

  1. an ancient city in Bithynia; founded in the 4th century BC and flourished under the Romans; the Nicene Creed was adopted there in 325
  2. the seventh ecumenical council in 787 which refuted iconoclasm and regulated the veneration of holy images
  3. the first ecumenical council in 325 which produced the wording of the Nicene Creed and condemned the heresy of Arianism

How To Use Nicaea In A Sentence

  • In Constantius 'days they almost all turned Arians, so that there were very few bishops that did not apostatize or betray the truth, even of the very men that had been in the Council of Nicaea. The Reformed Pastor
  • Archbishop of Nicaea; Balsamon, the chief chartophylax; Syropulos, the chief ecclesiarch, and the Bishops of Monembasia, Lacedaemon, and The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • The councils insisted on their definitions being accepted under pain of anathema, while St. Athanasius, for example, says that "the word of the Lord pronounced by the ecumenical synod of Nicaea stands for ever" (Ep. ad Afros, n. 2) and St. Leo the Great proves the unchangeable character of definitive conciliar teaching on the ground that God has irrevocably confirmed its truth "universae fraternitatis irretractabili firmavit assensu" (Ep. 120, 1). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • My good sir, you will perceive that in this Nicaean discourse I have only as yet advanced as far as this — that a hero, whether he wins or loses, is a hero; and that if a fellow will but be honest and courageous, and do his best, we are for paying all honor to him. Roundabout Papers
  • This pattern continued in the early ecumenical councils, especially Nicaea.
  • The first major city that the armies of the First Crusade sieged on their way to Jerusalem was Nicaea (now Iznik) in northwest Asia Minor. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Not only are they against the spirit and the letter of Anglican formularies, they are against one of the decrees of the Council of Nicaea, as we point out.
  • The Arian denial of the Godhead of the Son (at the time of Nicaea) had carried with it the corollary that the Spirit too might be inferior to the Son, as the Son was to the Father.
  • The Arians, who denied the full divinity of Christ, were spotlighted at the Council of Nicaea, and most of the council's work focused on accurately defining Jesus' nature.
  • Presented with a dozen Nicaean stallions, Sabin felt like a glutton arriving at a groaning table. The Falcons of Montabard
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