
How To Use Nimbly In A Sentence

  • Had he found a partner worthy of him, she thought, he would have danced as nimbly as the king.
  • Though if you were watching, you'd find your heart in your mouth as they raced after balls and leaped nimbly over the barriers.
  • Ashtalán smiled as she watched him go, and then leaped nimbly from the deck to the bowsprit.
  • They nimbly cleared bows of fallen trees as they ran, pushing their legs to go faster and harder.
  • Evidently our varicose friends imagine they have caught a Tartar, and that the white ducks are not so recent an importation as they at first supposed; for now they catch up the pole of the palkee nimbly, and _jou jeldie_ (that is, trot up smartly) to quite another song. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 03, January, 1858
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  • An even more interesting possibility is that they were not merely actors but nimbly planning ones who schemed to exploit their would-be exploiters.
  • Sabrina jumped nimbly out of the van.
  • The Doctor hopped nimbly forward, careful not to disturb the fragile balance of what remained of the structure.
  • He took a swing at him, but John nimbly dodged the blow.
  • She went nimbly round and round the beds of anemones, tulips, jonquils, polyanthuses, and other old-fashioned flowers, looking a very charming figure in her half-mourning bonnet, and with an incomplete nosegay in her left hand. Wessex Tales
  • Dunbar’s full-color illustrations, many stretching across two pages, nimbly dodge the prose. The Boy Who Climbed into the Moon by David Almond & Polly Dunbar: Book summary
  • He is intelligent, engaging and nimbly treads the line between humility and false modesty.
  • The scientist nimbly punched a short combo and a green light acknowledged a correct code.
  • They reached the front of the stage, and Miss Spink leaped nimbly off the unicycle, and the two old women bowed low. CORALINE
  • The juggler, a keen little Frenchman, plied his arts nimbly, and what with his ventriloquial doll, his empty bag full of eggs, his stones that were candies, and his candies that were stones, and his stuffed birds that sang, astonished and delighted his unsophisticated patrons, whose applauding murmurs were diversified by familiarly silly shrieks ” the true Siamese Did-you-ever! ” from behind the kincob curtains. The English Governess at the Siamese Court
  • Then another sleigh load of cariboo, in all twelve Cariboo, two sleighs of hare, grouse and ptarmigan, then a man carrying a dead _carcajou_, then in the distance, the soldier-like phiz of the Nimrod himself, nimbly following on foot the cavalcade. Picturesque Quebec : a sequel to Quebec past and present
  • He rolled nimbly off the hood to the sand beside the DUKW for cover. Wild Bill Donovan
  • The hood of her squirrelskin parka was about her hair and well drawn up around her throat; but her hands were unmittened and nimbly at work with needle and sinew, completing the last fantastic design on a belt of leather faced with bright, scarlet cloth. Keesh, The Son of Keesh
  • The last time credit costs spiked, the late fees were much lower, so card issuers could turn to that and reprice more nimbly, " a Morgan Stanley analyst, Betsy Graseck, said.
  • The hood of her squirrel-skin parka was about her hair, and well drawn up around her throat; but her hands were unmittened and nimbly at work with needle and sinew, completing the last fantastic design on a belt of leather faced with bright scarlet cloth. KEESH, SON OF KEESH
  • Five, develop group cooperation study; Six, choose and utilize the teaching media nimbly and reasonably.
  • He argues that the unwieldy nature of the ECBs Executive Board (their analog to the FOMC) introduces inertia and status quo bias, preventing the institution from acting as "nimbly" as the FED. Archive 2008-02-01
  • It will have to move nimbly if it wants to survive among the mammoths.
  • Turns out, with a pointer in one hand and a joystick in the other, I can nimbly run and aim around the battlefield. Unmoved by PlayStation Move « PubliCola
  • Her long lithe limbs carrying her forward quickly and nimbly with me scurrying along behind her.
  • At one point the dancer stamped nimbly in a diagonal line across the stage and stopped in the front corner.
  • I made a very deliberate decision to make the Bible my university," Camping said, reaching for his battered, brown King James Bible and flipping nimbly through pages with marked-up margins and taped-up tears. A durable doomsday preacher predicts the world's end <emdash/> again
  • Sally's lips closed to a razor thin slit, resting nimbly.
  • As Thirteen draped his arm over the boards for support, Nick quickly pulled Thirteen back to his feet, nimbly swung around Six-Three's shoulders behind his back, and snapped a tight full nelson on Six-Three's neck.
  • They reached the front of the stage, and Miss Spink leaped nimbly off the unicycle, and the two old women bowed low. CORALINE
  • Then dismounting and springing nimbly upon the prostrate beast, they quickly fastened the beast's feet with a "hogtie" hitch so that he could not rise, a fire was built, the short saddle iron heated, and the beast branded. The Red-Blooded Heroes of the Frontier
  • He argues that the unwieldy nature of the ECBs Executive Board their analog to the FOMC introduces inertia and status quo bias, preventing the institution from acting as "nimbly" as the FED. Why are the Fed and the ECB acting so differently?
  • He could nimbly reach down into the tumors and, if they were “movable” as he called superficial, noninvasive cancers, pull them out without disturbing the tender architecture of tissues underneath. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • nimbly scaling an iron gate
  • During an orchestra rehearsal for New York City Ballet, Christopher Wheeldon rushes onto the stage from the audience, nimbly maneuvering over a narrow strip between the proscenium and the orchestra pit.
  • Nimbly directed by Allan Moyle, this Canadian-produced potential sleeper could command an even larger cult following than the helmer's enduringly popular Pump Up the Volume. GreenCine Daily: Park City. Cleanup.
  • The established T'ang Quartet, also from Singapore, excelled in two contemporary works, the folk-inspired Some Aspects of Peltoniemi Hintrik's Funeral March by yet another 1930s boy, Aulis Sallinen (b 1935), and the third string quartet by Bright Sheng (b 1955) which mixed Chinese and western techniques to nimbly embroidered effect. Philip Glass Ensemble: the Qatsi trilogy; BBCSO/Volkov; Melvyn Tan; T'ang Quartet; Bo Skovhus; Montreal SO/Nagano; Llyr William; Ten Plagues – review
  • This bittersweet and nimbly-illustrated tale of a wise girl whose bird-brained father attempts to rise above earthly sorrow will lift the spirits of readers young and old. My Dad's A Birdman: Summary and book reviews of My Dad's A Birdman by David Almond.
  • These people contend that his background was a much better fit for the firm's traditional business of trading futures on exchanges for clients, rather than its aspirations under Mr. Corzine to become a full-service investment bank that could nimbly trade various financial instruments. Corzine Rebuffed Internal Warnings on Risks
  • “Come on,” Clamm said, and he sprang nimbly up the ladder. Clamm Moves « Unknowing
  • The Doctor hopped nimbly forward, careful not to disturb the fragile balance of what remained of the structure.
  • The connotations are what's important here, though; "nipper" implies a child who's small enough and quick enough to "nip" -- to dart nimbly to and fro, here and there, like the Artful Dodger from Oliver Twist or Shakespeare's Puck. Losts in Translation
  • Her fingers nimbly removed the stones and plait, leaving the auburn hair crimped.
  • The archer stood and pulled an arrow from her quiver, the spearwoman nimbly leaped from the box down onto the field, and one of the ladies got a look of concentration on her face that made him certain she was channeling. Trial of Seven
  • During an orchestra rehearsal for New York City Ballet, he rushes onto the stage from the audience, nimbly maneuvering over a narrow strip between the proscenium and the orchestra pit.
  • I admired these lodgepole pines that could so nimbly adapt their reproductive strategy, and thought it illustrated the intermeshed flexibility of the natural world where call and response was the way of continued life. Bird Cloud
  • Mike nimbly dodged these attacks and delivered brutal counters that took out his enemies.
  • Emiliana Isasi-Catala wades through a creek and moves nimbly through the foliage, scanning the dark earth covered with fallen leaves for the distinctive round toes of jaguar tracks and the faint trails of smaller animals they prey on: agoutis, tapirs, peccaries and armadillos. Jaguars Studied With Motion-Sensing Cameras In Venezuela
  • She gripped her Beretta tightly in her hand and jumped nimbly through the skylight, hitting the catwalk with bended knees. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • The texts are all Italian, and the accompaniment is a continuo of lute, cello and harpsichord or organ, nimbly directed here by Emmanuelle Haïm.
  • That preparedness comes at the expense of being prepared to fight nimbly in a world of small, quick players.
  • In truth, he has written as easily about love as he has about tyranny, as nimbly about rabid dictators as about powerless artists; he has given us "Vargas Llosa light," in delightfully erotic (thinly veiled autobiographical) stories, and "Vargas Llosa dark," in elaborately researched and profoundly illuminating historical novels. The power of Mario Vargas Llosa's words led the political writer to Nobel Prize
  • A chukka is a seven-and-a-half-minute period of play, which is generally agreed to be about the right amount of time for a pony to be galloping around - although real pros often change pony several times within a chukka, leaping nimbly from saddle to saddle without touching the ground. Life and style |
  • And the minister pledged that the government would respond "nimbly" to any appeals that the organisation makes. Epolitix News
  • She could not believe that the goats could climb so steep an incline so nimbly, when she was barely able to find a fingerhold in the rock.
  • Joe, slipping nimbly down the tree, carefully attached the anchor, and the doctor left his cylinder at work to a certain degree in order to retain sufficient ascensional force in the balloon to keep it in the air. Five Weeks in a Balloon
  • Under the watchful eyes of promoters and fans, she moved nimbly around semifinal competitor Stephanie Thomas and scouted for an opening.
  • He is intelligent, engaging and nimbly treads the line between humility and false modesty.
  • He nimbly steers his magic carpet through the nebulous and confusing post-modern clouds of the internet.
  • Mr. Zuckerman won't be among the favored anymore, and I admire his bravery in calling 'em as he sees 'em at the risk of incurring the wrath of the SEC, Justice Department, the EPA and the rest of the apparatus of intimidation so nimbly deployed by this administration. Mort Zuckerman, President Obama and Buyer's Remorse
  • Mark the grace with which he vaults nimbly into the driver's seat beside the bedizened trot in the feathered bonnet-his aunt, doubtless-and with an expert chuck on the reins sets the team in motion and bogs the whole contraption axeldeep in the gumbo. Isabelle
  • Thanks to its flat bottom, the Transformer spins like a top with the slightest of strokes and surfs standing waves as nimbly as a true kahuna.
  • Many look to streamline the system to more nimbly counter the unpredictable terrorist threat.
  • As the beauticians of the city watched in attention, her fingers moved nimbly showcasing the latest in hairstyling, colouring and snipping techniques.
  • The novel leaps to its climax nimbly as a pursuing fiend, and ends suitably in fiery revelation. The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein: Summary and book reviews of The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein by Peter Ackroyd.
  • She nimbly dodged the falling rocks with catlike grace.
  • He dodged nimbly to the left and we fell on our faces in a puddle of mud.
  • With these hasty adieux, Nicholas mounted nimbly to his seat, and waved his hand as gallantly as if his heart went with it. Nicholas Nickleby
  • The archer stood and pulled an arrow from her quiver, the spearwoman nimbly leaped from the box down onto the field, and one of the ladies got a look of concentration on her face that made him certain she was channeling. Trial of Seven
  • He jumps nimbly down and dusts off her dainty foot with three smart whaps of his hand.
  • This year's revelation is that controlling my center of gravity makes a major difference in how nimbly I can ski steeps, moguls and off-piste chunky snow.

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