How To Use Newborn In A Sentence
They propose genetic screening for newborns to potentially benefit both the child and the rest of the family.
Newborns 'levels of an enzyme called paraoxonase 1 (PON1), critical to the detoxification of organophosphate pesticides, average one-third or less than those of the babies' mothers.
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
Because newborns have an immature immune system, 90 percent of infants infected perinatally progress to chronic infection.
I was mesmerized with his humanity, his tiny features and newborn mewl and with the fact that he was mine.
Oh, Boy.
Fetal exposures to this proliferating pollutant can harm newborn mice and rats, a new study shows.

A senior paediatrician who works with such families compared it to the intense love a besotted parent feels for an entirely helpless newborn.
Times, Sunday Times
There are words in the soul of a newborn baby, wanting and waiting to be written. Toba Beta
Juniper whiled many a day away in her sitting room, speaking to none, playing absently with the pale rose petals, as soft as the skin of a newborn's cheek.
He said that a number of factors have shown to control the length post-partum anestrus, including the presence of the newborn calf; the age of the mother cow; and the body condition score, which is a numerical representation of the cow's physical condition.
Siskiyou Daily News Homepage RSS
Experts with Gymboree said not only adults need sociality, children from newborns to five-year-olds also need an interest in social events.
November 30th, 2007 at 3: 17 pm chodin says: roker: "christian, do you ever look at newborn babies and picture yourself biting into their heads like a cadbury egg?
The bill would add five lysosomol storage diseases to the newborn screening panel: Pompe disease or acid maltase deficiency; Krabbe disease or globoid cell leukodystrophy; Gaucher's disease; Niemann-Pick disease; and Fabry disease.
Clovis News Journal : News
Nowadays, thanks to artificial surfactants, which keep newborn lungs expanded after that first big breath, ventilators designed specifically for tiny lungs, maternal steroid therapy, the survival rates of the teenier, tinier babies are actually improving.
11 « January « 2007 « Adventures in Juggling
With the smoothest stroke in the game and his newborn baby at home, this was easy labor for Tim Legler.
We found that the morphology of the primary myenteric plexus meshwork, when stained with NADPH diaphorase and nNOS, was very similar in colon and appendix in the newborn period.
He arrives in monsoon season hoping to catch a newborn calf on camera.
The Sun
Yet teenagers need parental guidance and attention just as intensely as do newborns or young children.
OBJECTIVE To enhance surveillance and control of nosocomial infection in newborn ICU ( NICU ).
I was more preoccupied by the life-size models of the pelvis and newborn doll.
Times, Sunday Times
If the seat reclines does it recline enough so that your newborn can lie almost flat.
If you know other families with newborns and young kids, it may be helpful to spend time with them.
There are words in the soul of a newborn baby, wanting and waiting to be written. Toba Beta
He took nervous infants of nervous mothers — babies who in standardized newborn testing were already jumpy themselves — and gave them to especially nurturing “supermoms.”
The Science of Success
Erythema toxicum neonatorum, transient neonatal pustular melanosis, sucking blister, miliaria, and mongolian spots are among the many benign skin conditions that can occur in newborns.
The developing fetus, newborn, and young children are most susceptible to the effects of an iodine-deficient diet.
When poor women cannot get basic prenatal care, for example, they and their newborns are more likely to suffer complications requiring round-the-clock intensive care.
Will people buy Peter Som's broadtail coat from premature or newborn Karakul lambs -- think about that -- with its never-say-excess iridescent fox color?
Earth to Fur Designers
A study said mums' fat deposits shorten a newborn's lifespan by damaging structures that help cells reproduce.
The Sun
In his paddock he ran a hand over the mane of a gangly newborn foal.
Times, Sunday Times
It would be another quarter of a century before scientists finally identified Carol’s condition she was suffering from phenylketonuria, or PKU, brain degeneration caused by inability in the newborn child to process a chemical called phenyl, a deficiency that can be treated only if detected in its early stages.
The milk a dairy cow produces is worth far more on a supermarket shelf than in the stomach of her newborn.
The newborn can also accomplish this at a later time.
Kathryn Jean Lopez at National Review looks at the mainstreaming of infant euthanasia, which many "ethicists" justify on the grounds that newborns lack self-awareness.
Killing the Children
And more than one quarter of all newborn deaths are attributed to restricted growth in the womb due to maternal undernutrition.
When dawn came, I saw that my hiding place was no good - I was as exposed as a newborn baby.
Newborns with monocular congenital or dense cataracts are at risk for developing deprivation amblyopia.
Wearing a flesh-coloured foam helmet that gives her the proportions of a newborn, Lee performs an uncanny imitation of a baby in this almost dialogue-free exploration of the mother-child bond.
Newborns should be checked for general eye health by a pediatrician or family physician in the hospital nursery.
Some Inuit newborns are born with high blood pressure that persists into elementary school.
Eventually I began to wonder if the baby monitor was picking up the newborn from across the street.
I am seriously considering printing up some little cards to hand out before the start of those conversations with complete strangers you end up getting sucked into while out and about with a newborn.
Surgery Bedside Teaching Rounds -- Surgery and neonatology attendings participate in a monthly discussion of relevant cases in the CHOP Newborn/Infant Intensive Care Unit
Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship Curriculum
The pond in our garden is a contained space and there has been much celebration of the quantity of newborn fish spotted recently and respectively by the wife, the cat and the local heron.
Posted on: Tuesday, 1 December 2009, 12: 03 CST The antibiotic, called azithromycin, is effective in treating infections such as syphilis, Chlamydia and Ureaplasma urealyticum - a The heel prick test has changed many lives since it was introduced in the Republic in 1966 for all newborn babies LIKE MOST parents, Karen Wood knew the heel prick test was routine - Articles related to A quarter of all children overweight or obese when they start primary school
A study said mums' fat deposits shorten a newborn's lifespan by damaging structures that help cells reproduce.
The Sun
But at the newborn stage, the essential difference between normal and decerebrate infants is in the area of potential for future development, with only subtle differences in actual, present functioning.
What Experts Know, What Doctors Know, What Moms Know
Taylor picked up two babies and started to rock a cradle of a newborn with her knee.
It was the reason Conrad still -cherished the caul that had masked his blunt, newborn face.
BELLEVILLE -- The custody battle over a newborn whose mother is accused of trying to drown her in a toilet moments after delivery will begin today at a hearing in Belleville. Top News Headlines
Stem cells have been found in adult tissues, in umbilical cord blood from newborns, and in embryos.
Disturbed by Lewis's examination of her newborn, the heifer mooed unhappily.
His skull was nearly perfect, like a newborn, the way his ears parenthesized his face perfectly.
The Cat's Pajamas
You can put a newborn baby lying flat in it; other Bugaboos are bigger and have a separate carrycot which is more expensive.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
Even newborn babies were not washed, and until the eighteenth century they were swaddled in bands of cloth that were changed twice a day at most.
Roshan had been diagnosed with extrahepatic biliary atresia - a rare condition in which the common bile duct in newborns is blocked or has not developed.
The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Frontpage
The newborn is in fragile but hopeful condition; he's now able to breathe on his own.
Bombs in Morelia
Paternity leave is defined as a period of leave from employment which enables fathers to bond with the mother and newborn child.
Police pulled a newborn baby boy with his umbilical cord still attached out of a trash compactor in a Fort Greene housing project Sunday morning, according to a law-enforcement official familiar with the case.
Baby Found in Trash
From the birthing classes I attended in the last months of my wife's pregnancy, I know that newborns can't see.
French Vocabulary la belle-tante = aunt-in-law la voiturette = little car le panier = basket le/la nouveau-né (e) = newborn le cochonnet = piglet c'est un bébé lièvre = it's a baby hare la maman = mother le/la rescapé (e) = survivor une pierraille = place, yard with loose stones nom de guerre = literally "war name" on verra = we shall see
French Word-A-Day:
What qualities and skills does the newborn bring to this new interactive process?
The Developing Child (7th edn.)
The left hip is more commonly affected, presumably because of the left occiput anterior position of most vertex-presenting newborns.
PC scientists previously studied the effects of zidovudine use by the mother during pregnancy or by the newborn.
Maternal transmission is becoming a major problem as increasing numbers of newborn babies enter the world already infected with the AIDS virus.
A newborn rosie somewhat resembles a gray-speckled trout, with only a hint of the trademark pink breast.
When one Dalai Lama dies, it is believed that he is then reincarnated, and it is the duty of the monks to search out his spirit in a newborn child.
NIN is an organization that caters to preemies and newborns who are in need of specialty hospital clothing, and non-specialty clothing, blankets etc. which are used for some infants first trip home from the hospital.
To care for a term newborn barely clinging to life while we support and assist the family to begin grieving and to say goodbye scarcely before they got the chance to say hello just breaks my heart.
I’m the lucky one « Adventures in Juggling
The evidence for an inborn, male predisposition for systematizing comes from a single experiment on newborn infants, tested with a single person and object.
In her arms was a newborn baby girl, peacefully sleeping, wrapped in a light pink towel.
Well, it turns out that while there is general "line" that anencephalic have no consciousness and are in no way comparable to other newborns, some experts think differently.
What Experts Know, What Doctors Know, What Moms Know
Drainage Ditch: Georgetown" 1995 is a cross-section of that city's eccentric ecology, including a filthy-looking underwater habitat full of discarded tires and dog-faced fish, one with newborns—gross but poignant.
An Illustrative Career Depicting Dystopias
unaware of the newborn hope
It affects newborns as well as the elderly with varying consequences.
And the grey doctors bundled each newborn into the standard, blue-and-pink starred receiving blanket, for distribution to other, anonymous, housemothers and housefathers in the community.
A newborn from a so-called precocial species -- one that isn't utterly helpless without its parents -- learns to recognize its parents 'traits in a process known as filial imprinting.
Informed Reader
There have been two heartbreaking situations in Scotland recently where newborn babies have been abandoned.
They will on some occasions attack small ailing domestic animals, newborn sheep and goats, eating parts of them.
Antibodies acquired through colostrum at birth are critical to the newborn's health, but only last three to six months and while present can block the immune response to a vaccine.
With light and electron microscopic autoradiography, the origination and distribution of the newborn neurons in adult "critical-period" songbird, Striated Mannikin were studied.
Save this digit t 'yer hotlist an' use liberally. (dadanation) count zero introduces us t 'an enchantin' laddy newborn t 'these seas and who could be a mighty swashbuckler our semipolitical system t'day and in t' future in resc be helpin 'our wee buccanners learn and wants to keelhaul NCLB in
Folic acid deficiency is a leading cause of spina bifida and other neural tube defects in newborns, and can be prevented by taking folic acid supplementation during pregnancy.
Folic Acid Supplementation - Too Much of a Good Thing?
The newborn red deer fawn - with its umbilical cord still attached - tried to follow the party.
The Sun
In the early 1950s an effective method of resuscitating newborn babies who did not breathe was not known.
The police are trying to trace the mother of a newborn baby found abandoned outside a hospital.
Of voluntary capacities and powers the newborn infant possesses little more than the simplest unicellular animalcule, that is, about all it can do is to scent and swallow food.
Nature Cure
He wasn't able to land with much power and his newborn boxing style was a bit dry throughout the fight.
Although it can be frightening, periodic breathing typically causes no other problems in newborns.
Newborns with aniridia or coloboma should have a formal eye examination.
She wants a place in trendy Primrose Hill so she can be near to her brother and newborn nephew.
The Sun
It is hoped that by 2005 all areas in England will be testing all newborns at birth as the hearing screening program.
He mewled like a newborn kitten when I kissed him.
Small Victory: stefan's secret
Despite being a lactivist and breastfeeding in public, I had decided that this meeting was too important for me to be distracted by a squirmy newborn.
Archive 2009-05-01
All newborns with 95 percent or less saturation underwent echocardiography.
Now we know that the newborn has quite poor visual acuity but is quite definitely not blind.
The Developing Child (7th edn.)
He left a widow and newborn son.
The Sun
Farm owner Jeff Marshall used the heart massage and mouth-to-mouth techniques he had learnt to save newborn calves and lambs to bring the youngster back to life.
Mice who received less than 1 microwatt/cm2 had a progressive decrease in newborns and became irreversibly sterile after five generations.
Microwave Technology: An End to the Human Race
He felt like a newborn baby, everything felt uncoordinated, and awkward.
New friends partly substitute for an extended family and help with the adjustment to the newborn.
Nebraska safe haven law reveals societal hypocrisy yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Nebraska safe haven law reveals societal hypocrisy'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: Officials want to revise the law to limit \'safe haven\' to abandoned newborns one and younger, in line with other states.
Nebraska safe haven law reveals societal hypocrisy
A newborn baby has a tiny heart and minute organs, and there is no margin for error or carelessness.
The newborn larvae migrate from the host's blood vessels through the sarcolemma of striated muscle tissue, where they penetrate and encyst inside an individual muscle cell.
Newborns are sanctified by prayer and undergo head-shaving and naming ceremonies.
Immortalizing your newborn baby's footprint in bronze as a keepsake might be a long-cherished tradition, but another kind of imprint has become much more popular -- the digital kind. rss feed
The appeal gives gifts to newborns right up to 16-year-olds from cuddly toys and books to action toys and games, toiletries and CDs.
For most young parents, one newborn is hard enough work.
Times, Sunday Times
For centuries different cultures have interfered with the process of birth, imposing cultural rituals which ignore the basic physiological needs of mother and newborn.
Times, Sunday Times
Bradley and colleagues are well aware of these problems as they seek to justify newborn screening for this untreatable genetic disorder.
You can use plastic ornaments and toys as your cake decoration, such as umbrellas, storks, bassinets, baby bottles, sports figure dells and newborn baby dolls.
When delivering aid to refugee camps, it is essential that sanitary products and newborn kits are included.
Times, Sunday Times
In this section of newborn cerebellum (note the fetal granular layer), the arachnoid tissue in between the two cerebellar gyri is very cellular and the pial vessels are quite congested.
There has been a real improvement in metabolic screening for newborns.
The newborn GXV3501 and GXV3504 transcription servers / encoders is conception of the Grandstream's newborn kinsfolk of incoming procreation IP transcription surveillance products which feature flush marginal interfaces and coercive processing capabilities much as binary input / output ports for sensor / alarm and PTZ control, SD port, USB port, desegrated PoE, super
Planet Malaysia
Peterson describes how he and a small group of colleagues helicoptered in to rescue four newborn babies from a hospital there.
The use of the term ish (man) for a newborn boy is odd.
Creation According to Eve: Beyond Genesis 3.
It colonises the newborn's colon within hours of birth, and serves important intestinal physiological functions for the rest of the host's life.
The way he had of patting her breast as he suckled, the incalculable wisdom in his newborn eyes.
Earl of Durkness
Pediatricians from other hospitals refer newborns to the Cardiac Center when they notice symptoms or abnormal values on laboratory testing such as pulse oximetry.
Transposition of the Great Arteries
Some were often placed in cradles with newborn babies.
Interactions among newborns, mothers, and adult males are rarely observed but are needed to distinguish between these hypotheses.
Newborns seem especially prepared to greet their parents, and they are able to interact with their parents on many levels.
A new wave of face-smoothing shots derived from a variety of substances, including rooster combs and newborn foreskin, are expected to hit the market soon.
He arrives in monsoon season hoping to catch a newborn calf on camera.
The Sun
Or a wool coat to keep newborn lambs warm?
Times, Sunday Times
Low birth weight and preterm birth are powerful determinants of morbidity and mortality in newborn babies and infants.
To evaluate serum levels of insulin like growth factor I (IGF 1) and IGF binding protein 3 (IGFBP 3) in newborns with congenital hypothyroidism (CH) before and after the replacement therapy.
Among the findings: About two-thirds of child killers victimized small children, with about 15 percent targeting newborns and infants.
Take this visual tour to familiarize yourself with the rashes and birthmarks that affect numerous newborns and infants.
Birth to three months - newborn babies can't see particularly well, but they do like to look at faces and distinct patterns with sharp outlines.
Many ignored his advice and went back to feeding their newborns crushed wine biscuits mashed with water in a bottle with a large-holed teat.
You can use plastic ornaments and toys as your cake decoration, such as umbrellas, storks, bassinets, baby bottles, sports figure dells and newborn baby dolls.
Now an all newborn procreation of our youngness module hit the quantity to undergo this incoherent fear: blockquoteWarner Bros. is doing It, tapping Dave Kajganich to alter author King's novel, with Dan sculpturer and Vertigo's Roy Lee and Doug Davison producing.
Planet Malaysia
Newborn babies at risk of severe chickenpox can also be given antiserum (serum containing antibodies).
Prolacta produces its own enhanced breast-milk product, a syrupy fortifier specifically for hospitalized newborns, at a cost of $135 per baby, per day.
Swaddle your newborn baby so that she feels secure.
Infant colic, a common condition of abdominal pain persisting in some newborns, is known by many names, we are told.
Diagnosis may also include: chest X-ray electrocardiogram (ECG) – a record of the electrical activity of the heart cardiac catheterization – a thin tube is inserted into the heart through a vein and/or artery in either the leg, the neck, or through the umbilicus (“belly button” - used in newborns only). cardiac MRI
Mitral Stenosis, Mitral Regurgitation and Mitral Valve Prolapse
Newborn infants are also better at hearing subtle differences, compared with adults.
Barely turned three, she seemed more akin to her craven, attention-seeking mother than to her newborn brother.
At the African Union Summit in Kampala, Uganda in July, the Africa leaders precisely called for such a new financing window at the Global Fund to integrate the control of AIDS, TB, and malaria directed towards maternal, newborn, and child health.
The MDG Advocates: Replenish the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria
Some viewers complained about the mustering of pregnant ewes and newborn lambs.
Mild jaundice in the newborn is common and often clears without treatment.
Proceeds from the calendar will support a documentary for parents of newborns with Down syndrome.
Newborn toucans are nidicolous, or nest-reared.
All of which are nature's ideal diet for a newborn calf.
About half of all newborns with chlamydial pneumonia have also had chlamydial conjunctivitis.
If your newborn requires surgery, our cardiothoracic surgeons can perform even the most complex surgery for congenital heart disease.
About Your Visit
A significant number of newborns die because the family lacks money for treatment, the heart surgeon said.
Other neighbors have found migrants butchering their newborn calves, opening water lines to drink - leaving them flowing - and stealing their trucks.
For three years, the newborn sharks live in this natural nursery, feeding on crab, lobster and fish, before setting out into the world.
Under a window lay our newborn son crowned by a spectrum, the seven strands of vision.
I've been to three "puppy parties," during which a fresh litter of newborn dogs is provided for fondling and ear-grabbing by toddlers before being whisked away in time for catered cake.
Nicholas Weinstock: The Good Knight
An inexpensive new newborn screening method can detect a rare blood disorder that affects the immune system and causes life-threatening complications if left untreated.
It was impossible not to buy anything from these women as they cradled their newborns in the cold.
A newborn Ukranian baby suffered minimal injuries and was expected to recover fully after its mother threw it from a third-storey window.
The newborn lambs gambolling in the fields are oblivious to the heartache which engulfed Town End farm two years ago, yet they symbolise the fresh optimism of farmer Chris.
Imagine watching a newborn lamb arrive in the world and take its first steps.
Times, Sunday Times
It didn't matter that Kyle had a newborn baby, or that Ryan drank too much, or that Tom was carrying on a secret affair with a secretary in the office.
Studies that compare auscultation and EFM continuous or intermittent report that each method has similar newborn outcomes.
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
Milk is inescapably associated with new life, emerging from the body of a mother animal for the purpose of nourishing her own newborn young.
However, the benefits of newborn screening are only properly realised when early identification is followed by accurate assessment and diagnosis and skilled support from audiological, medical, social care and education professionals working as a team together with parents.
Are support services for disabled children in danger?
The newborn measure eight inches in length and they are known to grow up to 20 feet in the wild, say the Croc Bank authorities.
The most common organ to perforate in a newborn (aside from perforations caused by necrotizing enterocolitis) is spontaneous perforation of the stomach.
TUCSON - Five newborn puppies wrapped in a plastic bag and left for dead in a Tucson alley are beating the odds. | news
Investigators have found the newborn baby abducted from a Tennessee home, authorities announced in a statement late Friday night.
Update: Abducted newborn found safe
With the population getting larger, it is wonder this trend is being followed newborns too.
The Sun
When newborn empires and monotheism end the era of tribal society, states come into being and become the supreme form of communities, ethnic groups and various religious ethical culture.
So you call Freda, and she comes in and saves your life." breast-feeding their newborns in 2006, according to the latest figures from the
Medlogs - Recent stories
With the population getting larger, it is wonder this trend is being followed newborns too.
The Sun
She put her bag with the story on the passenger seat and drove as if it were a newborn baby.
Doctors routinely put antibiotic drops or ointment in newborns' eyes to prevent conjunctivitis caused by gonorrhoea bacteria.
Nurse practitioners collect the vernix from newborns with a plastic spoon.
Globe and Mail
New friends partly substitute for an extended family and help with the adjustment to the newborn.
Antibodies found in breast milk protect newborn babies against infection.
The acetabulum is a hemispherical socket formed in the os coxae (ie, bony pelvis) of a newborn where the ilium, ischium, and pubis bones come together.
Mothers of newborn children can expect to receive extra $3,000 dollars per year, more by 2008.
The newborn red deer fawn - with its umbilical cord still attached - tried to follow the party.
The Sun
Detectives have launched a manhunt after two men burst into the home of a young mother and threatened to harm her newborn baby.
The first week after birth is a time of major metabolic and physiological adaptation for newborn infants.
BCG is a live attenuated vaccine and is being given routinely to all newborns under the universal immunization programme.
There are published data indicating that approximately two-thirds of high risk newborns can be anticipated by careful antepartum evaluation.
You are probably correct that most pro-lifers arew in favor of neglecting the newborn should have been:
Think Progress » Holding up the health care bill, Rep. Gohmert shouts, ‘I brought an abortion to show you today.’
The proponents of the hardwired-newborns view of how we organize recognition tend to point to the inferior temporal gyrus and the fusiform gyrus (also active in grapheme/color synesthesia!), a "small patch of right-brain tissue just behind the ear", as the place that holds the key to our ability to recognize things.
Archive 2008-01-01
When it comes to financial matters, we want our stars to have the innocence of newborn babes.
Times, Sunday Times
Serotypes of isolates from 56 newborns after a preterm or complicated birth whose diagnosis was not specified, were not included in the study.
In order to provide reasonable nutrition support and prevent underfeeding or overfeeding REE of newborns.
In East Timor, he set up a highly effective “transitional administration”—yet another euphemism for protectorate—that shepherded the troubled region through exemplary elections to independence and a seat of its own in the UN for the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, the first newborn state of the twenty-first century.
The Great Experiment
We were two breathless machines, Dragon bent newborn teeth and skyborn Limbed
Popular in the last 8 hours
The propositus was a healthy Han ethnic newborn female.
Shortly after Dr Ho came Dr John Olney at Washington University, who in 1969 injected and force-fed newborn mice with huge doses of up to four grams/kg bodyweight of MSG.
We also got the International Alliance between the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Australia Agency for International Development (AusAID), UK Department for International Development (DFID) and Gates to support progress in reproductive, maternal and newborn health.
Suzanne Ehlers: We Need to Pay More Attention to Reproductive Health
Maternal transmission is becoming a major problem as increasing numbers of newborn babies enter the world already infected with the AIDS virus.
Antibodies found in breast milk protect newborn babies against infection.
The twice-wed star enjoyed an extravagant spending spree at an exclusive Hollywood store, where she bought designer baby wear for a newborn girl
She gazed at the newborn infant and smiled.
And to do it for your newborn daughter!
Times, Sunday Times
Mr Justice Munby was giving his ruling in an adoption case where a woman was paid just 1,000 US dollars to hand over her newborn daughter to an adoption agency.
Beside the blue van stood a smiling man in the ubiquitous white pajamas, with a cap of curly black karakul - the fur from a newborn lamb, she happened to know - upon his head.
Call Of The Heart
Physical examination showed an alert newborn, evincing mucoid nasal discharge, and teary eyes.