How To Use News report In A Sentence

  • Speaking of rounding tight corners, the Daily News reports that some messengers attempted to promote cycling in Queens this past weekend by holding an alleycat called "BLVDS of DEATH: Archive 2010-09-01
  • I met Len Sellers in the mid-1990s, when he was still a journalism professor at San Francisco State University, where, among other things, he taught a newswriting course that was generally considered make-or-break for aspiring journalists, a hard-core exercise in using public documents and other reliable information sources to write solid news reports. ... he was an early believer in the possibilities of online journalism. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Nonprofit-Funded, University-Based News
  • News reports in December indicating that there had been an attempted coup were subsequently dismissed by Jawara as groundless rumours.
  • Northern Territory News reported that a three-metre "saltie" spied on a group of fishermen before tucking into the shark they had just reeled in. The Guardian World News
  • Now, Wired News reports that the BBC, which operates under a royal charter to inform, educate, and entertain, is launching “iCan,” a service to support citizen activism. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » BBC To Launch Citizen Activism Site
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  • Rosanna is the Entertainment News Reporter, so she always has the scoop on what is happening with the stars.
  • A video clip from a Fuji TV news report narrates the story of Sidival Furuzawa Pereira, a homeless man in Hamamatsu, Japan. Global Voices in English » Global Recession: The world is talking. Are we listening?
  • Shepherd dedicated herself to morphing "from a 'prissy' woman who never exercised to the Guinness Book of World Records 'oldest female bodybuilder," ABC News reports. Ernestine Shepherd, 74-Year-Old Bodybuilder, Inspires, Teaches Fitness (VIDEO)
  • Dowsett is a television news reporter / anchor for KTVL, the CBS station in Medford, Oregon.
  • Learn how to time a story as a TV news reporter with expert journalism advice from an experienced broadcast journalist in this free television career video clip.
  • A month ago there were news reports of a post - Sept. 11 baby boom.
  • Four years later, the heads of that department charged Blower with "verbal abuse, false statements, disparagement, and harassment of faculty, " according to a news report in Science.
  • As a successful journalist Mike is skilled in news reportage and knows the impact of the written word.
  • A lifetime as a news reporter accustomed me to running sprints, turning out stories on tight deadlines.
  • Most of the news reports and advisories told people to make sure their security was up to date and their patches current.
  • Italy's financial crunch has prompted Rome to consider selling stakes in major state-owned companies such as power utility Enel or oil and gas supplier Eni, according to news reports.
  • A news report said the line carried 13,000 volts of electricity.
  • The situation when we arrived was in marked contrast to the news reports.
  • The news report about the explosion turned out to be false.
  • It's interesting, I can see a distinction between how a curator like John Szarkowski might draw on news reportage and introduce his own juxtapositions of imagery.
  • Assuming that MMP's version refers to the 7am news headlines, it is clear that MMP changed the text of Radio 786 report by adding the words "Angolan", "find" and "dead" to the news reports, Hendriks said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The BBC have no interest in unbiased news reporting in Israel, they want Israel gone. Archive 2008-06-01
  • At the state dinner for over 100 diplomats held at the home of the Japanese Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa, the president experienced sudden, violent gastric distress, vomited - as the news reports put it - "copiously" into the lap of Miyazawa and fainted in what was one of the most embarrassing diplomatic incident in the U.S. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • This is an authentic news report. We can depend on it.
  • Many of the entries consist solely of unsourced extracts from various news reports with no attempt to excise opinion from fact.
  • As Euronews reports, two dozen environmental protesters have been arrested in Iran's East Azerbaijan Province in recent days, following demonstrations sparked by the failure of Iran's Parliament to adopt measures to stem the gradual drying and disappearance of Lake Orumieh, which is known as Lake Urmia to the local Azeri population. NYT > Home Page
  • As a 30-year old newspaper and vibrant website committed to both in-depth news reporting and full-throated commentary, we do not believe that using the court system to stifle or chill free speech is ever appropriate. Washington Redskins Owner Dan Snyder Seeks Dismissal Of Reporter Who Documented How Terrible He Was At Everything [UPDATE]
  • [[FFN]] What really strikes me is not the crowd reaction but that of the Fox News reporter and anchorperson. F*%K FOX NEWS
  • He derided the 'euphoric' reaction of observers and news reports nationwide, saying he's 'never seen a superintendent receive less scrutiny than Chancellor [Michelle Rhee].' ... DeMorning DeBonis: July 27, 2010
  • Those feelings were reinforced by news reports saying McVeigh confessed to the bombing during interviews with his defense team.
  • According to Rolling Stone's Pentagon documents, the Rendon Group was charged with creating an "Information War Room" to monitor worldwide news reports at lightning speed and respond virtually instantly with counterpropaganda. Dr. Peter Rost: How a Public Relations Firm Helped Start the War
  • The news report was so dreadful that I just had to switch it off.
  • However, the company has begun to affix the markers on a test basis in Japan as the first step in a global roll out, according to a Japanese news report. Honda Looking at Use of Windshield 'Markers'
  • April and May brought daily news reports quoting U.S. military officers saying they lacked the manpower to do their jobs.
  • The quality of main news reporting moved up a notch. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cause and symptom of this is failure to tell - and face - the dreadful truth: this failure pervades many of the news reports and much of the commentary we read, and reinforces the blue-sky world that many want to exist.
  • People only seem to care about movies featuring sex and nudity when some former child star appears in them and news reporting go along the line "she (it is always she they care about) is sheading her innocent image". Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The Montreal Radio and Television School offers six-month courses in radio and television broadcasting with emphasis on writing and producing news reports, talk shows and sportscasts.
  • This news report will be brought to the public by ms. rice, just as soon as she returns from her european shoe buying trip……Q,,, camera pan to ms..rice.. Think Progress » “Spring is arriving sooner and autumn is starting later
  • 1914 - Edouard Belin uses the fax machine to aid in news reporting, letting journalists fudge datelines for the first time.
  • News reports on how a Croatian flasher met his match on encountering a local dog.
  • Ken Crites, a Minot Daily News reporter who used to work in radio, also complained about the situation.
  • Without regret, he used that proximity to his family to continue contact with the foreign country for which he was previously convicted of spying. "cia chief in algeria accused of rape from dpa: The CIA station chief in Algeria is under investigation for allegedly drugging and raping at least two Muslim women, ABC News reported Wednesday, citing US law enforcement sources. Media monarchy
  • There are also three reasons to kill off news reports because they might impact stability.
  • The animal shelter said about 14 percent of all the dogs taken in this year, have been euthanized, which is lower than the state average, 10TV News reported. RSS
  • The reason, he suggested, was that news reports tend to overplay the importance of any particular piece of information.
  • Learn how sound bites are used in TV news reports with expert journalism advice from an experienced broadcast journalist in this free television career video clip.
  • The Demarcation Board for local authorities concluded its hearing in Krugersdorp on Wednesday on the future of the so-called greenbelt area to the north-west of Johannesburg, SABC radio news reports. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The Fox News reporter claims that AT&T simply "outbid" other carriers by agreeing to the $30 unlimited and $15 250MB data plans. Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • Newspapers keep a "morgue" to provide writers and editors with a reference collection of information, opinion, and images for future news reporting, feature writing, and opinion pieces.
  • The news report about the explosion turned out to be false.
  • Waatea News reports kaumatua from Ngati Whatua, Ngati Paoa and Ngai Tai where joined by navy officers at the blessing ceremony. Radio New Zealand News Headlines
  • However, news reports indicate that purchasing and storing more expensive low-sulphur fuels could significantly raise costs for cruise lines. Cruise-ship regs: Cleaner air, potentially higher prices for travelers
  • News reporter turned film director, Gualtiero Jacopetti, kickstarted the trend for outrageous documentaries — ’shockumentaries’ if you will — back in 1962 when he made Mondo Cane. Ballardian » An Exhibition of Atrocities: J.G. Ballard on Mondo films
  • I am rarely inflamed to such an extent as I was this morning reading this news report.
  • But right now, Dan was bawling like a baby, as the news reporter announced that the family-less old lady died, having no one to mourn over her.
  • They were in fear for his safety after watching television news reports showing the shocking effects of the floods in Mozambique - the worst for 40 years.
  • She participates in weekly, two-way audio or video conferences with her family and receives regular news reports from ground controllers.
  • In leaders and news reports, the paper's editors and reporters ignore the unsustainable nature of endless economic growth on a finite planet.
  • Some roads were blocked off due to mudslides in Kochi Prefecture, and about 1200 houses in Kagawa and nearby prefectures on Shikoku were left without electricity, Kyodo News reported.
  • But not between reality and representation, for everything about a movie is necessarily the product of an artificer, and even ‘on-the-scene’ news reporting achieves only ‘a specious credibility’.
  • He half listened as the local news reporters spieled off the latest information and traffic for the morning.
  • The news reports have hyped this achievement as the next step in a progression that will end in "Beam me up, Scotty!" transportation of human beings, the kind where you get "zapped" and reappear someplace else. Teleporatation and the Clone Test
  • He was without doubt the very worst kind of news reporter, taking a few bare facts and embroidering them into a story!
  • One minute, he's in a strategic powwow with top executives, in the next, he's peppered with questions from financial news reporters.
  • This system achieves a low-cost intelligent unmanned supervisory function, and realizes a 24-hour unmanned surveillance, and with real-time news reporting and emergency alert function.
  • The Silicon Valley Mercury News reports on what they call the "graying" of Stanford: Stanford Grapples With An Aging Faculty
  • The Daily News reports today that "For both candidates, Wall Street's investment and banking sectors have become among their portliest cash cows, contributing $9.5 million to Obama and $5.3 million to McCain so far. Bob Ostertag: Obama's Money, Take Two
  • His father's career as an anchorman and TV news reporter was clearly formative, but his own early career in sitcoms and soaps is likely more crucial.
  • The entire scene was roped off, and exasperated policemen were shooing annoying news reporters away from the building.
  • I don't want my father to be remembered as the heavy-set man who couldn't make it down the stairs and gave up,'' Alexandra said in our conversation about news reports of her father's death. America... Listen to Your Daughters of 9/11
  • Thirteen Eastern Cape dams were overflowing after rains over large parts of the normally drought-prone province, SABC radio news reported.
  • There is something cold-blooded and hard-hearted about so much mainstream news reporting.
  • Four years later, the heads of that department charged Blower with "verbal abuse, false statements, disparagement, and harassment of faculty, " according to a news report in Science.
  • Why do I keep fretting that President Obama's wonderful "housing plan" -- which news reports say could cost "around" 75 billion -- will end up forcing abstentious, responsible people to, in effect, buy homes for irresponsible dimwits with poor impulse control who bought way more house than they could pay for? he assured us last Tuesday night that "it's a plan that won't help speculators or that neighbor down the street who bought a house he could never hope to afford. Telegraph Blogs
  • Over the next 24 hours after the President's speech, company executives received emails from lawmakers commending the company, and news reports that evening cited Siemens as a major hirer of military veterans. Shrugging Off Bribery Case, Siemens Gains Favor in U.S.
  • Learn how to use an ear piece as a TV news reporter with expert journalism advice from an experienced broadcast journalist in this free television career video clip.
  • Learn how to dress as a TV news reporter with expert journalism advice from an experienced broadcast journalist in this free television career video clip.
  • The situation when we arrived was in marked contrast to the news reports.
  • Of course, this is only one news report in a highly fluid situation, creating the risk that I may be forced to eat my words before Monday.
  • In one particularly engaging scene a barrage of news reports on black ‘suspects’ is pasted over the quickening thump of a heartbeat.
  • He was without doubt the very worst kind of news reporter, taking a few bare facts and embroidering them into a story!
  • Those feelings were reinforced by news reports saying McVeigh confessed to the bombing during interviews with his defense team.
  • The station plans to avoid sensationalizing news reports and, by the same opportunity, insert a lot more pleasant happenings into each newscast.
  • She's got this truly terrible habit of emphasising random syllables in news reports.
  • The news report was sent by satellite.
  • (The precise diagnosis has not been reported, but a reader who is a neurologist comments, based on the news reports, that the incident "sounds a bit seizure-like" and "could even be just a hypotensive episode.") A Distressing Evening
  • With mucho dollars attesting to their greatness, brilliant tacticians of the business world were profiled in countless splashy news reports.
  • The case of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, the Iranian woman whose death by stoning is ever-imminent, has become a mainstay on the docket of news reportage which dutifully highlights the savagery of Islamic law. Beenish Ahmed: Damsels in Distress: Using Victimized Women as Political Ploys
  • For example, many news reports, films and teleplays he has seen have contained mistakes.
  • It is true, of course, that perfect objectivity in news reporting is unattainable.
  • They then editorialise news reports, including in the stories they choose to cover, to promote or ridicule opinions and sometimes individual politicians. Brainwashing the Right
  • I saw a news report the other night which contained coverage of awards for bravery.
  • Learn how to use microphones for a TV news report with expert journalism advice from an experienced broadcast journalist in this free television career video clip.
  • A pagoda more than a century old has been discovered hidden by a garbage heap, a bodhi tree and a bathroom in Bangkok's Samphantawong district, news reports said.
  • I heard some of the news reports saying that, for some unexplained reason, the plane landed at Dulles first and then went to Richmond.
  • His widow later said that in his last desperate days the only thing that cheered him were news reports of the doings of his two protégés.
  • Even though I had many chances to interview her, I did not do what a news reporter is supposed to do.
  • Saks Inc surged 19.6 percent to $7.89 after a news report suggested that a group of private equity firms might soon bid for the New York-based luxury department store operator.
  • More bloviation and high dudgeon from the White House on the reporting of the bank records data mining: Speaking at a fund-raising event in St. Louis for Senator Jim Talent, Mr. Bush made the news reports his central theme. June 2006
  • For the past 24 hours coalition air and missile raids have come to a virtual standstill, according to a Kyodo News reporter in the capital.
  • It's probably because of all the usual inundation of news reports on flu this season as well as mention of illness in several people's blogs.
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Doctors Discover Dallas Twins Have Two Different Dads'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'A Fox news report about a rare occurrence of heteropaternal superfecundation. ' OpEdNews - Quicklink: Doctors Discover Dallas Twins Have Two Different Dads
  • Quest is a well-known business news reporter on CNN International and hosts "CNN Business Traveler," as well as his own feature program, "Quest.
  • He has allegedly asked for clemency from the state, according to the same news report. Global Voices in English » Vietnam arrests prominent lawyer and writer
  • The stern and formulaic rules of American news reporting make scepticism difficult to express.
  • Learn how to time a story as a TV news reporter with expert journalism advice from an experienced broadcast journalist in this free television career video clip.
  • News reports Tuesday say a Japanese staff officer and a defense attache are scheduled to attend the "Warrior 2007" exercise next Tuesday.
  • East Cape News reported that this led to a stressful weekend for the hospital's staff, especially in the maternity ward where eight premature babies were being cared for in incubators.
  • It's a news reporter's job to separate fact from fiction .
  • News reports usually center on export trade to these countries.
  • The news reports had been heavily censored .
  • The situation when we arrived was in marked contrast to the news reports.
  • uncensored news reports
  • Be sure that news reporters and your attorneys have unfettered access to these training sessions, including preparatory meetings.
  • The idea that the White House might try to infiltrate the press corps with a shill is a chilling thought in this democracy, but this is the administration that has been caught paying “journalists” and generating its own prefabricated “news reports” to distribute to TV stations too naïve to recognize the attempt at propaganda. Mjh's blog — 2005 — February
  • Now get this straight, this is a man who has over the decades put himself forward as the adjudicator of honest, straight news reporting (the profession's panjandrums I've noticed over the years love to shower him with awards).
  • Cracks gaped in building walls, and chunks of plaster fell from ceilings, Italian news reports said.
  • Perhaps it is not reasonable to expect news reporters to sort fact from fiction when complex environmental issues are at stake.
  • We intend this news report as teaching material for freshmen.
  • In this video from CNN, CBC News reports on a feathered foe beleaguering a local postal worker in a Calgary, Canada neighborhood. Hawk Attacks Postal Worker In Canada, Has To Wear Helmet (VIDEO)
  • It was not enough for my merely taking in nightly news reports from CNN and other mainstream American media; to conduct an investigation for inquiry of social fact, I needed to go to Serbia and investigate for myself. Radovan Karadzic's website and blog
  • Working as a deejay was different from being just a news reporter.
  • Wired News reporter Declan McCullagh is a reluctant witness in the criminal trial of cypherpunk Jim Bell, accused of stalking federal agents. Boing Boing: April 1, 2001 - April 7, 2001 Archives
  • While most bloggers comment on news reported elsewhere, some do their own reporting.
  • Charles Krauthammer noted the near-complete absence of people other than Michelle Obama who stood up to testify from personal knowledge about Obama's life or work an ABC News report at the time, entitled "Sex Ed for Kindergarteners 'Right Thing to Do,' Says Obama," - a title undoubtedly craftily planted many months in advance by the McCain campaign, kinda like the way Baseball Crank
  • This is especially true in an age of reality television, which allow the news reports coming from Iraq to assume a surreal quality.
  • If the news reports failed to tell you it was Christmas, the adverts were quick to plug that gap.
  • The term crops up increasingly in song lyrics, sitcoms, news reports and casual conversation. Philip Goldberg: Karmic Relief For A Post-Hell World
  • Rituals of transgression, sensationalist violation and titillating naughtiness became the stock-in-trade of popular news reporting in the late nineteenth century.
  • News reports also cited Russian officials as pledging that elections for a new Chechen president would take place within four months, as called for in the republic's constitution.
  • In one particularly engaging scene a barrage of news reports on black ‘suspects’ is pasted over the quickening thump of a heartbeat.
  • At one point Santorum refused to talk when a Patriot-News reporter approached with a question about Iran, complaining about what he called biased coverage. Midterm Roundup
  • For the first half or so, we view Rogen's Ronnie, the head of security at Forest Ridge Mall who wears his personal insecurities like a badge (he berates a news reporter that dares to refer to him without his official title), as we would any other manchild-just-'cause in typical contemporary Hollywood comedy. My Report report
  • A news report by The Associated Press quotes officials who said Saturday that security forces searched the attack scene, about 130 kilometers from the capital, and Yakouren, an adjacent forested area, known as a hideout for members of the terror group al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb. 13 Algerian Soldiers Killed by Militants
  • Learn news reading tips for a TV news reporter with expert journalism advice from an experienced broadcast journalist in this free television career video clip.
  • The transition is short, alerting the reader that the news report is shifting to storytelling form and indicating the sources for the chronicle to come.
  • Gunmen shot dead a South African holiday-maker and wounded two others in an ambush outside the Mozambican capital Maputo, SABC radio news reported on Saturday. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In front of millions of his viewers he is taking a moral position - a far cry from the days of anodyne news reports which assiduously avoided taking positions.
  • The BBC News reported that the novel is “believed to focus on freemasonry, with the lost symbol of the title a reference to a ciphered pictogram in an ancient book called The Key of Solomon.” 2009 August « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • The situation when we arrived was in marked contrast to the news reports.
  • They select those news reports that are consistent with their preferred thinking, especially those that fan national emotions.
  • The Humane Society of the United States keeps a database of news reports on dog fighting.
  • The continual news reports about the economy have scared many manufacturers.
  • The news report was completely without foundation.
  • More courts magistrates and prosecutors were needed for an effective system of assessorship, SABC radio news reports. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • So while many of us reach for our cup of joe and tune out the often conflicting caffeine news reports, it may not be a bad idea to keep listening.
  • This news report is based entirely on fact.
  • At first, the open news reporting helped to correct wild rumours which were being spread in the absence of adequate official information.
  • According to this news report, a real estate developer filed suit against a former sex offender for ruining sales at a subdivision.
  • The colloquium will raise questions concerning the role that news reporting plays in modern society.
  • People who come to The Huffington Post expect to see the news reported -- and "aggregated" -- with a political slant. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Parasites, Politics, and the Press: Social Security Attackers' Covert Ops
  • Learn how sound bites are used in TV news reports with expert journalism advice from an experienced broadcast journalist in this free television career video clip.
  • Most of it seemed familiar, almost all of it is stuff we'd read in news reports and seen in the news but forgotten.
  • We looked at the postmark on the letter and compared it to the news reports of Bill's death.
  • Learn about recording live as TV news reporter with expert journalism advice from an experienced broadcast journalist in this free television career video clip.
  • Meanwhile, BBC News reports that the inauguration ceremony and all its associated shindigs are estimated to have cost an eye-watering forty million dollars.
  • I suspect the sole reason it was included in the poll was so that CNN could include the result in their news reports about angry town hall attendees -- not because they thought it would actually be illuminative. Time for media to clarify the health care debate
  • Overview: When news reports overflowed on the dangerous rise in binge drinking in young people, college campuses cracked down with zero-tolerance policies on both underage and legal drinking among students. FH Boom Daily Digest - September,1 2009 (The Boomer Blog)
  • My name was mentioned in the story, in the indirect, coded fashion in which suspects are always identified in news reports. A NASTY DOSE OF DEATH
  • Why, after a few hours poring through recent news reports I have become deeply afraid of how really gosh darn-dead you're gonna get if you don't drink more.
  • While most bloggers comment on news reported elsewhere, some do their own reporting.
  • Kaiser Health News reports that when respondents are told what the terms mean, support for the planned "premium support" rises from 46 percent to 54 percent In the same poll, when respondents are told what the term "voucher" means, support for leaving Medicare alone rose from 50 percent to 58 percent. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • According to the news report the anarchists joined up and ‘infiltrated’ the peaceful protest.
  • Pretoria gathered on Wednesday to protest against what they called the clamping down on union activities by senior education officials, SABC radio news reported. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Some think that prying news reports are a necessary evil in a democracy.
  • A detailed news report will follow shortly.
  • Once they figured that out, they had some pretty badass stuff on their hands - as an excellent story in News reports.
  • Unable to watch news reports on the disaster, she collected newspaper clippings, but couldn't look at them for several months.
  • I heard the television news reporters routinely refer to them as ‘anti-Iraqi forces’.
  • Sterling ended the session by reading gleefully from a news report about a riot in Chiapas that started with a raid by the police on some vendors of pirated software, hinting perhaps at real consumer price wars in our future. Boing Boing: March 10, 2002 - March 16, 2002 Archives
  • News reports indicate student activists had geared up for a series of counterdemonstrations.
  • Other information: I have just completed a PgDip (Merit) at the London School of Journalism, a course which covered radio and TV work, travel writing, and subediting, as well as local news reporting, feature writing and media law. News from
  • No official reason was given by the government, raising speculation that it was prompted by critical news reports.
  • Recent news reports have detailed abusive treatment of these amahs by some employers.
  • Various News Reports about com Saketh Rajan alias prem Archive 2006-08-01
  • Azerbaijan has a branch of Bank Melli in Baku, its capital, and last month Iran offered to create a joint bank for the two countries, according to Azeri news reports. Iran, trying to skirt sanctions, attempts to set up banks worldwide
  • Sisulu for what it called his brave undertaking to counter the effect of foreign culture, SABC radio news reported on Wednesday. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Police has contested news report about the recovery of a stolen vehicle from police station Safakadal, terming it baseless and fabricated.
  • SANA News reports about a couple from Majdal Shams, an absolutely lovely druse village (yup, I've been there) located on the occupied Golan Heights adjacent to the Syrian boarder, who studies at Damascus University. MUNICH - AND A LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING
  • Secondly, you're actually right about the underlying problem of requiring the alternative viewpoint to be "signposted" in a news report. News
  • a news reporter has to have a good Rolodex
  • According to recent news reports , two of the victims are Americans.
  • The equipment had been "decommissioned" but was valued at nearly $10 million, the San Antonio Express-News reported Friday. Homepage
  • Needless scaremongering is part of news reporting. Oh No! A Scary, Horrible Tiger Is Gonna Eat ME! « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • His father's career as an anchorman and TV news reporter was clearly formative, but his own early career in sitcoms and soaps is likely more crucial.
  • telegraphic news reports
  • A pampered pet Shih Tzu dog was left bald after a Hong Kong salon accidentally shaved him when he was taken in for a grooming, a news report said yesterday.
  • It wasn't long before news reports fingered Robert Halderman, a producer at CBS 'long running crime show, 48 Hours Mystery, as the perpetrator of the alleged crime -- threatening to go public with details of Mr. Letterman's affairs with CBS employees, if the late night star didn't turn over a check for $ 2 million. Letterman's Alleged Blackmailer Is a Guy's Guy, Sort of Like Vince Vaughn
  • This, he says, is one advantage the dramatist has over the documentarian or news reporter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, Duquette went on to become salutatorian of his high school class -- and was accepted at every college to which he applied, ABC News reports. WATCH: Autistic Student Eric Duquette Amazes Audience With Graduation Speech
  • Assuming news reports are accurate, Manning's treatment may have used what are called mesenchymal cells, Hare said. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The colloquium will raise questions concerning the role that news reporting plays in modern society.
  • Play with 3 different characters: a military officer, a news reporter & a hand - to - hand combat specialist.
  • News reports said the planes were jetliners, a 757 and a 767.
  • “US brokerage regulator NASD has warned investors against reacting to stock tips sent in unsolicited mobile phone text messages”, news reports.” Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Pump and dump
  • For instance, headline news reports on Friday announced, "Oil and gold plummet. Our Fed and Your Money; A Bad Combination:
  • Learn about appropriate body language for TV news reporter with expert journalism advice from an experienced broadcast journalist in this free television career video clip.
  • The news report is hardly credible.
  • According to a news report, a recent move by the United Kingdom Home Office to remove infotech professionals from its skill shortage occupational list is a cause for concern in India.

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