How To Use Nirvana In A Sentence

  • That much we can take away from this latest close encounter with planet Nirvana without fear of contradiction.
  • Nirvana" squared the circle by making a record that was both superb pop and rock music at the same time.
  • Seattle grunge outfit Nirvana topped the list with Smells Like Teen Spirit, followed by Rage Against the Machine's Killing in the Name.
  • After WWII, the San Fernando Valley was the nirvana of the common man, the Promised Land where the average Joe could afford to buy his place in the sun. - Latest Articles
  • Neo-illiberals belong to a venerable strand of nirvana thinking: the prelapsarian school. The Times Literary Supplement
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  • Sadly, research doesn't back up the idea that women have reached a nirvana of liberated sexuality.
  • Mergers with metropolitan parties in London or Dublin are the product of wishful thinking, the dream of achieving the nirvanas of a secure Union or Irish unity by the back door - and in the short term dishing the Shinners or the DUP. Irish Blogs
  • But we have to operate in the real world, not some socialist nirvana that simply does not work.
  • They thought that nirvana was a state of "non-existence" because they earnestly believed that this was the only way for them to ever achieve a lasting state of serenity.
  • Once we experienced the nirvana of the forward cabin, there was no going back to coach.
  • Within the tapestry of Indian thought, solitude is an extremely important path which has to be traversed for the attainment of moksha or nirvana.
  • How many parents imagine that beyond the frustrations of the teenage years there is some Nirvana without worry or unreason?
  • Former Nirvana drummer not consulted; is pissed. posted by Eric 10: 44 PM | IsThatLegal?
  • Five years back, business dreamed of the efficient nirvana implied by frictionless commerce.
  • It was a beautiful dream, a path to digital nirvana we had all hoped for but never dared to expect.
  • Nirvana is the realm of Dharmata-Buddha; it is where the manifestation of Noble Wisdom that is Buddhahood expresses itself in Perfect Love for all; it is where the manifestation of Perfect Love that is Tathagatahood expresses itself in Noble Wisdom for the enlightenment of all; – there, indeed, is Nirvana! Think Progress » Right-Wing Fringe Rebels Against Palin Over Her Endorsement Of ‘RINO’ McCain
  • Despite their antiestablishment and punk tendencies, Nirvana made the leap to a major label in 1991 when they signed with Geffen Records. Five People Born on February 20 | myFiveBest
  • According to rock writer Michael Azerrad's 1993 Nirvana bio, "Come as You Are: The Story of Nirvana," the label prepped an alternate cover without Elden's penis showing, but shelved it when Cobain said the only compromise he would make to the nudity was to cover it with a sticker that read, "If you're offended by this, you must be a closet pedophile. Boing Boing
  • Seattle grunge outfit Nirvana topped the list with Smells Like Teen Spirit, followed by Rage Against the Machine's Killing in the Name.
  • In tantra, as explained in the Mahanirvana Tantra, Shakti has nearly always been defined as kundalini, and Shiva, the male aspect, as chetana or consciousness. The Times of India
  • For about two decades, it seemed to many that a new national nirvana, an alternative to revolutionary socialist internationalism, had been discovered.
  • Nirvana" squared the circle by making a record that was both superb pop and rock music at the same time.
  • So competition, privatisation, is not always able to deliver the nirvana that some people like to promise.
  • Only 36 percent knew that nirvana is a state of being free from suffering and is an aim of Buddhism. Bruce Feiler: God in the U.S.A.: Americans Know More About Religion Than Most Other Subjects
  • The fundamental teaching of the Buddha is the four dharma seals: impermanence, no-self, suffering and nirvana, or peace.
  • With other band members singing some of Cuomo's leads, a massive onstage "hootenanny" that had fans playing along to acoustic renditions of tracks like "Island in the Sun," and even the surreal sight of Cuomo kicking over a record player (set up pre-encore) before blasting into a cover of Nirvana's "Sliver," the band has never been so refreshing. Spin Magazine Online -
  • Nirvana was able to seek refuge in two camps, with one foot tenuously dipped in the waters of grunge, and one grimy boot firmly set in the world of punk rock.
  • What makes it worth it here, in what A Geography of Oysters author Rowan Jacobsen calls Washington's "oyster nirvana," is the belief that these waters, and these skilled farmers, have something singular to offer shellfish gourmets. The American Oyster Paradise
  • You are a mere pygmy on your spiritual journey in comparison to some spiritual giants who have reached nirvana and have their name ticked off on the entrance list scroll pinned in the guard tower adjacent to the pearly gates, just up the block from the Purgatory Bar and Grill. Butt out « BuzzMachine
  • This deliverance he called saintship (_arahattam_) or nirvana of which I shall say something below. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 1
  • As Nirvana accepted its award, singer Kurt Cobain opened his trousers zipper, causing the camera to abruptly pan away from him.
  • That relic dates from an era defined by the music of Kurt Cobain, from the days when major labels raided Washington state's nightclubs in search of the next Nirvana. NPR Topics: News
  • Nirvana never sounded as detached as the Pixies, or as fluid, or as fun.
  • Either way, the economy is far from a nirvana for women.
  • He sank into nirvana
  • Seattle grunge rock, by way of Nirvana, suddenly made coffee culture very cool.
  • But some enlightened beings, called bodhisattvas, defer their nirvana, returning to human form to help others free themselves from the cycle.
  • Entering the realm of Nirvana is only possible for those who have become pure.
  • This year, we achieved nirvana, taking a house nestling under Hay Bluff where, after a morning spent quizzing festival attendees about their literary output, I could slip on my boots and head up the hills with dog and children in tow. Rob Lowe plus books – what could be better? | Mariella Frostrup
  • At the end of the journey, I feel as if I've reached a sort of Velocipede's nirvana.
  • The West is a dam builder's nirvana, full of deep, narrow canyons.
  • But then, this is nirvana for these gamers, whose eyes gleam with menace as they extinguish yet another virtual life.
  • He was planning to release a video compilation of live footage and together they watched tapes of Nirvana performances. Times, Sunday Times
  • (In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, a "bodhisattva" is an enlightened being who refuses Nirvana and stays in this world to help others.) RJ Eskow: Redemption Song: Ted Kennedy Through Allen Ginsberg's Eyes
  • By any measure, Ireland today is a nirvana for young affluent gay men and women.
  • Nirvana, in Hinduism, is achieved through a continuous cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth.
  • For about two decades, it seemed to many that a new national nirvana, an alternative to revolutionary socialist internationalism, had been discovered.
  • I lost myself in something like nirvana, grew so subject to the idea of vastness in geological time that all human desires and purposes shrivelled to ridiculous unimportance. Born in Exile
  • I'm not a chocaholic, but feasting my eyes on hand-made Swiss chocolate while on a business trip to Zurich was sheer nirvana. Magda Abu-Fadil: "Bezaubern" Zurich on a Short Business Trip
  • Then follows a series of embodiments, or incarnations, from lower to higher, in which occurs an evolution or "unfoldment" of the nature of the soul, in which it rises to higher and higher planes of being, until finally, after æons of time, it enters in Union with the Divine Nirvana and Reincarnation and the Law of Karma A Study of the Old-New World-Doctrine of Rebirth, and Spiritual Cause and Effect
  • Nirvana" squared the circle by making a record that was both superb pop and rock music at the same time.
  • That, and the fact that he got close to tennis nirvana at times in the semi-final against Roger Federer, explains why he's odds-on favourite tonight.8.22pm: Weather news: Bad news for fans of those who enjoy lengthy chats about the lack of lavatorial realism in modern cinema –it's not raining. Novak Djokovic v Rafael Nadal - as it happened! | John Ashdown
  • A hilarious but unauthenticated Justin Bieber quote is circulating online, striking panic into the hearts of Nirvana fans everywhere: "I feel like the Kurt Cobain of my generation, but people just don't understand me. Does Justin Bieber think he's his generation's Kurt Cobain?
  • Bodhisattva a person with sufficient merit to enter Nirvana; a Buddha-in-waiting bonne femme good woman, good wife boppha 1. flower 2. term of endearment, dear, darling boppha veatay menstruating, menstruating women brai female spirits, ghosts of dead women araks brai wild spirits, inclined toward evil brai krala plerng ghosts of women who died in childbirth brai kramom ghosts of women who died as virgins cbpab law; code of conduct cpbab chah Words About Women in Khmer History - Earthly and Divine Vocabulary | Angkor Wat Apsara & Devata: Khmer Women in Divine Context
  • Tröeg's newest brew, Nugget Nectar Ale, will take hopheads to nirvana with a heady collection of Nugget, Warrior and Tomahawk hops.
  • They were less "grungy" as Nirvana which is why they weren't breakthrough like Nirvana was. nirvana had an eccentric drug addicted mediocre songwriter to bring them in the spot light. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • The listener is then whiplashed into a wall of Nirvana-esque fuzz guitar that begs to be moshed to.
  • In the extreme situation, to the Buddhist it was the relinquishment of the world of suffering and agony, of duhkha, and he did it by stepping into the selfless blank of Nirvana. Archive 2008-01-01
  • And now we can understand the meaning of the early Buddhist dictum that realization is attained by experiencing nirvana in the body.
  • Nirvana's second album is a world beater.
  • In some of these traditions, the experiences are allegedly of a supersensory reality, such as God or Brahman (or, in a few Buddhist traditions, Nirvana, as a reality (See Takeuchi, 1983, pp. 8-9). Mysticism
  • Transcendental concepts like Buddhahood and nirvana may well represent our ultimate goal, but we will never become a Buddha by ignoring our immediate human condition.
  • (reliquaries in the shape of the calyx or bud of the lotus) inclose each a seated image, seventy-two more Buddhas sitting in those inner, upper circles, of Nirvana, facing a great dagaba, or final cupola, the exact function or purpose of which as key to the whole structure is still the puzzle of archæologists. Across the Equator A Holiday Trip in Java
  • Pastels, Nirvana, etc. I guess it's hard to explain, but people always seem surprised by our "loudness" when we play live. Artrocker -
  • As a teen he became even more inquisitive, sampling everything from Jimi Hendrix's psychedelic blues to grunge gods Nirvana and even early punk via Iggy and the Stooges.
  • The Eightfold Path is a multifaceted guide to nirvana that relies on wisdom (right view and intention); ethics (right speech, action & livelihood); and mind (right effort, mindfulness & concentration). Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • But a funny thing happened on the way to this war-based Republican nirvana.
  • Pearl Jam went on to surpass its 1990s contemporaries like Alice in Chains, Soundgarden and Nirvana, even as it transcended the label grunge. NYT > Home Page
  • The convictions that samsara is nirvana and that atman is Brahman are two distinctive religious conclusions born of such insight.
  • I shall never experience Nirvana: Paradise; or the Garden of Eden; name it how you will.
  • Entering the realm of Nirvana is only possible for those who have become pure.
  • I am totally unconvinced that these people understand or embrace anything, but are too often just looking to self-aggrandise and self-publicise their way to their personal nirvana. I’m Here For An Argument. No You’re Not! Yes I am! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • In the present times we have the new age gurus, generation next philosophers, management messiahs and a host of others offering quick-fix solutions, spiritual paradigms and instant nirvanas.
  • Perhaps 1,000 feet in length, this "reclining" or "sleeping" Buddha represents the deity passing into Nirvana. Waking the Buddha
  • In the meantime, of course, there were ways to snatch a foretaste of Nirvana - through drugs and sex - although I should say that my drug of choice was always alcohol by the wagonload…
  • The local youth hero-worship and follow him unquestioningly as he sets an example of destruction of a life full of promise by killing brain cells in search of the apparently seductive allure of petrol-fuelled nirvana.
  • That said, the nirvana is really to pull together my Writely documents, Zoho spreadsheets plus my Trumba calendar appointments, Gmail emails, etc. 2006 January « Squash
  • This is true gear-head nirvana, where rapier-shaped chrome speedboats with names like Lick This and Eliminator roast the water.
  • But unless we scored with an eager couple, this sexual nirvana was strictly off-limits to us single males.
  • Add a Bluetooth GPS and you are in momentary geek nirvana.
  • Courtney has been feuding with the other former members of Nirvana for years.
  • Once these arhats have passed away from the lifetime in which they have achieved arhatship – in other words, once they have achieved nirvana without residue (lhag-bcas-kyi mya-ngan-‘das), they are no longer able to enter the bodhisattva path. Buddha-Nature According to Gelug-Chittamatra, Svatantrika, and Prasangika
  • Even in the shorter gāthās we may eliminate the common stock of refrains, and yet discern, in each residuum, a distinctly and pathetically individual note, telling its own story of a supreme 'conjuncture' seized, of Nibbana (in its later Sanskrit form, Nirvāṇā) or Arahantship won. Psalms of the Sisters
  • Watch the viral video of the day – a Rick Astley/Nirvana mashup of “Never Gonna Give You Up” and “Smells Like Teen Spirit” called “Never Gonna Give Your Teen Spirit Up” … a new and clever kind of rick roll! Rick Astley Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Rickrolled (Video)
  • When a kid gets a pair of Nike sneakers that are new rather than somebody's hand-me-down, that to them is like they've reached nirvana. A Baby Shower for Moms in Need
  • We had perfect blue-sky weather all weekend, so with the windows rolled down and old Nirvana tunes blaring from the radio, we meandered along the lake and through the tree-shaded back roads. Anna Watson Carl: Eating Traverse City: Part I
  • In their quest to attain the nirvana of loyal consumers buying their brands and ignoring the competition, fashion firms have created lifestyle licensing.
  • The volumes of words written about Nirvana are only signposts, directing us to deeply understand the nature of ourselves and our life.
  • Maybe we should make the word nirvana into a verb itself: "When there is no you in connection with that, you nirvana. A Verb for Nirvana by Thanissaro Bhikkhu
  • So are we just here in a mid-point in our earthly lives, trying to attain that all-elusive state of grace so we can happily nick off to Nirvana, or are we here and now and gone tomorrow?
  • Ask any gourmet and he will swear by the bewitching biryani about the place being an epicurean's nirvana.
  • One such movement is feminism, which claims the path to social nirvana is the liberation of women.
  • Nirvana of non-existence, and he called sleepily, "What is it? Caste
  • The convictions that samsara is nirvana and that atman is Brahman are two distinctive religious conclusions born of such insight.
  • ‘The left perspective is that if we get big money out of politics we'll have a Marxist nirvana,’ he says.
  • - Because every single drop of nostalgia must be squeezed from the '90s, the next Foo Fighters album will find Dave Grohl teaming with his old Nirvana bandmate Krist Novoselic and "Nevermind" producer Butch Vig. Sugarland tops Kings of Leon on charts; Grohl, Novoselic, Vig back together; Bon Jovi to Verizon, Wu-Tang to Falls Church
  • Entering the realm of Nirvana is only possible for those who have become pure.
  • The Buddha sits under the tree of life to achieve nirvana via the eightfold path.
  • Nirvana is commonly described as 'nothingness' or a 'void.' Michael Brenner: The Buddha As Icon
  • From The Smiths to Nirvana, much of the best pop and rock music has been made by fans.
  • He fostered a look similar to that of the Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain, who was Jodi's particular idol.
  • Nirvana's Kurt Cobain is without a doubt one of music's most influential figures and his legacy will live forever in the annals of rock history, but in the talent department, Love is certainly no slouch.
  • The Hinayana approach stresses the ideal of the arhat, the enlightened one who has attained nirvana.
  • Philadelphia's most recent exports combine the raw power of grunge with a bit of pop, providing those perfect sludge melodies we loved in the early Nirvana days.
  • For many, Nirvana was the last big band that mattered, a highly critical and credible force in an industry that thrives more and more on homogeny.
  • Entering the realm of Nirvana is only possible for those who have become pure.
  • The way is hard and long, but I feel that we have been set upon the right road towards that hitherto unreachable Nirvana.
  • Because here the non-attainment of nirvana is not a punishment -- it's a natural consequence. THE HALLS OF PENTHEUS -- PART TWO
  • There was the 1961 Toothill Report promising Scottish economic nirvana through science-based industries.
  • Most cyclists yearn for a nirvana where there are no hills and the prevailing wind is always at your back.
  • What do the iPad, the band Nirvana, and the Fosbury Flop have to do with your professional and personal well-being?
  • Because of an editing error, we misidentified the author of an op-ed which appeared in Thursday's paper about Nirvana's Kurt Cobain and the growth of alternative rock music.
  • (A bodhisattva is a person who has attained Enlightenment, but who postpones Nirvana in order to help others on earth to attain Enlightenment.) BlogHer
  • Brahma is the impersonal, all-pervading force of the universe, and the ultimate goal is for man to be reunited with this God in nirvana.
  • As Nirvana accepted its award, singer Kurt Cobain opened his trousers zipper, causing the camera to abruptly pan away from him.
  • The way is hard and long, but I feel that we have been set upon the right road towards that hitherto unreachable Nirvana.
  • Many businessmen think that a world where relative prices never varied would be nirvana.
  • How far can we use the imagination to create a videogame that brings someone to nirvana?
  • Then, very quickly it seemed, the accountants took over and people started hedging their bets, and for every Nirvana, they signed eighteen Silverchair's or something. Mike Ragogna: Hey, Jon Stewart...What About Buffalo Tom? A Conversation with Bill Janovitz
  • Yet this unconditional state gives rise to all conditional things - all the experiences of samsara and nirvana, confusion and wisdom, conceptual perplexities, emotional conflicts, and so on.
  • For a guy who basks in the limelight, it was nirvana.
  • That much we can take away from this latest close encounter with planet Nirvana without fear of contradiction.
  • This evolutionary neopaganism, which owes much to eastern ideas of Nirvana and the like, is on clear display in this film.
  • Horace Bury was contemplating nirvana with vacant eyes and a trace of a smile. THE MOAT AROUND MURCHESON'S EYE
  • Finally, there is the nirvana: a ski-in, ski-out home that is what it says it is: situated right on slopes which are snow-covered throughout the season and groomed by the lift company's snowcats daily.
  • For the reality is that my brother's life - all our lives - changed forever in 1974, when he was 22: blithe, blond, sunny, interested chiefly in the nirvana of sport.
  • As Nirvana accepted its award, singer Kurt Cobain opened his trousers zipper, causing the camera to abruptly pan away from him.
  • The first is to explain why - if moral action is a hindrance to nirvana - the texts continually enjoin the performance of good deeds.
  • A bright orange backpack was slung ever so modishly across his shoulders and, when he turned around, I saw that he was wearing a black Nirvana T-shirt and neon pink Converse sneakers.
  • If your notion of nirvana is a chillum and a chill-out zone, you won't want to find yourself stranded in a resort full of retirees.
  • I later became a news producer, justifying my super nerdy television viewing habits and was in nirvana surrounded by the chaos of the control room. 2010 February « Denmeister
  • She does not deserve to be offered the ultimate nirvana of a council house, and all that that entails, to replace her broken or unfulfilled dream of playing house with her dollies.
  • The only faintly sinister moment in my new nirvana was when we were told that we couldn't unplug the set-top box's phone link to Sky headquarters, otherwise our contract would be forfeit.
  • If we describe nirvana in such terms as uncompounded and the cessation of passion, which are beyond the ordinary norm, there will be less danger of misleading people, and they might pause and think more.
  • Immortality, the birthless and deathless state of nirvana, lies beyond this cycle of the wheel of life.
  • One of the Buddhist expressions for enlightenment, nirvana, is seeing things the way they really are.
  • Business dreamed of the nirvana of frictionless commerce.
  • As many beings as there are in the universe of beings, comprehended under the term" beings "— egg-born, born from a womb, moisture-born, or miraculously born; with or without form; with perception, without perception, and with neither perception nor nonperception — as far as any conceivable form of beings is conceived: all these I must lead to Nirvana, into that Realm of Nirvana which leaves nothing behind Enlightenment East and West: An Introduction to Romanticism and Buddhism
  • It led to Nirvana's parent label reissuing the band's back catalog. Funk Yards, Beacon Blues
  • The thing I like about this list of records-to-shun is that it avoids the obvious targets (Manilow, Kenny G) and goes after worshipped bands like Nirvana and Green Day. Boing Boing: July 14, 2002 - July 20, 2002 Archives
  • It is through vipassana that one can attain Nirvana, the Absolute or the Goal of Buddhism.
  • In mahayana Buddhism, a bodhisattva is an enlightened being who forgoes nirvana and vows to take rebirth again and again in order to save all sentient beings from suffering.
  • I, for one, from reading the Book of Job and having knowledge about the Eightfold Path would know that I have done the right thing by being virtuous since it would aid me in achieving nirvana.
  • Then His Holiness turns to Nagarjuna�s text and demonstrates how the second verse encapsulates the purport of the Buddha�s wisdom teaching in the Madhyamika (Middle Way) view that all existents in the universe (e.g., aggregates, sense powers, samsara, nirvana) are empty of inherent or true existence yet they do exist dependently through mere nominal designation. Nagarjuna's Bodhichitta Commentary
  • Immortality, the birthless and deathless state of nirvana, lies beyond this cycle of the wheel of life.
  • There, on the sprawling campus at Berkeley, covering an area as large as the town she had been reared in, her search for nirvana ended. THE ENDLESS GAME
  • The answer to the problem of suffering does not lie in a better rebirth in the cycle of reincarnation - only nirvana offers a final solution.
  • Two weeks into the new TV season, two new shows have already croaked -- but no new show has really reached ratings nirvana. TV Column: CBS heads the field in the new TV season's winners and losers
  • Rice is a tricksy ingredient and, just like risotto, certain rules must be observed to achieve paella nirvana. How to cook the perfect paella
  • Life would be like the strange nirvana that perfused the first half of the film The Invention of Lying where no one was capable of lying, or had considered it as a viable social concept. Peter Howitt: Murder, Lies and the Human Condition

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