
nimbus cloud

  1. a dark grey cloud bearing rain

How To Use nimbus cloud In A Sentence

  • The sunset scene shows a classic cumulonimbus cloud formation.
  • The possibility of being swept away by a cumulonimbus cloud or non-English-speaking tourists drinking frozen lemonade and carrying digital cameras in pedicabs in Central Park? Storm Chaser and Tank Blow Into Town
  • Above the mighty fortress of earth, dark cumulous nimbus clouds clash violently against each other invoking the worst of all storms and hindering all whom dare to cross by air.
  • On any given afternoon, unstable breezes and moisture ratchet up cumulonimbus clouds in a whirlwind of updrafts and downdrafts that cause particles of rain, ice, and snow to collide.
  • As though a spell was spoken, a strong, chilling wind passed over the two and a large nimbus cloud blocked the Sun out.
  • The rising air is associated with a region of low air pressure, towering cumulonimbus clouds and rain.
  • First, thunderstorms are birthed by cumulonimbus clouds.
  • A dull robin's egg-blue canvas, bearing ever-so-faint gray diagonal streaks that recall dark nimbus clouds, functions mainly as a visual texture.
  • On any given afternoon, unstable breezes and moisture ratchet up cumulonimbus clouds in a whirlwind of updrafts and downdrafts that cause particles of rain, ice, and snow to collide.
  • The top of a cumulonimbus cloud is often capped by cirrus, which is why the anvil of a thundercloud is often brilliant white.
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