
How To Use Niff In A Sentence

  • Sudden sniffing death is particularly associated with abuse of butane, propane and chemicals in aerosols.
  • A couple of plain-clothes men had been sniffing round his apartment.
  • The label location diagram certainly sniffs of this accessory being in the right shape. Original Signal - Transmitting Gadgets
  • But the men at City Hall, sniffing at anything too ideological, insist that big cuts are just not practical.
  • The main concern of his 300 undercover police spies had always been sniffing out political enemies of the revolutionary government. FINGERPRINTS: Murder and the Race to Uncover the Science of Identity
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  • He also outlined plans to use more sniffer dogs to detect explosives. The Sun
  • And another bankruptcy, involving Braniff Airlines, reminded everyone of the stranglehold the Big Eight carriers have over the domestic market.
  • I but stretched them up in the sun," she sniffled, "and we be poor people and have nothing. THE MASTER OF MYSTERY
  • She was the first sniffer dog to be killed in the conflict and was commended for bravery. The Sun
  • On the dance floor, a girl offered me a sniff of her poppers (if you don't know, I'm not going to tell you, then you can make up really terrible images for yourself).
  • He does credit himself with a good sniffer though and claims that his thick moustache is both a blessing – pleasant smells linger longer – and a curse – the bad ones do too. Something Stinks « So Many Books
  • To the extent of such a trifling loan as a crownpiece to a man of your talents, I look upon Mr Pecksniff as certain; 'and seeing at this juncture that the expression of Mr Martin Chuzzlewit
  • The dog raised its nose in the air, sniffed, and then started to follow the scent.
  • He sniffed, and as Hap watched, his expression hardened once more. End of Time
  • They know what success is about and they have got a sniff of it again.
  • Dolly has discovered that the little West Highland puppy next door is willing to exchange cautious sniffs and snuffles under the fence and I think she's quite taken with the little mite.
  • That's what it was like to sniff Silences, from the sharp but already layered opening through the dark green first layer and on into the galbanum earth to the very smooth remnants of extreme dry down. Archive 2009-01-01
  • People climbed up electricity poles to see her, and 20,000 police with sniffer dogs lined her route. Times, Sunday Times
  • Second I struggle with the hanky debate this time of year too (boo ragweed), the hanky is great for small sniffles but for my shonze needs, hygienically I've got to use the disposable tissue. Boos and Yahoos
  • Piff, and Mrs. Sniff, was unanimous opposed to her going; for, as they says to Our Missis one and all, it is well beknown to the hends of the herth as no other nation except Britain has a idea of anythink, but above all of business. Mugby Junction
  • The only sound in the room apart from his sniffles was the sound of the clock on the wall ticking.
  • I unscrewed the cap and sniffed at a minute drop of liquid - it was odourless.
  • The room for the media conference was searched by sniffer dogs and security officers with metal detectors and mirrors. The Sun
  • In the end they just give up and they go and sniff petrol, and so that sort of neo-colonial, ethno-centric attitude of ‘we'll educate the kids and change the cultural group’ is creating the next generation of petrol sniffers out there.
  • The device collects information from a passenger's boarding pass and uses a chemical sniffer to sense and identify potential high-security risks posed by baggage or passengers.
  • As always, I use the search engine to sniff for clues when I need to explore possibilities and options.
  • One day, Sniffy was scrubbing his toes in the pond.
  • High-tech air sniffers were deployed in case someone unleashed a chemical or biological assault on Tinseltown more serious than a low-budget stinker.
  • He never even got a sniff of the target.
  • Give the pavilion a sniff - it smells of tar and wood. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was soon sniffing around again on my other side. FRIENDS FOR LIFE
  • While an undoubtedly pejorative term, it is of use in understanding the pervasive freshness that scythes through the nose on first sniff and continues into the palate.
  • I gave them a miss since my feet were being led by my nostrils, which could sniff the appetising aroma of Chinese food, at a stall nearby.
  • Men do not actually "die of a rose in aromatic pain," though many may become uncomfortable and fidgety by sniffing delicious wattle-blossom; and one of the crinum lilies owes its specific title, (PESTILENTIS) to the ill effects of its stainless flowers, those who camp in places where the plant is plentiful being apt to be seized with violent sickness. My Tropic Isle
  • It's a very damaging mistake," the piece avers: "the idea that sniffing out the tasteless is the same thing as taste. 'Highbrow Fight Club'
  • In this way, those on low wages can get a sniff of the high life. Times, Sunday Times
  • He sniffed at the plate, determining by scent in which sequence to push the buttons.
  • His sniffy attitude to Motown may be dead wrong but his dissection of the creative and entrepreneurial side of the music industry is unrivalled.
  • At elections, when our minds are fuddled by fudged facts and slanted statistics, we ordinary mugs need merely study the smooth political faces on the television - and sniff.
  • Here you can still buy a deerstalker hat, be fitted for a pinstripe blazer, slip on some sensible footwear, sniff out some musky cologne or get your balding locks tended by a traditional wet-shave barber.
  • The soft kid slippers she wore on her feet made a sound like short quick sniffs.
  • An intimidating squad of fearless men whose job it is to maintain the moral rectitude of the country by sniffing out depravity at source. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Five years ago we just would not even have sniffed at those awards.
  • The specialist South Yorkshire Police sniffers and their handlers are being called on to mop up more than 150 missing-person and murder cases.
  • And I would see people subtly sniff the air and then their own clothing, not sure whether it was themselves that were smelling slightly off or not.
  • I went back into my kitchen and lifted the lid on the skillet to sniff the steam that burst out. FOLLOW THE SHARKS
  • Dogs are present throughout the street series, roaming the streets and sniffing the gutters.
  • The sniff begins with muscles in the nostrils straining to draw a current of air into them—this allows a large amount of any air-based odorant to enter the nose. INSIDE OF A DOG
  • Mom, I just thanked Newforest, too, but I suspect that you are back in this comments box ... sniffing around for more "misplaced" flowers to add to your bouquet (after several ended up in the mouchoir-pouchoir box). Pot - French Word-A-Day
  • A couple of plain-clothes men had been sniffing round his apartment.
  • The grass waved around in the breeze and a few animals scurried away except for a rabbit, whose curiosity overcame it and it sniffed at the human.
  • A police dog, trained to sniff out explosives, found evidence of a bomb in the apartment.
  • The sobs were reduced to sniffles, and in silent wonderment, they looked at each other, together at last.
  • ‘I'm so sorry I didn't mean to just start crying like that, wow I feel so stupid’ She reached behind her and snagged a tissue off the counter and dabbed at the corner of her eyes and sniffled delicately into the crumply tissue.
  • `Hedging their bets," sniffed Leeyes, abandoning Franglais. A DEAD LIBERTY
  • Onid yda ni'n byw mewn byd ben-ucha'n-isa pan mae Gweinidog yn gorfod ymddiswyddo am gerdded i mewn i dafarn yn smocio sigar, ond ddim am dorri addewid maniffesto? Ffarwel, annwyl weinidog
  • He was sitting on a log; he sniffed the air and kept glancing uneasily round the wood. The Tales of Beatrix Potter
  • Fake Sniffit = Indiana Voter ... it's like blog t-ball ... snag someone's moniker who annoys you, put nonsense words in their mouth, then post later attacking it under a different name Moderate Dems will determine if health care bill gets to Senate
  • Highbrow critics sniff that the programme was "too sophisticated" to appeal to most viewers.
  • His guarantee of service includes a promise to reconnect your pirated line after cable officials sniff it out.
  • Scientists with the ability to develop bionic dogs and digital noses are beginning experiments to create K9-the world's first robot sniffer dog.
  • In order to avoid charges of heresy (the Inquisition were always sniffing around him), Nostradamus wrote in a deliberately vague and obscure manner.
  • Now, whether you seek our civilisation in religion, language, values, aesthetics or habits of thought, you get only a myth or a sniff of it, never the real thing.
  • Don't want them blowflies from the media sniffing around till we know there's dead meat, and it's not us. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • She pulled them on; her tears now subsided to sniffles.
  • When word came that Iron Mike had been floored by a virulent attack of the sniffles, his disconsolate well-wishers had to shuffle off without meeting their thick-necked hero.
  • They hear scary tales about sniffing glue, popping pills and shooting heroin.
  • She didn't get even a sniff at a medal.
  • Serious restaurants will use crystal stemware of sufficient size to allow swirling and sniffing, and decanters should also be available for young wines in need of oxidation or old wines with sediment.
  • All they'd have to do is plant explosives in the baggage of unwitting travellers, then let the dogs sniff the explosives out.
  • She bent over the table and swept her head over the mushrooms, giving a loud sniff.
  • The young people sniffed in advance the two dear, distinctive odours which, more than anything else, presented the scenes before them -- the soft, cowy-milky scent of the farm, the salt, sharp whiff of the brine. A College Girl
  • But is her secret, as some rivals are sniffily suggesting, simply to have let tabloid newspaper hacks loose in the more respectful world of magazines?
  • Every third Tuesday they do the devil dance or the witch sniffing or whatever you want to call it there.
  • It may have made a big difference in public opinion today and would have at least sniffled some of the more outrageous claims made by the right. Think Progress » ThinkFast: March 1, 2010
  • Deep breathing through the nose and mouth is often involved when volatile substances are abused, not simply ‘sniffing’.
  • I am very foolish, "says she, sniffing, and presently, when the Prince and Princess withdrew, she was all smiles again, curtseying like billy-ho, and kissing me a tender farewell. Flashman's Lady
  • Sam Waterston has been doing his high-sniffy rectitudinous grandstanding for so long it's as if he expects some soft of Atticus Finch statue; Elisabeth Rohm is no worse than Angie Harmon, but no better; and Fred Thompson is a pompous pork chop whose cliched Southern homilies wouldn't be listened to seriously for ten seconds in NY (whereas Steven Hill, with his crusty cut-the-crap irritability and desire to get out of the office before bad news could follow, was the authentic article). New Guy in Town: James Wolcott
  • He sniffled and wept, but Wolf Larsen was pitiless. Chapter 13
  • Angel sniffed at my hand, then climbed up my arm and started sniffing at my face.
  • It was a bit unfair, I suggested, to be sniffy about people wanting to become pop stars when the alternative was, say, working in a factory.
  • Early efforts were sniffed at by critics and often unloved by fans. The Sun
  • He'd choked on his own vomit after a session of sniffing aerosols.
  • In addition, they act as remote sniffers, providing protocol-level analysis of data flow.
  • To my surprise, there were an awful lot of cocaine jokes last night, but the best was Farrell's quip that his sniffle was the result of a cold and not "that other thing, that it used to be. The Denver Newspaper Agency Stories
  • Before I am struck dumb by incredulity, you might like to know that this test was carried out in the name of research into the theory that women sniff out ideal mates.
  • Given a sniff of the line, he remains a potent force and gamebreaker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anabolic steroids, a controlled substance in the United States since 1988, are not detectable by drug-sniffing canines.
  • Questions will be asked about the validity of some of the issues, such as people being asked to sniff and record traces of urine and count the amount of dog dirt.
  • Slime-filled canals in the creatures 'heads - known as the "ampullae of Lorenzini" - let them sniff out the electric field of bottom-feeding flatfish concealed in mud or sand, leading to a tasty treat for the prowling elasmobranch. The Register
  • What is therefore happening with these particular ads is that the sniffer used to detect browser type is finding two browsers and happily serving two ads at once, thus busting the margins.
  • Glick, who had four months left on his three-year hitch, choked up and sniffled when he read a statement asking for mercy.
  • In the dark of the night, the rat-size slow-moving animals sniff with their long tubular snouts for ants, insects, grubs, and small reptiles that venture forth.
  • And I'm rather sniffy about league tables for dinner. Times, Sunday Times
  • And it's only because we're all smart enough to know that a pompous, addle-pated, limp witted, butt sniffing, reality impaired, assmonkey troll like you isn't interested in 'discussion'. Kicking S
  • A product called Crave Control claims to curb sweet-toothed cravings with a sniff of a patch stuck on the wrist.
  • I sniffed the medicine before taking a spoon of it.
  • In those days, $20 was not a sum to be sniffed at.
  • The Los Angeles Times says a coroner's sniffer dog, known as a "cadaver dog", found the hand about 50 yards from where the head was discovered. Human hand found in Hollywood park
  • That is not to be sniffed at, unlike the bouquet of flowers he received. The Sun
  • All they do is sit outside with a laptop, wait for customers to make a purchase, then use a so-called sniffer program to get into a store's wireless network. CNN Transcript Aug 6, 2008
  • Coughing was my biggest problem for the past two days and today suddenly the coughing isn't so bad but now I'm sneezing and sniffly.
  • Wiley sniffed the air, almost smelling the bacon frying.
  • In addition to its services, which Sniffen said include medical advice, the center offers food, clothing and emergency loans.
  • He sniffed around in an attempt to find something to do, as his mistress was still asleep.
  • The sniffer device looked like a big vacuum cleaner.
  • I crouched, sniffing and listening, every muscle poised for flight.
  • Life is made up of sobs, sniffles and smiles with sniffes predomi-nating. 
  • He only needs a sniff of a chance to score. The Sun
  • It was a relief when she mopped her face, sniffed a final sniffle, and went on with her story. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • The sniffer device looked like a big vacuum cleaner.
  • The town consists of two rustically elegant cabins, a ranch office, paddocks with shelters, a covered round pen, stables, and at the center of it all, Sniffy's Saloon.
  • When my house is in range, it does the magic HTTP request to my garage door opener's webserver (HMAC-signed timestamped URL, for non-replayability / forgeability if sniffed) and my garage door opens. Original Signal - Transmitting Gadgets
  • With a loud sniff, Laura rose from the bed and walked into the kitchen.
  • The 40p stamp celebrating the medicine prize is a ‘scratch-and-sniff’ design printed with ink containing microcapsules of scent.
  • Police - using a drug-detecting sniffer dog - swooped on suspect passengers boarding and alighting from trains.
  • I started to turn away, making to get up and head to the restroom to find some tissue as I sniffled slightly.
  • The men at City Hall, sniffing at anything too ideological, insist that big cuts are just not practical.
  • You've probably seen - and heard - them in the gym: people sniffling, sneezing, coughing up phlegm.
  • Lemon oil taken internally or sniffed, is good for diabetes, asthma, boils and varicose veins.
  • Journalists are good at sniffing out a scandal.
  • A two million pound profit is not to be sniffed at.
  • You would sniff an opportunity to be exploited. Times, Sunday Times
  • I lifted my jacket to my nose for a sniff - I could still smell the acrid stench of the gas.
  • It was done with a Pecksniffian relish, a delighted going-through-the-motions, that did not want or expect to be believed. THE DISPOSAL OF THE LIVING
  • He saw them and sniffed a deep draught of air into his lungs.
  • He watched in silence as the aficionado sniffed the paprika bouquet and stirred the velvety stew with his spoon.
  • The nasty niff was so bad that a stewardess asked her to put them back on.
  • Sniffit said "If you do not understand the difference between an actually cast fraudulent vote and volunteers fabricating registrations from the phone book in order to get paid more (they were getting paid by the registration), then you FAIL. High court rules in voting rights dispute
  • And before anyone says it, I'm not the sort of man who turns into a lump at the first sign of a sniffle, either.
  • She brings me my glasses from downstairs and she can sniff out a chipmonk from inside the house to outside. 'Greatest American Dog' recap: Dancing With the Dogs |
  • The thrums were a perquisite of my own, which I niffered with the gundy-wife for Gibraltar-rock, cut-throat, gib, or bull's-eyes. The Life of Mansie Wauch Tailor in Dalkeith, written by himself
  • A small, tabby kitten walked out, sniffing the air.
  • But its tracing of the band's origins from glue-sniffing toughs from Queens to kings of punk resonated with a sincerity and sweetness that won over critics and the audience.
  • Maybe they'll get a sniff of it here, just north of the geographic center of the lower 48 states.
  • And the new initiatives are bomb sniffing dogs we are looking at, so can smell explosives hidden in containers.
  • The first 30 people to visit them on Sunday Sniffa NYC get a 5ml samp free... Le Labo Oud 27: Perfume Review
  • Surreptitiously, he sniffed at it as he raised it to his lips, then took a small sip.
  • A customs officer came round with a dog to sniff out drugs.
  • He sniffed Macbeth and the other titles Koko had dislodged. The Cat Who Knew Shakespeare
  • The girl sniffed at them and swept off to find someone less boyish to play with.
  • We walked without a word for five minutes or so; the only sound heard being her occasional sniffle or stifle of a sob.
  • Personnel screening in buildings also has improved with portable and fixed walk-through metal detectors, as well as X-ray package inspection units with built-in explosive sniffers and biological sensors.
  • A dozen cemetery companies have sniffed around Hollywood Memorial and then walked away.
  • He squats beneath the grand piano in the living room, "shitting," says, "Poo can poo," as if he were still a toddler, then lifts his finger to his nose so he can sniff it. Ruthless with Scissors
  • There is no evidence to suggest whether the sniffers are local or are from outside the area.
  • Homeless children sniff glue to dull their hunger pains.
  • But the men at City Hall, sniffing at anything too ideological, insist that big cuts are just not practical.
  • She didn't think further than that, perhaps due to the injudicious sniffing of the catbalm. SABRIEL
  • In his archest English, as Curtis recalled, Miller sniffed that he knew that Curtis was doing extremely good work at Berkeley—considering the limited amount of equipment he has. Ancestral Passions
  • He then progressed to sitting outside on the back doorstep, sniffing the air and surveying the territory.
  • I sniffed pathetically as an answer.
  • I could imagine what it would be like to have that dog bolling his way down the mall hallway, sniffing people's rears and grabbing bags out of unsuspecting hands.
  • I @ you quite often but you never respond. * sniffle* It's okay. Q&A Session and Writing
  • It turned out, the person I partner with most of the time in the piece dropped out. * sniff* So we had to re-choreograph. oOoOo ... that made me kind of mad, 'cause I ended up lifting someone who was heavier than her in my first lift. Krazililme Diary Entry
  • It is the portrait of a caged animal sniffing the air in search of a scent of meaning in life.
  • Bernie Madoff the goniff stole $50 Billion in the biggest Ponzi scheme ever, and I'm about to be taken to the American Express Abu Gahreb. - Articles related to Push for Europe-Wide Oversight of Credit Raters
  • Evoking the displeasure of getting a good sniff of fresh vomit, the “vomer” is actually a description of the part of the small bone in the nose where the sensory cells sit. INSIDE OF A DOG
  • The wolf turned his head as he sniffed the air, catching the scent of man in his nostrils.
  • It's called a sniffer and capture the information. CNN Transcript Aug 19, 2009
  • I sniffed at the mix of soap and sharp bitter smells.
  • She slowly sat up, sniffing and wiping her nose with a hand, happy anyway.
  • Blodwen sniffed and ordered her helpers to hurry before the sun did any more damage to their wares. GOODBYE CURATE
  • He paused as he sniffed the air and glanced over at the coffee pot percolating java on the counter.
  • Protein powder in juice-based smoothies adds texture and nutrition, and a little echinacea in a citrus blend can help stop sniffles.
  • It's the big climactic chapter that had her first whimpering, then sniffling, and finally cheering.
  • It was perched on the edge of one of the counters, sniffing the air with its tiny blue nose.
  • Researchers at Los Alamos are also training bees to sniff out drugs like methamphetamine and cocaine.
  • They could not see his face, which was pressed against the earth, and they stood in silence until Janie began to sniffle. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • When they browse they move upwind, carefully sniffing and sifting the air for danger, their sharp-sighted eyes constantly on the alert.
  • I popped a few Vitamin C tablets during the day and hoped the sniffles and sneezing would just go away.
  • The purpose of chaperones is to keep your ear to the ground and sniff out issues. Mamas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Monsters | Her Bad Mother
  • Rena's fingers lightly graze mine as she takes the flower back and sniffs it herself.
  • It must be time for the journalists to come sniffing around again. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'I wad only niffer them for bools (exchange them for marbles).' Robert Falconer
  • A test saw participants given neutral scents to sniff while looking at photos of people. The Sun
  • The hulks of machinery littering the site created lots of nooks and crevasses for Bailey to sniff around.
  • He may be out of the anchor chair, but tonight, news hound Tom Brokaw is sniffing around one of the biggest stories of all time, the Watergate scandal, for a new documentary called ‘Tom Brokaw Reports: Deep Throat, The Full Story.’
  • Life is made up of sobs, sniffles and smiles with sniffes predomi-nating. 
  • For example, I might think a low-cost family practicioner good enough to take sniffly children to, but want a top diagnostician when the sniffles persist too long. Finkelstein on Health Insurance, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A test saw participants given neutral scents to sniff while looking at photos of people. The Sun
  • This defiance, once Gorney was gone, had dissolved into sniffles, tears on Bauman's pillow. STONE CITY
  • The plane, like a persistent bird dog, was quartering the coastline, sniffing for the scent. CORMORANT
  • Quick feet, lightening turns and shots taken early often mean that a half-chance is often nestling in the goal before the keeper has a sniff of it.
  • The men at City Hall, sniffing at anything too ideological, insist that big cuts are just not practical.
  • I have been getting all sniffly and sentimental.
  • And even Condé Nast, an organisation that had hitherto been rather sniffy about electronic editions, started to publish some of its prime properties such as the New Yorker, via the iTunes tollgate. Has the revolt begun against Apple's iPad app fees??
  • With a single movement he sniffed up snuff from the back of his hand.
  • And she really has no claim on Nate such that he deserves the sniffs of dissaproval, the henpecking or the cold shoulder. How We Were Renewed ...
  • As we skimmed across the lagoon, sniffing the sea air, there was nothing to see at first but the odd sea bird perched on a marker buoy.
  • Before his goal, he had not had a sniff of a chance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police used drugs sniffer dogs during the search of the house and examined the contents of rubbish bags. Times, Sunday Times
  • They suddenly heard a sniffle from the doorway and everyone looked up to see Jackie standing in the doorway to the control room. Hunger Moon: Chapter Eleven
  • Inefficiently supplementary egotistical phone for business angolan you can ubiety on your prebendary to devitalisation a bailee from dichromacy in and trephination your niff. Rational Review
  • She looked up as soon as the sounds of sniffles entered the room.
  • Everyone in the county will know someone who fits the bill - a middle aged man, living alone in the middle of rural Ireland, someone who doesn't look like he ever got so much as a sniff of a woman.
  • Every morning you get up, jump into the ocean, collect hagfish mucous, crawl back onto the beach, rub the slime all over your body, sunbathe for a few hours, and then let a couple of dozen Haitians sniff you before sitting back down to write all about it. Archive 2009-01-25
  • The dogs were poisoned as they sniffed their way along the beach and disturbed the creature.
  • Other avant-garde chefs go overboard with such devices as offering odors to be sniffed, blindfolding customers, or dispensing food with syringes; this was our meal's only foray into combinations of smells and tastes.
  • Life is made up of sobs, sniffles and smiles with sniffes predomi-nating. 

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