How To Use Nicholas i In A Sentence

  • October 30, 1905, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia grants Russia's first constitution, creating a legislative assembly.
  • While Nicholas insists that the active, self-moving mind directs and integrates the joint operation of our knowing capacities, he also agrees that the mind has no innate ideas and that mental life has to be awakened or stimulated by direct contact with the perceptible world. Cusanus, Nicolaus [Nicolas of Cusa]
  • Later, Nicholas I similarly forbade the spread of serfdom to Siberia; any serf who could escape and settle in Siberia unapprehended became a state peasant.
  • Nicholas is rather out of his element now; he cannot see the kitchen as he used to in the old House; there, one window of his glass – case opened into the room, and then, for the edification and behoof of more juvenile questioners, he would stand for an hour together, answering deferential questions about Sheridan, and Percival, and Castlereagh, and Sketches by Boz
  • The closer analogue is the criminal ineptness of Tsar Nicholas II and his Generals in the Russo-Japanese War 1904-05. War in Lebanon
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  • Nicholas is just a pawn, a puppet for Wilson and that is just a temporary situation until Wilson is ready to strike.
  • To learn from books was only possible for Nicholas if people were available to read to him.
  • The reformist state of Peter, Catherine, and - to a much lesser degree - Alexander I had ossified under Nicholas I into a rock-ribbed Restoration police-state.
  • There is a lovely example from 1924, of the pearl-draped niece of Czar Nicholas II. From the Shadows of Giants
  • For the brooch is an engagement present from Tsar Nicholas II, the last emperor of Russia, to then Princess Alix of Hesse who was to become his wife in 1894. Crowning Jewelry
  • He forded frozen Russian rivers, the ice giving way beneath him, to become the first Jew to meet Tsar Nicholas I.
  • More than 500 works, including Imperial Easter Eggs, featuredPeople are fascinated by the objects created by Karl Fabergé, not just because they are beautiful and crafted from precious metals and jewels, but also because they are associated with the last tsar of Russia, Nicholas II and his family, who were murdered in 1918 by the Bolsheviks during the Russian revolution. Fabergé Revealed at Virginia Museum
  • Nicholas is just a pawn, a puppet for Wilson and that is just a temporary situation until Wilson is ready to strike.
  • When he abdicated in 1917, Nicholas II, tsar of Russia, rather hoped he might have been allowed to live out the rest of his days in peace with his family in the Crimea.
  • Nicholas in so unexpected a manner was the grand topic of the evening; and the four musical gentlemen, hearing the story in turn from each of the others, were now engaged in a sort of diatessaron, in which the four accounts were made to harmonize with considerable difficulty: Mr. Schmauker insisting upon his view, that Nicholas had arrived wet and hungry, was found on the doorstep, and dragged in by Mr.. Starkey; while The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 87, January, 1865
  • ) - and beyond Nicholas I saw Lewis Hall, the latecomer to the scene, with his crucifix held high in his hand. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • The last czar of Russia, Nicholas II, and his czarina, Alexandra, led a contented family life with four daughters and a son.
  • Nicholas is making an evening dress out of a polyester jacket, using something that looks like a sweatband for the neckline. Una LaMarche: Project Runway Season 8 Premiere Recap
  • Nicholas is so devoid of personality that he needs to sing something completely superficial and sexless next week to stop this happening again.
  • Nicholas is a popular, highly regarded actor who has been a star and a household name for several decades.
  • Nicholas IV, himself a Franciscan, sent missionaries of the order to Servia in 1288, and another mission followed (1354) under Friar Bartholomew, Bishop of Trau.
  • The prince's Romanov-style beard may be designed to hide a bobsleighing scar but he turns heads wherever he goes in Russia because of his physical likeness to Tsar Nicholas II, the cousin of King George V, his grandfather.
  • The last czar of Russia, Nicholas II, and his czarina, Alexandra, led a contented family life with four daughters and a son.
  • And a dead ringer for Russian Czar Nicholas II, a cousin of his grandfather. Prince Michael pays a visit to British School, gives royal thumbs-up
  • For landowners, industrialists, financiers, the Catholic Church, and the military who witnessed the consummation of the Russian alliance in the state visit of Nicholas II to France in October 1896, it was an Indian summer.
  • Under Nicholas I this practice became widespread; arson, crimes by civilians in the company of soldiers, and riotous behaviour by peasants in the presence of military guards were among the cases handled by the army courts.
  • The ruinous effects of World War I, combined with internal pressures, sparked the March 1917 uprising that led Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate the throne.
  • St Nicholas is the patron saint of children.
  • Special details within the church render it unique including the fifth century mosaics of the central nave, the triumphal arch dating back to the pontificate of Pope Sixtus III (432-440) and the apsidal mosaic executed by the Franciscan friar Jacopo Torriti at the order of Pope Nicholas IV (1288-1292). The Papal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore
  • Saint Nicholas in Russia, being furnished with all things expedient for such a discouerie, and with a new supply of victuals at his arriuall there, and also to hire into his companie certaine Russes best knowen vnto himselfe, who can perfectly speake the Samoeds language, and are acquainted with the riuer of Ob, as hauing frequented those places yeere by yeere. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • When Alexander died in 1894, Witte found himself transformed from the championed counselor of a paternal czar-protector to the unwelcome mentor of an unprepared sovereign—Nicholas II—who bristled under the tutelage of his inherited advisers. A Statesman For the Czar
  • At this time, there was a serious diplomatic difficulty pending between the Czar (Nicholas I), and the Sultan (Abdul-Medjid), and in less than a month after my return to Constantinople, there was an open rupture between the cabinet at St. Petersburg, and the Sublime Porte, and preparations for active hostilities between the two powers were immediately commenced. The Autobiography of Nicholas Said; a Native of Bornou, Eastern Soudan, Central Africa
  • When he rejoined the RAF in a few weeks, the facial hair came off—long before he had the chance to shape it into the full beard for which kings Edward VII and George V not to mention their cousin Czar Nicholas II were famous. William and Kate
  • Eventually in 1905, Nicholas II will be forced to grant a Duma, an assembly to Russia.
  • How does he know that Nicholas II rolled his R's charmingly? Czar-Crossed Writers
  • And the family of regal martyrs (Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra, tsarevnas Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and tsarevich Alexey) bring us into the 20th century, representing the picture of new martyrs of Russia.

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