How To Use Newsprint In A Sentence
He'd missed the acres of newsprint and hours of broadcasts.
Times, Sunday Times
The company is engaged in the making of newsprint, which is primarily recycled paper.
Entering, you are confronted with what appears to be a blow-up of a Seventies newsprint photograph of a star.
The publisher admitted that it would incur a'double digit' rise in newsprint prices.
Times, Sunday Times
As a bonus, newsprint leaves a dirt-resistant film so your windows will stay clean longer.

Men and women everywhere hawked government-controlled newspapers printed on a grayish, low-grade newsprint no doubt full of comparably dull propaganda.
We did not use newspaper, as the students' compositions would be much more visible on the plain surface than on ‘busy’ newsprint.
I hesitate to recommend another book about living abroad when television and newsprint are overpopulated with seekers of a place in the sun, but this account of life in an Andalusian pueblo is different.
The company attributed the drop in profits to increased investment and a rise in newsprint prices.
Times, Sunday Times
They could use a light table or put graphite on the back of the newsprint to transfer the drawings to the good paper.
And does the pilgrimage of the rich and powerful to Davos justify the acres of newsprint and hours of broadcasting time devoted to it each year?
Times, Sunday Times
The company attributed the drop in profits to increased investment and a rise in newsprint prices.
Times, Sunday Times
In the acres of newsprint and hours of film footage devoted over the past week to the Queen Mother not even a passing mention has been made of her first cousin.
The all familiar contours and figures in black and white come with the fresh smell of newsprint and stay forever fresh in the mind.
He sent him to Bombay to arrange for the release of the strictly rationed newsprint.
We are the greatest world of warcraft cracked server howto of newsprint on medical cushty options today.
Driving was launched as a standalone newsprint section in 2002 and through more than 700 editions has led the field in motoring journalism.
Times, Sunday Times
The company also uses recycled plastic, newsprint, cork, wheat straw and linoleum, a natural product of linseed.
The Wall Street Journal uses 220,000 metric tons of newsprint each year.
Unsurprisingly, all the major newsprint and most journalists officially endorsed the Respondents, politicians were bombarded with letter and email campaigns resulting in vocal pronouncements for a review of human rights commissions (HRCs) and their provisions, and several civil liberty groups and recognizable figures such as Alan Borovoy provided unwavering support and reprimanded the use of HRCs for censuring our God given right (sic) to express ourselves.
2008 October : Law is Cool
Lesson One in printing on cheap newsprint is surely never to print black type over a highly coloured background.
As part of her earlier experimentation, she started printing on newsprint and borrowed the format of newspaper layout for her work.
Cover the work surface with plain newsprint or a drop cloth.
Although it sends me into fits of sneezing, I like the aroma of wet newsprint, a holdover from high school days when I would be sent to the next town over to retrieve our freshly printed local paper.
said the man in the corner - shabby, pot-bellied, with a pink complexion and hands perpetually grimed from reading too much newsprint.
I just had a bath to relax and because I was filthy dirty… covered in paint and wallpaper paste, and feet black with newsprint off the newspapers I'd put on the floor.
Newsweeklies were intended to be counterprogramming to newspapers, back when we were drowning in newsprint and needed a digest to redact that vast inflow of dead-tree objectivity.
The Newsweekly’s Last Stand
Despite a shortage of newsprint, newspapers and magazines continued to be published in every country during the war years.
The clean, dry perfumes of newsprint, ink and decent analysis are replaced by the whiff of political poodles marking their territories.
The latest, about twenty-somethings in the 70s and now, is just as uninformative and nebulous as every other piece of generation-related newsprint spewed out since the dawn of time.
In the days immediately following his £2.3m signing a week past on Wednesday, a blizzard of newsprint was devoted to the 23-year-old.
He was writing sample topics on a piece of newsprint that was taped to shelves stuffed with law books.
You also requested that we number the newsprint sections, which we have done so on the covers.
Times, Sunday Times
Countless words filled endless miles of newsprint on the subject.
Regarding potential imports, newsprint has actually become local industry, partly due to the high transportation cost.
Utterly unalike in almost every way, but there they were, united in newsprint's tombstone prose - and, when you read each life's story, not so utterly unalike after all.
An arm came loose and fell off, revealing scrunched up newsprint where there should have been ligament, bone and muscle.
He scanned the newsprint greedily while his teeth sank into the bacon sandwich, the melted margarine dribbling over his fingers.
The Wall Street Journal uses 220,000 metric tons of newsprint each year.
The more newsprint devoted to his exploits and a broader base of awareness and support in the country will make not a jot of difference.
Times, Sunday Times
They struck a deal with their paper supplier, getting two years of newsprint on credit.
First of all, there was the Prime Minister's impending knee operation in Mumbai that scored newsprint by the score.
There is no existing newsprint mill located in the Hebei area.
Cellulose loose-fill insulation is made from wastepaper, such as used newsprint and boxes, that is shredded and pulverized into small, fibrous particles.
The increase is necessitated by the recent substantial rise in production costs, particularly of newsprint.
Then it's shipped off to a paper maker, where it will be pulped, de-inked and turned back into newsprint.
Lesson One in printing on cheap newsprint is surely never to print black type over a highly coloured background.
In the paper business card printing, newsprint silk thread of orientation and paper tape moving direction.
The format is A4 on newsprint, and is mainly black and white, with colour covers, keeping costs low.
All they will have achieved thereby is many more hectares of newsprint and gigabytes of internet coverage as their attempts to cover up the extent of their larceny stands exposed.
Expenses: The Commons Exocets Itself
Certainly the book is generating acres of newsprint and there are masses of links on the web.
Make sure the greasies are cooked in organic olive oil hand-picked and cold-pressed by virgins, and wrapped in recycled gender-neutral newsprint.
Then when we were all satisfied with the composition, they drew the size they wanted on newsprint.
The Wall Street Journal uses 220,000 metric tons of newsprint each year.
Before they ate their bit of fatback, they first scraped the newsprint off the rind.
Herta Müller - Nobel Lecture
They place samples of wood-based newsprint in sealed glass tubes and put the tubes in an oven.
Then the train was gone, in a waft of vacuum that sent a sheet of newsprint spiraling into the sky.
The Wall Street Journal uses 220,000 metric tons of newsprint each year.
Our manufacturers make and use more than two hundred and seventy-five different kinds of paper, including newsprint, boxboard, building papers, book papers and many kinds of specialty papers.
The School Book of Forestry
Dark, furry animals are notoriously difficult to photograph, and the results in newsprint emerge as featureless blobs.
Times, Sunday Times
Newsprint prices have risen steadily since bottoming out at $435 per metric ton in 2002.
Although the projected use of the fiber in the southern United States is for producing newsprint, a major current product from the plant is cordage, which is used for carpet pads, twine, rope, and fiber bags.
Chapter 10
On each of them Tompkins has stuck a number of sheets of creased, off-white paper, similar in quality to newsprint.
The world cannot really be covered in the 21 or 22 minutes of news broadcast in the networks' evening programs or in the hundred odd pages of the newsweeklies or even in the thick wad of newsprint of the Sunday New York Times.
He was that old, hoary kind of Fleet Street hack with newsprint-stained fingers.
The company attributed the drop in profits to increased investment and a rise in newsprint prices.
Times, Sunday Times
Both hemp and kenaf offer excellent possibilities for use as a virgin fiber replacement in newsprint, which tends to carry a high recycled content.
The regional firm-level indices are derived for oligopsony / oligopoly in recycled newsprint mills for the years 1972-1995.
This paper identifies oligopsony characteristics associated with the old newspaper (ONP) input market for recycled-content newsprint manufacture and then examines the impacts of market performances on ONP input prices.
This was compounded by the soaring cost of newsprint, it added.
Times, Sunday Times
The company attributed the drop in profits to increased investment and a rise in newsprint prices.
Times, Sunday Times
Men and women everywhere hawked government-controlled newspapers printed on a grayish, low-grade newsprint no doubt full of comparably dull propaganda.
It may very well prove desirable to erect facilities to pro = duce pulp products, such as kraft and newsprint in addition to high alpha and rayon grade pulp.
A Modern Concept of Industrialism
So if we could separate out the house buying, the car buying, the changing of jobs, we would save eight million kilos a year of newsprint.
There was certainly more newsprint used on the subject than the clothing material used on the ramp by all the designers combined.
The Sun asks all its newsprint suppliers to prove they comply with high sustainable forestry standards.
The Sun
They struck a deal with their paper supplier, getting two years of newsprint on credit.
Newsprint folks have to consider points and picas.
In the earliest of Fukui's three-layer paintings, the newsprint collage was sometimes almost completely obscured by acrylic and sumi ink.
The author chose two antidumping cases, Newsprint and Copperplate paper, to analyze.
Emami occupies an enviable position in sectors such as FMCG, newsprint, private hospital, edible oil, bio-diesel, realty, ball pen tips manufacturing, contemporary art and retail chain with Frank Ross and Starmark in its fold.
India Press Release
The higher the smoothness of newsprint, fine restore locations, the better.
And it's still far too early to read an eventual drop in newsprint prices as a sign that publishers have boosted their bottom lines through nonprint media.
Rising Prices Hit Newsprint Publishers
You need to catch up on your news the procescuters lied and got caught, reported yesterday and this liberal bs you are pasting is newsprint.
S.e.A.L's UNDER ATTACK ! ! !
All of these photographs are presented not in frames on the wall, but printed on newsprint in cheap tabloid form.
Bob Moses stands at the front of the spare white room, taping sheets of newsprint to a flip chart.
To describe wind-tossed newsprint as "apterous" and to hear in it "the sonorous souls of Russian verbs" distills in three syllables his life in exile.
Anecdotal Evidence
Even scented candles or fresh newsprint are triggers for some people with asthma.
Hell, what would the emancipationist think, who used to stand on the front porch of his Italianate home, his hands stained with newsprint after firing off another broadside round of anti-slavery screeds, surveying all the lands around him?
Driving directions
The objectives of this study were to investigate the possible existence of oligopsony elements in the ONP input market among recycled newsprint producers in the United States.
We'll miss the smell of wet ink on newsprint and the whir of the giant presses beneath our feet but not a great deal else about the Black Lubiyanka.
Companies purchase thousands of tons of old newsprint every year: they mash it into a pulp, skim the ink off the top, and make more newsprint.
And all with a few simple lines on a few square centimetres of newsprint.
The company attributed the drop in profits to increased investment and a rise in newsprint prices.
Times, Sunday Times
Entering, you are confronted with what appears to be a blow-up of a Seventies newsprint photograph of a star.
With so many papers going out of business, Andy Rooney, a self-proclaimed "newspaperman" and CBS "60-Minutes" commentator, recently expressed his worry about the industry in a homage to newsprint.
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Newspapers owned wharves for newsprint and were port employers in their own right at that time, so they had a direct link with our dispute.
Without advertisers, there would not be money to pay journalists to gather news, money to buy newsprint, or money to buy presses and pay for printing.
Once I tried reading the Herald on a car trip to Sydney, but it's a broadsheet and with the newsprint stink, I spewed all over the business pages.
And he read everywhere: In the book of the figure, where he found an eyeless Greek past for his 1906-7 "Head of a Woman;" in the babble and bark decorations of newsprint teletyping their way across the 1921 painting "Dog and Cock;" in the 1914 visiting card and cigarette pack collage where the word is a relic of having been once a presence in time; in a 1949 anthology entitled
New Haven Advocate: News
Mechanical woodpulp is acidic and is used for the cheapest types of paper like newsprint or certain types of cartridge paper.
We had our bikes, our waterproofs and our special thick plastic newspaper sacks to keep the newsprint nice and dry.