

  1. (comparative of `near' or `close') within a shorter distance
    getting nearer to the true explanation
    come closer, my dear!
    they drew nearer

How To Use nigher In A Sentence

  • But again the old carle drew nigher to her, and said: Thou seemest to have a good bow and store of arrows; if thou wouldst lend them to me for a little, and come with me into the wood hard by, I might shoot thee some venison with little toil to thee; whereas, forsooth, thou lookest scarce like one who is meet for over-much toil. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • I drew nigher without being perceived, and the light still holding, saw that 'twas a young stirk or heifer the man was disembowelling. Border Ghost Stories
  • Soon she had covered up the house from her, for on that eastern end, both a tongue of the woodland shoved out west into the meadow, and, withal, the whole body of the wood there drew down to the water, and presently cut off all the greensward save a narrow strip along by the lake, off the narrowest whereof lay the rocky eyot aforesaid, nigher unto the shore than lay Green Eyot. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • World War II, in case you hadn't heard, was quite a big war; because of his position as "troubleshooter" for the Armed Forces, writers like Joe Kubert, Bob Haney, Bob Kanigher, Archie Goodwin, Frank Robbins and David Michelinie could insert the Soldier into any theater of the war at any period. John Seavey’s Storytelling Engines: The Unknown Soldier | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Thus did God graciously provide for the keeping up of religion among them, and that they might have the word nigh them; yet, blessed be God, we, under the gospel, have it yet nigher, not only Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume II (Joshua to Esther)
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