month Nisan again: which gap of that one week how it is filled up, as also the intercalar month when it happened, would be too much for us to discuss in this place. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • At a P/E of around 23, Indian markets are surely overvalued and investors seem to have taken cognisance of this. Learning From the Past
  • Yet he remains underwhelmed, almost as if he is not cognisant of what he has achieved. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is bound, of course, to give cognisance to the fact of the order that is being enforced.
  • For those people pang from nail biting, diseased joy eating addiction, smoking obsession as great as many alternative identical robe problems both cognisance care as great as cognitive behavioural care have been shown to be rarely effective. Islamic Healing A-Z A's
  • The ethics of practice call upon the practitioner to take her or his place in the phenomenal world in full cognisance of the truths of love, oneness and interdependency.
  • The company said it will 'pay due and appropriate cognisance' to the sentiment behind the shareholders' decision. Times, Sunday Times
  • The game is growing, and we have to be cognisant of that. Times, Sunday Times
  • But in these admissions I am making no concession to the believer in original sin; for he regards human nature as such as congenitally depraved, and therefore can take no cognisance of exceptional cases of congenital depravity, cases which by breaking the rule that the new-born child is morally and spiritually healthy, may be said to prove it. What Is and What Might Be A Study of Education in General and Elementary Education in Particular
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