How To Use News article In A Sentence

  • Today's lesson focuses on how to write a summary of a news article.
  • Giffy", I deleted that spammer's comments because he/she posted some off-topic news articles multiple times. Sound Politics: "Public intoxication on the House floor"
  • I may have to send this news article to school with her: investigators have found that a mutation in chickens causes them to develop teeth—and the teeth resemble those of the common ancestor of alligators and chickens, an archosaur. Chicken, archosaur...same difference - The Panda's Thumb
  • More news articles & news archive on Catholic Church, Mariology Catholics ordered to keep quiet over Virgin visions
  • He was doing a computer search of local news articles.
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  • You will have to forgive me (or at least I'm asking you to) for linking news articles with such fervor in recent times.
  • The CBA publishes a magazine called British Archaeology which provides an excellent round-up of news articles, reviews, and campaigns.
  • SANS NewsBites is a semiweekly high-level executive summary of the most important news articles that have been published on computer security during the last week. Computer Security: SANS’ Information Security Reading Room (> 1644 Original Papers) & Other SANS Resources « ResourceShelf
  • Additional bonus pay available for continuing to write news articles on a long-term basis for this site and others.
  • Bonus points to Dr. Chen for getting the word "Panglossian" into a news article. April 13th, 2009
  • Other's have noted these differences and taken them out of context, one going so far as to publish a news article in Al-Jazeerah titled something along of the lines of "Ardi proves Darwin wrong" (google it) – as if the idea that we got one hypothetical detail in a potential mechanism for the evolution of bipedalism wrong somehow refutes the entire Theory of Evolution. Harlan Ellison on God
  • Their press release, helpfully reproduced in unedited form as a news article by CNN, scolds media outlets for rushing to blame Dziekanski’s death on his being tasered. » Blog Archive » When Epistemology Kills
  • Tesco plan to kit trolleys out with DVD players for kids, according to this news article.
  • Submit a link to anything interesting: news article, blog entry, video, picture ... ginzo 12 points 3 hours ago* what's new online!
  • I wonder where the "Winston department" is whose job is to "rectify" all past news articles which have since been "proven" to be false? The BBC are the Ministry of Truth
  • Scott Rosenberg writes about blogs and reader criticism, why news articles are so poorly written, and how the interaction is affecting people's views of the media. Gini's Birthday Party....
  • Great Wired News article about TV B-Gone, a keychain fob that you can use to turn off bothersome TVs in bars, airports, etc. Boing Boing: October 17, 2004 - October 23, 2004 Archives
  • Yet, such praise has come to be more meaningful and important than any accolades he might have received for news articles he crafted in another life.
  • When these debates on a posted news article start, ask yourself a question before you hit the enter key.
  • Though they are not inflammatory, the news articles do paint a bleak picture.
  • You're a cryogenic heart attack {encased in flame} and laced with memory's sweetest secret name spoken and winding icily down the same backbone that you freeze with a fireburn hum; to feel you breathe upon my xiphisternum is like a dream from heaven above This regular news article promises to make you giggle, chortle, and laugh your ass off. Popular in the last 8 hours
  • A World News article Tuesday about Iran antinuclear activists incorrectly called Mr. Medvedev prime minister. Corrections & Amplifications
  • The news articles are more polished and concise on loper. org?! C-Ville Weekly on at
  • When Palin decides that she doesn't want the misinformation media present ... it creates a news article? No media allowed at Palin speech in Missouri
  • The name of Adel Bundouq, who leads a militia that is allied with the National Transitional Council in Zuwara, Libya, was incorrectly given as Abdel Bundoud in a photo caption accompanying a World News article on Wednesday about Berber-Arab clashes in Western Libya. Corrections & Amplifications
  • A World News article in some editions Friday misspelled the word as prostrate. Corrections & Amplifications
  • Submit a link to anything interesting: news article, blog entry, video, picture ... allotriophagy what's new online!
  • I may have to send this news article to school with her: investigators have found that a mutation in chickens causes them to develop teeth—and the teeth resemble those of the common ancestor of alligators and chickens, an archosaur. Chicken, archosaur...same difference - The Panda's Thumb
  • Taking a strong exception to the news article carried in a section of media he said that there was not even an 'iota' of truth involved and appealed that the media should act with more responsibility before going ahead with such stories which damages the image of the institution. The Hindu - Front Page
  • An unstructured document is defined as a cohesive body of text that is electronically accessible, e.g. patent document, news article, legal case, medical journal article Philip Brooks' Patent Infringement Updates
  • In a lead news article today headlined "Watching a Watchdog," the industry publication Inside Higher Ed draws attention to what it terms rising concerns among higher education observers about the editorial independence of The Washington Post in covering for-profit higher education. Higher ed community focuses on Post, Kaplan
  • From an unquoted news article, into your brain and then gets transcribed onto this thread ... Obama: It's Me Against The D.C. Foreign Policy Establishment
  • I see in the news article that the creator of these calendars not only was excommunicated from the LDS church, but that Brigham Young University withheld the diploma that he had earned. Is this funny? « Dating Jesus
  • Far more bothersome is the recent public support given by Starbucks to gay pride parades in San Diego and Seattle, and to Planned Parenthood, both documented in the BPNews article and in an August 10, 2005, World Net Daily article. Food and Drink
  • • The term "globesity" is popping up in news articles all over the place as the idea that obesity and its related health issues are real, important, and man-made problems that can be solved. The Full Feed from
  • Google wasn't the only violator the FSC found in its look at what it describes as the reuse-which could mean linking to a news article and using some of the same words in a headline and lede paragraph-during the 30-day period between Oct. 15 and Nov. 15. Media news, UK and world media comment and analysis |
  • I've visited the U.K. more than a few times, and read many British novels, memoirs, biographies, histories and news articles.
  • Here's a snip from a news article that describes her with the derogatory term "hermaphrodite": Boing Boing
  • The prevalence of whites on juries is particularly striking when contrasted with the following data obtained via this Columbia Journalism News article that I found after a quick Google search: News Item
  • Vampyre Update :: KARE 11 TV - News Article Girlfriend of 'vampyre' gubernatorial candidate is fired: The partner of the new gubernatorial candidate, Jonathon 'The Impaler' Sharkey, says she's been unjustly fired from her job. Archive 2006-01-15
  • The term 'docusoap' was in the SciFi News article. Here We Go Again Or, SciFi's New Programs
  • Generally such articles are much looser and informal then hard news articles.
  • Howe wrote a news article about a man who spent his savings on a house trailer that turned out to be defective.

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