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How To Use New In A Sentence

  • When the new foods that came from the Americas - peppers, summer squash and especially tomatoes - took hold in the region, a number of closely related dishes were born, including what we call ratatouille - and a man from La Mancha calls pisto, an Ikarian Greek calls soufiko and a Turk calls turlu. NYT > Home Page
  • That's as it should be, as the newspaper has a global audience but not global printing presses.
  • Frogs and newts have already been attracted to three new natural spring ponds at Abbey Meads School.
  • Leaked Reports Detail Iran's Aid for Iraqi Militias," blared the headline on afront page story inThe New York Times, which went on to report on several incidents recounted in WikiLeaks documents that journalist Michael Gordon called "the shadow war between the United States and Iraqi militias backed by Iran's Revolutionary Guards. Ali Gharib: What Did WikiLeaks Really Tell Us About Iran?
  • If there was any hope of holding on to even a shred of her dwindling self-respect, she should do exactly what she knew Margo would do—close the laptop, take her de-scrunchied, perfumed, and nearly thonged self down to the nearest club, pick up the first passably good-looking stranger who asked her to dance, and bring him back to the apartment for some safe but anonymous sex. Goodnight Tweetheart
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Master English with Ease
  • The new taxon is named Gamerabaena, and the authors note, under etymology, "'Gamera refers to the fictional, firebreathing turtle from the 1965 movie Gamera, in allusion to his fire-breathing capabilities and the Hell Creek Formation ... "Look at everything around us. Look at everything we've done."
  • I badly wanted the job, but knew that my age would probably tell against me.
  • Kids at one Connecticut school don't like a new rule, but you probably won't hear them expressing themselves by using profanity: the rule to keep kids from cussing.
  • What do a few lives matter now if we can find new, unpolluted territories and new ways to survive? THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • We had a gam one day, on this voyage, with a Yankee whale-ship, and a first-rate gam it was, for, as the Yankee had gammed three days before with another English ship, we got a lot of news second-hand; and, as we had not seen a new face for many months, we felt towards those Yankees like brothers, and swallowed all they had to tell us like men starving for news. Fighting the Whales
  • A horizontal merger may enable the new entity to set price and output in the same manner as a single-firm monopolist, with the same consequences for consumer welfare.
  • The front end of the Jaguar was on stands and two mechanics were fitting a new shock absorber. A QUESTION OF PRINCIPLE
  • A few billion of that new economic rescue plan will go to weatherize one million homes a year.
  • The new Ford Mustang has a lot of punch.
  • There are only a couple of days left in Graeme's Fantasy Book Review's Giveaway for one of three copies of Orson Scott Card's new release, Hidden Empire. Book Contest Links ... more than a few
  • So I cringe when a local newsperson shoves a microphone in the face of some young 95-pound twink (Straight Translation: a twink is a skinny homosexual with a lot of moxie). Max Mutchnick: Where Is My Martin Luther Queen?
  • If you interview a lot of conservative Democrats, even in states like Texas, you know, New Mexico, they are very concerned that Hillary Clinton on the top of the ticket would really kind of depress voter turnout and ultimately affect a lot of down ballot races. CNN Transcript Apr 18, 2008
  • It's impossible to look at yourself in a pair of new frames and not see another character. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here's the good news: When you bring what I call unconditional presence to the trance of fear, you create the foundation for true spiritual awakening. Undefined
  • Mr Smith said the department's own funds, which have bankrolled major improvements in the naval service, had been well tapped and it was now time to explore new ways of funding.
  • Chile's top constitutional court blocked a government bid to promote the free distribution of the morning-after pill to minors aged 14 and over, dealing a new setback to President Michelle Bachelet.
  • In 1896, New Jersey passed a law that made it easy to charter a company - and it quickly became a leading venue for incorporations.
  • We had engaged a very nice mare and stanhope, which we knew we could depend upon, when, the day before the race, the chestnut was declared lame, and not a presentable four-legged animal was to be hired in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 59, No. 363, January, 1846
  • When the new student funding system was devised in 2010 the figure was just 28%. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her face was radiant with delight at the good news.
  • Today's lesson focuses on how to write a summary of a news article.
  • A study by Conservation International, an American organisation, found that nearly a third of frogs, toads, newts and other amphibian species were likely to disappear within 100 years.
  • Although I was already a fan of both authors, it was this curious title overlap that led me to snatch these two off the New Releases table at my local bookstore. Romi Lassally: My Literary Indiscretions
  • Its hard drive can store 100 movies, and an antenna receives new films via broadcast airwaves.
  • After putting its energy into the 2008 acquisition of Northwest Airlines, the Atlanta-based carrier plans to spend more than $2 billion through 2013 to lure travelers with new flat-bed seats, video on demand and upgraded facilities in hotly contested markets such as New York. Delta Refocuses
  • I've wondered why pop-up ads and new larger sized, intrusively placed ads are so annoying.
  • ASCII is the standard language of Internet e-mail and newsgroup text, among other things.
  • New antioxidants include ferulic acid, idebenone, ubiquinone coenzyme Q10, alpha lipoic acid, and resveratrol and are already making their way into our friendly neighborhood counters. You Being Beautiful
  • Not for a very long time has the discovery of new music so profoundly moved and excited me as the contents of this disc.
  • Nursing commissioned officer ( NNCO ) is a special necessary colony. Educate to NNCO is a new thing.
  • There were gobs of fat and sinewy bits throughout the whole rib cut - it was soooo wrong.
  • I'll forward any mail to your new address.
  • The 27 models on display in Washington, supplemented by paintings, drawings, sculpture and medallions, show the products of a rising social structure and new technique.
  • The old rates were at least indirectly related to income; the new tax takes no account of a person's ability to pay.
  • Instead, the thin sandy developments defining the sequence boundaries suggest sandy sabkhas and sand sheets supplied by this undersaturated wind system and only preserved as a consequence of renewed lake-level rise.
  • But here's the caveat: Not all books written by newspaper reporters should be reviewed.
  • There was no one who went before you and knew all the answers. Times, Sunday Times
  • A private benefactor endowed the new Chair of Japanese Literature.
  • Cornwall, the which abbeie Henrie de la Pomerey chasing out the moonks, had fortified against the king, and hearing newes of the kings returne home, died (as it was thought) for méere gréefe and feare. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (6 of 12) Richard the First
  • Each paragraph begins on a new line.
  • ‘Behind the scenes there are still a number of points that deserve attention,’ the unidentified official said, according to the semi-official Central News Agency.
  • In the early hours of New Year's Day, she said, Webb visited her home and smashed windows in her front door.
  • Along with petroleum, the most important new source of energy was electricity.
  • New knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth. The more truth we have to work with, the richer we become. Kurt Vonnegut 
  • Net interest income dropped to $256.4 million, primarily due to the low market-interest rates that resulted in lower yields on mortgage-related interest-earning assets as customers refinanced to lower mortgage rates and new loans and asset purchases were at the current low market interest rates. Hudson City Bancorp Swings to Loss
  • This construction of a new world order comes from a naïive and untraveled President, emboldened in his ignorance by advisors who have been plotting an aggressive Pax Americana ever since the Soviet bloc's collapse.
  • The new technique has been used to identify the sex of foetuses.
  • New members are always welcome, irrespective of what stage of bereavement they are at.
  • But he knew he would be like a stranger to her, a strange man with a repellingly scarred face. The Hidden Places
  • Still, for the medium term, either the government needs to scutinize refinery activity much more closely, adopt new regulatory authority and aggressively enforce antitrust laws, or it must intervene to deconcentrate the market. Robert Weissman: What To Do About the Price of Oil
  • She spoke of a new beginning for the nation.
  • For Rosenstock-Huessy, the vocative is the condition of dialogue and hence the real condition of a new truth. Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
  • A third-party group headed by a GOP operative is out with a new Nevada ad spot encouraging Latinos in the state not to cast votes in this year's midterm elections. GOP-Linked 'Latinos For Reform' Airs Nevada Ads Urging Hispanics Not To Vote (VIDEO)
  • High-quality sprinkler systems and new fireproof roofing materials, for example, can reduce the chance of fire.
  • However, even during adulthood we are constantly learning the faces of new individuals, both personal acquaintances and media figures.
  • The development of innovative new technologies and highly specific, nonradioactive labels has changed all of that. The Scientist
  • She was struck dumb at the news.
  • Fifty years on and technology seems to have leapt on by generations as you see the mushroom shaped cloud of the first nuclear test bomb rising high above the New Mexico desert.
  • Recruit rich white republicunts (carpetbaggers) to swoop in and scoop-up "devalued" (seized from still-exiled owners) properties and change the entire complexion (race, income, politics, everyfuckingthing) of the ENTIRE GREATER NEW ORLEANS AREA. Your Right Hand Thief
  • She knew now how attractive Miguel could be when he wanted to be, and she knew he could manipulate her feelings.
  • After laying down the melody, he proceeded to deconstruct it, pulling it into new shapes, twisting, fragmenting, yet never losing touch with his starting point.
  • I knew what the lady had said was just a lie cooked up by my lazy, good-for-nothing parents to get me to come home.
  • You can be the centre of attention in a conversation but then the focus changes as new participants enter the dialogue.
  • The gnomes in the back room are putting the finishing touches to the new software.
  • There are also plans to bulk up the meat and bakery counters with bigger teams who will also have a new livery. Times, Sunday Times
  • LONDON, February 4/PRNewswire-FirstCall/-- The Board of Royal Dutch Shell plc ( "RDS") today announced an interim dividend in respect of the fourth quarter of 2009 of US$0. 42 per A and B ordinary share, an increase of 5% over the US dollar dividend for the same quarter last year. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • They renewed their membership
  • Origen did mightily oppugn a new heresie which did springe vpp in his tyme/it was called the heresie of Helchesaites/and at lẽghth he did happily extinguishe it. A Treatise of the Cohabitation Of the Faithful with the Unfaithful A Treatise of the Cohabitation Of the Faithful with the Unfaithful by Peter Martyr; Wherunto is Added A Sermon made of the Confessing of Christ and His Gospel and of the Denying of the sam
  • A new train station and a footbridge across the river are also part of the project, which aims to rejuvenate the riverside area.
  • Regardless of how skilled she knew she was, the extreme risk and danger of what she was about to undertake wasn't lost on her.
  • Since corporate America is more interested in hoarding than rehiring, the New Poor are going to be around for awhile. Mark Olmsted: No Pizza, No Peace: The New Poor and the Coming Blowback
  • He made the declarations while responding to reporters' questions on the bilateral debt forgiveness agreement during yesterday's post-Cabinet news conference at Whitehall.
  • I look forward to seeing the place again, renewing old acquaintances. The Sun
  • The supplementary motor area has shown increased activity during learning of new movements.
  • he struggled pertinaciously for the new resolution
  • It is not just getting used to the layout of new streets and kitchen and neighbours. Times, Sunday Times
  • The governor should act on the new energy bill
  • Bishop Bernard Fellay revealed to ZENIT that the congregation told him to expect the publication of a statement issued "motu proprio" (on his own initiative) by Benedict XVI on the new structure of Ecclesia Dei before June 20. Fellay: Restructuring of Ecclesia Dei Imminent
  • Our marketing people have come up with a great idea for the launch of the new model.
  • The new Combi can be used either as a passenger plane, or for transporting freight.
  • Your daughter may indeed welcome your new friend but tread carefully. The Sun
  • Cover images were pin-ups for the people, available on newsstands everywhere.
  • There has been a huge controversy over where to put the city's new sports stadium and who should build it.
  • Fox relied heavily on the strength of his personal image as a caudillo, which is by no means a new phenomenon in Mexican politics.
  • Upon noticing the new appliance, he stomped his little feet and clapped with joy.
  • Many other venture capital firms besides InterWest are raising new rounds of capital.
  • The news is not yet official.
  • The former Olympic champion may now have been overtaken, but a debt of gratitude is owed to her by the vibrant new star of her sport. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was once a fairy who created the fields and forests expressly for those in love, — in that eternal hedge-school of lovers, which is forever beginning anew, and which will last as long as there are hedges and scholars. Les Miserables
  • Would you care to comment on why you voted against the new housing project?
  • Finding the swiftest pursuer close upon his heels, he threw off, first his blanket, then his silver-laced coat and belt of peag, by which his enemies knew him to be Canonchet, and redoubled the eagerness of pursuit. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • In some ways he liked having this nice new aeroplane. Bomber
  • The new sled is meant to replace the one he had in Colorado, back with his family. Eric’s Top 10 Defining Christmas Moments » Scene-Stealers
  • I have returned to campus enlivened by a sense of professional renewal, and I have developed course syllabi, assignments, and activities that incorporate many ideas from my fellowship experiences.
  • The equipment had to be dismantled and reassembled at each new location.
  • If you are to have any chance of success, you need to pore over balance sheets, crunch the right numbers and keep abreast of company news. Times, Sunday Times
  • Carry out detailed market research before committing financial and staff resources to new products or services.
  • Asked about parents who choose not to vaccinate their children against HPV, the virologist Nathan Wolfe, author of the new book "The Viral Storm," told me: "Basically the decision to not vaccinate risks not only cancer for their kids but cancer for anyone their kids have sex with. The New Prudery
  • Results of this study show that females' greatest reported motivation for going to discos is to meet new people rather than to pursue sexual opportunities or to flirt.
  • Years of early art, pencil sketches, architectural renderings, magazine covers, newspaper clippings and personal photographs are also on display in the new gallery.
  • These new forces have synchronized with the conscious policy of a certain sector of Canadian opinion which has persistently sought to detach us from that quarter of the world's orbit and the world's people comprised in the British federacy. Whither Canada
  • That Constellation would not sign a power purchase agreement for its own reactor is a stunning admission that atomic energy cannot compete with natural gas or renewables. Harvey Wasserman: Nuke "Renaissance" Leaps off Calvert Cliffs
  • The driver deadened the noise of the car with a new muffler.
  • Chuck Greenberg, CEO of the Texas Rangers, slammed New York Yankees fans for their actio ns during the American League Championship Series in an interview on ... Chuck Greenberg, Texas Rangers CEO, Blasts Yankees Fans On Radio
  • The new film just seems to be skirting round things; it hasn't been brave enough.
  • The development of oncology is always following the anti - tumor new - medicine research and the clinical trial.
  • In her new role she will help to develop the midwives' public health role, with increased support for breastfeeding and encouraging mothers-to-be to stop smoking.
  • He travelled widely in pursuit of his ornithological passion, making many new discoveries. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • Ruling was in a sense a job, a calling, the only thing he knew how to do and could conceive of doing.
  • They wanted me to bring my US passport, and Mexican Visa, but instead of two black and white infantil size photos, they wanted color photos here in Morelos and they only wanted a color copy of the pages in my passport and FM3 visa showing my photo and the page of the FM3 visa that I had then showing the prorrogas (renewals) to verify who I am and that I live here legally. Page 2
  • Sensation - seeking newspapers tried to cash in on her misery.
  • We were greatly relieved at the the news of their safe return.
  • Hopefully when I get a new tank set up, I will have more success in numbers by going by the book.
  • The pace of new auto loans also lost momentum from a month earlier.
  • The cake won and the news spread like wildfire. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new divide is between us and the unemployables.
  • No, it's like "And she knew it arbored great things. Glimpse Inside A Writer's Brain
  • If I command him to put the newest posts at the top like every other bleeding blog in the world - are you listening boyo - will he obey?
  • She's doing the equivalent job in the new company but for more money.
  • The question was tinged with a touch of sarcasm that made her embarrassed flush renew its bright shade and caused her to clench her fists.
  • A Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
  • News’ is often more agitprop or tabloid than topical.
  • The new pump should produce an additional 220,000 liters per hour.
  • Building anew on the old sacred texts, these innovations brought a spiritual renewal to every major faith.
  • Polish shoes; get new heels or soles if necessary.
  • A new law took effect last year that makes it illegal to abduct young girls and force them into marriage.
  • The new wing with its harmonising fine materials and fabrics create a stylish ambience.
  • Records, is among the thousands of devoted followers who have raised figure skating to new heights of popularity.
  • Plastic bags, crisp packets, plastic bottles and soggy newspapers lie abundantly in the verges, or caught in trees and hedges.
  • Nanotechnology is in danger of being pigeonholed as a risky, hazardous and controversial business, a new study has found, because companies in the emerging field are not tackling the very real health and safety issues involved.
  • They propose genetic screening for newborns to potentially benefit both the child and the rest of the family.
  • The program design is based on bus time sharing and interrupt servicing. It can renew the speeds and the directions of every motor at real time.
  • The director organised two-day hippy schools for his extras, in which they were shown news clips from 1969 and instructed in hippy speak until such antiquated terms as 'crashpad', 'dig' and 'groovy' came naturally. Latest articles - Radio Prague
  • But that is just a measure of his new-found fame. The Sun
  • Soprano Rosalind Sutherland sings in the New Year with an excellent selection of arias, polkas, marches and waltzes from Strauss.
  • Traffic officers claim the new gun can't be picked up by speeding motorists who use radar detectors to avoid being caught.
  • The new wing of the museum was not really in character with the rest of the building.
  • The hug a bub is a very secure carrier, (we hope to stock it in the new year) or the moby is a cheaper version. Born at Home
  • Access to Management Normally these cover basic skills in managing people, resources and finance and are for aspiring or new managers.
  • It sounds good and if it does result in more properly-managed concerts, fairs, festivals and community events being staged in the city's parks it has to be good news.
  • But when he returned to his room to give his other half the glad tidings, the housekeeper, who was listening to the story, interrupted to tell them that she knew of plenty of empty rooms.
  • I think it's a dangerous thing to have that schmoozy Washington relationship between reporters and principals, because that's when news doesn't get reported.
  • The band are hoping to relaunch their career with a new song and a new image.
  • I could continue this yo-yo description of euroland affairs were it not that I will run out of good news to juxtapose against the bad. Euroland Should Prepare for More Ups and Downs in Its Yo-Yo Economy
  • We take a sightseeing boat trip around the bay and get a glimpse of the smart new opera house which looks exactly like two durians - a very distinctive local fruit that tastes great but has a repellant smell.
  • He'd missed the acres of newsprint and hours of broadcasts. Times, Sunday Times
  • An encouraging aspect was that each of the three new caps in the squad contributed to the victory.
  • They sold out straight away and new stock is not available yet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some newspapers still refuse to print certain swear words.
  • These changes will continue the process of renewal and regeneration.
  • There were bestiaries in the Library, she knew, but finding and getting access to them could be a problem. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • I finally managed to prise his new address out of her.
  • The new musical wowed them on Broadway.
  • the clarinetist fitted a new reed onto his mouthpiece
  • They usually leave this live breaking stuff to the cable news networks these days.
  • Likewise, if you told an ethologist that you found a new species of primate that is closely related to chimps, she would instantly know a tremendous amount about this animal and what it might be able to do. Bunny and a Book
  • This time she must seem the forlorn victim, with no resources of sinew or cunning to save her - only the kindness of strangers.
  • Talking about the investment in the new main stand, the increased capacity, and the scope for making money rather than just haemorrhaging it, he insisted his family are in it for the long haul.
  • All these glossy pamphlets are just window dressing - the fact is that the new mall will ruin the neighborhood.
  • SO what happened to the hundreds of promised new schools? Times, Sunday Times
  • Sprucing up kitchens and bathrooms by repainting units, or adding fresh new tiles, can be a cheap way to up the asking price.
  • The New Style (NS.) was adopted by Catholic countries. Anson's Voyage Round the World The Text Reduced
  • Instead of talking about the mechanical superiority of their latest cars, manufacturers hired the sexiest, perkiest breasted young women they could find to writhe, lean and lick their lips next to their new products. Judith Acosta: How Marketers Capitalize On Your Fear: Confessions Of An Ex-Ad-Woman
  • My boots have taken quite a punishing recently I need a new pair.
  • But don't strain yourselves getting out of your new squad car.
  • Leo Nocentelli, co-founder of the Meters and New Orleans guitar legend, may not have turned Blues Alley into the steamiest place in Georgetown on Wednesday night when he re-ignited "Fire On The Bayou. In concert: The Meters Experience at Blues Alley
  • If only the local toerags sitting opposite knew what thrills these cardboard tubes contained.
  • Some came to seek the new power, some to chuckle, others to satisfy their curiosity.
  • The Stabat Mater has been retained as an optional Sequence for September 15 in the reformed Roman Missal and as the hymn for the Office of Readings, Morning Prayer, and Evening Prayer in the new Liturgy of Hours. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Who knew breaking up with Ted would so aversely affect her story-lines. How I Became Disappointed With HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER | the TV addict
  • Call me a moon-eyed dreamer: I still believe the work of the serious writer will be recognized for what it is, whether it takes place examples chosen only for clarity and expediency in Ambergris, or 351 West 52 St New York City Apt # D RIGHT NOW, dammit. Evil Monkey on Fantasy
  • The athletics track was dug out after the Games and a new tier of seats dug in. Times, Sunday Times
  • My subscription is up this month and I will not be renewing. Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • The newspapers have branded the rebel MP disloyal.
  • And the 21m he banked off the course is certain to rocket as new sponsors clamber on board the gravy train. The Sun
  • The railway had made a considerable capital outlay on new rolling stock.
  • A new EU directive on maternity leave will come into force next month.
  • She said the new playground would help give the children greater independence.
  • Nevertheless, women did not enjoy juridical equality in marriage and the family until new family legislation was passed in 1977.
  • For a long time I daren't tell him I knew, and when I did he went wild.
  • If you polish the article, we will print it in the newspaper.
  • The new President will be inaugurated on January 20.
  • Better technology should help both to recover more gas from existing reserves and also to make new areas accessible.
  • not far from the former site of Five Points, the immigrant neighborhood showcased in the Martin Scorsese's film "Gangs of New York.
  • After an interim administration, the new president took office this past October.
  • Then, I shall have news to tell, the _best of news_, I hope; and I won't need to keep anything back. The Golden Silence
  • And according to Mr. Trunfio, the company is now "getting ready" to begin aquafarming on the East Coast with a new partner. NYT > Home Page
  • From Australia and New Zealand to Malaysia and India — in text and film and music and image — this booklet is a snapshot of the Asian commons. ACIA: Furthering the Commons in Asia
  • At the conclusion of her winter season in Miami, the Norwegian Dawn will begin an innovative itinerary of seven-day Bahamas sailings from New York on May 18.
  • NEWPORT, Wales — Phil Mickelson came to the defense of Rory McIlroy on Wednesday, calling him one of the classiest players in golf and his desire to play Tiger Woods is the goal of every player who wants to beat the best. Phil Mickelson Addresses Tiger Woods Feud
  • The government also has a fairly loose definition of what constitutes a first-time homebuyer, which is defined as someone who has no "present interest" in a main home during a two-year period prior to the date of acquisition of the new home. Five Penalty-Free IRA Withdrawals
  • The smoothly boiled porridge, with its accompaniment of thick yellow cream; the new-laid eggs; the grilled trout, fresh from the stream; the freshly baked "baps" and "scones," the crisp rolls of oatcake; and last, but not least, the delectable, home-made marmalade, which is as much a part of the meal as the coffee itself. Big Game A Story for Girls
  • The Absolutely Fabulous star will lead the cast of a new weekly whodunnit sketch. The Sun
  • New love has a famous family name. The Sun
  • In public education today, unqualified is the new qualified. Gary Stager: Wanna be a School Reformer? You Better do Your Homework!

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