How To Use Nietzsche In A Sentence
The preoccupation with the problem of evil, asserts Nietzsche, enervates the human spirit.
The writings of a great amoralist - a de Sade, a Stirner, a Nietzsche - can inspire a handful of murders in two centuries.
Thus, Nietzsche underlines our creative power in playing with masks, in taking up selves only to put them down again.
Man is the cruelest animal. Friedrich Nietzsche
We can see in this Nietzsche's aspirations towards a total philosophy of life.
Instead of searching for a modern definition of culture, Nietzsche transposes an archaic ideal of culture (modeled after the stratified society of ancient Greece) onto modern society.
Nietzsche rejected the Kantian distinction between a noumenal and phenomenal world.
Many a man fails as an original thinker simply because his memory is too good. Friedrich Nietzsche
There are no eternal facts, as there are no absolute truths. Friedrich Nietzsche
And his philosophical musings influenced a much later, left-handed thinker: German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche.
Nietzsche's alpha grandmother and two spinster aunts treated his meek, young mother like a hanger-on.
To do great things is difficult, but to command great things is more difficult. Friedrich Nietzsche
Often what Nietzsche means is something close to vitality or even liveliness.
This skepticism emerged after Arthur Schopenhauer enunciated his theory on truth and meaning, a concept that was immediately approved and enlarged upon by Nietzsche.
Nietzsche, whom I read more as a poet than as anything else, also had it in for the academy.
Now, boldly, let's declare in a Nietzschean manner , that.
All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking. Friedrich Nietzsche
The word "Christianity" is already a misunderstanding - in reality there has been only one Christian, and he died on the Cross. Friedrich Nietzsche
One of Nietzsche's prime targets in this respect is Kant who, like a good modernist, attempted to give, as far as is possible, rational grounds for our ordinary beliefs and for morality.
Your Nietzsche, your Hegel, your Jaspers, your Heidegger, your Husserl, your Kierkegaard, and your Dostoevski were the clues.
In A Certain World Auden quotes Nietzsche's description of Dante ‘or the hyena poetizing among the tombs’; the quotation comes from Gotzen-Dammerung, reprinted in Samtliche Werke 6: 111.
One important corollary of this new integration Nietzsche had not mentioned in his letter to Rohde.
A Nietzschean may see it as a lie with which the feeble and timid console themselves for their inability to seize life as it should be seized.
For Nietzsche, Dionysos symbolized the universal, Apollo symbolized individuated art.
Upon witnessing a horse being whipped by a coachman at the Piazza Carlo Alberto, Nietzsche threw his arms around the horse's neck and collapsed, never to return to full sanity.
A bad conscience is easier to cope with than a bad reputation. Friedrich Nietzsche
Nietzsches will to power stems from Schopenhauer s Survival Will.
The campaign to rehabilitate Nietzsche in France swiftly gathered momentum.
Both Nietzsche and Hegel recognize the need to work out their philosophies within, and in response, to culture.
According to Nietzsche, ‘art is the highest task and the proper metaphysical activity of this life’.
A classic example of enlargement is Nietzsche's encounter with Zarathustra, which made of the critic and aphorist a tragic poet and prophet. Another example is St.
One can validly juxtapose here De Man's conclusion about the occurrence of the word anthropomorphism in Nietzsche's list: "The apparent enumeration is in fact a foreclosure" (241).
Double-Take. Reading De Man and Derrida Writing on Tropes.
Reading "Gossip" is like watching Norman Mailer begin one of those sentences whose ending is not yet known to the author, the difference being that Mailer liked to pose as a Nietzschean Ubermensch taking leaps into existential voids while Mr. Epstein is a rambling boulevardier who just isn't sure yet where he'll eat lunch.
Boulevardier's Delight
As Nietzsche explained, suffering is objectionable and senseless unless it is witnessed.
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. Friedrich Nietzsche
Nietzsche's iciness and coldness, the Alpine retreat and solitariness all have an effect in producing a complete and total nihilism - ‘no interests at all.’
The final version of this enigmatic character is in one sense an embodiment of Christian gentleness, but it is a gentleness deeply flawed by lack of self-knowledge, confused desire and passivity – an ironic picture which reflects what some would indeed see as Christlikeness, yet incorporates an oblique recognition of something like a Nietzschean critique of Christianity as dealing in unrealities and depending on the resentment of the weak.
Clark Lectures, Trinity College, Cambridge Grace, Necessity and Imagination: Catholic Philosophy and the Twentieth Century Artist Lecture 4: God and the Artist
All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking. Friedrich Nietzsche
Here we see Heidegger critically pointing the finger at Nietzsche for his radical individualism, which equated freedom with a solitude that denied our worldly contextuality.
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. Friedrich Nietzsche
Horton claims, further, that Pauline eschatology not only avoids Nietzsche's and Derrida's critiques of dualism, but also gives theology an intelligible way of talking about eschatology.
Woman," thought Nietzsche, "is essentially unpeaceable, like the cat, however well she may have assumed the peaceable demeanour.
The Task of Social Hygiene
That which does not kill us makes us stronger. Friedrich Nietzsche
Nietzsche's musical attitudes remained more or less constant until the summer of 1868, when the conversion to Wagner began.
Few people apart from experts in the field have any inkling that Nietzsche predeceased his sister by some 35 years.
It is more nearly adequate to say that vulgarized Nietzschean thought activated latent problems, and accelerated indigenous trends, already present in American life.
That which is done out of love is always beyond good and evil. Friedrich Nietzsche
The earth has a skin and that skin has diseases; one of its diseases is called man. Friedrich Nietzsche
Goethe, the author of Faust and many other diverse works, was a major force; his work influenced philosophers such as Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Cassirer, Jung and Wittgenstein.
Dr. Larry Dossey: Spiritual Living: Why We Need Empathic Science
The next three chapters examine the religious existentialism of Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky, and Nietzsche.
Indeed, it turns out to be precisely this kind of instinctive drivenness that Nietzsche has partly in mind when he praises
Nietzsche's Moral and Political Philosophy
Tina, I just wanna know how you can call yourself an existentialist, and still agree with Nietzsche's doctrine of the Ubermensch.
Yet in some of his writings, Greene suggests that this weighs against deontological ethics, indicating that deontology is just a kind of rationalization of unreconstructed emotional prejudices, seeking (as Nietzsche said of Kant) “to prove, in a way that would dumbfound the common man, that the common man was right.”
The Starry Heavens Above and the Moral Law Within (the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex)
Nope, this is a day you wish he'd written a long, whiny letter to his aunts about those bastard Syrians next door, or maybe just spent the day inventing new spellings for "foetor" or patronizingly explaining Nietzsche to Frank Belknap Long.
Kenneth Hite's Journal
Nietzsche rejected the Kantian distinction between a noumenal and phenomenal world.
It is urged that Kant's legacy led to the nihilism which Schopenhauer and Nietzsche in their different ways sought to overcome through their emphasis on the will.
Nietzsche is the great exemplar of complicating thought, exploiting knowledge in the interests of interrogations - not in order to clarify and focus but to subtilize and dissociate them.
Williams argues, Nietzsche is on his side, not the deniers ', because Nietzsche himself believes that, while a vindicatory history of the notions of truth and truthfulness certainly has to be a naturalistic one, that is not to say that such a history is impossible.
Bernard Williams
A good writer possesses not only his own spirit but also the spirit of his friends. Friedrich Nietzsche
Maybe this is the prelude to some sort of Nietzschean ascension.
In the first two articles in this series I have briefly indicated some of the main currents of Nietzsche's thought.
His films are so light and lovely, and because of that, they are impertinent - cheeky and challenging in their very untimeliness, like Nietzsche's ‘untimely meditations’.
Nietzsche advocates an aesthetic attitude to life and puts forward ideas of "will to power" and "the Dionysian spirit", but he thinks highly of "aesthetic metaphysics" and neglects life.
It was Nietzsche who had made current the dream of a new music, a music that should be fiercely and beautifully animal, full of laughter, of the dry good light of the intellect, of "salt and fire and the great, compelling logic, of the light feet of the south, the dance of the stars, the quivering dayshine of the Mediterranean.
Musical Portraits Interpretations of Twenty Modern Composers
A classic example of enlargement is Nietzsche's encounter with Zarathustra, which made of the critic and aphorist a tragic poet and prophet. Another example is St.
A bad conscience is easier to cope with than a bad reputation. Friedrich Nietzsche
As much as fascism, Nietzsche foreshadowed modernism, existentialism and postmodernism.
The word "Christianity" is already a misunderstanding - in reality there has been only one Christian, and he died on the Cross. Friedrich Nietzsche
Her biography of Nietzsche is a double hagiography, comic and almost sad in its reflection of her own will to power.
One loves ultimately one's desires, not the thing desired. Friedrich Nietzsche
In Paris, he was exposed to the modern thought and writings of Bergson and Nietzsche.
This time they look not to Judeo-Christian lore, but to Nietzsche and existentialism.
Nietzsche is widely regarded as the originator of the philosophical stance known as "perspectivism," which claims that one's perceptions and judgments are never pure or immaculate, because they are always colored by the perspective one brings to the acts of perceiving and judging.
Robert D. Stolorow: Judge Sotomayor, Republican Inquisitors, and the Fallacy of Immaculate Perception
For Nietzsche, Manu and his code of caste regulations became the basis for a theory of the superman, just as the brahmin and the Aryan fused to incarnate the notion of ‘pure blood.’
Nietzsche associates this monism and many of the related view we'll examine with Heraclitus, so from philosophy of the tragic age of the Greeks.
Burckhardt and Nietzsche were colleagues in Basel, and each developed an "agonistic" theory of society.
Book review of Hugh Trevor-Roper's "History and the Enlightenment"
Existentialism is just another form of nihilism in Nietzsche's sense.
What was silent in the father speaks in the son, and often I found in the son the unveiled secret of the father. Friedrich Nietzsche
We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. Friedrich Nietzsche
Sleeping is no mean art: for its sake one must stay awake all day. Friedrich Nietzsche
Long years ago, at the very beginning of my writing career, I attacked Nietzsche and his superman idea.
You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist. Friedrich Nietzsche
One must have a good memory to be able to keep the promises that one makes. Friedrich Nietzsche
What is resisted in both Nietzsche's embodied/embedded perspectivism and his elitism is universalism.
As Fortin quipped, and Nietzsche fumed, few philosophers and theologians know what they are about.
Advent conversation with Fr. James Schall, S.J.
For Nietzsche, there is no modesty, no chaste self-governing in the sexual antagonism and the unrestrained gift of the woman.
Clearly, Nietzsche's superman philosophy is a type of optimistic view of life but it has always been misunderstood as preaching hero worships and egocentrism.
Many a man fails as an original thinker simply because his memory is too good. Friedrich Nietzsche
One can validly juxtapose here De Man's conclusion about the occurrence of the word anthropomorphism in Nietzsche's list: "The apparent enumeration is in fact a foreclosure" (241).
Double-Take. Reading De Man and Derrida Writing on Tropes.
Nietzsche began as a disciple of Schopenhauer, but later rejected his pessimism and quietism.
This conception was developed further by Nietzsche, the idea of the Dionysian cult.
Then when I was 13, I read Nietzsche for the first time, and though I didn't understand him completely, he made a big impression on me.
That is the basic point that skeptical philosophers from Sextus to Nagarjuna to Nietzsche have made for millennia.
Two most important categories of Nietzsches aesthetic and literature thoughts are Dionysus spirit and Apollo spirit.
Live so that thou mayest desire to live again – that is thy duty – for in any case thou wilt live again! Friedrich Nietzsche
A possible consequence of this, though, links rather than estranges Nietzsche from the conversational tradition.
Post-Secular Conviviality
I could see myself only raging through life without end like one of Nietzsche's blond beasts, lustfully roving and conquering by sheer superiority and strength.
Nietzsche, in fact, provides an occasion for some of his most penetrating insights and most sensitive interpretations.
At one point in The Birth of Tragedy, Nietzsche speaks of something that he calls one's "civic identity", which he thinks of as threatened by the Dionysian experience.
Ultimately, it is the desire, not the desired, that we love. Friedrich Nietzsche
Dionysian consciousness is essentially bisexual, and for Nietzsche it was precisely the lunar aspect of this consciousness, the abysmal depths of the feminine, that was both appealing and frightful.
The admirable Bernarda Fink is the soloist in the Nietzsche setting, though some may prefer more of a contralto sound than Fink's lightish mezzo; and for all the transparent beauty of the Concertgebouw's strings, the finale's hymn is never transcendent as it can be.
Mahler: Symphony No 3 – review
And anyway, why would we consider Nietzsche's writings the product of an insane mind?
So right off the bat, I'm thinking this Nietzsche guy might be worth investigating, and I'm feeling pretty good about shanghaiing his name - at least temporarily - for my latest exercise in metaphysical gymnastics.
The lonely one offers his hand too quickly to whomever he encounters. Friedrich Nietzsche
That which does not kill us makes us stronger. Friedrich Nietzsche
Her biography of Nietzsche is a double hagiography, comic and almost sad in its reflection of her own will to power.
Love forgives the lover even his lust. Friedrich Nietzsche
But as Nietzsche discovered, incessant philosophical thought can also damage one's marbles.
The combination Nietzsche-Wilde-Mallarmé, incongruous as it is, recurs frequently in English aestheticism and it is amusing and symptomatic to find it back in the early Gide, Mr. Scott, however, was clearly not amused.
Nietzsche criticizes Platonism and Christianity by changing Schopenhauer swill to live into will to power.
The vanity of others is only counter to our taste when it is counter to our vanity. Friedrich Nietzsche
In ‘Bergson's Conception of Difference,’ Deleuze unfolds Bergson's potential as a critic of representationalism, reconcilable with Nietzsche and as an alternative to Heidegger.
Nietzsche illustrates the dynamics of the strong valuation with an infamous image of birds of prey devouring defenseless lambs.
A bad conscience is easier to cope with than a bad reputation. Friedrich Nietzsche
This retrieval of information not instantly validated by presentist urgencies may seem to belong to what Nietzsche called "antiquarian" history: the indiscriminate preservation of everything just because it is old (73-74).
Is Literary History the History of Everything? The Case for 'Antiquarian' History
German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche was convinced that universalism had undermined respect for the strong.
The triumph of Nietzschean philosophical egoism is why people more and more start sentences saying "I feel that ...." instead of "I think that ...
July 1st, 2009
As they see it, this countercultural refusal to belong suggests a massive - Nietzschean - transvaluation of social values and, hence, an insistence on other forms of belonging.
A classic example of enlargement is Nietzsche's encounter with Zarathustra, which made of the critic and aphorist a tragic poet and prophet. Another example is St.
The contrast between Freud's instinctual determinism and Nietzsche's contextualism and historicism parallels contemporary psychoanalytic debates about whether human destructiveness is to be comprehended primarily as a manifestation of an innate aggressive drive (later Freud and Melanie Klein) or primarily as a reaction to frustration (earlier Freud) or narcissistic injury (Kohut).
Robert D. Stolorow: "Radical Evil"
Nietzsche associates this monism and many of the related view we'll examine with Heraclitus, so from philosophy of the tragic age of the Greeks.
That which does not kill us makes us stronger. Friedrich Nietzsche
Nietzsche grew to loathe so intensely in Wagner, — viz., his pronounced histrionic tendencies, his dissembling powers, his inordinate vanity, his equivocalness, his falseness.
Thus spake Zarathustra; A book for all and none
Enthralled by the idea of a super-strong consciousness which turns human blood to lava or moulten iron, Dostoievsky makes Milton's Satan and Nietzsche's blond beast appear quite amateurish and unconvincing; the strong Slav is a reality in the artistic experience of the writer.
Dostoievsky's Mystical Terror
The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time. Friedrich Nietzsche
Here I would call Nietzsche's great aperçu to our aid: ‘All concepts in which an entire process is semiotically concentrated elude definition; only that which has no history is definable’ (The Genealogy of Morals: 2: 23).
Thus, from a Nietzschean perspective, nihilism is the unforeseen consequence of the Kantian critique of metaphysics.
According to Nietzsche, man could be saved by a new type of man, the ‘Übermensch,’ the Superman.
Nietzsche does not investigate these matters of nomenclature, but when he is condemning morality or kinds of morality, and when he is calling himself an immoralist, he has the purpose and point of life in mind.
Remorse. Never yield to remorse, but at once tell yourself: remorse would simply mean adding to the first act of stupidity a second. Friedrich Nietzsche
As opposed the what Nietzsche called the "Apollonian" side of culture, that which seeks balance and structure, we were now moving into the realm of the "Dionysian" - the irrational, the delusional, the fanatical side of human nature.
Guarding America's Future Against the Heirs of Cromwell
Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies. Friedrich Nietzsche
What does your conscience say? - 'You should become the person you are'. Friedrich Nietzsche
Nietzsche's "Birth of Tragedy" argued that the Greeks 'reputed Apollonian harmony was achieved only by suppressing Dionysiac impulses, while Burckhardt maintained that the Italian Renaissance was born from and sustained by "competitive individualism.
Book review of Hugh Trevor-Roper's "History and the Enlightenment"
Certainly he would have increased the likelihood of gaining insight had he focused on Nietzsches books rather than on scribbled notes and sentences wrenched from context.
Let me argue instead for a kind of Nietzschean perspectivism, which admits that the closest approach to truth we can make is to look at a question from a variety of perspectives, but also recognizes that some arguments are much stronger than others.
Head Shaking and the best Canadian Poem
Merchant and pirate were for a long period one and the same person. Even today mercantile morality is really nothing but a refinement of piratical morality. Friedrich Nietzsche
Trotsky writes that Nietzsche's philosophy has a particular appeal to what he describes as a parasitic proletariat, a social layer arising within capitalism which is more privileged than the mere lumpenproletariat.
Setzen, "to posit," is introduced in De Man's second Nietzsche essay ( "The
Double-Take. Reading De Man and Derrida Writing on Tropes.
Perhaps I know best why it is man alone who laughs; he alone suffers so deeply that he had to invent laughter. Friedrich Nietzsche
It is a polemic because it sidesteps the criticism of science and its metaphysics by Hegel, Nietzsche and Heidegger.
It could be the deconstruction of the myth of the Nietzschean superman.
For such readers, "Thus Spoke Zarathustra," with its incantatory calls for a race of overmen to establish a new morality that would "remain faithful to the earth," was the true Nietzsche.
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What is the seal of liberation? Not to be ashamed in front of oneself. Friedrich Nietzsche
This is the stuff of Nietzsche, in his declaration that ‘Man is a rope, fastened between animal and overman a rope over an abyss.’
By juxtaposing Popper against Nietzsche, I would outline an abductive system which connects individual perspectivism with scientific reality (however naive the prospect).
What was silent in the father speaks in the son, and often I found in the son the unveiled secret of the father. Friedrich Nietzsche
He would afterward think of Nietzsche's aphorism Around the hero, all things turn into tragedy; around the demigod, into a satyr-play.
As Nietzsche said they would, the plebs have got steadily Denser, the optimates Quicker still on the uptake.
Fathers and sons are much more considerate of one another than mothers and daughters. Friedrich Nietzsche
The rhetorical solution lies in what Burke, following Nietzsche, called perspectivism.
Nietzsche has no doubts that the corrupting influence on him was Socrates, fully deserving his hemlock not for his power over the youth of Athens, but over what might have been its continuing tragic greatness.
A good writer possesses not only his own spirit but also the spirit of his friends. Friedrich Nietzsche
Nietzsche's datum is very unlike that found in any other philosopher, since it gives primacy to our aesthetic experience, normally low on the list of philosophical priorities, when it figures at all.
In philosophical terms, deconstruction is a form of relativist scepticism in the tradition of Nietzsche.
In Difference & Repetition in particular, Deleuze's sense of the term repetition is a product of his reading of Friedrich Nietzsche's eternal return in Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
Notes on 'Repetition, Representation and Revolution: Deleuze and Blake's _America_'
The admirable Bernarda Fink is the soloist in the Nietzsche setting, though some may prefer more of a contralto sound than Fink's lightish mezzo; and for all the transparent beauty of the Concertgebouw's strings, the finale's hymn is never transcendent as it can be.
Mahler: Symphony No 3 – review
In Nietzsche's perspectivism, two basic notions come together.
The Roman Catholic Church, which, like Nietzsche, knows something about conviction, has a name for this apathy: acedia, which is laziness of spirit, idleness of soul.
This seems untrue to me, since the Will to Power was merely Nietzsche's exoteric doctrine.
European philosophers from Plato to Nietzsche have begun their philosophizing from a starting-point which implied, as an essential part of their "organum" of enquiry, the possession by the human soul of some sort of aesthetic vision.
The Complex Vision
Perhaps I know best why it is man alone who laughs; he alone suffers so deeply that he had to invent laughter. Friedrich Nietzsche
But Nietzsche spurns all our querulous wheedlings, and wonders how in our ‘constant fluttering around the single flame of vanity… an honest and pure urge for truth could have arisen among men’.
Romantic irony, and then in Nietzsche's perspectivism, agreements about truth did not overcome but preserved their perspectival origins.
Post-Secular Conviviality
They are tyrants and ideologues whose sole concern is imposing their Nietzschean will to power upon the weak, the uprightly bourgeois, the decently intentioned.
This agglomeration of old pseudoaristocracies (corporatist heirs to the colonial overlords and Confederate planterocracy), Nietzschean masters and slaves under a facade of Christianity, and miserable hypocrite Ubermenschen termed the GOP simply can not go quietly.
Matthew Yglesias » The New Filibuster
The secret of the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment of existence is: to live dangerously! Friedrich Nietzsche
Madison shows that Nietzsche directed his critique of Platonic science at the assumption that science represents reality.
So the countersignature that returns to Nietzsche when he writes himself to himself validates the first by repetition.
Post-Modern Satanism is very much like dark humanism with the Nietzsche, Rand, and other atheistic philosophers.
An Interview with Venger Satanis : The Lovecraft News Network
He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying. Friedrich Nietzsche
Nietzsche looked to the Greeks as a model along these lines; a churning of the bloodlines creating the Superman.
Nietzsche's musical attitudes remained more or less constant until the summer of 1868, when the conversion to Wagner began.
Since Zarathustra tells women that their greatest hope should be to bear the overman, Nietzsche is sometimes taken to exclude the concept of the noble woman.
The book by Strauss that he selects for critique in the First Meditation is so undemanding a pewside read, so unresisting an object for intelligent scorn, that one wonders why Nietzsche is bothering, and evidently so does he.
Ultimately, it is the desire, not the desired, that we love. Friedrich Nietzsche
Rorty looked forward to a culture -- he called it a "liberal utopia" -- in which the "Nietzschean metaphors" of self-creation are finally "literalized," i.e., made real. Todos los Blogs del Perú
Nishitani finds profounder intimations of a truly radical subjectivity in both Meister Eckhart's mystical theology and Nietzsche's radical atheism, which each in their own way go beyond, or dig beneath, attachments to and sublations of egoity.
The Kyoto School
A kind of self-worship in goth regalia, cribbed from Rand, Nietzsche and with a sprinkling of Crowley.
An Interview with Venger Satanis : The Lovecraft News Network
Sleeping is no mean art: for its sake one must stay awake all day. Friedrich Nietzsche
He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying. Friedrich Nietzsche
Nietzsche saw himself breaking away from Schopenhauer's pessimism by rejecting what he saw as his monism.
His position is untenable one unless he means us to make a bonfire not just of Dilthey but Nietzsche and Heidegger too.
Nietzsches philosophy of the body or bodily existence must not however be, and that's the crucial point here, be mistaken for a form of naturalism, biologism and body organism ontology.
The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind. Friedrich Nietzsche
Also, I think you miscategorize Nietzsche because you are conflating two categories into one, and two dimensions into one.
Archive 2006-02-01
As proof he refers to the ‘close kinship of many of Nietzsche's aperçus with the far from vain tilts against morality with which, at approximately the same time, Oscar Wilde was shocking and amusing his public.’
We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. Friedrich Nietzsche
But then neither did Fichte and Schelling and Kant and Hegel and Schopenhauer and Nietzsche and Heidegger; but their differences are family feuds, and the same is true of their "Catholic" epigone.
Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta chairman of the SSPX commission
What then is Nietzsche doing with his critique of metaphysics from within the philosophy institution?
The vanity of others is only counter to our taste when it is counter to our vanity. Friedrich Nietzsche
Nietzsche scatter a dismembered sentence; their aim, to underdetermine the significance of tropes.
Double-Take. Reading De Man and Derrida Writing on Tropes.
Political philosophy is the oldest of the social sciences and it can boast a wealth of heavy hitters from Plato and Aristotle to Machiavelli Hobbes Hegel Tocqueville Nietzsche and so on.
Will to power should not be confused with political power, which Nietzsche called barbarism (Kaufmann, "The Discovery of Will to Power," in Nietzsche: A Collection of Critical Essays, pp. 232-242).
McCain Supporter Rants About "Hooligan" Obama And "Socialist" Takeover -- And McCain Agrees
In heaven, all the interesting people are missing. Friedrich Nietzsche
Nietzsche never worked out his own epistemology in detail, nor is there any reason to think that he would have particularly wanted to.
That, though a large factor in the moral bewilderment of the West, is a marginal issue for Nietzsche, whose main interest is in the nature of morality's sanctions in general.
He had taught them about Nietzsche and his philosophy of the overman, a superior man who did not have to obey conventions and morals made for inferiors.
This text highlights how my training in philosophy was a plunging into the history of philosophy (analytic, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Adorno etc) with its dangers of scholasticism.