
Niels Bohr

  1. Danish physicist who studied atomic structure and radiations; the Bohr theory of the atom accounted for the spectrum of hydrogen (1885-1962)

How To Use Niels Bohr In A Sentence

  • One beneficiary of the trust was Niels Bohr, the Danish atomic physicist who went on to win the Nobel prize.
  • He also built a guest house for visiting scientists and hosted such notables as Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, and Enrico Fermi.
  • Physicist Niels Bohr believed, that if you held opposites together, then you suspend your thought, and your mind moves to a new level.
  • The concept of complementarities, conceived of in the 1920s by the physicist Niels Bohr, says that to understand the behavior of electrons, it is necessary to describe them as point like particles and extended waves.
  • He borrows this idea from quantum mechanics and the work of the physicist Niels Bohr on wave-particle duality.
  • In this short note , we shall describe a Niels Bohr monument newly established in Copenhagen.
  • The Germans suggested the name nielsbohrium, which the Soviets had suggested be given to element 105, to honor the Danish physicist Niels Bohr.
  • The concept immediately excited Niels Bohr, Pauli, Einstein, Heisenberg and others interested in quantum theory.
  • Bjarne Andresen, PhD, dr. scient, physicist, published and presents on the impossibility of a “global temperature”, Professor, The Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Think Progress » Avatar director wants to ‘shoot it out’ with ‘asshole’ Glenn Beck and climate-denier ‘boneheads.’
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