How To Use Newsstand In A Sentence
Could the introduction of remote printing of distant newspapers resurrect the newsstand business?
Eight new national newspapers have appeared on the newsstands since 1981.
Nation, which some of your logier newsstands may still have.
Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus
However, the covers are generally woeful, neither standing out at first glance amidst a crowded newsstand, or providing any lasting meaning.
E Monthly magazine, and added newsstand distribution starting with the April issue.

The magazine finally hit the newsstands again after Soeharto relinquished his iron grip in 1998.
Is she also suing every newsstand that carries US Weekly?
It's hard cover and premium print quality will set it apart from other publications on the newsstand.
With this stat, Maxim joins the elite ranks of Cosmo, Glamour and a handful of other titles that thrive at the newsstand.
As usual, I've dilly-dallied on reading the latest New Yorker until it only has a few more days on the newsstands, but for any fellow Adam Gopnik fans, the July 4 issue is indispensable as usual, they don't put Gopnik's piece online—they know how to sell a magazine. DEATH OF A FISH.
Usually, the attraction of getting a subscription is that you can get a bargoon, often a small fraction of newsstand price.
"BANPC" via James Bow in Google Reader
After work he would make two stops:at the newsstand to get the paper, and at the grocery to buy a fresh turkey wing for his supper.
Newsstands here were doing a brisk business selling JonBenet coverage.
There, on display at newsstands from coast to coast, was a photo of the New American Family, looking for all the world like a Norman Rockwell painting retouched by Charles Addams.
Brown recalled jealously guarding her print scoops when she was editing Vanity Fair, only to see news organizations match the story while the magazine was winding its way through the streets via snail mail to its readers. “Now it†™ s all put online and I ask myself: What is the point of buying it? †Some Hearst editors use online as a way to drive newsstand sales, said Black: “Editors have to live within two worlds. â€
When the putative guardians of public morality put the screws to crime and horror comics, distributors refused to put them on newsstands.
Cover images were pin-ups for the people, available on newsstands everywhere.
When Mars chose that bitch over her, and then practically gloated about it by allowing it to be captured on the covers of virtually every entertainment tabloid on the newsstands, it was the kind of slap in the face that was more than a woman like Portia Foster could take.
Larger Than Lyfe
But the story had barely hit the newsstands when it was overtaken.
Times, Sunday Times
My problem with this is the fact that the magazines were not sold as "adult" material, but available on the newsstand unbagged as were the Warren magazines.
Censored Essentials?
But, as I sit down today to write this article, a business executive with an industrial firm on the Eastern seaboard is telephoning a bookmaker to place a fifty-dollar bet on a horse race; a factory worker in a Midwestern town is standing at a lunch counter filling out a basketball parlay card on which he will wager two dollars; a housewife in a West Coast suburb is handing a dime to a policy writer who operates a newsstand as a front near the supermarket where she shops.
The Baleful Influence of Gambling
For toilet roll, I'd relieve the local newsstand of its papers.
According to NatMags, Prima's UK newsstand copies of the September issue were excluded because a cover mount of an old Best magazine was included as part of the package which ABC claimed should have been sold as a multipack.
Glamour's circulation falls nearly 5% | Magazine ABCs
At Sixth and Chestnut they passed Ellard's newsstand, which had been draped in black crape and tied with white ribbon, ‘indicating that the adornment was for one of tender years.’
The New York Post quoted one witness as saying, “The Ferarri took a sharp right to the left and lost it, swerving across the lanes, taking out a lamppost and a newsstand” before crashing into the pizza parlor.
P2pnet World Headlines – May 6, 2009
They're at Costco and newsstands and grocery stores and dozens of other nonbook book outlets.
Archive 2009-03-01
‘A floodtide of filth is engulfing our country in the form of newsstand obscenity,’ its narrator intoned.
She put her bike into the rack outside the Ashmolean Museum, locked it, and walked across the road, pausing to buy a copy of the Oxford Chronicle from the newsstand before she went into the Randolph Hotel.
Day of the Dandelion
Eight new national newspapers have appeared on the newsstands since 1981.
Cover images were pin-ups for the people, available on newsstands everywhere.
By Tuesday - the day for touring that hole in the ground - both compacts had settled for neatness rather than impact and left it to their big brothers to do the newsstand business.
Hey - hey! And then to top it off, I walked to the newsstand.