How To Use Ngf In A Sentence

  • Lobefins today have dwindled to the lungfishes and the coelacanths ‘dwindled’ as ‘fish’, that is, but mightily expanded on land: we land vertebrates are aberrant lungfish. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • They also caught a couple of large kingfish and many skipjack.
  • After blending consonants and vowels, syllables are blended into words and words are used in meaningful sentences.
  • Pressure difference adhesion and a kinetic pectoral girdle thus allow the clingfish to exploit a food resource unavailable to many other predators.
  • He chased the unmigratory tropi-ducks from their shrewd-hidden nests, walked circumspectly among the crocodiles hauled out of water for slumber, and crept under the jungle-roof and spied upon the snow-white saucy cockatoos, the fierce ospreys, the heavy-flighted buzzards, the lories and kingfishers, and the absurdly garrulous little pygmy parrots. CHAPTER XV
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  • Different methods are a better fit for different people," Lyubomirsky explains."Keeping a daily gratitude journal seems hokey to some people, but writing a letter of gratitude may be very meaningful.
  • It is sad, very sad to watch a great champion being beaten in a one-sided fight where he cannot offer any meaningful counterpunch, which is what boxing is all about. Undefined
  • He has written of the thoroughgoing nihilism of this class: their sense that life has no meaningful shape but is only one thing after another.
  • Often they have to choose between doing something that is meaningful for them and something that is less rewarding but pays better.
  • He is on hunger strike in protest at what he claims is his wrongful conviction for murder.
  • Another dream tells of an encounter with a being who held four keys, and bore the wings of a kingfisher.
  • None of us could think of anything meaningful to say. Provided You Don't Kiss Me: 20 Years with Brian Clough
  • I was addressing the issue of whether his deathbed activities that I read about could meaningfully be described as signs of repentance for his proabortion rights stance. Sen. Ted Kennedy's right to a Catholic funeral
  • These adjustments could quickly accelerate into a meaningful reallocation of government spending.
  • Tiktaalik would have breathed like a lungfish, says Clack, senior assistant curator at Cambridge's University Museum of Zoology.
  • Interestingly, some jurists even asserted that judges who rely on a coerced confession in a criminal conviction are to be held liable for the wrongful conviction.
  • On style, I loved the "gangly" lawyer from Springfield reference and his reference to MLK as "a king. Obama's Speech Accomplishes More Than It Appears
  • They were found to have presided over miscarriages of justice that led to wrongful imprisonments.
  • Cats - especially those breeding in the wild - along with stoats and ferrets, moreporks, blackbirds and kingfishers are the worst enemies of the lizards.
  • Any words that strike you as important or meaningful, words that you feel are stressed, biased, repeated or isolated.
  • The data set included sequences of genes from mammals, birds, amphibians, coelacanths, lungfishes, ray-finned fishes, and cartilaginous fishes.
  • However the quantities derived from these parameters, which relate to biologically meaningful quantities, are very consistent.
  • Learning is an antidote of ignorance. Learning liberates us by increasing our knowledge and enriching our minds and souls. Learning makes our lives more interesting, exciting and meaningful. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The grave is but a covered bridge Leading from light to light, through a brief darkness! Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 
  • Long sympathetic neurons and sensory neurons, with particular reference to those of the dorsomedial quadrant of spinal ganglia in chick embryo [12], provided a most valuable system for demonstrating the three main activities of NGF, i.e., 1) its vital trophic role during the early developmental stages, 2) its property of enhancing differentiative processes such as neurite outgrowth, and 3) of guiding the growing or regenerating neurites along its own concentration gradient. [ Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
  • A person in the world must have his own business , no matter big or small . Only with recognition from the society can your life is meaningful.
  • In this wrongful dismissal action, it appears that the defendant does not seriously dispute the fact that the plaintiff's co-employee seriously misconducted himself with respect to the plaintiff.
  • With all the love a heart can hold on your birthday.On this special occasion,I want you to know it is you who make my life meaningful.My love for you is more than I can express.I am to share every day with you till the end of my life. Happy birthday!
  • Learning is an antidote of ignorance. Learning liberates us by increasing our knowledge and enriching our minds and souls. Learning makes our lives more interesting, exciting and meaningful. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • He is also perturbed by the fact that no meaningful debate is being made on this illogical act of film censorship.
  • Each piece of tapestry from each school carries the names of town lands, mountains, rivers, lakes, castles, churches, friaries, wells, ringforts, and passageways.
  • I attended with some positive anticipation, because the Poulenc Concerto, along with the Camille Saint-Sa'ns Symphony No. 3 avec orgue (with organ), have always seemed highly imaginative examples of gifted composers managing to craft beautiful and meaningful, even reflective statements for the mighty and potentially overpowering instrument. Undefined
  • A person in the world must have his own business , no matter big or small . Only with recognition from the society can your life is meaningful.
  • He then goes on to say that there are "no meaningful downsides to irradiation", no more than milk pasteurization, that is. This July 4th Cook Your Irradiated Beef How You Like It
  • Wrap the dough in clingfilm and chill in the fridge for 20 minutes. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has only received a 250,000 interim payment for wrongful imprisonment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Death s inevitable.It's a promise made to each of us at birth.But before that promise is kept,we all hope something will happen to us,whether it is the thrill of romance,the joy of raising a family,or the anguish of great loss.We all hope to experience something that make our lives meaningful,but the sad fact is,not all lives have meaning.Some people spend their time on this planet just sitting on the sidelines,waiting for something to happen to them,before it's too late.
  • Shape into a ball, and then cover with clingfilm and refrigerate for at least 20 minutes before rolling out.5. How to cook perfect tarte tatin
  • Not that I mind so much working late on a Friday, since it helps to keep my mind occupied and prevents me contemplating my woeful lack of a meaningful social life.
  • The European Central Bank refrains from meaningful credit ease as Euroland economies slide towards downturn.
  • But he was not to enjoy himself long, for the duck was telling all her neighbours about the ill-usage her little one had received; and the mischief-making little wagtail thought as he had seen the lanky bird eating what he called the kingfisher's fishes, he would go and tell, and then sit on the bank and see the quarrel there would be; for he considered that the heron had no more business to take the fish out of the pond than the toad had to catch flies. Featherland How the Birds lived at Greenlawn
  • I pulled on the soggy roach and took my first lungful of spliff.
  • Irrespective of how the pundits call this one - I suspect they may install Longford as slight favourites - the ordinary Sligo fan will expect a win.
  • Was recently awarded £30,000 damages against Thames Valley Police for wrongful arrest and false imprisonment.
  • Such items encouraged meaningful reflection on the Union victory; they also provided hours of entertainment and diversion.
  • Life is just like a painting. Many things make it colorful and meaningful.
  • Nothing short of substantive and meaningful improvement in the material well being of ordinary South Africans will overturn this tide of distrust and scepticism.
  • She shook her head, giving the dragon a meaningful glance.
  • If we want the arts to be meaningful, we have to find a way to reintegrate art into our lives.
  • On March 11, 2009, Scott S. Reuben, former chief of acute pain at Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, Mass., revealed that data for 21 studies he had authored for the efficacy of the drug along with others such as celecoxib had been fabricated in order to augment the analgesic effects of thedrugs. The Volokh Conspiracy » The AMA Open to Medical Marijuana Research
  • This is not to say that they are leading meaningful lives, but they are not necessarily lunatics, morons, or zombies.
  • This neurotropic effect of NGF offers an explanation of how nerve fibres can find their way through the tangle of nerves in the brain. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1986 - Presentation Speech
  • If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it. Every arrow that flies feels the attraction of earth. ——Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
  • With all the love a heart can hold on your birthday.On this special occasion,I want you to know it is you who make my life meaningful.My love for you is more than I can express.I am to share every day with you till the end of my life. Happy birthday!
  • The applicants have claimed that their removal and detention constituted wrongful imprisonment and deprivation of liberty.
  • While decompiler usually chop the chain of byte codes into meaningful pieces. In real world, it is like reading a book, one sentence and then the next sentence.
  • Though these systems are described as communication, the central theoretical questions are whether the communicative utterances are referential and whether the utterers are mentally representing the referent, that is, whether the utterance is meaningful from the perspective of conspecifics. Animal Cognition
  • For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully.
  • But these days, the chief executive of U.K.-based Kingfisher PLC, the world's third-largest home-improvement group, has a problem that no amount of do-it-yourself labor can fix: His company derives nearly half of its profits from continental Europe. CEOs' Message: Fix Europe, Or Else
  • Kim depends so much on wordless communication and meaningful interplay of glances.
  • For understandable reasons we prefer to think of ourselves as rational agents who live meaningful lives rather than as muddled actors in a theatre of the absurd.
  • Line a 2-litre pudding basin with clingfilm and cover its base and sides with overlapping brioche slices. Times, Sunday Times
  • With no lineouts, no meaningful scrums and all players having to be greyhounds, it's a hybrid of rugby union.
  • A unit which is different PHONOLOGICALLY and SEMANTICALLY is not considered to be a morpheme as a morpheme is a distinct meaningful unit in its own. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • We should not limit these honours to renaming landmarks, but should come up with still more meaningful instruments, such as bursaries and other interventions that directly benefit our people. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The flyingfish are flickering in the orange glow, and one flies close and winks at me before diving below the surface again. First Snakes, Now This? « Looking for Roots
  • The Demonstration provides a meaningful context in which to introduce and practice these words.
  • On the second day in Switzerland we took a scenic cogwheel up to the snowcapped Jungfrau, one of the highest peaks in the Swiss Alps. The Grace to Race
  • Every wrongful imprisonment could lead to a civil lawsuit against the city.
  • What are these modern upper-class Mexicans seeking, I thought (along with spiritual connection, of course), in embracing these indigenous traditions (which are not theirs) but "flow": some activity that engrosses them, makes life meaningful, and asks them to be "attentive" -- as apparently nothing else had fit the bill? Karin Luisa: Taking Peyote in a Navajo Tipi Ceremony
  • To map that joining, we must explore emerging technologies, not merely because they are new, but because they have some bearing on a facet of sound and music that is meaningful to us.
  • She found it hard to share her son's sangfroid.
  • He made the situation not seem as difficult as it was with his sangfroid manner.
  • None of us could think of anything meaningful to say. Provided You Don't Kiss Me: 20 Years with Brian Clough
  • Carpets, carpet tiles or rubberised floors help to keep background noise low, allowing meaningful sounds to be more audible.
  • With the finis of the songfest, Harry spent the night getting his equipment out of the river bed. Colossus
  • The grave is but a covered bridge Leading from light to light, through a brief darkness! Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 
  • The aim of semantic processing is to demote word combinations that are not meaningful.
  • She gulped in lungfuls of cool fresh air.
  • Chinese boy, suffering from infantile autism, looks at a beluga whale in Changfeng Park in Shanghai December 21, 2005.
  • Well, I was visiting my relations in the warm, down-home community of Springfield, MO, Queen City Of The Ozarks.
  • Hence meaningful concepts of "intuitionistic truth" and "linear-logic truth" can be derived from the semantics of computability logic.
  • Standing outside a health care town hall Tuesday in Springfield, VA, demonstrators seemed to subscribe to the belief that the tree of liberty must be refreshed not with the blood of patriots and tyran ... Joseph Freeman: With Talk of Hitler and Socialism Seniors in Virginia Air Grievances on Health Care
  • Arrived at the foot of the mountain (the Jungfrau, that is, the Maiden); glaciers; torrents; one of these torrents _nine hundred feet_ in height of visible descent. Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 3 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • If Neoceratodus is the most plesiomorphic species of living lungfishes, then lepidosirenid apomorphies may have arisen by paedomorphosis. Panderichthys rhombolepis - The Panda's Thumb
  • Our verdict: this policy is ill-considered, and the military is squandering a golden moment to effect meaningful personnel reform.
  • It has been sought to obtain badges or other distinctions for baronets and also to purge the order of wrongful assumptions, an evil to which the baronetage of Nova Scotia is peculiarly exposed, owing to the dignity being descendible to collateral heirs male of the grantee as well as to those of his body. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • Just months after Edwards Dam was removed, birds such as ospreys, bald eagles, and kingfishers returned.
  • As Silveria spoke he sent a meaningful glance in Ramano's direction.
  • I see no basis for meaningful comparison between solicitors and mediators.
  • TIM DAVLIN, MAYOR OF SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS: So, if adds a million, if it adds $2 million, if it adds $500,000, the fact is that it's more money to be able to do the things that we want to be able to do in Springfield. CNN Transcript Jul 5, 2007
  • They are preyed on by herons, cormorants, kingfishers, goosanders, large trout and eels.
  • Past performance loses its value as a meaningful discriminator among contractors.
  • The Eighteen Arhat Skills is one of the first elementary boxing series in Shaolin Kungfu.
  • All wheat parameters we studied were unresponsive to blue light, so comparisons between relative and absolute blue light responses are not meaningful.
  • The kind of 10-minute blast of unadulterated grimness which turns up out of the blue late at night on BBC2, haranguing you with supposedly meaningful images of alcoholic depressives shouting at each other in tower blocks.
  • If American journalists are the Four Tops in this deficit songfest, Rivlin is Holland/Dozier/Holland. Richard (RJ) Eskow: The Ides of November
  • A person in the world must have his own business , no matter big or small . Only with recognition from the society can your life is meaningful.
  • What is not meaningful is incremental meliorism in the face of a coming catastrophe and against the opposition of a overwhelming oligarchic hegemony. Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
  • The strength of criticism lies in the weakness of the thing criticized. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 
  • You can hear him drawing breath - tiny gasps during "Bloom," big gulpy lungfuls during "Morning Mr. Magpie" - but he exhales the same as ever: in a mumbly, monochromatic moan where the vowels are dramatic and the consonants are tough to make out. Album review: Radiohead, "The King of Limbs"
  • The girl inhaled a lungful of the sweet scent given off by the blossoms in the cherry tree hanging above her.
  • He realised that the skill and artistry involved in processing and printing film were as important as capturing the meaningful image. Times, Sunday Times
  • people who were wrongfully imprisoned should be released
  • Line a 2-litre pudding basin with clingfilm and cover its base and sides with overlapping brioche slices. Times, Sunday Times
  • Happy birthday to him who has made life so meaningful for me!
  • Snipe, red buntings, yellowhammers and even kingfishers are supposedly hereabouts.
  • Rather than email me to say mazel tov, it would be much more meaningful if you would join me tonight . . . to demonstrate your opposition to the anti-marriage ruling. My hometown
  • One thing Longfellow has certainly omitted in "Evangeline" -- the wild flowers of Acadia. Acadia or, A Month with the Blue Noses
  • With the health care crisis on the one hand and a new administration that has hallmarked itself on meaningful, appropriate change, I think there is an aggregation of more and more people with courage that are willing to say: Yes, we do need fundamental changes in our approach to healthcare. Dr. Dean Ornish: Transforming Medicine: An Historic Event
  • The people most affected will be those seeking out meaningful and important information in the public interest. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Each colony insures that every elderly member is included in meaningful activities, taking into account their needs, so that the dignity of their lives is affirmed to the very end.
  • The strategy will apply different messaging and tactics that are meaningful to consumers as they enter different life stages.
  • When all had been rehearsed and shown to him, and he had well considered the matter, the knight was very dolent; yet in no wise would he avenge himself wrongfully. French Mediaeval Romances from the Lays of Marie de France
  • MUMBAI – Mumbai International Airport Pvt. Ltd. will put Kingfisher Airlines Ltd. on a cash-and-carry mode from Saturday because of non-payment of bills, a person close to the development said Thursday. Mumbai Airport Puts Kingfisher Airlines on Cash-and-Carry
  • My Latin teacher taught us the phrase carpe diem and I think it's very meaningful. Evening Standard - Home
  • This is the top of Pole Hill, a wooded hillock in Norman Tebbitt's old stomping round of Chingford.
  • A person in the world must have his own business , no matter big or small . Only with recognition from the society can your life is meaningful.
  • Tanysiptera galatea, the common paradise-kingfisher, is an arresting bird with the unmistakably huge head and the trowel-like beak characteristic of kingfishers generally. The Song of The Dodo
  • This weekly Robin installment is a follow-on to the preceding essays about the Boy Wonder as comic relief, and DC's collective effort to develop established aspects of superhero characters into meaningful personality traits. Archive 2009-07-01
  • No rationalization that human beings give for their cruelty or neglect is ever meaningful to him.
  • SPRINGFIELD - An ongoing effort to crack down on prostitution in the city yielded the arrests of two Springfield men and a man from Wales Thursday afternoon. Reader -
  • These two movements have one thing in common: they have sprung spontaneously from the individual's deep and firmly rooted conviction that the ordinary man and woman is capable of making a meaningful contribution to peace. The Nobel Peace Prize 1977 - Presentation Speech
  • If they don't, start throwing meaningful glances toward the door.
  • A long book is not necessarily a good book – a short book can be equally more meaningful and powerful. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • An additional concern with potentiometric indicators is converting their fluorescence or absorbance recordings into meaningful measurements of potential.
  • Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 
  • In my opinion, they, like recent historical events, are too new to be meaningfully evaluated.
  • There has been no meaningful increase in productivity growth outside expected cyclical improvements.
  • W cygnine swan W anatine duck 1862-1893 dacelonine kingfisher W OOsW didine dodo 1885 OW avine bird 1881 OW falconine falcon OW buteonine buzzard fringilline finch 1874 - VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 1
  • Such copying amounts to a wrongful infringement upon the property rights of the copyright holders. Christianity Today
  • Furthermore, their neurological commonalities make the previous psychological correspondences more meaningful.
  • We celebrate because through Jesus Christ we gain access to not just heaven, but to a purposeful and meaningful relationship with Almighty God.
  • The German finance ministry said the pace of the slump slowed in the second quarter, but warned that a return to meaningful growth depends on a pickup in German exports, which isn't expected before 2010. German Firms Say Economy
  • It also blamed the sometimes unnecessary inclusion of Mexico from preventing more meaningful Canada-U.S. bilateralism. The SPP: Three's Company or Three's a Crowd?
  • Even when promptly gutted, cleaned, cut into steaks or fillets and then shoved into ice, kingfish is best eaten the day it is caught.
  • The pumping speed is predicted according to the vacuum-pumping program, and it is very instructive and meaningful for choosing the vacuum pump in the succeeding phase.
  • During the tribute, lutanist Frederic Hand and guitarists William Kanengiser, David Leisner, David Tanenbaum, Scott Tennant and Benjamin Verdery will be featured in an eclectic range of works, each of which is meaningful to the musician and identified with Bream. In Tribute to a Virtuoso
  • Happiness is within. It has nothing to do with how much applause you get or how many people praise you. Happiness comes when you believe that you have done something truly meaningful.
  • Parsnip ( Pastinacasativa ) and Fangfeng ( Saposhnikovia divaricata ) belong to two different genera under Umbelliferae.
  • Today's rendition was meant to be more meaningful than those of other years.
  • A California woman is suing a hospital for wrongful death because her husband fainted and suffered a fatal injury after helping delivery room staff give her a painkilling injection.
  • Quickly but gently fold to combine. Pour into an 11-inch ungreased springform pan and sprinkle the top with some chopped hazelnut. Bake in the preheated oven for 65-75 minutes until done.
  • Ciguatera poisoning from fish is caused by a neurotoxin (ciguatoxin) present in the dinoflagellate, Gambierdiscus toxicus. 13 The toxin is passed through the food chain and becomes concentrated in larger fish (greater thanthree kilograms) such as the kingfish and the sturgeon. Fish poisonings and envenomations
  • Recertification must be meaningful and based on what is beneficial for patients. Times, Sunday Times
  • In reality the only political grouping which could have any effective and meaningful voice against a European superstate is the Commonwealth of Nations.
  • The RNGF was subjected to several biochemical and biological assays.
  • Who sat anarchically at a dallas real estate for sale, gladdened a authoritarianism, and for the inexhaustibly sphenoid clingfish vespidae to the sum of reinvigorated sphenoid we are spectacularly aesthetic besotted. Rational Review
  • Across the kingfisher's range, wherever rivers are healthy , fish will swim.
  • The hypothesis that lungfishes are the sister group of amphibians is supported by two possible synapomorphies: loss of a saccus vasculosus and the presence of neurocranial endolymphatic sacs. Panderichthys rhombolepis - The Panda's Thumb
  • The hymen, which medical descriptions depict as nothing more than a lunule or crescent-shaped membrane bordering the labia minora, is among the most meaningful of body parts.
  • If you're using a plastic container, cover it well with clingfilm or tin foil. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fall you'll see Northern flickers, herons, kingfishers, downy woodpeckers, and lots of ducks (common goldeneyes, mallards, mergansers).
  • So the experience is very meaningful and I kno the value of labour.
  • Meaningful debate will require well stocked electronic warehouses and historians and archivists able to search and manage their cargo of resources.
  • The real test should always be “is the life meaningful” - its the same calculous we apply when we say giving mice cancer to test cosmetics is ok, but euthanizing retarded children is not. Think Progress » Why Krauthammer Doesn’t Get It
  • Subsequent studies have found that concept maps facilitated meaningful learning as opposed to rote learning.
  • Working relationships will have been established and the chances of staff making a meaningful contribution increased.
  • It is hard to unring the bell, as I am sure you know, and is hard to see how Grace could recover meaningful damages, in the unlikely event that she won. Academia, Harvard Law School, and freedom of speech
  • We have had meaningful negotiations and I believe we are very close to a deal.
  • ‘You need to find a meaningful purpose other than just pushing paper,’ she says.
  • Such heartening gestures are subtle but meaningful tokens of unity.
  • In the reproductive tract, NGF could participate in fertilization mechanisms by cytoskeletal mediated activation of spermatozoa locomotion much in the same way as in neurite outgrowth, or by favoring egg implantation, via inhibition of rejection through the immune system. Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
  • Imagine if more and more people were capable of either making or identifying with a list of 50 rabbis, other Jewish teachers, or any spiritual teachers who they would describe as meaningfully influential in either their own lives or in the world as a whole. Brad Hirschfield: Who Are Your Spiritual Teachers?
  • Two pleaded guilty, and the third was convicted after trial, in a case that The Republican newspaper of Springfield described as a "blot on the whole city. NYT > Home Page
  • Solar and lunar eclipses, however, occurred far too rarely to provide any meaningful aid to navigation.
  • Shape into a disc and wrap in clingfilm. Times, Sunday Times
  • An advanced research on technology of isolation, purification and inspection is meaningful for making use of the rich resource of Zanthoxylum L and exploring new products.
  • She was proud of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren and left this world with the knowledge that her impact on all of us was meaningful and enduring. Christianity Today
  • Functionally, the total behaviour of the animal illustrates the fact that, in the part of the diencephalon indicated, a meaningful association of physiological processes takes place, which is related on the one hand to the regulation of the internal organs, and on the other involves the functions directed outwards towards the environment. Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
  • A sentence can be divided up into meaningful segments.
  • I reminisce for a fleeting moment about breezy Saturday nights, meaningful movies, black cozy couches and the comfort of a brawny shoulder to rest on.
  • It is ironic to think of the fact that even though many Christians had Muslim friends during college years, worked with Muslim colleagues, and exchanged felicitations with Muslims during big events and religious occasions; they usually had the underlying perception that they would never have a sincere and meaningful relationship with a Muslim. Mirette Bahgat: Coptic Christians In Egypt: Standing At The Crossroads
  • Unfrosted the cakes may be wrapped in clingfilm and refigerated for 5 - 6 days or forzen for 2 -3 months. One of these days… » The Carrot and the Slapstick
  • Number 18 in the 2.30 at Lingfield is a non - starter .
  • Death s inevitable.It's a promise made to each of us at birth.But before that promise is kept,we all hope something will happen to us,whether it is the thrill of romance,the joy of raising a family,or the anguish of great loss.We all hope to experience something that make our lives meaningful,but the sad fact is,not all lives have meaning.Some people spend their time on this planet just sitting on the sidelines,waiting for something to happen to them,before it's too late.
  • Third, probably very few of the participants (other than perhaps adventitious semi-professional looters) expected to gain anything in terms of significant personal profit or meaningful social betterment as a consequence of the upheavals in Los Angeles. Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
  • The sport has scratched around for a meaningful mid-season international and finally come up with the answer that was under its nose all the time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bothe enterprise and individual pay attention to this problem. At this background, a huge green market emerges and the research about green marketing is meaningful.
  • This helps us keep Plasma from becoming overly "branchy" while respecting the time lines of each developer without keeping the release cycle meaningful in terms of being when we land and integtrate features, test them and get user feedback on them. Planet KDE
  • The money the family receives from the manufacturer for the wrongful death of a child will never satisfy them.
  • It does not rise before us in detached and disconnected proportions, like that of spiritual loveliness, but in crowds, and in solitude, and in all the throngful varieties of thought and feeling and action, the symmetrical whole, the beautiful perfection comes up in the vision of memory, and stands, like Tales and Sketches Part 3, from Volume V., the Works of Whittier: Tales and Sketches
  • The process of an ethics trial would be much more meaningful if there were tiers of punishment below expulsion that explicitly brought with them more substantial penalties, such as demotions or fines. Why Rangel's punishment won't really matter
  • Lastly, a person who has been wrongfully dispossessed may undertake a form of self-help known as re-entry.
  • Though her mother still lived independently, she craved interaction and meaningful dialogue. Christianity Today
  • Developing foetuses cannot be defined as a ‘race’ in any meaningful sense, and a seriously planned attempt to wipe them out would swiftly exterminate the human race.
  • Some recognize that men and women are different, but worry that tailoring their product or service to be meaningful to women could undermine their appeal to men.
  • Christmas... what a thought... Christmas in the Springfield Road barracks. FIELD OF BLOOD
  • These comments were not an exercise in constitutionally-protected free speech, but a moment of publicly-recorded hate for certain segments of American citizenry, wrongfully conflating homosexuality with liberal/progressive politics. Think Progress » O’Reilly Resorts To McCarthyism, Plans To Publish Online Enemies List
  • She waited, and when it moved again she saw it, a speck of shining beauty even on this dull morning: a kingfisher. FOLLY
  • With all the love a heart can hold on your birthday.On this special occasion,I want you to know it is you who make my life meaningful.My love for you is more than I can express.I am to share every day with you till the end of my life. Happy birthday!
  • Author's introductionAuthor's prefaceSelecting a breedMethods of breedingHow to breedThe rabbitry and its equipmentFeeds and feedingFeeding rabbitsCoprophagyReproductionManaging the herdVarious uses of rabbit manureTypes of productionMarketing rabbitsSimplified tanningCooking recipesMultiple-project approach to rabbitryGlossaryHow to breed Chapter 6
  • The resource implications of a meaningful software acquisition programme are formidable.
  • Remember that susceptibility testing is not too meaningful for "simple" otitis externa, as it is based upon attainable BLOOD levels of antibiotics.
  • A single mother works hard to fund putting herself through law school so she can overturn her brother's wrongful conviction for murder. The Sun
  • Now he must prove his mental fortitude by jumping straight back on his horse and into a meaningful test. The Sun
  • Not nearly enough to be meaningful. Times, Sunday Times
  • My dissertation work focuses on engineering education in the K-12 arena, and in particular, engaging girls in meaningful and empowering engineering activity during their precollege years. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Ideally, research on this question should be conducted prospectively to reduce measurement error in reporting of such meaningful experiences.

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