How To Use Newcomer In A Sentence
The tender stood there polishing a unique-looking shot glass, eying the newcomers closely.
She had to be dropped from the newcomer category last month after an eligibility bungle because she had already been shortlisted for best female in 2000, but lost out out to Sonique.
we met at the Dean's tea for newcomers
No Arab state wanted to naturalise the newcomers, but their level of rights has varied from place to place.
She was a newcomer to the school and Rosie Kelly came over and gave her a book in a plain brown bag.

The most glamorous newcomer to the Volkswagen Golf range is the revamped GTi 16 valve.
Kennedy, the other newcomer, remains silent, his blank, hooded eyes seeming quietly amused by something.
Surprisingly, parrots and cockatoos can get jealous of other pets, so if there's a new animal in the house be patient whilst your bird gets used to the newcomer.
His sword weaved an invisible circle around Sojan's guard and the newcomer soon had him at his mercy.
Elric At The End of Time
Australian Tim Minchin won the best newcomer award for his musical show ‘Darkness’.
These newcomers earned their living as small businessmen, religious teachers or labourers and were later to provide succour and support for the third wave of Indonesian migration to Thailand.
At the same time, basic wireless technology is becoming commoditized, which lowers barriers to entry for newcomers, especially from Asia.
Perhaps the biggest culture shock comes when newcomers from India realize that in America their personal army of cooks and cleaners, gardeners and drivers, ayahs and gofers is reduced to - I, me, myself.
I'm a relative newcomer to the retail business.
For them it becomes a tough job to work out where the fly is in relation to the fish especially when out with a newcomer to bonefishing.
The chapter on comparison of depth profiling methods is likely to be particularly beneficial to the newcomer.
Now I'm a newcomer, but isn't the mainstream media's sense of establishment one of the things that most irks outsiders?
Newcomers are very welcome but they must register immediately.
But the men who did go on the stampede were mainly the worthless ones, the newcomers, and the camp hangers-on.
The Gold Hunters of the North
[T] here are newcomer projects and new films by established directors - these include Joe Dante (e.g. Gremlins), Jorge Gaggero (Live-In Maid), Wang Chao (Luxury Car; The Orphan of Anyang) or Clément Virgo (Berlinale 2006: Lie With Me), as well as all-round talents such as Sarah Polley.
GreenCine Daily: Berlinale. Jury, Panorama, Co-Production Market.
A welcoming committee greets newcomers to the Parkside neighborhood.
The phlegmy rolling h at the beginning of Hanukkah is very problematic for newcomers.
Paul Golin: Finally, The Right Way To Spell The December Jewish Holiday
It promises a wide variety of cinema to suit both devoted French film fans and newcomers alike.
When the crowd is gripped by greed, the newcomers jump in and load up on stocks.
Despite fine acting by several well-known stars it was a young newcomer who stole the show.
Then the cup went round and they drank late into the night, and when they had drunk the voidee cup, Osberne led the newcomer to the guest-chamber, and kissed him with good-night, but made no show of knowing who he was.
The Sundering Flood
The newcomer on the radio scene is a commercial station devoted to classical music.
That's the beauty of hidden assets: They turn size and experience into an advantage over newcomers.
With the serious power and torque further up the rev range, driving the car at lower revs is very easy and not likely to unnerve newcomers to the marque.
The receiving rotation is up for grabs, with on-campus newcomers Aaron Pflugrad and George Bell possibly taking starting spots if returnees such as Gerell Robinson don't step up.
Arizona State - Team Notes
It's a friendly place where older residents and newcomers mix well.
Though a relative term, she was something of a newcomer alongside more established artists.
Tracey briefly considered not schooling the newcomer to the strangeness of her boss, but it wasn't like she was degrading his supervisor.
He is not interested in them sexually, so there is no direct confrontation between him and the newcomer.
Again, the continued burghership of the newcomers was made to depend upon the resolution of the first Raad, so that should the mining members propose any measure of reform, not only their Bill but they also might be swept out of the house by a Boer majority.
The Great Boer War
Third baseman Edgardo Alfonzo is the newcomer the Giants need most to come through. - Glance at the Giants vs. Marlins
The bustle and diversity of the crowd was positively Prom-like, which surprised me as a newcomer to the series (unsure when the coffee would be served).
Many bureaucrats have not been welcoming, illegally charging for forms that the newcomers have to complete to obtain citizenship.
She starts off, by design, as an unsympathetic character (hence the titled comeuppance), who, like any newcomer in a Hollywood flick, not only learns to cope well enough (despite the natives) to stay in Japan and grow, but also to recommend to everyone (in a self-important interview in the back of the book) to try living overseas (I agree, of course, but one year abroad hardly makes one an authority on world travel).
The 33-year-old set a blistering pace to finish third in the Newcomers Race.
The newcomer is touted on pack for its ability to open sinus passages naturally and will likely be merchandised in drug aisles, and not alongside other vitamin/supplements.
And home hunting can be a quite an eye-opener of an experience in the city, especially if you are a newcomer looking for a roof to stay under.
A veteran member of a company will order a gullible newcomer to find the key to the curtain.
Gearing up for the season ending play-offs, the trip gave enough reassurance of the strength in depth at the Club with both newcomers acquitting themselves with distinction.
By 1912 the term pomegranate, or Pommy Grant (especially relevant to the ruddy-faced English migrants) had taken its place alongside Jimmy Grant as insults for newcomers or new chums.
I had acquaintances in every clan company, and no longer trembled every time a man looked too long at me or called me a lewd byname, as I used to do when I was a newcomer to the Marchfield.
If I had even half a bezant for every newcomer who's dropped o 'the heat stroke, then I'd be a rich man.'
The Falcons of Montabard
The old tramp taught the newcomer how to make himself comfortable on a park bench.
With a less than brilliant director, ham actors and a meddlesome newcomer, will it ever reach opening night?
It was Moua who organized housing for Hmong newcomers, Moua who beat the bushes for jobs.
Newcomers are viewed skeptically until they "prove" their loyalty, and "woe betide anyone who walks into our house wearing that [hated team X] shirt!
Pop Culture
A newcomer has appeared on the fashion scene.
In this case, the neighbourhood is Queens, the young man is newcomer Rob Brown, and the mentor character is Sean Connery, who plays the titular Forrester, a reclusive, J.D. Salingeresque author.
The neighbor or newcomer of a different faith or way has always represented a threat or an opportunity to those already here.
Largely foreigners, these newcomers flooded in after the U.S. relaxed its immigration quotas in 1965.
The two actresses, both relative newcomers to film, are fine - especially the intense Tendeter, who creates a moving portrait of repressed desire.
Well, we were hilariously planning what Mrs. O'Shaughnessy called a "widdy" Christmas and getting supper, when a great stamping-off of snow proclaimed a newcomer.
Letters of a Woman Homesteader
What does that say about the prospects for assimilation of newcomers from Mexico? catalexis Says:
Matthew Yglesias » The Land of Many Kims
Brilliant mimic and able showbiz charmer though he is, Stewart is a newcomer to the straight acting game.
When prison air and prison influence have succeeded in incasing a man with the sort of moral hardbake that renders him callous to those feelings which at first so gall the raw spots, he finds himself watching with curiosity the shapings of newcomers.
Bidwell's Travels, from Wall Street to London Prison Fifteen Years in Solitude
He was a curate, new to the parish, and a newcomer to St Ursula's College, my first year in High School.
It was her second Juno, following the Best Female Newcomer award she copped in 2001.
Although the newcomers do not include a striker, they do include a new goalkeeper, David De Gea from Atletico Madrid, and Ferguson might still reel in Dutch playmaker Wesley Sneijder from Inter Milan.
News -
He must be a newcomer to town and he obviously didn't understand our local customs.
One of them, larger than the rest and with a bristling, shoebrush mustache like a sign of authority, said to the newcomer: "You're Harrigan?
The science of biochemistry, nowadays regarded as one of the fundamental pillars upon which the study of medicine rests, is something of a newcomer.
That said - welcome back to all who have read this story before, and g'day to the newcomers.
As always, we have an interesting variety of storiescoming your way, fromEDF newcomers like Leigha Butler andRodello Santosas well assome reader favourites including Stephanie Scarboroughand Sarah Black.
April’s Table of Contents
But the little the newcomers had was soon over with, for they had wintered at Minook, a thousand miles below, where nothing was doing.
Then they were passed over in favour of shinier, faster newcomers.
Times, Sunday Times
Newcomer (and bagel welcher) Pete Tzinski even revisited the Star Trek TV/film series in geek-infested (infected?) preparation.
Happy Birthday to Us, Part 6
The people who have been on the coast the longest are entitled to more water, and those who are newcomers only have the right to one drum, and that has to last two weeks.
The newcomer is third-round draft pick Chase Coffman.
Rebuilding the Bengals: The offense can only get better
Compared to these old troopers Nancy Cartwright, the voice of Bart Simpson, is a relative newcomer.
A relative newcomer named Hakaan Yildirim, who won Paris's prestigious Andam award for young talent, was a victim of boastful handlers who described him in hyperbolic terms he could never live up to.
Zac Posen, Hakaan Yildirim among designers outshone in the City of Light
There can be legitimate objections, as well as xenophobic ones, to a large number of newcomers arriving in a certain area.
There doesn't appear to be a major drop-off of talent despite the flood of newcomers.
Perception is that ongoing efforts by the established community (Anglo/Hispanic alike) to embrace/enfold the newcomers has been rebuffed.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Disagreement Need Not Equal Discourtesy
Being beaten by a newcomer has really taken the wind out of his sails.
Carolina wrens, tufted titmice, and red-bellied woodpeckers are other relative newcomers to our area.
Some newcomers to Adventism also appreciate the church's clarity about what's expected of Christ's followers.
Adventists' back-to-basics faith is fastest growing U.S. church
Newcomers are constantly hounding them for advice.
While most newcomers who gain admittance to the NBA's lucrative members club pay their dues on court, he instead gambled vast sums that he had yet to earn in the hope of greater long-term fulfilment across the Atlantic.
the newcomers were met by smiling greeters
Perth's population quadrupled in a decade, with many newcomers fleeing the depression in the eastern states.
People who have been fighting in the trenches for a long, long time, as well as newcomers to politics who got their first taste of bitter defeat against the forces of the F-word.
Thirty-one of the newcomers come from two corners of the investment universe - real estate and small-cap stocks.
The old man bowed, a gesture which was reciprocated by both newcomers.
He chose as his successor a relative newcomer to the organization.
cheep is the salutation of the newcomer, the emigrant, the casual at the gates of the new world.
Nearly three years ago, more than half of the Minneapolis City Council - and the mayor's office - was repopulated by newcomers.
As a newcomer to the country, the company's first goal is to find enough models.
Some old stalwarts appear in the traditional character parts but there are also some newcomers.
Stair climbers are relative newcomers to the exercise scene.
Martha was a capital cook, and little Annie a sharp sentry; it was J. B.'s great dread that we'd arouse suspicion among the local people - for Americans are the nosiest folk on earth, prying into every newcomer's business, trying to get sight of his furnishings and guess how much money he's got (being neighbourly, they call it), and the arrival of six mysterious stalwarts was enough to set the countryside agog.
Slightly shorter and had more fat, the newcomer greeted his friend and handed over the unfamiliar electronic notepads.
Then a full-fledged argument developed as some of the newcomers challenged the antichurch cynics.
Camy's Loft
Mormonism, as a relative newcomer on the religious scene and an ambitiously proselytizing faith, is not ethnically rooted.
American Grace
Many bureaucrats have not been welcoming, illegally charging for forms that the newcomers have to complete to obtain citizenship.
Despite his high-profile in the county he knows a newcomer to politics has a tough task.
Many newcomers from foreign countries did not assimilate with the local population.
In minutes, therefore, the Boskonians rushed up and proceeded to englobe the newcomer; supposing, of course, that she was a product of the world below, that she was manned by the race who had so long and so successfully fought off Boskonian encroachment.
Gray Lensman
But she heated up substantially when discussing the performance of then-newcomer Steve Buscemi.
The newcomer on the radio scene is a commercial station devoted to classical music.
The offerings here are legendary — soft-shell crab po-boys, andouille sausage gumbo, crawfish bread and jambalaya are among the stars — and this year only a small handful of newcomers cracked the lineup, including shrimp and grits, and a Japanese chicken/rice dish called don buri.
In New Orleans, jazz fans get their groove on despite rain
Kennedy, the other newcomer, remains silent, his blank, hooded eyes seeming quietly amused by something.
Newcomers learned not to sit on the "bunks," which looked like pieces of free-form sculpture, felt like foam rubber with a metal core, and changed shape without warning.
Covergent Series
A newcomer to the newsroom with no background in what constitutes libel is a time bomb waiting to go off.
Why should the capital lose out because the rest of Britain is so crabbed and provincial in its attitude towards newcomers?
Newcomers to the company are soon assimilated into the culture.
And newcomers Dmitri Young and Craig Paquette, who can play the infield and outfield corners, will provide much-needed hitting.
I think it will be hard for the newcomer to avoid the seductions of the center.
The company is a comparative newcomer to the software market .
It reversed Judge Newcomer, and noted that federal judges should not take Supreme Court dicta lightly.
The newcomers can pose a threat to biodiversity by altering ecosystems.
In the early church, baptism immediately made newcomers a part of the whole community.
An election in the disputed riding saw William McCullock, the man who should have been awarded the seat in the first place, lose to newcomer Victor Timbro.
Every one of the southern states, except West Virginia, has experienced a phenomenal flood of Hispanic newcomers.
Mobile phones with long-life batteries give newcomers the edge in rural India
Times, Sunday Times
Newcomers to paganism often feel free to indulge obsessions they've had to hide for years.
The average monthly bill per customer is declining as the industry woos newcomers who want a cellular phone mainly for emergencies.
Most of these newcomers entered politics by chance and had a military or business background.
Capitol's entry in this year's Sinatra sweepstakes is the least exciting for serious fans but may be the most exciting for newcomers to the ring-a-ding fold.
Tony Sachs: 11 Years After His Death, "New" Music From Frank Sinatra
He is the Forrest Gump of pern..always managing to be in the right place at the right ttime to see all the political happenings on pern that would shed light to all newcomers to pern lore as to the socity that is pern…hmm…something to think about
Pern Movie!
As dancers shaked and shimmied, newcomers to the carnival lifted the crown for best in procession, best new entrant and best display band.
Carefully backing away from the newcomer, he waved a hairy-backed hand at his sour, dumpy friend.
It was a tight community and newcomers were not welcome.
These newcomers earned their living as small businessmen, religious teachers or labourers and were later to provide succour and support for the third wave of Indonesian migration to Thailand.
The text itself, by Bruce Berger, is in four sections: Rock that Flows, A Stroll through the Thorns, Creatures of Mirage, and The Newcomer.
Oasis of Stone: Visions of California Sur
But surely the chief reason is the way America approaches newcomers.
Newcomers adjust their talk and nonverbal interactions to those of a work group they are entering.
For newcomers lacking experience with Shanghai's language, culture, daily life and fast pace, the possibility of trouble was high.
The disc of reissues contains almost as many worthwhile pieces as the newcomer.
What really rubs him the wrong way is Lawson's puppy-dog adoration for the newcomer.
Tempers have flared as the newcomers' habits have clashed with local customs.
Some of the old guard were resentful that a newcomer had been appointed to the post.
Already the newcomers were spreading through the hotel, issuing instructions.
Super Bowl newcomers include AutoBy-Tel, which hooks up car buyers with dealers via the Internet; eyewear maker Luxotica.
The first film I saw in this synchronous series was In the Bedroom, directed by newcomer Todd Field.
Jurnet acknowledged the newcomer's presence with a small nod, nothing too encouraging.
Doug Baltz, cultural-awareness instructor, teaches the newcomers, beginning with a simple yet profound two-question quiz: 1.
Newcomers who want to freeze a village on the day they arrive are the second-worst kind of Nimby.
Like most newcomers, all he wanted to do was slag the winter, unable to see the merits of this funny little town for the icicles and subzero temperatures.
Such moves protect existing shareholders' interests but make it hard for newcomers to invest.
As Maria, newcomer Catalina Sandino Moreno is an absolute revelation.
… Collectively these newcomers wielded billions of dollars of available capital, petawatts of imperious brainpower, a practiced disdain for bureaucratic pettifogs, and Olympian con fi dence in their own judgment and capabilities. Home Page
he didn't want to burst the newcomer's bubble
On its own, his army—the "Golden Horde", as awestruck local Slavs were later to nickname the newcomers—could dominate the region.
Between these newcomers and the earlier arrivals, things are no longer going well.
Instead the newcomers tend to evaluate the farm worker and the other villagers on the basis of urban criteria for allocating prestige.
The evidence is anecdotal, Dr. Newcomer notes, but a goal of the pilot program is to reduce any overuse in metastatic cancer patients while still paying doctors to care for patients.
In Treating Cancer, Insurer Tries New Way to Pay Docs
At the end of the bunkhall, behind the chipped and battered wooden desk, sat the bursar, piggish eyes fixed on the newcomer, a smirk affixed firmly on his wide visage.
Archive 2010-02-01
As a newcomer to Witham back in the 1950s, she was faced with a town undergoing some major changes.
We've lived here for 15 years, but we're relative newcomers to the village.
Newcomer Cole brings the drama with much conviction on her sizzling debut.
The newcomers also contributed to create the Breton language, Brezhoneg, which is a Celtic language descending from the Brythonic of Insular Celtic languages brought by Romano-British and other Britons to Armorica.
Brittany Prepares for St. Yew's Day
I'm a relative newcomer to the retail business.
Your sledge is waiting, Madame," announced the newcomer.
Katrinka: The Story of a Russian Child
Nobody moved to stop the men, although a number of people, villagers and newcomers alike, went outside to spectate.
When Europeans began to explore the Pacific the breadfruit was already being grown throughout the region, although still a newcomer in some islands.
Those here before those dates were genuine old-timers, and those who came thereafter were newcomers, although there were degrees in that definition.
Newcomer Kit Harington tells TVGuide that he had to learn to embrace the term "bastard," which is used quite frequently and openly in the series to describe his character Jon Snow, the illegitimate son of Winterfell's Lord Ned Stark Sean Bean.
Game of Thrones' Kit Harington: "Oh God, I'm a Bastard!"
That said - welcome back to all who have read this story before, and g'day to the newcomers.
Many of these voters were relative newcomers to the political process.
The school uses a buddy system to pair newcomers with older students.
Up to 30 experienced jumpers will take part but all newcomers will get the opportunity to take a tandem jump.
He worked easily with the many newcomers into his department, most of them university dons.
Laksa is a popular newcomer to the supermarket chill counter.
Times, Sunday Times
As an introduction to Handel's work for the newcomer, this is a highly welcome release: the King's Consort under Robert King sing strongly throughout, with much fine musical colouring from soloists and choristers.
That artist - the ‘brilliant newcomer,’ ‘imitator,’ and consummate pasticheur - was Pablo Picasso.
Their courses are plenty challenging for the experts but tend to be easier for newcomers and high-handicappers to negotiate, as compared with the lusher, more heavily bunkered, penal-style courses that their elders in the competition are often known for.
Fairway to Rio
The former group is largely made up of locals while the latter mainly comprises newcomers, but the class dimension is paramount.
A growing number of abolitionists say it intimidates newcomers to court, gives self-importance to those who officiate there and makes the justice system look fusty, out of touch and just a little ridiculous.
The newcomers directly threaten the livelihood of the established workers.
The nodding of heads, then the sheriff slapping the newcomer across the shoulders acceptingly as they moved towards the police car.
The newcomer's plum, saccular head nods in the old song of cloths and tatters, drab and sand-stippled, those blowzy streaks of thinned hair swishing about in an onrush of current.
The newcomer on the radio scene is a commercial station devoted to classical music.
He is continuing to build up his panel in trial matches and gave a trial to a few newcomers or returning prodigals at the weekend.
The turban, which was a piece of cloth, or the pagri, which was an already-tied turban, remained the traditional headgear of the Indian male till well into the 19th century when the cap, a relative newcomer, came in and all but replaced them.
Conrad had the support of the local baronage still, but the newcomers saw him as inexplicably hostile.
Some thirty-five years ago, when I was a newcomer to the United States, an American friend adjured me to respect the meaning of the word as humbug and not to confuse it with the word for nonsense.
Grateful to own their homes, maybe a bit too hopeful about the weather, these newcomers tended to see the land as subdividable, not hallowed.
The Unclosed Circle
Colour coded courses will be available for the more experienced orienteer, but this area is suitable for beginners and help will be available for newcomers.
However it was a huge success for Tara, a newcomer to the sport, to progress as far as she did and finish fifth over all.
Laura is a relatively newcomer to the sport and only began competing at 13 years of age.
Many of the political newcomers have vocally opposed Mr. Obama's policies and vowed to sharply curtail government spending and the number of federal workers.
New Obama Economic Adviser Has Wide Political Experience
In 10 years the population had more than tripled from 4,000 to almost 13,000 causing much social upheaval with so many ‘newcomers’ arriving so quickly.
If you are a newcomer to jazz then any of Coleman's Atlantic recordings are a good place to start.
Newcomers imagined I must be the native of some unknown illiterate district; a shot-rubbish ground of disjected Arabic parts of speech.
Seven Pillars of Wisdom
They are bound to think you are on your own, and their shears are all sharpened for the trimming of newcomers like you.
Chapter II
It may be a relative newcomer to the cosmetic surgery lexicon, but microdermabrasion is already on the lips of millions of women and men worldwide.
This involved beaming heartily at all newcomers to the carriage and exuding humour, warmth and trivial monologue.
When she was come on to the greensward she spake to Birdalone in a sweet voice, but thin with eld, and gave her the sele of the day; and Birdalone was somewhat afraid to see a newcomer, but she greeted her, drawing back a little from her shyly.
The Water of the Wondrous Isles
The building they stayed in had already been looted bare, with straw lining the floor for newcomers to sleep on, and the wooden pillar at the base of the broken stairs used to tether horses.
The buxom cook, mistress of the kitchen, the strange newcomer as under-housemaid with her perfect French accent, immaculate sewing, wild imagination and total illiteracy, the repressions of the god-fearing footman and the housemaid, both resigned to service and she doomed to spinsterdom
The Guardian World News
The newcomers driving through the curvy roads, car sick from every right and left turn, looked up at the sky with wide eyes of worry and fear.
And their legacies continue to cause newcomers to pause before embarking down similar routes.
He must be a newcomer to town and he obviously didn't understand our local customs.
They provide the ambience in which the trendy newcomers bask.
They do not use any conventional Christian symbolism that might be a barrier to unchurched newcomers.