
How To Use Niggardly In A Sentence

  • You must sacrifice your poor, squawking, niggardly individuality.
  • That is not the only case, there was the response to the use of the word niggardly as it related to a budget matter, but the left wing community went wild on the white man who made the statement. Think Progress » CNN’s Glenn Beck Calls Anti-Gay Slur Simply A ‘Naughty Name’
  • For some odd reason many of our guys seem to be just downright niggardly!
  • We may very well find that we are contributing, through this niggardly, miserly provision, to further examples of leaky buildings.
  • It'seems he a litter niggardly, but if a woman do such action may reasonable.
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  • Officials say the EU, which is supposed to provide most of the food needs, is being particularly niggardly.
  • It was an atypical error for a side that have boasted the most niggardly defence in the division. Times, Sunday Times
  • a kind of penurious god, very niggardly of his opportunities: he must be watched like a hard-hearted treasurer; for he bolts out on the sudden, and, if you take him not in the nick, he vanishes in a twinkling. The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 06
  • 'I have to tell you my instinct is affluent parents are being a little niggardly. Times, Sunday Times
  • A movement to expand Medicare from a niggardly program that only barely covers the medical care of the elderly to a full-fledged national healthcare program that covers everyone may also be in the cards.
  • As long as I had known him he was, for reasons of pure miserliness, dishonest as an officer, often niggardly in a dirty way, and he owes even today the cash he borrowed from many privates.
  • To make matters worse, the so-called Group of Ten, which includes Switzerland, Japan and Taiwan, made an even more niggardly counter-offer.
  • It is niggardly in the extreme, however, to refuse to acknowledge what has happened in this land thus far.
  • Long-awaited plans for upgrading them are niggardly and short-sighted.
  • The first might be to teach us in charity we should not be niggardly, but, according to the breadth of our ability, we should extend it to all the house; and that in our so doing, the very emblem of heaven is upon us, of which the holiest was a figure. Works of John Bunyan — Volume 03
  • Every piece of work which is not as good as you can make it, which you have palmed off imperfect, meagrely thought, niggardly in execution, upon mankind who is your paymaster on parole and in a sense your pupil, every hasty or slovenly or untrue performance, should rise up against you in the court of your own heart and condemn you for a thief. Lay Morals
  • a niggardly tip
  • A city councilman lost his job because he used the word niggardly in a report. Eastwood thinks political correctness has made society humourless
  • He lives by his wits, playing tricks on a niggardly old victualler and other gullible occupants of the camp, and gets whipped for his pains.
  • In addition to the film's unevenness as mentioned above, I have to report MGM's usual niggardly approach to supplements.
  • Our approach is niggardly, grudging and parsimonious.
  • If, on the other hand, the rope is being held by burley Zapatistas or local villagers supporting a village cause and the rope holders are surrounded by menacing locals or other Zapatistas, stop and pay your reasonably assumed toll to proceed but be neither niggardly nor overly generous in what you proffer. Page 3
  • Given his prolific output and consistent proficiency, it is testimony to the niggardly artistic heart of the big publishing houses that there hasn't even been a Selected - leave alone a Collected - volume of his poems.
  • He has discouraged me from using the word niggardly in polite conversation because of its similarity to another N word. Word Court
  • Similarly, “negro”, the term preferred by Martin Luther King and Thurgood Marshall, probably fell out of favor because of its superficial similarity to the n-word just like “niggardly”. The Volokh Conspiracy » Buddhists and Moslems arm against terrorists:
  • It's like the word "niggardly" -- it sounds racist, and it looks racist, but (historically, at least) it's not. The Full Feed from
  • This doth the comedy handle so in our private and domestical matters, as with hearing it we get as it were an experience, what is to be looked for of a niggardly Demea: of English literary criticism
  • Congress has ever been niggardly when little or no evidence of electoral sentiment is presented to justify more generous appropriations.
  • In the event, all of them started to outspeak each other about their commitment to women†™ s empowerment, never mind that all these years they have been niggardly about giving election tickets to women politicians. The Times of India
  • The high level of vacillation in English policy during the famine years, however, and the existence of even niggardly efforts at relief, are inconsistent with a prior intent to exterminate and a systematic pursuit of that goal.
  • I remain lukewarm in my ‘praise’ for this change whilst the Conservative Party continues to be so niggardly in its support for the rights of the individual in his/her dealings with the State.
  • Forced by hunger, I worked for niggardly pay.
  • Brankin has promised financial backing from the Scottish Executive, but the private sector in Scotland has traditionally been niggardly in its support of major golfing events.
  • He also says that, since the publishers have been so niggardly with the advance, they have been generous with their punctuation, adding lots of commas and a few hyphens.
  • Given the accelerating pace of cultural change in this last period this seems a niggardly apportionment.
  • Congress has ever been niggardly when little or no evidence of electoral sentiment is presented to justify more generous appropriations.
  • Bond investors seem a little less prepared to tolerate the niggardly yields on offer. Times, Sunday Times
  • His readers, on the other hand, certainly read books, but his scraps of praise ‘were so niggardly to the writers he scrutinised that he was held by some to be an equally ineffective medium’.
  • This contrasts so markedly with the niggardly travel concessions in this city and the miserable potential offer for the possible future by the miserly Chancellor of the Exchequer.
  • Congress has ever been niggardly when little or no evidence of electoral sentiment is presented to justify more generous appropriations.
  • He must dodge the efforts of Danforth, representing the board of the co-op, from evicting him with a niggardly severance pay.
  • A cybernated vehicle would have been too expensive for this niggardly rewarding planet. The Earth Book of Stormgate
  • For she is not niggardly, like the smith who fashions the Delphian knife for many uses; she makes each thing for a single use, and every instrument is best made when intended for one and not for many uses.
  • The provincial government is being niggardly about money.
  • He had a broad and generous, rather than a cramped and niggardly, view of the law and its functions.
  • He lives by his wits, playing tricks on a niggardly old victualler and other gullible occupants of the camp, and gets whipped for his pains.
  • Having spent so much time on the concerto to slight the sonata may seem niggardly but I must confess that I really don't appreciate the piece enough to discuss this recording.
  • If the fee which Germanicus offers is niggardly, which I doubt, then I shall see you are paid what you are worth.
  • [261] _Ceteris arte modum statuisse_ still depends upon _comperior_, 'I learn (that is, we are informed) that for the rest (of the wants) he fixed the measure in a close (niggardly) manner;' for _arte_ is the adverb of _artus_, which is frequently, though not correctly, written C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • Many of those who tend to be greedy, envious, and niggardly anyway fall prey to sin.
  • Congress has ever been niggardly when little or no evidence of electoral sentiment is presented to justify more generous appropriations.
  • We may very well find that we are contributing, through this niggardly, miserly provision, to further examples of leaky buildings.
  • Despite the operational success of the high-quality Australian personnel, that contribution was niggardly and certainly not reflective of the public relations balderdash that accompanied it.
  • The American contribution has been niggardly to the last.
  • A part of us was with him, a part of us resented our teacher's niggardly preoccupation with formal integrity, and we longed for liberation.
  • There's a broad difference between using the term niggardly - which has a totally different meaning and etymology to that of the N word - and saying that a black man is "uppity. Live-blogging night 4 of the Republican Convention.
  • The film is currently banned by the sort of pinheads who think Huck Finn is a racist book and who get offended when people say ‘niggardly’.
  • He was not like most other celebrities who are often niggardly in recognising new talent.
  • Now that it's revealed, it seems niggardly and banal - and it calls into question the entire notion of free will and predestination.
  • Hell, I even hesitate to use the adjective "niggardly" -- an absolutely legitimate word dating back to Middle English -- for fear that it and/or I will be misunderstood. To Ban or Not to Ban? A Lesson Taken From J-101 Class
  • Faced by those constraints, the soldiers of the Royal Anglians face an uphill task and the official three-year time limit is already looking decidedly niggardly.
  • Nor was the Company niggardly in its allocation of funds for carrying out such surveys.
  • Certes, we can say none otherwise than that the king's magnificence was a virtue, whilst that of the churchman was a miracle, inasmuch as the clergy are all exceeding niggardly, nay, far more so than women, and sworn enemies of all manner of liberality; and albeit all men naturally hunger after vengeance for affronts received, we see churchmen, for all they preach patience and especially commend the remission of offences, pursue it more eagerly than other folk. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • The wife of a niggardly merchant asks the loan of a hundred francs from a priest to buy finery.
  • A climate where the word niggardly is dangerous to your employment prospects. Patrick Mercer, who resigned today...
  • No one uses the word “niggardly” in politics any more, no matter what degree of stinginess or miserly is intended. Think Progress » Memorandum To Tony Snow On The Use Of The Term ‘Tar Baby’
  • The freedom he afforded his people was great… but couple it with the niggardly compensation, and you couldn't get anyone good to work for you for very long today.
  • Afterwards, the compensation and recognition we provided were niggardly.

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