How To Use Nih In A Sentence
When an antineutron collides with a beryllium nucleus, it annihilates one neutron, and the mutual annihilation releases around nine times the energy of a fissioning uranium atom.
Mother Of Storms
He has written of the thoroughgoing nihilism of this class: their sense that life has no meaningful shape but is only one thing after another.
At this stage of the Big Bang, the tiny expanding Universe is filled with radiation creating pairs of particles and antiparticles, and pairs of particles and antiparticles annihilating back into radiation.
Hatred appears both as aggression towards others and as a striving for self-annihilation.
Except for the fact that his hair was a solid black, the thin, slight boy of about fifteen or sixteen bore an uncanny resemblance to Kunihiko.
Enraged by the success of "We's Lives," he writes a violent, nihilistic, dialect-strewn thug novel he bitingly titles "My Pafology.
A Protean Chronicler of Racial Puzzles
I just got off the phone with Dr. Everett at the NIH ," he said.
It is necessary to darken his moral and mental vision, and, as far as possible, to annihilate his power of reason.
Volui animum tandem confirmare hodie meum, ut bene me haberem filiai nuptiis. venio ad macellum, rogito pisces: indicant caros; agninam caram, caram bubulam, vitulinam, cetum, porcinam: cara omnia. atque eo fuerunt cariora, aes non erat. abeo iratus illinc, quoniam nihil est qui emam.
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
Bab dia nih, aku tatau aaa jatuh hukum harus ke tak. tp dr satu segi ade benefictnye sbb kes buang bayi semakin hari makin kejam … tensen tol aku tgk berita … apa daaaa … tau buat tahu branak tanggung le … ank tu rezeki, yg haram tu hubungan mak bapak bukannya baby yg haram, ank dia tetap suci disisi Allah.
Planet Malaysia
Grihojudhyokalin rashiate Lalfoujer santrase mara giechilo 7.5 million manush. nandigram ki choto angaria to er kache sishu. shet shoktike nischinho korar janyo war communism er abodan kebol Kronstad ei avyuthyan er fole nihotoder sankhya koyak hajar. petrograder pashei chilo noubahinir chauni.
There is now a real movement in our society to pull our youngsters back from the edge of the precipice of self-annihilation and redirect our children toward a wholesome lifestyle which will allow them a chance to fulfill their potential.
* Quod si in hoc erro, quod animos hominum immortales esse credam, libenter erro, nec mihi hunc errorem quo delector, dum vivo, extorqueri volo; sin mortuus, ut quidam minuti philosophi censent, nihil sentiam, non vereor ne hunc errorem meum mortui philosophi irrideant: [784] 1
The Works of Dr. John Tillotson, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. Vol. 08.
Given the completely negative associations nihilism has for many of us, simply to have it redefined as a theological posture is worth the price of the book.
Certainly this suffices to show superabundantly by how many roads Modernism leads to the annihilation of all religion.
An anniversary note
Tolkien, a devout Catholic, was a combat veteran of World War I, and acutely sensitive to the murderous nihilism of modern warfare.
The son of an emperor known to be weakhearted, like Farutanihosh, might not receive their support if a better claimant raised his spear.
Spirit Gate
That is, a flying disk that will "locate defiladed combatants in complex urban terrain" and annihilate them using a bunker-buster warhead.
Pentagon to Cities: Drop Dead
The selections this week include reflections on the Meath bus crash, Conor Lenihan as a kebab chef, a Star Wars horoscope, cyberstalking, and deranged art.
This is the granulated root of the Macacheira plant, the _Jatropha manihot_, which to our palates would seem like desiccated sawdust, although it appears to be a necessity for the
In the Amazon Jungle Adventures in Remote Parts of the Upper Amazon River, Including a Sojourn Among Cannibal Indians
The prime example is the Dada movement, whose nihilistic work is now admired for qualities of imagination.
From the bottom of his heart, he concurred in the moral necessity of his annihilation.
Most of the amputees, Kuniholm included, have elected to use simple, body-operated hooks whose basic technologies date back to World War I instead of the current generation of myoelectric arms that read muscle signals from electrodes on the skin.
Move Over Prosthetic Arm | Impact Lab
On the accounting and software loggia not from stark softening thevetia, but from an unary, yet acetic nihau of unappreciated aglow lexicostatistics.
Rational Review
Could it be that behind the sophomoric, mischievous, dismissive, even nihilistic style, Vice is the voice of a twenty-something generation clearing the decks for a new aesthetic?
Sed quando plene habent dominium super eos, si aliquid promiserunt eis nihil obseruant: sed quascunque possunt congrue occasiones inueniunt contra eos.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
It is a stubborn thing resisting the call to self-annihilation, deadening pain, and compromising with what is simply wrong.
Lonni Collins Pratt: The Sacred Power Of Hope
Europe has a similar interest, having suffered, with the train bombings in Madrid, the kind of fanatic nihilism that visited the Twin Towers.
Anima quippe rationalis adhuc originali pecato constricta, et nihil adhuc naturalium virium exercere valens in corpore puerili; cui melius comparatur quam homini intus per peccatum constricto, et foris per paralysim in membris dissoluto jacentique in lecto? back
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
It is your special responsibility, dear monks, to be living examples of this interior and profound relationship with him, implementing without compromise the program that your founder summarized in the "nihil amori Christi praeponere" [put nothing before the love of Christ.] (Rule 4.21).
More from Montecassino
As the world-at-large clearly knows now, the thirtieth America's Cup defense 2000 was a total annihilation of the Italian Prada Challenge by defenders Team New Zealand.
While there is no question that his verbiage is infuriating at times, I think it's a mistake to see him as nothing but an anarchic, anti-rationalist nihilist.
The author suggests that in a fruitful search for truth we must experience a self-forgetfulness that is not self-annihilation, but a form of pleasure.
Imperialism has never renounced the idea of annihilating socialism or of annihilating the socialist process from the face of the earth.
Personally, I very much believe in an eternal hell - but 'hell' for me means more like annihilationism mixed with a traditional view.
Open source theology - Comments
The premise is a cynical, even nihilistic one: people are the sum of their biological impulses, slaves to genes, pheromones, and the archipallium.
"Unidentified Objects" by James P. Blaylock
For the 2010-2011 year, fellows will receive a stipend of $37,368 (consistent with NIH guidelines), distributed evenly across the year in biweekly checks.
Postdoctoral Program
Her religion is an obscure chaos of theogonies as old as the world, treasured up out of respect for ancient customs; and of more recent ideas about the blessed final annihilation, imported from India by saintly Chinese missionaries at the epoch of our
The French Immortals Series — Complete
The heavy bombing almost annihilated the town.
I may be trapped in the Negative Zone with Annihilus and his killer horde of insectoid warriors, but I'll be shouting "flame on" again before you can rub two sticks together.
Robert Brenner: "Flame Off!": Hosni Mubarak and the Human Torch
Carnes quas detulerant reseruauimus vsque ad diem festum: nihil enim inueniebamus venale pro auro et argento, nisi pro telis et alijs [Marginal note: Nota diligentissime.] pannis: et illos non habebamus.
The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
If Lorentz invariance were violated, the gamma-rays would pass right through the extragalactic infrared fog with insufficient energy to cause annihilation.
Now, Obama's election promises revolved, exactly, around the hope of doing away with the objectivization of political life and its corollaries: disenchantment, voter apathy, and nihilism.
TELOSscope: The Telos Press blog
It is my total albeit, naive-sounding, to nihilists masquerading as realists belief that there is remedy to this incident; the Iranian government can make this happen without appearing to have equivocated, and frankly, without appearing as anomalous in their imprisonment of artists, because again, history is far too rife with such instances, the world over.
Michael Vazquez: On The Imprisonment of Iranian Filmmakers: A Moral Option For Iran and Any Government Presuming to Silence Its Artists
* Quia nihil hoc cavilla proficiunt Judaei, ad figmentum venturi sui
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
Nec nihil hodie nec multo plus tu hic edes, ne frustra sis. proin tu tui cottidiani victi ventrem ad me afferas.
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
Si vis ditari, contemne divitias; that's true plenty, not to have, but not to want riches, non habere, sed non indigere, vera abundantia: 'tis more glory to contemn, than to possess; et nihil agere, est deorum, and to want nothing is divine.
Anatomy of Melancholy
[128] "Prorsus si Dei adjutorium defuerit, nihil boni agere poteris; agis quidem illo non adjuvente libera voluntate, sed male; ad hoc idonea est voluntas tua quae vocatur libera, et male agendo fit damnabilis ancilla.
So the vision such nihilists offered 20 th-century man was of a destiny no more elevated than a dog or cat, emancipated from morality other than subservience to the state.
At an investor conference last month, Bank of America Corp. Chief Executive Officer Brian Moynihan indicated that each additional percentage point of required capital would remove the support for $220 billion in assets at his bank, which he described as potentially "unintended consequences of the tougher rules.
Bank M&A Goes MIA in 2011
He has lost all faith in nihilism and is a born-again Linux enthusiast.
Note 72: Malmesbury, Canal, 137: "Qui cum ludibunda dulcedine ubi fuisset exquirerent, ille puerili innocentia nihil occulendum arbitratus, — quid enim illa aetas deliquisse putaret? — in ecclesia se fuisse et azimum panem … asseruit.
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
She glares at me - for the first of what will become many, many times - as though I'm a three-headed freak of nature whose only goal is her annihilation.
The atrocities of the Second World War coupled with developments in genetics, robotics, and space exploration (just to mention a few) are reflected in nihilism and existentialism philosophies, presenting the image of a man as a fluctuant entity, surrounded by relative values, incapable of seeking ultimate truths and haunted by the disintegration of ideologies that once he has held sacred.
Influenced by such varied traditions as Japanese manga, anime, and classical nihonga painting and Western Pop art,
The Photoshop Blog
Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor v2. 500 to v2. 501 English Patch Fixes - Fixed an issue where a glider shot down in mid-air would prevent the commonwealth faction from being 'annihilated' - Fixed an issue where the game could crash if a player was alt-tabbed during ...
2404 - PC Gaming
Similarly, neither the Titans nor Dionysos are destroyed or annihilated by Zeus' thunderbolt; they, as Chaos, persist.
We'd better pretend to get prepared by pretending we have a super-duper laser beam bomb annihilator thingy.
Our aim was to free the public from tyrannical and illegal behaviour, to annihilate anarchy and strengthen the central government.
NASA and NIH Sign MOU is the next entry in this blog.
New $150 Million Building Program At GRC. GRC Response: Yawn - NASA Watch
Whatever he touches withers in his grasp and sinks from view into a muck of despair, negativism and nihilism.
As myriad examples show, annihilating a people also requires destroying - or allowing to be destroyed - the symbols of that people's history, community, and identity.
To give the master a _right_ to sell his servant, would annihilate the servant's right of choice in his own disposal; but says the objector, To give the master a right to _buy_ a servant, equally annihilates the servant's _right of choice_.
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 1 of 4
The anti-Japanese organizations have been dissolved, and all other civil and Internet anti-Japanese movements are being destroyed and annihilated.
L s M: Pbilofophk Optm., neceffario femper ab inuicem ad Retinam vfque magis di~ uaricantur j &: in eam pro fitu fuffieienter diftinguibili inci - dentes j nihilominus, iuxta di&a, coincidentes cum ajiis eiuk dern Signabilis, ordinant diftin&am imprelTionem repra*fen - tatiuoruni, pluribus huiufmodi Signabilihus 5 in Vifione con - diftinguendis s refpondentium ..
Optica philosophia experimentis et ratione a fundamentis constituta, Nicolai ...
Since he is from the same caste as Niharika, her father agrees to give him her hand in marriage.
The plan was to carve out an existence in the new country based on the pure and simple logic of freedom... well, that and Manifest Destiny and its messy imperialistic annihilation of the Native People but that's another article.
Lorraine Devon Wilke: No, Virginia, There's No War on Christmas
The term is from the Latin nihil, meaning nothing.
But today's Republicans are a nihilistic pack who would turn against everything their predecessors believed in, in the name of selfishness and greed.
Richard (RJ) Eskow: The New GOP: Anti-Kids, Anti-Jobs, Anti-Business... And Anti-Republican
Prospector George Tannihill christened it in 1866 as a mining district, saying he chose the name to commemorate the fierce battle he and twenty-three settlers led by a Captain Pierson had heroically won against marauding Indians there in 1857.
The Fiddler in the Subway
Enveloped in duende, the nihilism of Levis's poetry negated beliefs and consolations.
He is anxious to show that the negativism and nihilism of gang life could be transformed into more positive directions.
The Times Literary Supplement
To give the master a _right_ to sell his servant, would annihilate the servant's right of choice in his own disposal; but says the objector, "to give the master a right to _buy_ a servant, equally annihilates the servant's _right of choice_.
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 1 of 4
One could be an annihilationist and believe in an intermediate state before final destruction, or one could believe in instant destruction upon death.
Failing the Fundamentalist Final
Some of the many positions on creationism include progressive, deistic, theistic, ex nihilo, and directive creationism.
Beginning with a gorgeous title sequence during which we watch History Professor George (Burton) and his saucy and sauced wife Martha (Taylor) walking back from a function drunk and cackling, the movie immediately places us in their dark, disconsolate universe -- one of shattered hopes, nihilism, and dipsomaniacal game playing.
Kim Morgan: Ugly Talents: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf
Long-term, he sees the legacy of NIH's intramural research program and how that program may bridge to the extramural world as major topics for the Board.
LEVIN: A family annihilator is usually the husband/father (certainly one of the family members) who kills the family unit, not just his wife or one of his children, but every member of the family.
‘Better-Off Dead’
Would that, for the sake of herself and her beautiful daughter ... would that for the sake of public morality, Mrs. Robinson were persuaded to dismiss the gloomy phantom of annihilation; to think seriously of a future rebribution; and to communicate to the world a recantation of errors that originated in levity, and have been nursed by pleasure.
Editorial Notes to 'Letter to the Women of England'
In answer to our calumniators who say we wish to destroy property, I answer that we will not destroy the bedstead, but we will annihilate the bugs!
In ipsius translatione ipsa ciuitas restaurabatur, et firmabatur multò honorificentiùs, et fortiùs destructione sua, quæ per Carolum magnum Regem Franciæ antea fuit plenè annihilata, dum Ogerus dux Danorum præfatus in ea tenebatur captiuus, quem Templarij ad filios Brehir Regis Sarracenorum cum traditione vendiderant, eò quòd ipse Ogerus dictum Brehir in proelio occiderat, iuxta Lugdunum Franciæ ciuitatem.
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
Vulgate, 'mutuum date, nihil inde sperantes' -- 'lend hoping for nothing thereby.'
An Essay on Mediaeval Economic Teaching
They do not want to become what they fight, namely a nihilist who asserts his will rather than good men who obey a notion of justice outside of their own desires.
South Dakota Politics
He created the term by combining "cybernetics," the science of replacing human functions with computerized ones, and "punk," the raucous music and nihilistic sensibility that became a youth culture in the 1970s and '80s.
Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
: A project from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that is supposed to evaluate the role of various genetic tests. www4. htm
Which Genetic Tests
Sometimes the war was hot and active; other times it was cold and passive; but the threat of national annihilation by a ruthless and competent foe was ever-present.
What made it self-wounding, even nihilistic, was that Pakistan, by asserting a new Arabized Islamic identity, rejected its own local and regional culture.
This question continues to haunt us, and Moynihan's arguments about black culture still preoccupy and divide academics.
“Example of anti-proton nucleon annihilation” Phys.
Goldhaber, Sulamith.
This " moral nihilism "has proved both irresponsible and politically counter-productive.
The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
The liberal and conservative parties stopped fighting in 1958 and agreed to share power while joining forces to annihilate all opposition to their two-party system.
Ipse vero imperator munera accipit et nihilominus vt veniat mittit pro eo.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
A quick Latin lesson: flocci is derived from floccus, literally a tuft of wool and the source of English words like flocculate, but figuratively in Latin something trivial; pili is likewise the plural of pilus, a hair, which we have inherited in words like depilatory, but which in Latin could meant a whit, jot, trifle or generally something insignificant; nihili is from nihil, nothing, as in words like nihilism and annihilate; nauci just means worthless. source
The Floccinaucinihilipilificators
Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan's move to rejigger his management team should kill any lingering thoughts that Merrill Lynch could be reborn.
Mother Merrill Staying Put
The dislodging of epistemology from its old status of first philosophy loosed a wave, we saw, of epistemological nihilism.
The densely packed pigments in chlorosomes and the rapid energy transfer between them lead to onset of exciton annihilation at remarkably low light level.
By measuring the time between the pulse and the photon flash of electron-positron annihilation the team was able to map the defect regions.
For me, this entailed a completely engulfing sense of vertiginous nihilism.
Times, Sunday Times
A NIH study in 1982 tested the theory that refined sugar and food additives make children hyperactive and inattentive.
In 2006 the case was thrown out by California's supreme court, which ruled that this kind of freewheeling babble, albeit offensive and embarrassing when circulated in court documents, was an entirely essential element of the "creative workplace" required to make the show – a show that, in case you needed reminding, was hardly Tramadol Nights in terms of nihilistic edginess.
Charlie Brooker: We shouldn't have to feel paranoid about snoops listening in to everything we say
In Africa, the most important is African mosaic or curly leaf disease (manihot virus), transmitted by a white fly (Bemisia sp.).
Chapter 11
Consequens igitur est ut claritudinem superioribus tribus nihil differre fateamur.
The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
Myself, I'd call myself a nihilist.
Because he was a king, Conrad continued to play a role in the Second Crusade, but the imperial army was annihilated and the Germans did not contribute significantly to what followed.
Demand requital of Haman and not of Thy people, for he sought to annihilate us all at one stroke, he, the enemy and afflicter of Thy people, whom he endeavors to hem in on all sides.
The Legends of the Jews — Volume 4
None can defeat us and any that resorts to a weapon of mass destruction invites annihilation.
Is there a connection between an unexamined life and the pull of self-annihilation?
History of a Suicide
The atrocious scheme of "assorting" the Jews is nailed down by Vorontzov as "a bloody operation over a whole class of people," which is threatened "not only with hardships, but also with annihilation through poverty.
History of the Jews in Russia and Poland. Volume II From the death of Alexander I. until the death of Alexander III. (1825-1894)
When it comes to Anti-matter, the annihilation effect converts the particle or particles that are opposite the anti-particle.
Terrorist attacks that destroy thousands of lives and forest fires, which completely annihilate an area and leave many persons homeless and displaced, aren't uncommon nowadays.
Moynihan had been in his time a University cox and a flyweight boxing blue, and barely came up to her elbow.
In the enormous densities of the early moments of the Big Bang the result would have been a catastrophic annihilation of matter and antimatter into radiation.
With an elocutionary erudition surpassing that of his friendly rival, conservative icon William F. Buckley Jr., Moynihan held forth with a staccato bravado -- that sometimes bordered on the comical -- punctuated by pregnant pauses, the result of a speech impediment and not, as Moynihan's political opponents sometimes suggested, a drinking problem.
Michael Sigman: Pat Moynihan's Letters Illuminate an Extraordinary Life
They annihilated Caragh in the semi final on Saturday before beating the hosts by 2-12 to 3-5 in Sunday's final.
The positronium in this proposed rocket would be shuttled from the fuel tank to the engine core, where it annihilates, producing two gamma rays that evaporate silicon carbide from the nearby surface.
Hutchings points out, such "annihilation" is not synonymous with the human subject's complete loss of identity due to its absorption into nature as an
Blake, Heidegger, Buddhism, and Deep Ecology: A Fourfold Perspective on Humanity's Relationship to Nature
Ultimately, for travel to distant star systems, the tremendous energy available in particle annihilation will be applied in propulsion.
The problem with research in the field of anti-matter is that when the anti-matter elements touch matter elements they annihilate each other.
Also, di-positronium is made from electrons and positrons which are hardly "ordinary" and can annihilate itself; no need to stick in extra positrons...
Annihilation! Cool Flying Dudes! And other stories from the world of science . . .
Driven by a death wish and using the most revolting tactics, these heartless nihilists demand martyrdom.
The massive use of nuclear weapons holds out the potential for global annihilation.
Aeneidi summam manum, statuit in Graeciam et in Asiam secedere triennioque continuo nihil amplius quam emendare, ut reliqua vita tantum philosophiae vacaret: sed cum ingressus iter Athenis occurrisset Augusto ab oriente Romam revertenti destinaretque non absistere atque etiam una redire, dum Megara vicinum oppidum ferventissimo sole cognoscit, languorem nactus est eumque non intermissa navigatione auxit, ita ut gravior aliquanto Brundisium appelleret, ubi diebus paucis obiit xi.
The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
Death is one of two things. Either it is annihilation, and the dead have no consciousness of anything; or, as we are told, it is really a change: a migration of the soul from one place to another. Socrates
TODD: As a matter of fact, Wolf, the leader of CAIR, Nihad Awad, said that they had no indication from these families that any of them were -- were what he called outwardly radicalized.
CNN Transcript Dec 9, 2009
The episodes with beatniks and coffee houses are striking: while Mason epitomizes cool, he disdains nihilism.
District of Columbia -- if Congress has a right to annihilate property in the District when the public safety requires it, it may surely annihilate its existence _as_ property when the public safety requires it, especially if it transform into a _protection_ and _defence_ that which as _property_ perilled the public interests.
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
Called prester by the Greeks, typhoon by the Romans, timmins by the Persians, and dragons de mer by the French, waterspouts annihilated ships and massacred sailors.
A Furnace Afloat
One environmentally friendly way to annihilate vermin from your garden: By spraying it with dishwashing liquid.
Over the next 24 years, the occupiers inflicted massacres, hunger, forced sterilization, and attempts at cultural annihilation on East Timor.
I like solitude, but it is not un-lonely; at least I have drink to comfort me, namu nihonshu nyorai.
Néojaponisme » Blog Archive » Nyorai
If that were the case, then the object of Augustinian exegesis would indeed be to annihilate particular texts.
A full - scale nuclear war could lead to the annihilation of the human race.
Diclofenac residues have virtually annihilated the Oriental white-backed vulture in Pakistan.
This claim is highly problematic in that the texts that record the edicts and prayers, in particular, were compiled long after the Nihon shoki in an age Norinaga himself described as permeated by the “Chinese mind” and these forms have their own stylistic conventions.
The Kokugaku (Native Studies) School
These aspects are: 1. mystical experience consists of pre-rational immediate consciousness or feeling; 2. mystical experience removes the distinction between subject and object; 3. mystical experience is prior to language and is therefore ineffable; and 4. mystical experience dissolves or annihilates the self; 5. mystical experience cannot be sustained, and is therefore transient; 6. mystical experience is nevertheless noetic, that is, it imparts insights about the nature of Reality.
About religious experience (William James, Schleiermacher etc)
A quick Latin lesson: flocci is derived from floccus, literally a tuft of wool and the source of English words like flocculate, but figuratively in Latin something trivial; pili is likewise the plural of pilus, a hair, which we have inherited in words like depilatory, but which in Latin could meant a whit, jot, trifle or generally something insignificant; nihili is from nihil, nothing, as in words like nihilism and annihilate; nauci just means worthless. source
The Floccinaucinihilipilificators
Une annihilation de la volonté de produire localement et de rendre dépendantes les chaînes africaines?
Productions Audiovisuelles au B��nin : Entre Mim��tisme, Paresse Intellectuelle et Absence d���Innov
Nihil est, nugae. mulier, tibi me emancupo: tuos sum, tibi dedo operam.
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
As Ray Brassier's project, which he describes as a transcendental nihilism, has been a singular influence on English language reception of Laruelle's project I at first assumed there was some kind of kenotic element to this phrase.
An und für sich
Even before he was cashiered, Belle Jambe Bernadotte nearly let The Iron Marshal get annihilated by a vastly larger Prussian army
Matthew Yglesias » Kristol Complicates Napoleon Metaphors
The virus had annihilated all those who knew of Rassilon's great mistake.
The rise of relativism, and its inevitable corollary, nihilism, represents the triumph of the bourgeois.
Oddly enough, in contrast to Mr Anonymous's (teeth achingly-patronising) suggestion that rebellion against Empire leads inevitably to children growing up in a meaningless, nihilistic world (the children! think of the children!), I'm quite happy to judge myself by the accumulated affection and/or scorn that I manage to evoke from the people that matter to me.
The extreme of substantialism, whereby one asserts oneself, goes hand in hand with the extreme of nihilism, whereby one negates the other.
The Central American woman leaves her homeland fleeing annihilation and destruction, but her exile in the US does not offer her more visibility or presence.
When a positron encounters an electron, the two annihilate each other and are converted to two gamma rays, which can easily be detected and localized in the brain.
Third, and chief reason, that try how you might, you could scarcely help supposing, on looking at his face, that your eyes were not far from a well-finished mind, instead of the well-finished skin et praeterea nihil, which is by rights the Mark of the Row.
A Pair of Blue Eyes
Fifteen cohorts were annihilated at Atuatuca, and another garrison commanded by Quintus Cicero only just saved by a relief column.
Volui animum tandem confirmare hodie meum, ut bene me haberem filiai nuptiis. venio ad macellum, rogito pisces: indicant caros; agninam caram, caram bubulam, vitulinam, cetum, porcinam: cara omnia. atque eo fuerunt cariora, aes non erat. abeo iratus illinc, quoniam nihil est qui emam.
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
Or, to phrase the matter more simply and starkly, our religion is one of very comfortable nihilism.
Parts of the huts were torn and cracked in some places and it looked as if an army had swept through and annihilated the whole place.
And at least his success was unmistakable as to the precise literary effect he had intended, including a certain tincture of "neology" in expression -- nonnihil interdum elocutione novella parum signatum -- in the language of
Marius the Epicurean — Volume 1
But at all times, a clear distinction must be held between Muslims and fanatic nihilists, for the former desire the furtherment of society, while the latter do not believe in society at all.
According to the Sadder Bun-Dehesch, a more modern work, Ahriman is to be annihilated: but this is contrary to the text itself of the
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Among his research papers one finds included, the discovery of neutral pions in cosmic rays (together with J. Hooper and D.T. King at Bristol University, England) and the first systematic study of antiproton annihilations (together with research groups at the University of California, Berkeley, USA).
CV of Gösta Ekspong
Those who rejected nihilism and stood against evil in the past lead the way.
Just nihilistic violence and a shocking casual misogyny.
Times, Sunday Times
Recorded by slow motion cameras, the four-part series captures the annihilation.
The Sun
As he read the novel, its nihilism and careless insensitivity to Nazi anti-Semitism were shocking, even abominable.
* Prorsus si Dei adjutorium defuerit, nihil boni agere poteris; agis quidem illo non adjuvente libera voluntate, sed male; ad hoc idonea est voluntas tua quae vocatur libera, et male agendo fit damnabilis ancilla.
Nod gives them from time to time, " Cilia said. "It usually has to do with some new alert about the Annihilator that requires stricter security measures. Now we know what a fake that is.
Nam plebs communis t鄊 Vrbana qu鄊 rustica metuebant qu騞 eo absente aliquod nouum detrimentum succresceret, quo pr鎠ente nihil tale timebant.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Nietzsche's iciness and coldness, the Alpine retreat and solitariness all have an effect in producing a complete and total nihilism - ‘no interests at all.’
Vide Lector, qu鄊 Munsterum iuuet, eadem oberrare chorda: vt cum de gente ignota nihil scribere possit, quod coloris aliquid habeat, vel falsa afferre, vel eadem s鎝ius repetere, sicque cramben eandem recoquere sustineat: Dixerat enim paul� ante, Islandos piscibus viuere.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
BOAT ME lalushka for Philippine Blog Awards purihin nyo ako love love me love me (Idol kita Reyns hehehe look at me, ADD at walang tarbahu lols) reply on September 23, 2008: alam mo! leche ka talaga! pede ka namang mag-iwan nang pagkain dun! sa totoo lang! puro na lang tira-tira ang pinapakain nyo saken lately, taz bubub-buran mo pa nang bwisit na ajinomoto! sa totoo lang no! ba't mo ko hinihilo? grrrr! intayin mo ako sa DC! leche ka, i'm leaving mga 7am, balik ako sa Philly nang gabi! drive ang lola, samahan mo ako!!!!
Reyna elena dot com
In Idumsbam extendam calceamentum meum; * inihi 'aiienfgenx fubditl funt.
Breviarium ecclesiæ Rotomagensis
I'm not sure if the anti-matter and matter particles annihilating each other produces some kind of energy.
Friedkin's unflinching nihilism, including one of the bleakest, most effed-up endings I've ever seen in an action movie, really kind of undid much of the movie's entertainment value, even if it strengthened its portraiture of this dangerous lifestyle.
Directly after the 9 October election I interpreted the result as being an indication that the era of semi-official nihilism in Australia may have begun drawing to a close.
Now they are working with World Wildlife Fund to develop small-scale "agro-forestry" systems, mixing trees with commercially viable perennial plants, planting rice corn, and manihot root, as well as cocoa, palms, and avocado -- creating an agricultural system that is minimally disruptive to the forest.
Charting New Courses For Global Conservation
Ista tua Carmina Chamouniana satis grandia esse mihi constat; sed hoc mihi nonnihil displicet, quòd in iis illae montium Grisosonum inter se responsiones totidem reboant anglice, _God, God_, haud aliter atque temet audivi tuas monies Cumbrianas resonare docentes, _Tod, Tod_, nempe
The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 5 The Letters of Charles and Mary Lamb
The octave being always divided into five tones and two limmas [diatonic semitones]; by increasing the tones equally … the difference between the major and minor limma will be contracted to nothing, which … annihilates all the false consonances.
Why are minor keys in music sad?
In the air, the US has concentrated its massive firepower on the Tora Bora area, using sophisticated bunker-busting bombs to seal or destroy caves and annihilate any opposition.
For the coexistence of absolute spontaneity with absolute necessity is involved in the very idea of God, one of whose intellectual definitions is, the 'synthesis, generative ad extra, et annihilative, etsi inclusive, quoad se,' of all conceivable 'antitheses;' even as the best moral definition -- (and, O! how much more godlike to us in this state of antithetic intellect is the moral beyond the intellectual!) -- is, God is love.
The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Alas: these archetypes we revere wouldn't last a day in a modern newspaper - they were profane, drunken, nihilistic fabulists more concerned with the cards in their hands than the truth on the page.
I think you underestimate the effects of the instantaneous matter/antimatter annihilation of a billion tons.
Enveloped in duende, the nihilism of Levis's poetry negated beliefs and consolations, but it did so to revivify our humanity and refresh the abilities of poetry.
Narcissism and materialism were both drawn in sharp contrast to nihilism, but in the end the important thing was not to march in lockstep to the beat of any drummer.
The Dutch annihilated the Olympic champions 5-0.
In civilate qu¾ vocatur Narnia tam diri ac tetri, ut nihil aliud credatur, quam de infernalibus locis deducti essent.
COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
These opinions do not constitute a skeptical epistemology of the sort found in Montaigne's “Apology for Raymond Sebond” or in the more systematic and more openly Pyrrhonist (but far less influential) treatise Quod nihil scitur/That Nothing Is Known (1581) by Francisco Sanches, the son of Portuguese conversos who was reared and educated in France and taught in the medical faculty at Toulouse.
Loss of Faith
They came in twos and threes, creeping silently through the forest, with their flying arrows able to annihilate distance and bring down prey from the top of the loftiest tree without themselves climbing into it.
The consequences for the NNP were clear and simple: it had been annihilated as an electoral force in South Africa and the Western Cape, Selfe said.
This sin is something that is inborn, which is first to be pardoned, then controlled, and finally annihilated by a new birth, by the grace of God, by the work of the Holy Spirit, by the entrance on the glory of heaven, by the mighty power by which a risen Savior is to raise these vile bodies and make them like His own body.
Weedon's Blog
His particular brand of late-capitalist pop nihilism combined with his angst-ridden gay teen characters has always reeked of superficiality.
This act of attempted self-annihilation, hinged on something as random as a tossed coin, kicks off a course of events that will bring together lives and families that would otherwise never have met.
I would label myself an annihilationist...though I tend to lean more towards something called conditional immortality which posits that humans are mortal beings and God is the only eternal person.
Failing the Fundamentalist Final
The Clan kicked off their last season in the NAIA with a bang, annihilating the Puget Sound Loggers 39-0 at Swanguard Stadium Saturday, Sept.8.
Omnem terrae ambitum, sicuti astrologicis demonstrationibus accepisti, ad caeli spatium puncti constat obtinere rationem, id est ut, si ad caelestis globi magnitudinem conferatur, nihil spatii prorsus habere iudicetur.
The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
The pilot data was supportive of Dr. Xiao's procedure, and now an NIH sponsored clinical trial is being conducted to further study lumbar to sacral nerve rerouting in spina bifida patients.
Regeneration and assessment of liver function in donors and recipients following partial hepatectomy and living donor transplantation using molecular techniques, as part of a multicenter NIH cohort study
Basic Biliary Atresia Research
Once he was strong enough, he would steal the scuba gear from Nihal's tent and fish for grouper in the lagoon.
Similarly, neither the Titans nor Dionysos are destroyed or annihilated by Zeus' thunderbolt; they, as Chaos, persist.
The Latin of D exhibits '_Sed nihil horum cura est mihi: neque habeo ipsam animam caram mihi_.'
The Causes of the Corruption of the Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels Being the Sequel to The Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels
Suppress Voice of Dissent in Bengal Murders are common for CPM We killed less than a dozen village leaders or bad gentry or informers who incidentally were CPIM members or ‘Marxist’s sarkari men, and now Anil Biswas is trying to label us as annihilationist.
A Maoist critique of the CPI(Marxist)
Please note that the theoretical "diffusive" model (one of many), which does not include dark matter annihilation, seems to predict a smaller flux than what Fermi observes in the high-energy range of its measurement; however, the difference is not too striking, if you look at the graph with a critical eye.
Scientific Blogging
But in the forum of men, in the market of fortune, are they not flocci, nauci, nihili?
The Caxtons — Complete
If all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger. I should not seem a part of it.
Demonstrating warp-drive capacity—which really amounts to little more than sustaining and harnessing the mutually annihilative reaction of matter and antimatter, as the Hranrarii have done—is what determines whether a culture has attained warp capability.
Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Seize the Fire
He writes, ‘These men are nothing buy warlords who are annihilating their own countrymen in return for a position in leadership and the ensuing dimes that will come as foreign aid.’