
How To Use Nimbus In A Sentence

  • Marcus Aurelius's hair stands energetically up, a nimbus of corkscrewing locks, not a bit like the conventional signs for hair that plaster so many Roman marble crania. The Forever City
  • The sunset scene shows a classic cumulonimbus cloud formation.
  • A whirling flash of sapphire suddenly rotated --- in a delirious foxtrot --- with Doc's own dizzy nimbus of gilded amber. BEHINDLINGS
  • Her great wiry nimbus of vermilion hair stood out like a flaming crown above her long slender neck.
  • The sky is filled with the remnants of the enormous cumulonimbus rain clouds that have been building up, emptying their contents and building up again all day.
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  • When the power within her reached its peak, the red nimbus around her expanded to fill the entire corridor.
  • Modified skills: Sieze Nimbus , Magic Power and Mana Force - max skill lvl increased to 10.
  • The possibility of being swept away by a cumulonimbus cloud or non-English-speaking tourists drinking frozen lemonade and carrying digital cameras in pedicabs in Central Park? Storm Chaser and Tank Blow Into Town
  • Kira was laying, her head laying delicately on a rock, her hair splayed out around her head like a nimbus.
  • After that everything took on a kind of red hallucinatory nimbus and he became uncertain of events for a while. THE LONGEST WAY HOME
  • Above 6,500 feet can be found altocumulus ("clumps or rolls") and altostratus (a "drab and featureless" haze), as well as the storm clouds nimbostratus ("dim, miserable") and cumulonimbus ("the shape of a blacksmith's anvil"). Cirrus Concerns
  • And Narnia idealises the simple things in life, while the more up-to-date, affluent Harry drools over the latest must-have broomstick, the Nimbus 2000.
  • He was sitting with his back to the window, sunlight behind his shoulder haloing his fur in a nimbus of white light, being shattered into a hundred pieces by the facets of the cut crystal goblet in his hand.
  • From the walls of the room jagged flashes of blue-white lightning clawed out at the creature, outlining it in a momentary nimbus of sparks and power which faded in the blink of an eye.
  • The cumulonimbus is the Savage Beast of the Sky, a beautiful shaft of pregnant water bubbling at 26,000 feet, about to open up a can of whoop-ass on you and yours. 8/8/02 This one goes out
  • Pour softly down night's nimbus floods, on faces ghast - Leaves of Grass [1867]
  • He looked at me, then twitched his ears in rueful laughter and moved back a couple of steps until all I could see of him was his silhouette against the grey nimbus surrounding the moon.
  • I was, and am, a rumpish, atrophic female, with a Dr. Demento nimbus of ochre hair and the fuddled, myopic gaze of a small subterranean animal. LIGHT FINGERS
  • The blue nimbus soon engulfed them and vanished from view.
  • As the waiting room door closed behind him, another door opened in front of him, with a familiar electronic hum and a nimbus of blue-white light.
  • Weather Phenomenon Prior to the Passing of the Front Contact with the Front After the Passing of the Front Temperature Cool Warming suddenly Warmer then leveling off Atmospheric Pressure Decreasing steadily Leveling off Slight rise followed by a decrease Winds South to southeast Variable South to southwest Precipitation Showers, snow, sleet or drizzle Light drizzle None Clouds Cirrus, cirrostratus, altostratus, nimbostratus, and then stratus Stratus, sometimes cumulonimbus Clearing with scattered stratus, sometimes scattered cumulonimbus Air masses and frontal transitional zones
  • A whirling flash of sapphire suddenly rotated --- in a delirious foxtrot --- with Doc's own dizzy nimbus of gilded amber. BEHINDLINGS
  • A whirling flash of sapphire suddenly rotated --- in a delirious foxtrot --- with Doc's own dizzy nimbus of gilded amber. BEHINDLINGS
  • Above the mighty fortress of earth, dark cumulous nimbus clouds clash violently against each other invoking the worst of all storms and hindering all whom dare to cross by air.
  • On any given afternoon, unstable breezes and moisture ratchet up cumulonimbus clouds in a whirlwind of updrafts and downdrafts that cause particles of rain, ice, and snow to collide.
  • He grew terribly bright, as if ghostly images of himself had focused on him, and a crackling nimbus of pure force that glowed a deep gold-crimson surrounded him.
  • As air rises in a large cumulonimbus or thunderhead cloud condensation occurs and all three forms of water are present.
  • The green nimbus surrounded the cup; whispers came from every corner of the ruin. THE GREENSTONE GRAIL: THE SANGREAL TRILOGY ONE
  • Weather Phenomenon Prior to the Passing of the Front Contact with the Front After the Passing of the Front Temperature Cool Warming suddenly Warmer then leveling off Atmospheric Pressure Decreasing steadily Leveling off Slight rise followed by a decrease Winds South to southeast Variable South to southwest Precipitation Showers, snow, sleet or drizzle Light drizzle None Clouds Cirrus, cirrostratus, altostratus, nimbostratus, and then stratus Stratus, sometimes cumulonimbus Clearing with scattered stratus, sometimes scattered cumulonimbus Air masses and frontal transitional zones
  • By the dense nimbus above them, she could tell that a no ordinary rain was about to come.
  • The polenta looked like a very small moon surrounded by a large nimbus of vapour.
  • That we especially attend to, and emphasize, borders and boundaries is evidenced powerfully in our use of halos, the nimbus and the aura in the arts.
  • And she was bathed in a nimbus of pure white light which seemed to emanate from within her, suffusing the tent with light. SHARDS OF A BROKEN CROWN
  • He stands upright, savage but mild, with his beard in curling prongs, his lean frame, his raiment of camel-skin; we can hear him speaking as he points to the Lamb carrying the hastate cross surrounded by a nimbus, pressing it to his bosom with both hands. The Cathedral
  • As though a spell was spoken, a strong, chilling wind passed over the two and a large nimbus cloud blocked the Sun out.
  • Everything was clouding over in a cumulonimbus of forgetting. Maybe Maybe
  • One Dorset broom maker was even making a special version of his household besom broom for the younger visitors - a Nimbus 2000, guaranteed to attract all Harry Potter fans!
  • Wow, look at it. The Nimbus 2000!
  • As air rises in a large cumulonimbus or thunderhead cloud condensation occurs and all three forms of water are present.
  • Above 6,500 feet can be found altocumulus ("clumps or rolls") and altostratus (a "drab and featureless" haze), as well as the storm clouds nimbostratus ("dim, miserable") and cumulonimbus ("the shape of a blacksmith's anvil"). Cirrus Concerns
  • I mean,yellow-green piccolo,an emo school boy goku im 95% sure there will be a "i cant do this,i cant beat this guy" "no you can beat him,believe in yourself!" talk in final battle and a lara-croft rip-off bulma…I also make a wild guess that yellow car will take place of the "nimbus Full Dragonball Teaser Trailer Hits As Well! «
  • And she was bathed in a nimbus of pure white light which seemed to emanate from within her, suffusing the tent with light. SHARDS OF A BROKEN CROWN
  • Above 6,500 feet can be found altocumulus ("clumps or rolls") and altostratus (a "drab and featureless" haze), as well as the storm clouds nimbostratus ("dim, miserable") and cumulonimbus ("the shape of a blacksmith's anvil"). Cirrus Concerns
  • At this the individual ranks as the unholy (barbarian, natural man, "egoist") over against the State, exactly as he was once regarded by the Church; before the individual the State takes on the nimbus of a saint. Coercion, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Mara stood there, face incandescent with rage, eyes blazing with purple wrath and entire body outlined in a shimmering nimbus of terrible light.
  • The whole thing was surrounded by a golden nimbus.
  • In the third and fourth centuries, the halo or nimbus (Latin: ‘cloud’ or ‘mist’) was used only for Christ and the lamb.
  • This boy monk had a halo around him, a nimbus of purity, divinity, and godliness.
  • Amature meteorologists will recognize the cumulonimbus, a thunderstorm cloud characterized by the anvil shaped top.
  • Sun worship was marked by the use of the halo, or nimbus, which originated with the pagan Greeks and Romans to represent their sun god, Helios.
  • One of the last things that registered on Dave's perception as his vision faded was a flickering black nimbus of energy limning the creature's form.
  • But the town of St. Lo is ever gloriously lighted, for us, with a nimbus of young heads, such as encircled the earlier madonnas. In and out of Three Normady Inns
  • The rising air is associated with a region of low air pressure, towering cumulonimbus clouds and rain.
  • And she was bathed in a nimbus of pure white light which seemed to emanate from within her, suffusing the tent with light. SHARDS OF A BROKEN CROWN
  • But what Nimbus knows, he _knows_, an 'dat's de eend on't. Bricks Without Straw
  • Some distance ahead, the hall bent to the left, and from those hidden precincts glowed a nimbus of yellowish luminescence.
  • The low-lying stratus, stratocumulus, cumulus, nimbostratus, and cumulonimbus are where all the action is. MY EMPIRE OF DIRT
  • Gaggii kept chanting until he was surrounded by a half circle of bobbing, corposant shapes, each yellow or red-orange, each an individually expressive nimbus. Cyber Way
  • Nimbus, IMG, Rishi Narain Golf Associates and Tiger Sports Marketing evinced keen interest in bagging the right to stage the tour.
  • The same holds true with nimbus: the guy was awkward and embarrassing but seemed small and completely nonthreatening. Get Laid or Die Trying
  • The Serengeti: under the lowering anvil nimbus, electric storms stutter on the horizon.
  • There was a nimbus around the hours we had spent there, a light that obscured rather than illuminated. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • And then there's that voice: a lazy, amniotic drift like some ageless, graceful neuter, swathed in a nimbus of echo and reverb.
  • Above 6,500 feet can be found altocumulus ("clumps or rolls") and altostratus (a "drab and featureless" haze), as well as the storm clouds nimbostratus ("dim, miserable") and cumulonimbus ("the shape of a blacksmith's anvil"). Cirrus Concerns
  • His reddish hair had been washed and was drying into an airy nimbus. WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • The haze behaves somewhat like particles in the tops of thunderheads on Earth (known as cumulonimbus anvils) or in the ash plumes from large volcanic eruptions, which rise into the upper atmosphere and spread around the world. Scientific Blogging
  • i will never have another first child. there are thunderclouds building in the sky and i already know what i will tell my child when we see these clouds together. see those clouds? they are gray. the color of the sidewalk. of lolo's hair when he doesn't color it. of grandpa's hair under his hat. grownups call it "cumulonimbus". daddy calls it "buggy cloud," or Fathering
  • First, thunderstorms are birthed by cumulonimbus clouds.
  • Illuminated only by the fire, her figure shrouded in diaphanous clothes, she drifted in a nimbus of copper light.
  • A dull robin's egg-blue canvas, bearing ever-so-faint gray diagonal streaks that recall dark nimbus clouds, functions mainly as a visual texture.
  • Yet Nimbus shares, in big blocks, have been virtually unsellable for a long time.
  • For Cadillac and GM's part, the calculation is simple: It costs a few million to develop this, the last and best riff on the CTS, and building it guarantees endless buff-book magazine covers; dozens of YouTube videos featuring the V-Wagon performing fluffy, white cumulonimbus burnouts; and miles of adoring type online and in print. Cadillac's Insane, Unnecessary, Awesome Wagon
  • Heat flashed along her bonds and they melted instantly, mere puddles of once-hard iron, and she pulled herself free, surrounded in a fiery nimbus.
  • Mara stood there, face incandescent with rage, eyes blazing with purple wrath and entire body outlined in a shimmering nimbus of terrible light.
  • The low-lying stratus, stratocumulus, cumulus, nimbostratus, and cumulonimbus are where all the action is. MY EMPIRE OF DIRT
  • Her great wiry nimbus of vermilion hair stood out like a flaming crown above her long slender neck.
  • Except sometimes, if you saw him in the right light, he had this nimbus.
  • A broken skein of clouds, outracing the birds underneath, abruptly halts, spins and dissolves into a moist nimbus.
  • We have to give props to Seacrest for using the word "cumulonimbus" in an interview with a pop star, and big ups to Gaga for only letting one F-bomb drop during the morning show interview. Lady Gaga On KIIS 102.7 With Ryan Seacrest
  • Through the cathedral window I saw dark clouds lined up to the horizon, cumulonimbus hanging like gravid bellies. THE HUNDREDTH MAN
  • On any given afternoon, unstable breezes and moisture ratchet up cumulonimbus clouds in a whirlwind of updrafts and downdrafts that cause particles of rain, ice, and snow to collide.
  • In lieu of the black Shaka throned against a background of flamelets, is a colossal Jizo-Sama, with a nimbus of fire -- a single gilded circle large as a wagon-wheel, breaking into fire-tongues at three points. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan First Series
  • In his physical prime, which seemed to last a long time, the face had a fine-boned handsomeness that sometimes appeared attractively vulnerable, set in the frothing hair that could look like a nimbus with the light behind him.
  • The low-lying stratus, stratocumulus, cumulus, nimbostratus, and cumulonimbus are where all the action is. MY EMPIRE OF DIRT
  • I was browsing through the magazines when he came storming up to me, face like a cumulonimbus (ask your geography teacher about that - if you have one).
  • Surely an overreaction, there was just the merest nimbus puff floating benevolently by as we left home - it looked a great Sunday for football.
  • The top of a cumulonimbus cloud is often capped by cirrus, which is why the anvil of a thundercloud is often brilliant white.
  • The haze behaves somewhat like particles in the tops of thunderheads (known as cumulonimbus anvils) on Earth or in the ash plumes from large volcanic eruptions, which rise into the upper atmosphere and spread around the world, Wong said. SpaceRef Top Stories
  • Suddenly, the faint silver nimbus around her flared.
  • The candidate was encompassed with a nimbus of fame.
  • Her face, all her skin, was the color of the nimbus clouds on a calm summer afternoon.
  • The Nimbus was undamaged but the K8 had one wing severed at about half-span as well as other serious damage.
  • It was as sharp, the question, as a knife in his side, but the answer hung fire still and seemed to lose itself in the vague darkness to which the thin admitted dawn, glimmering archwise over the whole outer door, made a semicircular margin, a cold silvery nimbus that seemed to play a little as he looked -- to shift and expand and contract. The Jolly Corner
  • A rosy nimbus surrounded him and the lifeless body, which slowly sat up.
  • Unless you count the fact that they can be cumulus, stratus, cirrus, or nimbus.
  • Cumulo-Nimbus clouds apparently lying atop the South Downs and turning them into a passable imitation of a snow-capped mountain range.
  • In his physical prime, which seemed to last a long time, the face had a fine-boned handsomeness that sometimes appeared attractively vulnerable, set in the frothing hair that could look like a nimbus with the light behind him.
  • Ronnie took another lazy drag on her cigarette, blowing the stale grey smoke in a small cloud up towards the ceiling, where it gathered in a dirty nimbus around the sickly yellow light bulb.
  • Outside it was still dark, but there was a hint of pink on the eastern horizon, a small nimbus of light that proclaimed the coming of the sun.
  • A cumulonimbus has drifted over the spires of downtown, where it hangs like a vast gray anvil.
  • Nobody noticed the dark man hovering in the sky, away from the setting sun or the moon, as he watched the spectacle, before he disappeared in a nimbus of smoke.
  • Halos: Also known as a nimbus, icebow or Gloriole, a halo is an optical phenomenon that appears near or around the Sun or Moon, and sometimes near other strong light sources such as street lights. Celestial Phenomena
  • For our backpacking trips and multi-day ski traverses we like the Nimbus Ozone.
  • See here, Nimbus, if you'll do this I will promise that you and your family never shall be separated, and I'll give you fifty dollars now and a hundred dollars when you come back, if you'll just keep those other fool-niggers from trying -- mind 'I say _trying_ -- to run away and so getting shot. Bricks Without Straw
  • A broken skein of clouds, outracing the birds underneath, abruptly halts, spins and dissolves into a moist nimbus.
  • Weather Phenomenon Prior to the Passing of the Front Contact with the Front After the Passing of the Front Temperature Cool Warming suddenly Warmer then leveling off Atmospheric Pressure Decreasing steadily Leveling off Slight rise followed by a decrease Winds South to southeast Variable South to southwest Precipitation Showers, snow, sleet or drizzle Light drizzle None Clouds Cirrus, cirrostratus, altostratus, nimbostratus, and then stratus Stratus, sometimes cumulonimbus Clearing with scattered stratus, sometimes scattered cumulonimbus Air masses and frontal transitional zones
  • The rising air cools and produces towering cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds.
  • Above the mighty fortress of earth, dark cumulous nimbus clouds clash violently against each other invoking the worst of all storms and hindering all whom dare to cross by air.
  • And then there's that voice: a lazy, amniotic drift like some ageless, graceful neuter, swathed in a nimbus of echo and reverb.

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