How To Use Nicaragua In A Sentence
A couple of phone calls, arranged by a deep-sea diver I came to know while working on a story on the Miskito Coast of Nicaragua, led me to an alternately boastful and paranoidly surreptitious man named Steve.
The Lampshade
The good news is that Nicaragua is now cracking down on this animal harvest.
Even in Managua, the Nicaraguan capital, the illiteracy rate is very high.
In return for the donation, said Bunau-Varilla, Hanna had seen to it that the Republican platform called for the construction of an “isthmian” canal, rather than specifying one at Nicaragua, as the Democrats had done.
The Path Between the Seas
It is expected to reach hurricane strength in the next 24 hours, and then smack into Nicaragua sometime on Sunday.

I have gone through the central provinces, Chontales, Matagalpa, and Segovia; from the San Juan river, the south-eastern boundary of Nicaragua, away to the confines of Honduras on the north-west.
The Naturalist in Nicaragua
Tens of thousands also marched in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Panama.
Whereas in Nicaragua, the blind are often told they can't do anything.
In an upset that stunned the Sandinista machine and its American sympathizers, Nicaraguans went for challenger Violeta Chamorro, who won 55% of the vote to Mr. Ortega's 41%.
Ortega Won't Let Go of Nicaragua
They are co-producing a documentary film about the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua.
A through ticket by way of Nicaragua also cost less and, perhaps as important as everything else, Nicaragua was not known as a deathtrap.
The Path Between the Seas
At present, all three sign systems are still being used in Nicaragua, presumably reflecting the different ages at which people are exposed to language and the kinds of inputs (ISN or LSN vs. signed and written Spanish or lipreading in regular schools) they receive.
Innateness and Language
Nicaragua's version of the tortilla is large, thin and made of white corn.
Sister Courtney was a missionary in Nicaragua for 15 years.
The strike has the backing of the National Labor Front, Nicaragua's central labor organization.
Kegl traveled to Nicaragua at the invitation of the education minister.
Your State Department, your Mr Reagan, love to rant on and on about the horrors of the Sandinista dictatorship in Nicaragua.
Adding another to the mix is 21 year old knockout artist Roman Gonzalez 22-0 (20) the current WBA strawweight champion from Managua, Nicaragua.
Doghouse Boxing News
Atlantic side of the Isthmus of Darien and secured from the government of Nicaragua the privilege of crossing the Isthmus for a transportation system through its territory, and then established a line of steamers on the Pacific to San Francisco.
My Memories of Eighty Years
He grew up in Nicaragua, lived for a while in Guatemala, and now he is dedicated to his paintings in Aix et à Marseille.
Global Voices in English » Guatemala: For Some Artists, Picasso was Wrong
Ruben Dario was a very famous Nicaraguan poet and he had travelled all over the world.
American protectorates in Cuba, Panama, Haiti, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic were modified or dismantled.
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega also supported Bolivia and Venezuela in expelling the American ambassadors and announced that Nicaragua, like Venezuela, was prepared to establish closer military links with Russia.
Excellent wayne madsen americas roundup
Nicaragua, Wednesday, l o July 1985 Veronica, my darling.
In 1986 the World Court ruled that the US had violated international law by mining the waters of Nicaragua and arming the Contras.
Central Florida is in the middle of the boom in Hispanic Pentecostal growth because of the influx of Puerto Ricans and immigrants from countries such as Nicaragua, Honduras and the Caribbean, where Pentecostalism has flourished for decades.
The Nicaraguan tradition of producing utilitarian and decorative ceramics and earthenware continues.
In Nicaragua today the most obvious need is decent housing and all monies raised from the night will go a long way in helping the situation there.
Selecting the Corps of Engineers upon graduation, Groves served at various military camps throughout the South, in Washington, D.C., and in Nicaragua, where he helped survey a proposed interoceanic canal.
Nicaragua's currency, the cordoba, has weakened 4 percent this year to 22.79 per U.S. dollar. -- Top News
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega to accept the ruling. 2009, the Tribunal has ruled on the San Juan River in Nicaragua's sovereignty, its right to control navigation and dredging.
At last Friday pitched upon a tree, for I found he knew much better than I what kind of wood was fittest for it; nor can I tell, to this day, what wood to call the tree we cut down, except that it was very like the tree we call fustic, or between that and the Nicaragua wood, for it was much of the same color and smell.
Robinson Crusoe
The second wave occurred during the early 1980s, when the Nicaraguan government was reorganized.
Most Nicaraguans who have work still toil as migrants, following crops and working only during the harvest period.
Martin Mulligan, a social commentator who blogs under the name Emilia Persola, said that unlike in the Middle East, cyber protesters in Nicaragua are unlikely to take to the streets right away.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
I was in Nicaragua in 1988 and saw small groups of soldiers defending each bridge from attacks - a very expensive undertaking for a small country.
Exchange rates: gold cordobas (C$) per US$1 - 6 (10 January 1993), 5 (1992); note - gold cordoba replaced cordoba as Nicaragua's currency in 1991
The 1994 CIA World Factbook
This text was translated by Stuart Phil Cournoyer in Managua, Nicaragua.
Dialogue on Emerging Food Systems
I was in Nicaragua last fall and bought 3 cases (24 ea) of glass bottle cokes from the local distrubuter.
Kosher for Passover Coke: It’s the Real Thing Baby
He has spent the week down in Nicaragua, scouting real estate investment possibilities.
Nicaragua was burdened with a foreign debt of $11 billion.
His name also surfaced in Nicaragua, on a list compiled by terrorists of potential Latin American kidnap targets.
Father of Day-Trading Sought
AI also fails to mention one of the most important motivating events for Nicaragua's new legal code, which was the manipulation of the case of a nine-year-old girl, called "Rosita" by the media, who was raped and impregnated in 2002. Headlines
Now, Nicaragua has smart jungle lodges, friendly posadas and ecofriendly local operators.
There were Nicaraguan flags and cardboard cut-outs of Sandino's sombrero in the windows.
In Nicaragua, meanwhile, many of those recently arrested for gun-running have turned out to be either former contras or members of the Sandinista army.
Hmmmm I think this is a very close call by the Church? cYpNot as close as their close relation to Ortega in Nicaragua, but child abuse was always the forte of that type of corruption. google the 'Rosita' case. - 3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,27,28,29,30,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,41,42,48,49,50,52
We all know your countries terrorist activities on foreign soil in past timesCIA activities, remember Iran Shah pahlevi puppet regime, do you remember Nicaragua, do you remember Chile’s salvador pinochet…?
Think Progress » ‘Congress must stop an attack on Iran.’
Larry Nichols had made more than 120 phone calls from his office to conservative supporters of the Nicaraguan Contras, a cause the national Republicans strongly supported.
His office wrote bogus editorial pieces under the names of Nicaraguan contras and got them published in the mainstream media.
And it's even possible to buy an island in the waters of Lake Nicaragua, famed for its freshwater sharks.
There is also a population of the sharks in Lake Nicaragua, which because of its great distance from the ocean was once thought to be landlocked.
Some congressmen, however, including quite a few Democrats, went privately to Nicaragua, did their homework and independent digging, talked to the people, and discovered the truth: that what was being offered to the congressmen on the government’s guided tours was a trip past a Potemkin village—a false-fronted democracy, all illusion and no substance—and these congressmen would vote with us on Contra aid.
An American Life
When the Sandinista government of Nicaragua tried to take the United States to court for supporting the contras in the 1980s, for example, the U.S. government simply ignored the action.
Through collaboration with the department of parasitology, PCR techniques for the diagnosis of the parasitic disease leishmaniasis were simplified and have been used routinely in Nicaragua for the last decade.
In particular, Gorgas was to prepare himself for a role in building the interoceanic canal, which both men had then assumed would be in Nicaragua.
The Path Between the Seas
In Nicaragua, classes are in session from the end of January until November.
Education « Wanderings
His thoughts were interupted by the pilot pointing to a tiny island … really a cay … off the coast of Nicaragua and indicating that the cay was my destination.
James Brausch
And then, slowly, the pink light of dawn began to spread out over Nicaragua like watercolour paint spilled over a white page.
Peruvian Cabinet chief Yehude Simon said late Monday during a special session of Congress called to discuss the deaths that Pizango had taken refuge in the Nicaraguan embassy in Lima.
Indeed, the Nicaraguan leader recently skipped a SICA meeting entirely, claiming the confab was a sham and had been designed and promoted by the U.S.
Nikolas Kozloff: U.S. Marines to Costa Rica: What's Behind the Story?
While Spanish control lasted, a certain amount of squabbling and fighting went on between the two nations; but when the questions arose between England and the United States, the latter refused to acquiesce in the so-called protectorate, which rested, in her opinion, upon no sufficient legal ground as against the prior right of Spain, that was held to have passed to Nicaragua when the latter achieved its independence.
The Interest of America in Sea Power, Present and Future
A man, dressed as a devil, dances during a procession honoring the capital's patron St. Dominic of Guzman in Managua, Nicaragua on Sunday Aug. 1, 2010.
I think the revolutions in Nicaragua and El Salvador, Guatemala were justified.
Think Progress » Brown victory party featured flag calling for a ‘second’ revolution, tea party-inspired civil war.
They adopted two children from Nicaragua
At last, Friday pitched upon a tree; for I found he knew much better than I what kind of wood was fittest for it; nor can I tell, to this day, what wood to call the tree we cut down, except that it was very like the tree we call fustic, or between that and the Nicaragua wood, for it was much of the same colour and smell.
The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner, Volume 1 With an Account of His Travels Round Three Parts of the Globe, Written By Himself, in Two Volumes
Nicaraguan neem pesticides can effectively control aphids, lepidopterous pests and white fly.
4. Case studies of small-scale semi-industrial neem processing in Kenya, Thailand, the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua
What she finds stuffed into its pens and cages, or tethered nearby, is a fair representation of Nicaragua's jungle wildlife: scores of parrots and parakeets, pacas, an ocelot cub, deer yearlings, a spider monkey.
Nicaraguan earthquakes
And then, slowly, the pink light of dawn began to spread out over Nicaragua like watercolour paint spilled over a white page.
The most dramatic iteration came on the floor of the Senate in 1986, when he made it the centerpiece of a carefully prepared 20-minute oration against aid to the Nicaraguan contras.
Nicaragua, Wednesday, l o July 1985 Veronica, my darling.
Thomas Stargardter, photo editor for the national newspaper in Managua, Nicaragua asks, Your civil war project impressed me alot.
Jeremy Lock interview
Nicaragua, Wednesday, l o July 1985 Veronica, my darling.
In Nicaragua, for example, the national reference laboratory of the Ministry of Health adapted an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay kit for diagnosing dengue fever.
The irony of a convicted felon who lied about diverting proceeds from arms sales to a rebel group in Nicaragua supporting a policy that forces gay and lesbian servicemen to lie about their sexual orientation was lost on both Hannity and North.
Think Progress » Ollie North On What Happens If Gays Are Allowed To Serve Openly In Military: ‘NAMBLA Members’ Are Next
It's like extolling the noble sacrifice of Nicaragua's Samoza when he and 3,000 of his friends took in 90% of the country's wealth and earnings and munificently "shouldered" 60% of the taxes that the 4 million Nicaraguans had to caught up.
<a href="" title="Obama's message is just too depressing
Nicaragua was burdened with a foreign debt of $11 billion.
D'Escoto said that "the United States has been in the business of the deionisation of people from (for) ever," but had "canonised" former Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos, former Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza and former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet.
Your statement on Nicaragua shows how utterly naive and just plain stupid you are.
Nidia Matamoros of Nicaragua, a member of the Miskito indigenous group's project, saw her trip delayed because of storm-canceled flights, but managed to arrive Sunday.
But as the poorest country in Central America Nicaragua is hardly prospering.
I felt satisfied with the explanation; I actually felt proud that Nicaraguans were so smart about tricking the war people.
When a communist Oswald snuffed out JFK, the anti-anti-communists in the Democratic Party completed their takeover of the party; snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in Vietnam; nominated and elected a bemoaner of our "inordinate fear of communism"; appeased communists in Nicaragua; and, publicly and surreptitiously aided and abetted the Soviet-desired nuclear freeze and opposition to intermediate missiles in Europe.
The manner in which Mr. Ortega won doesn't augur well for the country, said Nicaraguan journalist Carlos Fernando Chamorro .
Nicaragua's Ortega Wins in Landslide
And grandpa sent me 25 for whistler but Nicaragua is way cooler.
Regala Mariah un peso! « Brandino’s Bolivia Blog
And the movie accepts his assertion that he knew nothing of the illegal diversion of funds to the contras fighting in Nicaragua.
However, the organization is squeezing Nicaragua to accept privatization.
A card-carrying cold warrior, he secretly sold weapons to Iran and Iraq, illegally funded the Nicaraguan Contras, provided aid to a Guatemalan army later accused by a UN-backed truth commission of carrying out "acts of genocide", and supported Osama bin Laden's mujahideen in Afghanistan, and Jonas Savimbi's Unita in Angola.
Ronald Reagan was no hawk – and certainly no neocon | Mehdi Hasan
In Nicaragua, as elsewhere, no self-determination is tolerated and the U.S. ambassador is the de facto proconsul.
One main aim of this plan was to halt the rampant inflation of the Nicaraguan currency, the cordoba.
Nicaragua was burdened with a foreign debt of $11 billion.
However, one alleged chupacabra was killed in Nicaragua and was examined by scientists at the Autonomous National University of Nicaragua.
Nicaragua also recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia from the US - and Israeli-backed Republic of Georgia.
Excellent wayne madsen americas roundup
Born and raised in war-torn Nicaragua, Rebecca and her family fled to Panama as refugees in the early Eighties.
Ten years on, he is the inventor of the country's first anti-personnel landmine disposal machine, and is helping clear the deadly invisible enemy from Afghanistan to Nicaragua.
The Czechs, East Germans, Estonians, Lithuanians, Nicaraguans, Poles, and Russians who tried to dismantle their respective secret police systems had few guideposts and no precedents to follow.
In 1979 the US-backed dictator in Nicaragua, Antonio Somoza, was overthrown by a popular revolution.
And it's even possible to buy an island in the waters of Lake Nicaragua, famed for its freshwater sharks.
At last Friday pitched upon a tree; for I found he knew much better than I what kind of wood was fittest for it; nor can I tell to this day what wood to call the tree we cut down, except that it was very like the tree we call fustic, or between that and the Nicaragua wood, for it was much of the same colour and smell.
Robinson Crusoe
Unthinkable not long ago to vacation in Nicaragua, it is now perhaps on the brink of a tourism revolution.
Richard Bangs: Nic' of Time
“This Nicaragua event is a ten-strike,” I told him.
Turmoil and Triumph
Unthinkable not long ago to vacation in Nicaragua, but now, fully bathed in peace, and blessed with preternatural beauty, it is a beginning blip on the adventure travelers 'radar; perhaps at the brink of a tourism revolution.
Richard Bangs: Nic' of Time
Howell's other main focus of research was on the zoogeography and geographic distribution of birds in Central America, particularly Nicaragua.
At celebratory meals, Nicaraguans eat steak, either grilled steak called bistec a la parrilla, or grilled sirloin known as lomo.
They supported the freeze, denounced the military buildup, ridiculed strategic defenses, opposed aid to the Nicaraguan anti-communists and derided Reagan for telling the truth about the Soviet empire.
Nicaragua, Wednesday, l o July 1985 Veronica, my darling.
There's a lot of alarm," said Carlos Fernando Chamorro, an independent Nicaraguan journalist.
Nicaragua's Ortega Set to Win Election
The Eugene Register Guard notes that the island is located three miles off Nicaragua's Atlantic coast, is 20 acres in size, and is home to man-of-war birds and pelicans, lizards, orchids, pineapples, mangos and many, many coconuts.
The contras were conducting a guerrilla war against the Sandinista government of Nicaragua, a Marxist-infiltrated regime.
Red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra), known primarily from high-latitude coniferous forests, reaches its southernmost extent in the Old World in the mountains of the Central Cordillera (the populations in Central America, notably Nicaragua, are further south).
Luzon tropical pine forests
As we and before we go back to you at the CNN Center, Danielle Ortega, the president of Nicaragua is addressing the U.N. right now, really lambasting what he calls imperialistic and capitalistic oppression of victims in parts of the world according to him, that suffer from big corporations and those who are only in it for big profits.
CNN Transcript Sep 25, 2007
The prospect of an interoceanic canal across Nicaragua generated attention in the nineteenth century and encouraged repeated external interventions.
I sympathize with all those who in other days, laboring for an isthmian canal, had but one star to guide them– Nicaragua–and who must now naturally feel like giving up an old friend to pass it by.
The Path Between the Seas
He was also a progenitor of seven presidents of Nicaragua.
It ceased operations in Nicaragua and Venezuela, terminated certain ship charters, closed production sites and sales offices as well as terminating grower contracts.
We were on the midmorning "slow" boat, about to embark on a long day's drift down Nicaragua's Rio San Juan.
Ethics and Transparency, an independent Nicaraguan group, organised tens of thousands of observers.
Lake Nicaragua, and around Boaco in the department of Chontales, where cultivation was begun in 1893.
All About Coffee
One main aim of this plan was to halt the rampant inflation of the Nicaraguan currency, the cordoba.
An example of a Spanish-Aztec hybrid word is chibola, the Nicaraguan word for bottled soda.
Some military bases were covers for Nicaraguan contras.
A weakened Hurricane Felix is chugging across Nicaragua after demolishing homes and forcing thousands to flee.
Gonzalez told the students she hoped USAS could pressure the US companies to reinstate fired workers throughout the Nicaraguan maquila.
Switching to use of “Muslim,” just because many or even most Moslems use it, is as foolish as pronouncing Nicaragua as neek-ah-rawgh-gwaah the way newscasters used to in the 1980s, or coming back from a European vacation and talking about Koeln and Venezia rather than Cologne and Venice.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Arab Christian Group Sues Over Anti-Leafleting Rule at Arab International Festival on Dearborn (Michigan) City Property:
The rotavirus vaccine is now available in Mali, Ghana, Vietnam, Bangladesh and Nicaragua.
Op-eds on vaccines by Paul Offit, MD
He had either referred to the Nicaragua canal or the isthmian canal, never to a Panama canal.
The Path Between the Seas
In this week's column, "A Stand Up President", he tells us that, of course the problem w/Nicaragua was that the US govt stopped funding the Contras, not that Reagan "dishonorably" not impeachably went behind everyone's back to fund them, in contradiction to the law.
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In 1995, these researchers used newly incorporated techniques to rule out dengue virus as the cause of an outbreak of haemorrhagic fever in northern Nicaragua.
From the hilltop, we could see Lake Nicaragua and the twin-coned volcanic island of Ometepe.
Kegl traveled to Nicaragua at the invitation of the education minister.
From the point where the River St. Juan issues from the Lake Nicaragua to the point where the River Lapita, which issues from Lake Managua, falls into the former, the distance, taken on the best maps, is about 95 miles.
A General Plan for a Mail Communication by Steam, Between Great Britain and the Eastern and Western Parts of the World
In 1855 he entered Nicaragua with a small band of mercenaries armed with a new type of quick-action rifle.
Nicaragua, Wednesday, l o July 1985 Veronica, my darling.
Well here goes another round of life in Nicaragua by Brandon … try not to fall asleep in the middle of it this time.
Round 2 Nicaragua « Brandino’s Bolivia Blog
Guardabarranco, or Turquoise browed motmot, is the name of the official bird of Nicaragua.
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