
How To Use Nicene In A Sentence

  • If one is to read "canonically", one must address why the appropriate approach is to let John and the Nicene Creed be one's guide to Deuteronomy, rather than vice versa. Review of Kostenberger and Swain, Father, Son and Spirit: The Trinity and John's Gospel
  • The whole of it was profoundly congenial, and the opening of the chapter on Nicene Orthodoxy, which expounds creatio ex nihilo and its implications for the doctrine of contemplation, was a revelation.
  • Daniel, I'm not sure if I followed your point about dualism, but the Jewish Christians who produced the Pseudo-Clementine literature had a high but not Nicene Christology that was adoptionist and viewed Jesus as the legitimate son of Joseph - there's a lot of intriguing family resemblance between their views and the Gospel of John. When Did The Word Become Flesh?
  • Unfortunately, I will need to pass over much of Newman's history; for my purpose his hermeneutic is more important than his recapitulation of the Nicene controversy.
  • She just has an affability about her and a niceness about her that permeates everything she does.
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  • Snakeskin ankle boots with amber Perspex heels, a David Bowie soundtrack and messy ponytails subverted the niceness of the collection. Paris fashion week turns to Lady Gaga – and a quiet Belgian
  • Generic niceness is a dangerous trait to give a character – particularly the protagonist. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Please do not make your characters generically nice
  • Anthony's niceness and kindness acts as a catalyst on the other kids.
  • What has brought on this discourse about niceness, is a meme in which my friend mom-nos has been nominated as a nice person, and in turn has nominated me, which really chuffs me, especially coming from her. Archive 2007-09-01
  • The Nicene Creed, drafted by an 'oecumenical' conference of bishops under the auspices of Constantine himself, [1] was the last notable formulation of Ancient Greek philosophy. The Balkans A History of Bulgaria—Serbia—Greece—Rumania—Turkey
  • But the more fashionable saints of the Arian times, the intrepid Athanasius, the learned Gregory Nazianzen, and the other pillars of the church, who supported with ability and success the Nicene doctrine, appeared to consider the expression of substance as if it had been synonymous with that of nature; and they ventured to illustrate their meaning, by affirming that three men, as they belong to the same common species, are consubstantial, or homoousian to each other. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 2
  • This council produced the first drafts of what became the Nicene Creed, a landmark explanation of Christian belief.
  • For those familiar with either Latin or the Nicene Creed, "credo" is the beginning of the Nicene Creed and has the meaning of "I believe. Leavetaking of the Feast of the Theophany
  • He was only an Academy boy yesterday, or a theologue; unknown, unnoticed, saying his lesson in Xenophon, taking his notes on the Nicene Creed; blamed a little, possibly, by his teacher or by his professor, for inattention. McClure's Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 4, March, 1896
  • Gradual_, a _Short Sequens_, the _Gospel_, the _Nicene Creed_, and a number of other matters, not excepting even the _elevation_ of the host, but not for adoration, which latter he retained till [sic] _till twelve years after the Diet at Augsburg! American Lutheranism Vindicated; or, Examination of the Lutheran Symbols, on Certain Disputed Topics Including a Reply to the Plea of Rev. W. J. Mann
  • There are the softies in love with international law and international institutions, who hold that niceness is nice because it’s nice and the United States should be nicer. Matthew Yglesias » Experts Say
  • And ascended into heaven" -- this passage shows the belief that He returned to the place from which He came, for the Nicene Creed has stated that he "_came down from heaven_ and was incarnate ... and was made man. Mystic Christianity
  • The "Gloria in excelsis" and the Nicene Creed are sung, the vestments are white, and “Ita, missa est” is said at the end, rather than the older formula “Benedicamus Domino”, all characteristics of feast days. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 8 - The Hours of the Celebration of the Holy Week Liturgies
  • Gospel, the Nicene Creed, and a number of other matters, including the elevation of the host, but not for worship, [Note 9] he proceeds to the next part of the Treatise which is headed "How to _administer the most holy sacrament to the people," [Note 10] and his first sentence is the following: "Let this much suffice to be said of the _Mass_, and service of the minister; we will now proceed to treat of the manner in which the holy _sacrament_ shall be administered to the people, for whose benefit especially the Supper of our Lord was instituted. American Lutheranism Vindicated; or, Examination of the Lutheran Symbols, on Certain Disputed Topics Including a Reply to the Plea of Rev. W. J. Mann
  • With the Nicene resolution against the Arian subordination of the Son, the tendency to subordinate the Spirit was intensified.
  • Worcestershire, to be paternal to his workmen, to be known as Squire, and to bring his children up in the older Moreton 'niceness' -- he had yet managed to make his ploughs quite celebrated, to found a little town, and die still handsome and clean-shaved at the age of sixty-six. The Freelands
  • I mean, Archie takes advantage of her "niceness" and eats her cakes and then leaves her to go on a date with Veronica. Stop the presses! Archie will propose to … Veronica? | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • The first critical stage of events was soon marked by the re-adoption of the Semi-Arian Creed of Antioch, known popularly as the "Creed of the Encaenia", or "Creed of the Dedication" (he en tois egkainiois) which was a negatively unsatisfactory profession of faith -- the only distinct character about it being that it was Anti-Nicene in scope and had been framed by men who had deliberately confirmed the deposition of St. Athanasius. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • likability" is presumed to be based on niceness, self-effacement, and sociability, and has nothing to do with intellect; and you're right that Frost wasn't Brian Hall - An interview with author
  • With the Nicene resolution against the Arian subordination of the Son, the tendency to subordinate the Spirit was intensified.
  • The views seem to range from tritheism, to the idea that the Trinity is an event, to something that differs only slightly, or only in emphasis, from pro-Nicene Trinity
  • Not all were content with niceness, conformity and averageness, however.
  • The most interesting aspect of the Labour campaign was, however, its glossy, middle-class niceness.
  • In line with the pro-Nicene tradition, while embracing the material constitution analogy as the most accurate, they also give the analogies of three men, a person with multiple personality disorder, and commissurotomy patients who seem to exhibit two “spheres of consciousness”, praising each of these as somewhat “fruitful” and to some degree illuminating (Brower and Rea 2005b). Trinity
  • Unlike other Christian groups, I am told that Baptists do not sing or recite the Nicene Creed or use other creedal statements in their common worship.
  • These were: (1) the Scriptures as the Word of God, (2) the Nicene Creed as a sufficient statement of faith, (3) the dominical sacraments, and (4) the historic episcopate. Archive 2007-06-01
  • Unfairly, it's his shining niceness that makes the book a little less unputdownable than it might have been.
  • Prof. Torrance aligns himself with Athanasius and the Nicene fathers in holding that the divine identity and one human personality are irreducibly bound together.
  • Lib-Dems, as they're called, are very, very sincere and well-meaning people, who believe in general niceness and all-round good-eggery. Bock The Robber
  • As we scrolled through the list, we realized that almost all sales were based in "niceness. Judith Acosta, LISW, CHT: Nice But Not Good: The Art of Spotting Narcissists
  • The token bit of blandness, of sanity, of charm, of reason, of niceness, of pointlessness.
  • Yet height and niceness are by no means the most vital ingredients in an effective and productive boss. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr Reagan pulled off his political con-trick through a mixture of calculating charm and genuine niceness.
  • My vote for the most untranslatable word would go to nyakaa, a Bengali word that could mean coy, or teasing, or bashful, or suggests fake niceness or phoney innocence.
  • Yet height and niceness are by no means the most vital ingredients in an effective and productive boss. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think all this niceness undermines our power.
  • That the said eclipse took away the light from the universal parts of the world, it appeareth that Eusebius witnesseth in his chronicles, which saith that he hath read in the dictes of the Ethnicians that there was in Bithynia, which is a province of Asia the less, a great earth shaking, and also the greatest darkness that might be, and also saith that in Nicene, which is a city of The Golden Legend, vol. 5
  • Lee radiates well-intentioned niceness, which is no replacement for stage presence or good material.
  • The split between Menshevik and Bolshevik, the dispute over collectivization and industrialization, the polemics concerning Karl Kautsky and Georgi Plekhanov and Otto Bauer — all of these have come to appear as arcane as the strife over the Nicene and Athanasian Creeds. The Old Man
  • We did little to help him and, charmed by McGrath's niceness, we protected him and allowed him to get away with it.
  • That the said eclipse took away the light from the universal parts of the world, it appeareth that Eusebius witnesseth in his chronicles, which saith that he hath read in the dictes of the Ethnicians that there was in Bithynia, which is a province of Asia the less, a great earth shaking, and also the greatest darkness that might be, and also saith that in Nicene, which is a city of The Golden Legend, vol. 5
  • Always err on the side of niceness until they prove themselves to be undeserving of your better side.
  • The main problem with his take on the story is his overwhelming niceness as a director.
  • After the Tsar recited the Nicene Creed as a profession of faith, and after an invocation of the Holy Ghost and a litany, the emperor assumed the purple chlamys, and the crown was then presented to him. Imperial Crown of Russia
  • While I laud the good folk at GunBroker for their niceness in supporting Breast Cancer research (after all can't loose the front porch, everybody likes the front porch) WHY does anybody think an ugly pink gunstock will encourage fundraising? Fights Breast Cancer With Pink Rifle Auction
  • Holding on to an error when it is conclusively pointed out from scripture would be considered willful blindness. and remember the Trinitarian controversy at First Nicene Council was not about the divinity of Christ it was about whether the Son was co eternal with Father. Blind Faith?
  • That's why you confess things like in the Nicene Creed, if you confess the resurrection of the body or the resurrection of the flesh.
  • This focus on "niceness" in critical approaches to young adult fiction -- a genre almost overwhelmingly produced and consumed by women -- is not accidental. Sarah McCarry: Faking Nice in the Blogosphere: Women and Book Reviews
  • She has the experience of the singer and performer that paula and randy have, she has the producing experience of Simon and Randy, she has the sharp tongue of Simon and the humor of Randy and the niceness of Paula. Archive 2009-01-01
  • She found instead that the Vegas wedding chapels, "with their wishing wells and stained-glass paper windows and their artificial bouvardia," were in fact selling "'niceness,' the facsimile of proper ritual, to children who do not know how else to find it. The Wedding Merchants
  • The Ante-Nicene Fathers ( "ANF"), ten volumes, originally published in Edinburgh, 1867, Biblical Evidence for Catholicism
  • Since worship is the primary, often exclusive means of Christian catechesis, what will be the effect of language in which the doctrinally ill-equipped worshiper must impute the Nicene faith to the Eucharistic prayer?
  • Mr Pearce was rather bowled over by his niceness, his concern and his ordinariness.
  • It was surely not wetness, as the incoming president termed their traditional virtues of niceness and fairmindedness.
  • Basil is anxious to show that his own view is identical with the Nicene, and does not admit a development and variation in the meaning of the word hypostasis; but on comparing such a passage as that in Athan. c. NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • A mere acceptance implies a shrug; 'confirmee' is cosier, proactive, in keeping with the new niceness. The Times Literary Supplement
  • We share the same confession, the same Nicene Creed, the same Apostle's Creed, and so forth.
  • ‘It just makes you feel taller,’ says Forrest, who notes that niceness and kindness are often confused.
  • And so did change from her intent; yet with no improperness of modesty; but only with a niceness of Sense, which she did make no talk of; but yet did have. The Night Land
  • This being done, we proceed unto the communion, if any communicants be to receive the Eucharist; if not, we read the Decalogue, Epistle, and Gospel, with the Nicene Creed (of some in derision called the “dry communion”), and then proceed unto an homily or sermon, which hath a psalm before and after it, and finally unto the baptism of such infants as on every Sabbath day (if occasion so require) are brought unto the churches; and thus is the forenoon bestowed. Of the Ancient and Present Estate of the Church of England. Chapter V. [1577, Book II., Chapter 5; 1585, Book II., Chapter 1
  • The church's catechetical instruction takes many forms, but the most succinct statement of Christian belief, often the primary basis for catechesis, is the Nicene-Constantinopolitan creed.
  • Yet height and niceness are by no means the most vital ingredients in an effective and productive boss. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet height and niceness are by no means the most vital ingredients in an effective and productive boss. Times, Sunday Times
  • And ascended into heaven" -- this passage shows the belief that He returned to the place from which He came, for the Nicene Creed has stated that he "_came down from heaven_ and was incarnate ... and was made man. Mystic Christianity
  • Athanasius, the learned Gregory Nazianzen, and the other pillars of the church, who supported with ability and success the Nicene doctrine, appeared to consider the expression of substance as if it had been synonymous with that of nature; and they ventured to illustrate their meaning, by affirming that three men, as they belong to the same common species, are consubstantial, or homoousian to each other. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • With all this unremitting niceness, no wonder he seeks unlikeable characters to play. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her determination, dedication and sheer niceness won her many friends.
  • Even if it can't kill you, too much niceness can still bore you silly.
  • Cappadocian Fathers review the theological debates between Nicene Fathers and Arianism since 325, and established Greek Christian theological paradigm in Late Antiquity.
  • But no matter how much the Sarge bawled him out, Gomer remained Gomer, someone who believed in the virtues of goodness and niceness, even as the world threatened to blow itself to bits.

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