
How To Use Newtonian In A Sentence

  • The result also showed that IPI viscosity increased along with the IPI concentration increased, and indicated that the IPI solution was a non-Newtonian pseudoplastic fluid.
  • In the first plate of Europe, Urizen is portrayed majestically as an aged, Newtonian figure leaning down from the sun with a great pair of compasses to create the world.
  • Moreover, the specific Newtonian scheme has given rise to a remarkable body of mathematical ideas known as classical mechanics.
  • So little obvious, indeed, was the Newtonian scheme, that most of the contemporary generation of philosophers, -- some of them, such as Fontenelle and his brother academicians of France, men of no mean standing, -- died rejecting it. The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
  • “Theories of Newtonian gravity and empirical indistinguishability.” Structural Realism
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  • If you had enough information you could calculate just about anything in this Newtonian universe.
  • The Pleasure arising to a few Philosophers, from seeing, a few Times in their Life, the Threads of Light untwisted, and separated by the Newtonian Prism into seven Colours, can it be compared with the Ease and Comfort every Man living might feel seven times a Day, by discharging freely the Wind from his Bowels? Chris Rodda: To the United States Marine Corps -- re: Farting in Afghanistan
  • What we call Newtonian mechanics was accordingly something for which Euler was more responsible than Newton. Isaac Newton
  • Insofar as the object of this vision is not formalizable, this concept is different from all mathematical concepts of the infinite, especially those involved in Newtonian physics or what Blake sees as the Newtonian vision of the world. Chaosmic Orders: Nonclassical Physics, Allegory, and the Epistemology of Blake's Minute Particulars.
  • According to rigid Newtonians, air is transparent, or, rather, invisible; and the azure colour of the atmosphere arises from the greater refrangibility of the blue rays of light. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 20, No. 564, September 1, 1832
  • The Duhemian thesis usually makes its appearance in the context of Duhem's critique of the inductive method (or what he calls the Newtonian method), which rejects any hypothesis about imperceptible bodies and hidden movements and admits only general laws known by induction from observation. Pierre Duhem
  • It is, in some sense, a real puzzle: there is nothing particularly deterministic about Newtonian physics; many who accepted Newtonian physics I would go so far as to say the overwhelming majority were not determinists, and were clearly not inconsistent in this; you can only get rationally from Newtonian physics to determinism by a vast number of controvertible suppositions; and so forth. Wisdom from Maurice Blondel; and the Analogical Leap
  • Newtonian mechanics, wave optics and classical electromagnetism all constituted and perhaps constitute paradigms and qualify as sciences.
  • Had the subsequently discovered planet Uranus displayed retrograde motion, the Newtonian theory would have been off the hook.
  • Even in the simpler Newtonian theory of gravity, one can solve the equations exactly only in the case of two particles.
  • But even if we concede all that the scientist claims for his conception of God; if we grant that terms like "omnipresence" and "omniscience" and "progress" clothe themselves with new force in the Copernican and Newtonian and Understanding the Scriptures
  • Although the Newtonian equations governing the elements are well known, long-term weather prediction is notoriously unreliable!
  • Newtonian mechanics, wave optics and classical electromagnetism all constituted and perhaps constitute paradigms and qualify as sciences.
  • Again I want to note that because photons are massless, Newtonian kinematics and ‘force’ do us absolutely no good here.
  • There's a "biology teacher" who doesn't know what chromatin is (and never heard of a histone code), a "physics teacher" who never got past Newtonian mechanics, a "theologian" who has no idea how Jews and orthodox Christians view Genesis I and II, etc., etc. A peek behind closed doors
  • Woese called the DI's bluff and yes, you do look exactly like crackpots who claim that Einstein invalidated Newtonian physics. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • It was based on antiquated natural history; he was unaffected by mechanism or Newtonianism.
  • Moreover, the specific Newtonian scheme has given rise to a remarkable body of mathematical ideas known as classical mechanics.
  • Einstein heralds the end of the era of Newtonian physics, whose concomitant working metaphysic was materialism.
  • Berkeley's arguments are directed chiefly against the Newtonian fluxional calculus. Continuity and Infinitesimals
  • And what about Newtonian mechanics, for example the law of conservation of momentum, that has such a natural elegant simplicity to it.
  • It agrees with the Newtonian theory for low speeds and weak gravitational fields, but differs from it at high speeds and strong fields.
  • It seems Mr. Schroeder is at work on a new story, Sun of Suns, which he calls a Newtonian Space Opera, with wooden ships, pirates and swordfights, but set in a world without gravity. Karrrrrl Schroeder And The Space Pirates
  • In making these points, Edwards had the backing of the mechanistic and deterministic Newtonian physics of his day.
  • The hard core of Newtonian physics is comprised of Newton's laws of motion plus his law of gravitational attraction.
  • The hard core of Newtonian physics is comprised of Newton's laws of motion plus his law of gravitational attraction.
  • This is coupled through solid-fluid interaction rules to the Newtonian rotation and translation of solid particles suspended in the fluid.
  • From the perspective of Newtonian essentialism, all samples of a chemical element are identical and, as modern physics assumes, so are nuclear particles.
  • Calculations using Newtonian mechanics predict a precession of 532 arcsec per century.
  • Much environmental prediction is predicated upon a logical positivist or Newtonian deterministic basis.
  • Indeed, he continued, the answer resided in Newtonian physics: when Hopkinson held the textile up to the street lamp, the material inflected the light rays in a manner that made the threads appear thicker and the dark bars immobile.
  • As Newtonian physics grew there appeared the notions of frictionless surfaces, ideal gases, perfect conductors of electricity, inelastic collisions, perfect insulators, perfect spheres, and so on.
  • Betty Jo Teeter Dobbs and Margaret C. Jacob, Newton and the Culture of Newtonianism (Atlantic Highlands, N.J., 1995); on color and optics, Michel Blay, "Castel Critique de la Théorie Newtonienne des Couleurs," in "Autour du père Castel et du clavecin oculaire," ed. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • This approach stood in opposition to the more empiricist view dominant since Hume, Comte and Mill, that the moral or social sciences had relied on conceptual and methodological analogies with the natural sciences, from Newtonian and statistical mechanics, such as Condorcet's ˜social mathematics™ and also from biology, such as Saint-Simon's ˜social physiology™. The Unity of Science
  • But generally you get the politics of Christianity rather than the angels, maybe because these people are WASPs; their belief system has a Newtonian watchmaker running the show but with a strict non-intervention policy. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • The results showed that: melt of PET synthesized with MTA is non-Newtonian pseudoplastic fluid.
  • Berkeley's arguments are directed chiefly against the Newtonian fluxional calculus.
  • The results obtained indicate that gastric juice is a kind of non - newtonian fluids.
  • Moreover, the specific Newtonian scheme has given rise to a remarkable body of mathematical ideas known as classical mechanics.
  • Somewhere in Sumer, long before the Hebrews wrote of it in Genesis, a man once looked into those heavens and saw time's turnings, as measured as Newtonian mechanisms, counted out by the soss, the ner, the sar and the great sar. The Eternal Moment of Modernity
  • In opposition to the Newtonian mechanistic view of nature he sees nature as an organic system of opposed forces with a built-in telos towards the emergence of consciousness.
  • They are not disproved by counter-arguments of the Kantian sort, any more than they are proved by those of the Newtonians.
  • In the progression from Aristotelian to Cartesian to Newtonian to contemporary mechanical theories, for instance, the evidence available at the time each earlier theory dominated the practice of its day also offered compelling support for each of the later alternatives (unconceived at the time) that would ultimately come to displace it. Underdetermination of Scientific Theory
  • The idea of a Newtonian, mechanistic universe, and thus causal determinism, is out of date.
  • overthrown" such a permanent fixture of the cognitive landscape as Newtonian gravitational theory, the general theory of relativity at once became a principal focus of philosophical interest and inquiry. Early Philosophical Interpretations of General Relativity
  • Newtonian gravity assumes action at a distance, in clear violation of the principle of relativity.
  • The same Newtonian scheme applies here on earth-and out among the stars and galaxies-to some comparable accuracy.
  • Lucia provided very good commentary on the rheology of non-Newtonian fluids. Dasuopu Versions « Climate Audit
  • Newtonian mechanics, wave optics and classical electromagnetism all constituted and perhaps constitute paradigms and qualify as sciences.
  • So the obvious understanding of 'eat X number of calories and put out X number of ergs, and you will lose X weight of bodyfat in X amount of time' is well-intended but assumes the human body is a simple Newtonian machine, which it isn't. Why Live?
  • Mercedes To line this car up on an empty highway and roll on the throttle is to experience a unique, Newtonian effervescence, a momentary microgravity when the 4,800-pound dreadnaught around you disappears and you float in a kind of parabolic apogee of pleasure. Olympian Acceleration
  • The concept of Newtonian elastic collisions among molecules of a gas suffices to bind together in one theory the empirical laws of Boyle, Charles, and Graham.
  • You might be right - but in Newtonian physics, even although much of it fails at 'Buzzcut's' sub-atomic level, if you drop an apple it will still always fall to the ground. Data Molesters, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Aside from any Newtonian peril, walnut trees entertain the natural world with a biochemical process known as allelopathy, a method of Darwinian survival. Eric peters
  • Even Newtonian physics was unable to give a complete explanation of its orbit: the direction of the axis was found to move by rather more than could be explained by precession and the gravitational attraction of the other planets.
  • But understanding the science of complexity is a far more useful metaphor than the traditional appeal to Newtonian physics.
  • The second term you may recognize to be the kinetic energy of classical Newtonian physics.
  • This approach stood in opposition to the more empiricist view dominant since Hume, Comte and Mill, that the moral or social sciences had relied on conceptual and methodological analogies with the natural sciences, from Newtonian and statistical mechanics, such as Condorcet's ˜social mathematics™ and also from biology, such as Saint-Simon's ˜social physiology™. The Unity of Science
  • While Newtonian matter-theory was depicted as a rival to Leibnizian immaterialism in the mid-18th century, in for example the Institutions de Physique of Mme du Chatelet, Newton was no ordinary corpuscularian or mechanical philosopher, and Kant did not have to contend with that now old-fashioned ontology. Kant and Leibniz
  • Newtonian gravity assumes action at a distance, in clear violation of the principle of relativity.
  • Would you say those children also receive "indoctrination" in Newtonian physics? A View: The Science=Atheism Meme
  • The same Newtonian scheme applies here on earth-and out among the stars and galaxies-to some comparable accuracy.
  • The classic Newtonian view of gravity as a simple force between objects was overthrown by Einstein's vision of gravity as the result of objects warping space and time.
  • Insofar as the object of this vision is not formalizable, this concept is different from all mathematical concepts of the infinite, especially those involved in Newtonian physics or what Blake sees as the Newtonian vision of the world. Chaosmic Orders: Nonclassical Physics, Allegory, and the Epistemology of Blake's Minute Particulars.
  • Newtonian physics
  • The hard core of Newtonian physics is comprised of Newton's laws of motion plus his law of gravitational attraction.
  • On the Newtonian theory, for instance, acceleration varies with distance, but distance also varies with acceleration.
  • acceptance of Newtonian mechanics was unquestioned for 200 years
  • Even more generally, one could ask whether the results of decoherence could thus be used to explain the emergence of the entire classicality of the everyday world, i.e., to explain both kinematical features such as macroscopic localisation and dynamical features such as approximately Newtonian or Brownian trajectories, whenever they happen to be phenomenologically adequate descriptions. ...anything but love...
  • Were the unknown planet p' to be discovered, it would be hailed as a new victory of Newtonian science.
  • Both were convinced that the great Newtonian synthesis was the fruit of a hypothetico-deductive method.
  • The two ideals conflict, and the triumph of the Newtonian ideal is a repudiation, and not an incorporation, of the Aristotelian ideal.
  • It is a simple exercise in Newtonian mechanics to show that, so far as purely mechanical experiments within K and K′ are con - cerned, there is no way of distinguishing between K and K′. RELATIVITY
  • Now if we wish to use Newtonian mechanics we must relate velocity and acceleration to the same particle.
  • The difference and similarity between shadow moire fringe and Newtonian circlet are discussed from basic principles.
  • Obviously, this ‘Newtonian’ approach cuts out almost every branch of philosophy, including ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology.
  • Thats why we dont call it Newtonian mechanics anymore, we call the repaired version “Classical Mechanics” which is what is taught in schools all over the world today. Reinike Supports Teaching Creationism at
  • Experimental data was accumulating throughout Europe that could not be reconciled with the established formulae of Newtonian classical physics.
  • The hard core of Newtonian physics is comprised of Newton's laws of motion plus his law of gravitational attraction.
  • These include northern logrunner or chowchilla Orthonyx spaldingii, little treecreeper Climacteris minor, Atherton scrubwren Sericornis keri, Australian fernwren Crateroscelis gutturalis, mountain thornbill Acanthiza katherina, bridled honeyeater Lichenostomus frenatus, Bower's shrike-thrush Colluricincla megarhyncha, tooth-billed catbird Ailuroedus dentirostris and golden bowerbird Prionodura newtoniana. Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Site, Australia
  • Were the magnetic field to be found, Newtonians would celebrate a sensational victory.
  • Magically, the words will start flowing. The inspiration will hit you like a Newtonian apple and fantabulous images and ideas will literally explode from your brain.
  • Would you call Newtonian physics materialistic because it is based on measurable observations, even though it describes what are to our best understanding very immaterial forces? Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The miracle stories of the New Testament can no longer be interpreted in a post-Newtonian world as supernatural events performed by an incarnate deity.
  • Thats why we dont call it Newtonian mechanics anymore, we call the repaired version “Classical Mechanics” which is what is taught in schools all over the world today. Reinike Supports Teaching Creationism at

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