How To Use Nineteenth In A Sentence

  • In art, the lure of anecdote always presents serious risks, and a good deal of nineteenth century American art succumbed to that drive to explain and amuse.
  • It was a simple rectangle of crudely mounded basalt rocks, a distinctive arrangement reminiscent of the way Samoans and other Polynesians marked their dead in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
  • A second wave of emigrations of Ashkenazic Jews from Eastern Europe at the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries brought larger numbers of Yiddish-speaking, traditional Orthodox Jews into the Seattle community. Weaving Women's Words: Seattle Stories
  • It should also be noted that there are no contact-period materials from the Johnson site and that the only historic materials recovered date to the nineteenth century and did not occur in the provenances associated with the figurines.
  • In one of his books he reviewed the early nineteenth-century development of catastrophism and uniformitarianism and made this revealing comment.
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  • Or “incurve,” a term commonly used as the nineteenth century became the twentieth. The Neyer/James Guide To Pitchers
  • From the late nineteenth century Britain and other European powers began to gain control of parts of the Ottoman Empire.
  • The story - probably apocryphal - is that William Webb Ellis at Rugby School in the nineteenth century picked up the ball during a soccer match and ran with it, inventing rugby.
  • At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the building was extended by addition of east and west wings linked to the centre by colonnades tracing the path of the old road.
  • In the early nineteenth century Greece was the focus of a cultural movement, an idealizing "Hellenism," and international political involvement in the War of Independence against the Ottoman Note: Greece
  • Ergot also had a history of medical use—as a labor-inducing drug that, according to one nineteenth-century physician, “expedites lingering parturition and saves to the accoucheur a considerable portion of time.” MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • At one level the book is indeed a meticulously documented economic history of nineteenth-century Madagascar.
  • Plastering was performed by masons until it became a specialty of its own in the nineteenth century.
  • In the late nineteenth century these movements developed into forms of religious nationalism.
  • Throughout the last decades of the eighteenth century and the first decades of the nineteenth, scarcely a year passed without violent protest or armed rebellion.
  • In the early nineteenth century, there were not enough priests to minister to the burgeoning Catholic community in the United States.
  • We are overapt to apply our nineteenth century prejudices and prepossessions to the morality of the ancient Greeks who would have specimen'd such squeamishness in Attic salt. Arabian nights. English
  • In the early nineteenth century, as earlier, most British working-class women made their families' clothes, from cotton calicoes for dresses and shirts, and from fustian for trousers and jackets.
  • They need to recruit more people into the prison service. But another point I'd like to make is that many prisons were built in the nineteenth century.
  • Nineteenth-century Britain was a class-conscious society.
  • We reached rue Oberkampf, and the girl in the black tights was still complaining to her friend in the gray tights as they waited to jaywalk across the street, which was bustling with French students and artists whose bags, I imagined, held nineteenth century novels, or paperbacks with white covers; guitar strings, or paint brushes. Five Stops on Line 2, Ch 1: Qalb elouz
  • Some of the most rapidly growing towns in the mid-nineteenth century were the very antithesis of industrial centres: these were the seaside resorts, fashionable spas, and tourist attractions, such as Rome.
  • Scholars of nineteenth-century sentimentalism note the radical universalism underlying sentimental discourse as well as the broad values of political and social equality it assumes.
  • The highest expression of nineteenth century neoclassicism is seen in the wonderful mural, based on Dante's Divine Comedy, by Jacobo Gálvez and Gerardo Suárez on the dome of the Degollado Theater. Murals come to life in the Florence of Mexico: Guadalajara
  • In the nineteenth century, a mercury compound called calomel was used to treat everything from tuberculosis and parasites to toothaches and constipation. The Panic Virus
  • By the nineteenth century, the Beta Israel eventually took up stigmatized craft occupations, which also became associated with the connotation Falasha (Quirin, 1992). Ethiopian Jewish Women.
  • The "incompetency" of criminal defendants to testify at their own trials was part of the common law of England and then the United States until the Nineteenth Century, during which incompetency gave way to the notion that the basis for disqualification - the defendant's FindLaw Writ - Recent Articles
  • The armchair's densely carved scallops and shellwork, rosebuds, floral bouquets, and cartouche-shaped back are loosely based on the rococo style as reinterpreted in French pattern books of the mid-nineteenth century.
  • Beyond that lay the Laramie plains where the Wyoming cattle business started after a nineteenth-century cattleman lost some of his cows on a drive from Montana summer pasture back to Texas. Bird Cloud
  • By the middle of the nineteenth century there were twice as many; by the early twentieth century twice as many again.
  • The electroplate manufacturers in North America in the late nineteenth century favored various plain square, oblong, and low round baskets and taller ones on a foot, resembling a compote.
  • In the working-class saloons that lined the roughest sections of late nineteenth-century Chicago, refusing a man's treat violated rules of plebeian sociability and thus frequently triggered brawls.
  • American schools in the early nineteenth century taught children to avoid the “frivolities” of play and to make themselves “useful” through the exercise of self-denial. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Dyed silk was purchased from Arab and Indian traders until sericulture was introduced on the island in the early nineteenth century.
  • Navarre was a conservative, stable agrarian society in which Catholic Credit societies flourished in the late nineteenth century.
  • It resembled a nineteenth-century spiritualist picture, those pale blurs of ectoplasm in which believers detected the forms of the dead. SACRAMENT
  • (1997, 2006, 2008) defends an empiricist and non-realist form of structuralism about science, motivated by an illuminating reconstruction of the origins of structuralism in the debate about the epistemology of physical geometry in the nineteenth century, and more generally in the progressive mathematisation of science. Structural Realism
  • Demography and population Few studies of the nineteenth-century migration process have concentrated on the detailed longitudinal analysis of specific groups of migrants.
  • The following quotation is taken from a nineteenth century travel diary.
  • The nineteenth-century elites kept to their strict Protestant ways, abjuring the theater but supporting music.
  • Their copies of the old text were reprinted in every land and by the middle of the nineteenth century, the cuneiform language (so called because the letters were wedge-shaped and "cuneus" is the Latin name for wedge) had given up its secrets. Ancient Man The Beginning of Civilizations
  • I have seen older references (nineteenth century) that designated the daughters of comtes as vicomtesses but question their accuracy.
  • This is why MGM was the echt Hollywood studio of the first half of the century, its scripts adapted from nineteenth-century novels by Tolstoy and Dickens, its gowns by Adrian, and its sets by Cedric Gibbons.
  • The city's rise to prominence as a port began in the early nineteenth century.
  • Kunichika was one of the old-style artists of ukiyo-e towards the end of the nineteenth century.
  • By the early decades of the nineteenth century, Levy explains, consistent pressure on women's reading habits had caused cultural and biological reproduction to become intertwined.
  • Modern linguistics emerged as a distinct field in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. The Chomsky Update - Linguistics and Politics
  • The United States was founded on the pro-liberty ideals of the eighteenth century; the nineteenth century might not have provided such propitious foundations.
  • Her interest in Chinese armorial ceramics is longstanding, and is matched by research into the collecting of Chinese art in the West in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
  • The British inland waterway system, flourishing in the early nineteenth century, was staffed by a large body of bargees who, like the railway navvies, earned an unenviable reputation for roughness.
  • It was not until the second half of the nineteenth century that houses for the rural working class really began to improve.
  • St. Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) (1887-1968) 3. There were 20 stigmatics in the nineteenth century. Latest Articles
  • Exponentially increasing literacy rates among women and the resultant popularity of feuilletons had made this an important political issue in the mid-nineteenth century.
  • They normally wear Home Service review order dress as would have been worn on garrison duties and manoeuvres during the latter part of the nineteenth century.
  • Early Zionist leaders, from the late nineteenth century onwards, consciously set out to create a class of Jews who were the opposite of the Jews of the shtetl (the traditional Eastern European Jewish ghetto).
  • This form of nationalism is unificatory and corresponds historically with the nationalisms of Italy and Germany in the nineteenth century.
  • The present political system is a hangover from the nineteenth century colonial era.
  • I had just spent seven years in an English public school, a school which in terms of its attitudes, beliefs and judgements was not so much out of date as stuck in a time warp, back in the nineteenth century.
  • The precious place of the nude was bolstered by the economics of the art market in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
  • Everything changed, however, with the discovery of radioactivity at the end of the nineteenth century - a discovery that led to one of the most remarkable, fruitful, and fateful eras in the history of chemistry.
  • What Aristotle had written in ancient Greece, classifying the minerals known then, remained unchallenged and unimproved into the nineteenth century.
  • Poe was the juiciest rhymer of the nineteenth century—before Swinburne, that is—but Mallarmé in his wisdom translated Poe into exquisitely rhymeless French prose, and then Mallarmé published his reverent prose translations in a book, with line drawings by Manet. THE ANTHOLOGIST
  • By the mid-nineteenth century, advances in physics, chemistry, metallurgy, and ballistics were influencing the manufacture of weapons.
  • The sort of speaker who you expect to say 'and nineteenthly, my lords ...' before finding his second wind. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of the early immigrants of the late nineteenth century worked in the steel mills and foundries of the northeastern states.
  • At the end of the first round,he was nineteenth.
  • Hans Nielsen Hauge was a reformer in nineteenth-century Norway when the state church there was getting pretty moribund. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • In the early nineteenth century, the old British antagonism between Celts and Saxons was put on a biological footing.
  • A deliberate policy of promoting free trade can be traced back to the mid nineteenth century.
  • Like literary writers, nineteenth-century scientists sometimes created characters to embody or personify challenging ideas.
  • This biological process wasted food and, with expanding scientific knowledge of bacteria during the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, began to be seen as unhealthful.
  • Reed's generous patronage of contemporary American artists was exceptional in the early nineteenth century.
  • Rome in the nineteenth century was a Mecca for painters, sculptors, architects, printmakers, writers, and composers from all over the world.
  • Asian manual laborers who came to the United States in the nineteenth century were overwhelmingly male.
  • At the end of the nineteenth century, burning forest biomass to clear land and fertilize the soil was used only occasionally on the Continent.
  • The struggle between Russia and Great Britain in the late nineteenth century saw major Central Asian khanates, such as Bukhara, Samarkand, and Tashkent, fall under Russian influence.
  • Yet by the end of the nineteenth century - the apogee of the Victorian Age - the moral justification for the empire and the scientific knowledge of the effects of opium use could no longer ensure that this drug trade would go unchallenged.
  • The middle of the nineteenth century marked the beginning of the national awakening.
  • It's a general description of nineteenth-century English Christmas customs, including wassailing and guising, apparently taken from published accounts.
  • This is the key principle of modern biology, as described by Charles Darwin in the mid-nineteenth century.
  • The political literature of the nineteenth century was full of references to class, and in particular nervously raised the possibility of unchecked working-class political power. Democracy and its Critics - Anglo-American democratic thought in the nineteenth century
  • The last decade of the nineteenth century saw the development of a considerable antipathy to trade unionism among influential public opinion.
  • Drunken brawls represented the leading single source of homicide in late nineteenth-century Chicago.
  • The third was a lengthy and dully-written biography of a late nineteenth-century general.
  • Shortly before the Civil War, the fraternity regrouped and became the model for dozens of other fraternal organizations that enjoyed tremendous popularity in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
  • In many cases these rugs were created by women for their own use, and some of the most exuberant survivals are those worked in New England, particularly in New Hampshire, in the latter half of the nineteenth century.
  • Early theories generated late in the nineteenth century correlated cold periods with times of pluvial conditions in arid regions.
  • At the beginning of the nineteenth century the population stood at a mere 5000, contained entirely within the Sydney basin.
  • Cloud Atlas (2004) by David Mitchell is another haunting book, a reading experience that can only be compared with an Everest ascent, with the thematic summit of the book occurring midway through, by which point we've leapfrogged from the the early nineteenth century to the twenty third (or thereabouts). MIND MELD: Non-Genre Books for Genre Readers
  • Jane Eyre (Ch. 12) "Shirley" is a powerful indictment of the position of women in nineteenth-century England. The Better Part
  • Chemistry was par excellence the laboratory science of the early nineteenth century.
  • The most commonly illustrated combinations of sofa and bed in the nineteenth century were the bed lounge, the bed couch, and the davenport sofa bed.
  • Their treatise is one of the most detailed of the half dozen or so in my possession and the one which mentions numbers of nineteenth century ganaderos whose names are still fairly common currency today. The foundational bull ranches
  • In the mid-nineteenth century, Dorothea Dix began to campaign for humane treatment of the mentally ill.
  • The tone of the learned nineteenth-century Scottish writer and historian is both wise and disapproving. ONE HUNDRED DAYS
  • Furthermore, it bore coincidental resonance with the nineteenth-century Euro-American pejorative digger, which referred to the supposed cultural inferiority of California's Native Americans, some of whom derived subsistence from the gathering of wild roots. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • The techniques of boodling were little-known and regarded with a certain awe by the mid - nineteenth-century public. The Hacker Crackdown
  • A whole range of material and cultural innovations in the late nineteenth century had begun to transform urban life.
  • Both nitroglycerine and TNT, two of the most powerful explosives in existence, can trace their origins to this race in research during the nineteenth century.
  • Its replacement marker indicates a thirteen-foot drop between the present ground level and that of the mid-nineteenth century.
  • Since the mid-nineteenth century crime and detective fiction has been a prominent part of the output of all the dominant mass media.
  • The climax of European imperialism in the nineteenth century coincided with the European population explosion.
  • In the early nineteenth century, language historians identified German as a member of the Germanic subfamily of the Indo-European family of languages.
  • His death mask, which showed him to have had a sharply receding forehead, created problems for nineteenth century phrenologists since it ‘left no room for the organ of causality’.
  • The monks, who had been easy and indulgent landlords, were succeeded by selfish despots who introduced rack-rent for the tenants and brought them to that pitiable state of serfdom in which the nineteenth century—to the eternal shame of Protestant England! The Social Order Before and After the Protestant Reformation
  • It has been argued that nineteenth-century demographic change had more to do with fertility than mortality.
  • Mystery, danger, and black magic combine in this gothic tale set in the early nineteenth century.
  • Many Native Americans were killed during the settlement of the American West by Europeans in the nineteenth century.
  • For her, he is a holdover from the nineteenth century, not a modern artist.
  • A dozen burials found in the surrounding hypocaust in the nineteenth century would be consistent with a graveyard around a church*. Archive 2010-02-01
  • Some even of these - like jute, sisal, coir, and kapok - only began to be imported into Britain from the nineteenth century onwards.
  • Ornithologists and naturalists, including the renowned nineteenth-century illustrator John Gould, originally classified male and female huias as two different species.
  • Giles was the last European to explore vast regions of unmapped desert in Central Australia, what the nineteenth century referred to as terra incognita.
  • He argues that, despite the severe strain on population and economic growth caused by the slave trade, the economy continued to expand from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century, and the colonial state acted as an economic depressant rather than a stimulant.
  • It's written in a kind of pastiche nineteenth-century style, complete with faux-Spanish exotic syncopations, melody and harmony (falling tetrachords, augmented seconds).
  • What this article has tried to illuminate is a dual condition in which psychology — in a piecemeal way in the course of the early part of the nineteenth century — is emerging as an empirical science for the study of the individual mind, but is also at this point becoming a new forum for a humanist metaphysics of the individual. Psychology in Search of Psyches: Friedrich Schelling, Gotthilf Schubert and the Obscurities of the Romantic Soul
  • Also, given that vintage Madeira is not cheap, the solera wines are priced so that a nineteenth century solera wine is much less expensive that a true vintage Madeira of the ‘base’ year.
  • Ferrets and stoats, introduced by European settlers in the nineteenth century, pushed the birds further into the backblocks of New Zealand.
  • In the late nineteenth century negligence did not recognise injury caused by psychiatric means as compensable.
  • Bezique in its original version was soon taken up by the UK and became an extremely popular game in the mid-Nineteenth Century.
  • Pin-tsun Chang, "Maritime Trade and Local Economy in Late Ming Fukien," 63 – 82; Ren-Chuan Lin, "Fukien's Private Sea Trade in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries," 163 – 216; and Chin-Keong Ng, "The South Fukienese Junk Trade at Amoy from the Seventeenth to Early Nineteenth Centuries," 297 – 316. How Taiwan Became Chinese
  • Well into the nineteenth century, the life of Scotland formed a clear continuum with its past. WHEN SCOTLAND RULED THE WORLD: The Story of the Golden Age of Genius, Creativity and Exploration
  • By the nineteenth century, Anglo-Americans, even in the slave states, no longer called themselves Creoles because they were no longer colonials.
  • Politically, they have roots that go back to the nineteenth century of American pastoralism and trustbusting, and of European social democracy and state regulation.
  • Such anxieties are still informed by nineteenth-century pseudo-scientific genetic and biological explanations of racial difference and comprise distortion, fantasy and myth.
  • Such anxieties are still informed by nineteenth-century pseudo-scientific genetic and biological explanations of racial difference and comprise distortion, fantasy and myth.
  • Founded and edited by writer, journalist and clubwoman Rosa Sonneschein, the magazine emerged from the network of activism created by late nineteenth-century middle-class Jewish clubwomen, particularly those from the National Council Of Jewish Women (NCJW). American Jewess,The.
  • During the first half of the nineteenth century Britain made the slave trade illegal.
  • Later nineteenth-century public health, in contrast, initially based on miasmatic, then zymotic theories of disease emphasized broad based environmental rather than moral reform.
  • There exist several extra-illustrated copies of this work which leads us to conclude that this large-paper extra-illustrated edition was an example of a publication for the grangerizing school of extra-illustration that had a vogue in the mid-nineteenth century.
  • This author explains how Romantic mythography, nineteenthcentury linguistics, and racism ‘resurfaced’ in academic orientalism.
  • The forest is new: the ultimate victor in the conflicts, economic collapse and depopulation of the late nineteenth century.
  • Nevertheless, varied combinations of ancient philosophical essentialism and nineteenth-century scientific racialism linger to this day in American folk concepts of race.
  • Although many of the great minds of nineteenth-century anglophone culture had been fascinated by the French Revolution and Napoleon, interest lapsed during the first half of the twentieth century.
  • The quarry pits aroused the curiosity of the first European-American settlers on the ridge at the beginning of the nineteenth century.
  • During the 1840s Melun hoped to resurrect the corporative system in a new form appropriate to nineteenth-century conditions, by bringing together Christian masters and their apprentices in a patronage.
  • The difference is that while just as real to him, Cornell used his trouvaille to create histories imagined, rather than to re-create a certain place or period of time as Benjamin did with nineteenth-century Paris.
  • Once carbon dioxide is acquired, it can be rapidly reacted with the hydrogen brought from Earth in the methanation reaction, which is also called the Sabatier reaction after the chemist of that name who studied it extensively during the latter part of the nineteenth century. The Case for Mars
  • Far from being an isolated port, one early nineteenth-century view of Monterey harbor shows a Russian brig, a Yankee schooner, and another ship at anchor.
  • She was a pioneer in the development of working-class housing in the second half of the nineteenth century.
  • In the nineteenth century, people thought ghosts came into a house through its keyholes, and these covers were designed to keep them out.
  • The craft brotherhoods of railway men, founded in the last decades of the nineteenth century with only-white membership clauses in their constitutions, enforced the racially segmented order of railroad work.
  • Plato, and has been vaguely voiced at intervals down through the centuries; but its complete establishment came only as an indirect issue of the great scientific discoveries of the nineteenth century, and its application to the problems of practical schoolcraft and its dissemination through the rank and file of teachers awaited the dawn of the twentieth century. Craftsmanship in Teaching
  • The last decade of the nineteenth century saw the development of a considerable antipathy to trade unionism among influential public opinion.
  • By the mid-nineteenth century there was little distinction between formal articles on craniology and studies by enthusiastic amateurs.
  • It was only in the late nineteenth century that a sustained campaign for pensions for manual workers began.
  • The mid-nineteenth century witnessed a ‘Catholic revival’ in Europe, with both ultramontane and liberal wings.
  • My favorite suffragist and champion, however, is Matilda Joslyn Gage, born on March 24,and author of Woman, Church, and State which exposed and challenged patriarchies and misogynists in the nineteenth century. Melinda J. Rising: Getting the Spotlight Back on Women
  • EDWARD WILMOT BLYDEN, Arabic scholar, student of African affairs, writer, diplomat, educator, and one of the most forceful thinkers of the nineteenth century, was born at St. Croix, Danish West Indies. World’s Great Men of Color
  • Yet, in real life, circumstances do sometimes conspire to bring about coincidences which anyone but a nineteenth century novelist would find incredible.
  • Le Corbusier's admonitions echo much of nineteenth century morality in terms of emphasis on order and health, and by inference cleanliness.
  • In the nineteenth century, pirates roamed the seas.
  • Architectural styles range from ornate, nineteenth-century villas to modern, high-rise apartment buildings.
  • Holism was the unquestioned orthodoxy of the Western tradition of practising medicine and investigating nature for the two millennia before the nineteenth century.
  • By the last quarter of the nineteenth century the majority of the once-prosperous artisans and craftsmen were reduced to the ranks of lowliest laborers - the barbers and washermen, the servants and scavengers.
  • Towards the end of the nineteenth century, did not the savants declare that the only difference between the physical and chemical forces consists of the special rates of vibration of the etheric particles?
  • Some were written by well-known romantic poets in the nineteenth century.
  • So, given the nineteenth century, we are opposed, as a general proposition, and among all peoples, in Asia as well as in Europe, in India as well as in Turkey, to ascetic claustration. Les Miserables
  • One of the classic confrontations of nineteenth-century ethnology stemmed from this very circumstance.
  • Jacobinism -- the doctrine of the ultra-radical and anticlerical wing of the French revolutionary movement -- was as much of an ogre to eighteenth and nineteenth century conservatives as socialism and communism were their latter-day counterparts. Lerdo de Tejada: Jacobin to liberal elitist
  • As with so many other pre-nineteenth century tools, we have much to learn about early braces, their designs, and their fabrication.
  • His new book is a survey of European theatre in the nineteenth century.
  • His father, Simon Farber, a former bargeman in Poland, had immigrated to America in the late nineteenth century and worked in an insurance agency. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Early nineteenth-century phenomena such as bibliomania and the figure of the "bookman" helped to spark a widespread awareness of books as printed objects and an interest in the physical dimensions of the readerly relationship to them. Article Abstracts
  • Yet we find in the nineteenth century a muddled picture, a sort of cross-pollination of positions.
  • The introduction of the conoidal bullet in the mid-nineteenth century greatly increased the range, accuracy, and striking power of small-arms fire, and in the Civil War rifle fire accounted for most battle casualties.
  • At significantly reduced rates, say a nineteenth of consumption in 2008, both of these nations could continue to utilize their domestic reserves for nearly half a millenium
  • Again, in the silent night-watches, did sage Mentor become vocal, going over afresh the story of the Nervous and the Mucous, classifying their victims, generalizing laws, discriminating the various dyspepsies of the nations, and summing up at last the inestimable benefits conferred by our modern dyspepsy on the character, the literature, and the life of this nineteenth century. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 85, November, 1864
  • This represents a continuation of the trends which began at the very end of the nineteenth century, but it has not been a steady evolution. A Social History of Modern Spain
  • The visage of the British king, who provided so much useful ammunition to anti-monarchists in the early nineteenth century, appears a few times, in fact, in the more obscure allegorical pictures.
  • The following quotation is taken from a nineteenth century travel diary.
  • He notes, with some disquietude, the decline in publication of case studies of smaller communities, where most nineteenth-century Americans lived and worked.
  • To Barth, this could only indicate that Bultmann was in effect taking the same path as their nineteenth-century forefathers.
  • I know that in Liverpool in the late nineteenth century around 0.5 per cent of the entire lineal quayage was unusable because it was covered in rubbish: the lad did not know that.
  • In the nineteenth-century novel, when eugenic and biologistic ideologies are in place, this curative function operates within a specifically medicalized, somatized framework.
  • Mouchoirs were produced in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to commemorate notable and royal events.
  • The term imperialism often describes cases in which a foreign government administers a territory without significant settlement; typical examples include the scramble for Africa in the late nineteenth century and the American domination of the Philippines and Puerto Rico. Colonialism
  • Modern linguistics emerged as a distinct field in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. The Chomsky Update - Linguistics and Politics
  • The type and design is a bit mimsy and the paintings tend to be dated before the end of the nineteenth century.
  • The term "acid rain" was coined in the nineteenth century.
  • It was a key element in the dominant ideology of the nineteenth century in all the major capitalist countries.
  • His nineteenth film is a simple, humour-filled tale that resonates with deeper themes of friendship and fate.
  • A variety of purely mechanical devices were used from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries to increase the size and capacity of the ear to conduct sound.
  • This year will bring his nineteenth successive jockeys' championship. Times, Sunday Times
  • They printed a broadside in two colors on an early nineteenth-century Columbian handpress in an edition sufficient for all participants in the workshops to have one.
  • Many crew photographs of the nineteenth century show crews in poses reminiscent of school photographs with the entire crew assembled for posterity.
  • The Gadsden Purchase represents a point of intersection between mid-nineteenth-century commercial expansionism and the debate over slavery.
  • The city grew rapidly in the nineteenth century.
  • The hardwood was that cheap mahogany or baywood that you get in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century furniture. THE GWEN JOHN SCULPTURE
  • It was a key element in the dominant ideology of the nineteenth century in all the major capitalist countries.
  • These works can be partly seen as a continuation of the nineteenth-century tradition of exotic genre such as depictions of slave girls.
  • Her latest project is a film based on the life of a nineteenth-century music hall star.
  • Nineteenth-century irrigation pioneers were better suited to endure hardships than settlers who struggled to survive on Federal Reclamation projects after 1902.
  • Nineteenth-and early-twentieth-century travelers and missionaries observed Jengu rites along the coast.
  • Already in the nineteenth century, the recovery and decipherment of writings from ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia had caused an immense public stir.
  • The nineteenth century notions of the evolution of religion from primitive animism to polytheism to monotheism have been falsified in tribe after tribe all over the world.
  • Both nitroglycerine and TNT, two of the most powerful explosives in existence, can trace their origins to this race in research during the nineteenth century.
  • As disseminated in America since the First World War, the term 'musicology' [1] borrows directly from musicologie, coined by the French during the last third of the nineteenth century as a less-than-scintillating translation of the more encompassing German Musikwissenschaft. A Musicological Offering
  • Nineteenth-century choreographers creating either a character or a national ballet used both occupational and natural emotional gesture in their dance designs.
  • Telling the simultaneous (and startlingly parallel) stories ofthe legendary architect of the 1893 Chicago World's Fair and one of the nineteenth century's most nefarious serial killers, this thrilling and meticulously researched book is as suspenseful as any fictive whodunit. Possibly We Got A Little Carried Away With Our Holiday Gift Recommendations

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