How To Use New yorker In A Sentence
The notorious fact-checkers of The New Yorker are irritating not only because they often prove how fallible are our memories, but because they seem to mechanize what ought to be a natural, unmediated, fast-moving process.
Though I was on friendlier, more relaxed and affectionate terms with my fellow western-New Yorker John Gardner, who'd published an early short story of mine titled "The Death of Mrs. Sheer" in his literary magazine "MSS" -- and who regarded me, somewhat embarrassingly, as a "major American writer" -- like himself -- it can't be said that John Gardner was a mentor of mine either.
Joyce Carol Oates's 'In the Absence of Mentors/Monsters': Narrative Magazine
In America, the same augustness is reflected by his regular presence in the New Yorker and on university syllabuses.
The top selling non-fiction book Blink is coining mucho bling for Malcolm Gladwell, yet in 1997 Gladwell wrote a New Yorker article called "The Sports Taboo: Why blacks are like boys and whites are like girls," which made exactly the same argument as Larry Summers made about what is innately different in the capabilities of males and females -- that men have a larger standard deviation on many traits, so there are more men at the top and bottom of the bell curves.
Archive 2005-02-27
Almost six months ago, foreign-policy macher Perle vowed to sue him for writing an unflattering feature about him in The New Yorker.
The New Yorker wondered why they had not gone for broke, naming these two universitium and offium so as to reserve berkelium and californium for the next two elements.
Most New Yorkers realized that the 2nd Ave Deli stood for more than just kishke and chopped liver.
David Sax: Deli's Second Coming
Fuentes points out the Hispanic influence on one of New Yorkers' favorite pastimes: baseball.
Robin, a sharp-tongued New Yorker, was working for a magazine aimed at woman issues as an assistant editor. Frank was Robin's two-day old boyfriend.
A few mainstays, like The New Yorker, remain loyal to illustration, but celebrity-driven photography and photomontage now dominate the covers of magazines that were once illustration-friendly.
But the action really worth watching will unfurl where delegates and lobbyists come face to face with actual unmasked New Yorkers, who will demand accountability.
And spurring that doubt are a growing crop of policy makers like Darrell Issa, profiled recently in the New Yorker, as a Republican representative poised to become Chairman of the Oversight Committee, who last year quoted Genesis at a congressional hearing to dismiss the dangers of climate change, As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease...
Kate Otto: "Rapid Response" to an Ancient Issue (VIDEO)
Reporter Alan Nearn covers Central America and is a regular contributor to The New Yorker.
The word "Knickerbocker", a Dutch surname, is used as a colloquial term for New Yorkers descended from the origin al Dutch settlers.
Reporter Alan Nearn covers Central America and is a regular contributor to The New Yorker.
While the record's disposition may be a departure for these New Yorkers, their coyness in discussing it is not.
Philadelphians and New Yorkers maintained that for the "conveniency" of transacting public business it made the most sense to place the capital in an established city.
'Washington: The Making of the American Capital'
So in March I decided to fill a sketchbook, 90 pages, with New Yorker-style cartoons—one cartoon a day for three months. No excuses.
While innumerable neurotic New Yorker fanatics have saved piles of the magazine in closets or basements, the few easily accessible archives of the magazine's contents have been on microfilm or in bound volumes in public libraries.
She majored in communications at the University of Iowa, then decamped for New York City, where she spent a brief period working at The New Yorker and at travel magazines.
Somehow the New Yorker's arcane use of a diaeresis (coöperation) or acute accent (élite) seems quaint - and doesn't interrupt a reader's flow like an additional, superfluous word; even e-mail doesn't itch.
Bruce Gilardi: The Gray Lady Doesn't Get the 'Message' (and is Promoting Porn?)
As an internist and geriatrician working (as well as a lifelong New Yorker), I got a bird's eye view as Saint Vincent's did god's work in caring for generations of some of the most vulnerable New Yorkers.
Mark Lachs, M.D.: Care Transitions: The Hazards of Going In and Coming Out of the Hospital
Why oh why oh why did the Yankees think it was wise to pay $82.5 million to this 34-year-old pitcher, who has proven himself so unreliable and ineffective that the mere mention of his name causes unflappable New Yorkers to seethe?
Sympathy for A.J. Is Not Tolerated Here
New Yorkers build on a grand scale.
After encountering Liebling in the New Yorker, those readers understood exactly why he, with irrefutable, amiable logic, regarded the press as "the weak slat under the bed of democracy.
Five Best: Ink-Stained Riches
New Yorkers love spontaneity, love it to death.
Times, Sunday Times
The New Yorker essayist George Plimpton also remembered that invasion of the Harlem peacocks in their enormous purple Cadillacs: "I'd never seen crowds as fancy, especially the men – felt hatbands and feathered capes, and the stilted shoes, the heels like polished ebony, and many smoking stuff in odd meerschaum pipes.
The night Muhammad Ali's legend was reborn – and the party that followed
Brendan Gill, writing in The New Yorker, referred to some of his work as "boyish prankishness.
A Maverick Master
I can't figure out why he's popular in New York City, but then New Yorkers still mystify me.
The snakebit production has also provided comic fodder for Next Media Animation's Taiwan-based animators and New Yorker cover artist Barry Blitt, as well as Conan O'Brien.
VIDEO OF THE DAY: 'SNL' (again) mocks Spider-Man musical after violations cited
Lady Gaga have pop sewn up tighter than a tumble-dried Spandex bodysuit, New Yorker magazine.
The Guardian World News
How many of these 100,000 New Yorkers are using the site since it is one of the top poz personal sites? reply
The Epidemic Continues
Welcome to November, a month that people take a little bit too seriously, a month of melancholy and corduroy, and the only time of year you'll hear New Yorkers utter the word "succotash" with a straight face on the crosstown bus ….
Eight Day Week
Given New Yorkers' inclination to declare themselves with intense passion on even the most minor issues, this silence might seem odd.
The Country Music Awards made a big splash in the big city last week, as the event was warmly received by New Yorkers.
The folded pizza slice, the hot dog and the crusty knish have a built-in mobility that lets hungry New Yorkers eat on the street.
New Yorkers built their city on a grand scale.
Dorothy Parker wrote for the New Yorker and Vanity Fair magazines with a caustic pen, but her biting wit also had a mournful edge.
Carroll, a laicized priest, has done that too often in upscale magazines and newspapers like the New Yorker, the Atlantic Monthly, and the Boston Globe.
At midnight, like most New Yorkers, I was far from the freezing cold of the street, blissfully free to drink as much as I liked.
Silent Spring (1963), which consisted of a number of essays earlier published in the New Yorker magazine detailing how pesticides such as DDT, aldrin and deildrin concentrated through the food web.
Environmental Ethics
The original objective of the Federalist Papers was to convince New Yorkers to elect to their state ratifying convention delegates who would support the Constitution.
Every New Yorker is forgiven for acting like a wide-eyed tourist for at least a couple months per year, and I take my pardon and run with it…
Perhaps because I've been a New Yorker for so many years, I must admit that my "love" for Manhattan followed my original "love" for Sao Paulo, which impressed me a great deal during my first visit during my early adolescence … Although I was born in Rio de Janeiro (so famous for features which I either dislike or feel indifferent), I must say that I have always TRULY loved the "good old" PAULICEIA (one of my favorite terms for SAMPA) ...
She is a 58-year-old New Yorker who has worked for 13 years checking coats at a restaurant on East 52nd Street.
| Reply | Permalink the politics of fear indeed. how dare the new yorker make fun of fear! don't they know that democrats are too afraid of it for them to satirize it? boycott conde nast?!? ha! what a bunch of idiots you guys are.seriously. i'm becoming embarrassed to hang around here with you dolts.
Election Central Morning Roundup
Forget the irritations and the occasional rudeness, they bother us New Yorkers too.
The New Yorker magazine devoted its lead comment piece to a fervently argued case against war.
At their worst, they devolve into a sort of constant New Yorker navel-gazing that is three parts cinema verite, one part melodrama (See In Treatment).
Recent Adventures in Televised Entertainment
Jennifer is a recently expatriated New Yorker who now lives in Providence.
July « 2009 « Off The Broiler
Bill Geist has the lowdown on the team of New Yorkers who are a kind of pachydermal equivalent of the Jamaican bobsled team.
Entertainment News:
Cordoba House, which he called a figment of Gingrich's imagination, and the MSNBC host pointed out that the community center will be open to all New Yorkers.
Pam's House Blend - Front Page
Transplanted New Yorker Becky Wasserman, also known as the godmother of Burgundy, told me a story about entertaining a client at a restaurant in Bouilland, a few miles up the road from Savigny.
The Death-Defying Values of Savigny-lès-Beaune
To be "unassailable" -- to exchange the soul of a Viking for that of a New Yorker, that of the quick pike for that of the lazy carp whose fat back grows moss covered in a dangerless pond -- that must never become the wish of a German.
New York Times Current History: The European War, Vol 2, No. 1, April, 1915 April-September, 1915
In a New Yorker profile, writer Calvin Tomkins reveals that the tennis superbrat has given up both his rock band and his SoHo art gallery.
And spurring that doubt are a growing crop of policy makers like Darrell Issa, profiled recently in the New Yorker, as a Republican representative poised to become Chairman of the Oversight Committee, who last year quoted Genesis at a congressional hearing to dismiss the dangers of climate change, As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease ...
Kate Otto: "Rapid Response" to an Ancient Issue (VIDEO)
I feel humbled by it, and the reality is I'm just reflecting the way most New Yorkers in my position would act.
I was born and raised NY, and seeing NY in relation to a wingnut is embarrissing for all New Yorkers.
Think Progress » Woman Who Was Denied Insurance Due To Pre-Existing Condition Looking To Get Married For Health Care
Unfortunately, the tone mandated by the flat-footed New Yorker style drains his story of any emotional connection to events unfolding in the narrative.
Love Bites features three vignettes per episode that follow tattoo artist Judd (Grunberg) and wife Colleen (Constance Zimmer), single New Yorker Annie (Becki Newton) and then a different guest-star each week.
VIDEO: Love Bites Star Greg Grunberg Explains What an "Eye-Gasm" Is
The chorus excels itself, as New Yorkers, suburbanites, cowboys and gods, while blending fluently with the eight professional dancers in William Tuckett's zippy choreography.
The bees, he announced, would be taken to "a farm in Connecticut," which, assuming this is not a euphemism, is hardly the worst summertime fate for a New Yorker, apiarian or otherwise.
Alex Henry: An Apiarian Incident
New Englanders despised New Yorkers who reciprocated the sentiment, and neither felt much affinity for the patrician Virginians or the farmers of the Carolinas and Georgia.
The pouch was adopted by cautious New Yorkers in the 1970s, "when mugging was a significant threat" recalls Simon Doonan, creative ambassador-at-large at Barneys.
With Fanny Packs on the Runway, Can Mom Jeans Be Far Behind?
As Thomas Mallon wrote in a 2006 story in The New Yorker, the book acts as “an ungainsayable endorser of the obvious.”
Killing the Mockingbird
How could this boy from Brooklyn, this New Yorker in heart and mind, this supermale with six marriages, this man whom the feminist Kate Millett called the quintessence of the heterosexual, macho pig — how could this man have chosen to live in a small town of 3,500 souls, most of them homosexuals, whose contribution to local culture consists (if I am to believe the waiter in the faux fisherman's restaurant where I wait till it's time for our interview) of a festival of sexy bodies, a week for leather enthusiasts, and a colloquium on the problems posed by adoption by same-sex couples?
In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part V)
New Yorkers, probably the most professional daters on earth, have come up with a more efficient alternative: the dessert date.
On that day a twenty-three-year-old journeyman printer named Benjamin Day offered New Yorkers a paper called the Sun.
New Yorker Mathias Gold, 50, in Israel Horovitz's My Old Lady, has inherited some French books and an apartment in Paris from his rich but unloving father, Max.
And even Condé Nast, an organisation that had hitherto been rather sniffy about electronic editions, started to publish some of its prime properties such as the New Yorker, via the iTunes tollgate.
Has the revolt begun against Apple's iPad app fees??
To get me incandescent with rage, it usually just takes New Yorkers and a confined space.
It just shows how desperate New Yorkers are to be ahead of the curve.
A 1988 article in the New Yorker described him as "the grandfather of American lepidopterology," or the study of butterflies, and credited him with scientifically describing or discovering "more North American butterflies than anyone had before, or has since.
The Charleston Gazette -
Imagine our delight when we saw your article in the New Yorker.
New Yorkers are notorious for their high expectations and their unyielding quest for quality and inventiveness.
Times, Sunday Times
Then again, it turns out that, as a nation, Sweden could drink any steak-eating New Yorker pantywaist under the table. 46 litres of spirits a year?
For me, the most profound aspect of the past month has been the eruption of unfamiliar emotions that rob New Yorkers of sleep and make them act as eccentrically as I did in the airport.
For example, New Yorkers know their time zone as Eastern Standard Time (EST), and only a regular international traveler would recognize it as GMT-5.
In a 1949 New Yorker article, John Davenport labeled this kind of sublanguage with the delightfully appropriate name "Slurvian.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIV No 2
Elsewhere there was a kind of justice as New Yorker Felix Sanchez stormed to gold for the Dominican Republic in a beautiful display of 400m hurdling.
New Yorkers called the lot "the cowcatcher" or "the flatiron, because its triangular shape recalled the common household tool used for pressing clothing and linens.
Book review of "Flatiron," about a Manhattan landmark
He was fascinated by behavioural patterns and society's obedience to authority and New Yorkers were doubtless delighted when his research revealed them to be so obliging.
Later he became the New Yorker's music critic and went on to be music editor of the Listener.
I think it also showed New Yorkers that the whole United States united behind New York.
The play offers a window into the kind of frenetic pedagogic environment that many New Yorkers of all ages and skill levels have paid large sums to experience, from Stella Adler's acting studios of the 1950s to Gordon Lish's famous writing seminars.
Touring the City's Seminars
He and many in Congress tried to chisel New Yorkers out of money from day one.
The council often seems to think that New Yorkers are unsophisticated rubes, continually fleeced by crafty and unethical businesses.
P.S. Will the next New Yorker cover have a drawing ofGeo W. Bush as asmart, peace-loving, uniter who isn't responsible for thousands of unnecessary deaths?
He'll undoubtedly be called a carpetbagger, but New Yorkers don't ultimately care about that (cf. Robert Kennedy, Hillary Clinton).
NY Post: News
This week's New Yorker features an engaging article by Christine Kenneally about hemispherectomy, perhaps "the most radical procedure in neurosurgery.
Boing Boing
His balding head is a testament to the hard work involved in providing New Yorkers with fresh produce, he said.
Here's New Yorker cartoonist Matthew Diffee with one of his inexplicably rejected cartoons, from last week's supercalifragilistic Rejection Show (which Diffee co-founded, along with cheerfully deadpan host Jon Friedman).
I mean, assuming the "New Yorker Cartoon Law of Biting Satire", which states that the jocularity of a particular pasquinade is directly proportional to the abstruseness of the language in which you couch it, it was hilarious.
BOB COLACELLO, "VANITY FAIR": Well, it was quite amusing actually to see all these sophisticated kind of blase New Yorkers normally suddenly when the prince and duchess appeared in the museum, everyone was jostling for position trying to get close to them and talk to them.
CNN Transcript Nov 4, 2005
Illustrations for The Monkey Wrench Gang, a 1986 book about a fictional group of eco-warriors, appear alongside autobiographical strips done for The New Yorker.
Forget the unwieldy title and worthy subject matter, this is a breathless piece of reportage, like a vintage New Yorker feature put to film: expansive, comic, digressive and ever so slightly demented.
Rally organizers gleefully play up the potential for unpleasant, unexpected catastrophe—catnip for the type of New Yorker who thrives on attempting arduous feats, from monthlong juice fasts to autorickshaw journeys.
Around the World in 80 Ways
But that story -- the one about the antique, "little fireboat that could" that was saved from the scrapheap to once again serve her city in its hour of greatest need -- has been told -- on CBS Sunday Morning, in The New York Times, and The New Yorker, among other places.
Jessica DuLong: The Untold Story of Ground Zero Evacuations by Boat
We'll need to ask the New Yorker for permission to reproduce the cartoon.
The Albany Herald cheerfully punned that the geese were running "afowl," and back when Canada geese first started being vilified by New Yorkers (when they put Flight 1549 in the Hudson River), the New York Post quoted a "wildlife biologist" as suggesting that gassing didn't go far enough:
Nathan Robinson: Who Will Weep for the Geese? New York's Mass Avian Murder Plot
Rowing a Trireme on the Hudson A group of New Yorkers is trying to restore a full-scale model of the ancient Athenian warship known as a trireme and row it in the city's harbor on July 4 next year.
Epic Struggle: Fans Fight to Revive an Oar-Powered Greek Warship
Her detailed craftsmanship and eclectic mixes of materials have transformed the carryalls of ‘back home ‘into styles that are popular among New Yorkers.’
The English translation by the former "New Yorker" music critic, Andrew Porter, is a marvel of wit and clarity, and the boring German dialogue has been thrown out in favor of the story being narrated by Papageno, the comic birdcatcher.
The Magic Flute For Families
This dialogue grows out of an article in the April 6 issue of The New Yorker deploring the state of movies today.
Let's say you're a New Yorker of a certain culinary sophistication, someone who follows cooking trends and dines out regularly in good restaurants.
New Yorkers initially braced themselves for another terrorist attack.
Today, Jackson Heights, with its historic district, large and light-filled prewar apartments and side streets lined with houses, draws a diverse cross-section of New Yorkers seeking affordability and accessibility.
Jackson Heights: Many Gardens, Few Parks
Designer Kate Spade has achieved handbag hegemony and her boxy yet fresh bags swing from the shoulder of every New Yorker worth her manicure.
Later he became the New Yorker's music critic and went on to be music editor of the Listener.
(David Remnick, the New Yorker) "A stale poppadom with a wig on ... a brass rubbing of Bubbles the chimp.
A face that only a mother (or a writer) could love: scribes weigh in on Keith Richards' visage
New Yorkers built their city on a grand scale.
Samuel is a native New Yorker and Gabrielle was born in Luxembourg — since the painters who attract them all looked to American postwar abstraction for stimulus.
Channeling American Abstraction
The New Yorker wondered why they had not gone for broke, naming these two universitium and offium so as to reserve berkelium and californium for the next two elements.
In “Emoticons During Wartime,” a recent article in The New Yorker (December 10, 2007), Tom McNichol documents the usefulness of emoticons in communicating by visual innuendo.
2008 April
For many New Yorkers, home security begins and ends with a deadbolt and chain.
A Bronx Castle
Today, I'm thinking maybe I'm a New Yorker: I like black and whites (cookies) and onion bagels, and short attention spans and oversharing.
As what W. H. Auden called the ‘dishonest decade’ grew grimmer, the New Yorker's editorial policy shifted from insouciance to concern.
Americans drive every where, but new yorkers dont like acting like americans, they always wannabe more european.
Whence the Name - Anil Dash
In The New Yorker, she actually called these six hours of chic ‘fearless,’ as if the film had defied the censors of a police state.
I'm afraid the New Yorker isn't alone in shrinking, my husband has been saying the same thing about Time Magazine, which I never read (I'd rather be knitting and ignorant!).
Jean's Knitting
The patties are familiar to New Yorkers who order bland commercial versions sold at numerous pizzerias.
Gregory Nalbone, a native-born New Yorker, whom you see here photographed from the other, more courteous direction (above), is also a bona fide model, trying to make his way in the toughest and most competitive market that exists for members of that profession, evidently with some considerable success, though not enough to be free from the modern equivalent of indentured labor at The Eagle.
Archive 2009-01-01
We personally do not use the dieresis in our own writing, but we respect and will defend the right of the New Yorker or anyone else to do so.
The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs : Freetards outraged over dieresis ban
Polls show a distinct majority of New Yorkers share Pataki's view and support the ban on hand-held phones.
Today's interviewee is a fellow New Yorker, Nick Gorevic.
TasteCamp 2009: An Interview with Nick Gorevic
At public hearings New Yorkers demanded something monumental.
Times, Sunday Times
The larger of the two 2 studies involved New Yorkers Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry.
Meanwhile, Vogue dresses Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand in pretty clothes and claims that she could never, ever wear such things in "fuddy-duddy" D.C. Our critic Robin Givhan calls out Vogue (and maybe Gillibrand?), saying there's "nothing career-damaging, gossip-worthy or problematic" by D.C. standards in the senator's fashion-spread clothes, and in fact, plenty of women here dress like that, so get over yourself, New Yorkers.
Read this: Katie O'Malley on Kendel Ehrlich, and vice versa; Kirsten Gillibrand's clothes
(Henceforth referred to as TRC: CYNSANWSTNY) As the lengthy title suggests, this is a collection of cartoons The New Yorker rejected.
Matthew Diffee: The Rejection Collection (and Caption Contest)
I mean, he did so much for the New York theater that I think he really belongs in some very, very special place, as one of the great New Yorkers.
Vidiot says: Here's The story of how I caught the San Francisco Chronicle plagiarizing from the New Yorker last week.
- Boing Boing
New Yorkers build on a grand scale.
This is a city prone to paranoia at the best of times, as personified by that quintessential New Yorker, Woody Allen.
A New Yorker cartoon reprinted in Lee's autobiography epitomizes her appeal: A pot-bellied, bald man shaving at the bathroom sink glances at his wife, who is speaking to him from behind a shower curtain.
More Than a Girl With a Gimmick
Whatever contradictions fueled, or at this time failed to fuel my cartooning, I would have been better throwing in my lot with overt rudery and dysfunction, rather than trying to gain acceptance from the effete mob that ran the New Yorker.
Kalooki Nights
The three media outlets that have broadcast or published exclusives about torture at Abu Ghraib - CBS, the New Yorker and the Washington Post - are, of course, not revealing their sources.
The title of the new softbound edition - what Mankoff terms a "book-a-zine" - is "The New Yorker: Cartoons of the Year," and it features more than 300 cartoons from nearly 60 cartoonists.
For the New Yorker, he calls the 'toons of the year
I was going to hop the train, but it was four blocks away, a distance any respectable New Yorker would walk.
In 1980, George W.S. Trow, a veteran New Yorker staff writer and one of the founding editors of The National Lampoon, published a 25,000-word jeremiad decrying the evils of television.
The Shame of No Shame: Fawning, Sniping in Media Land
I'm a little late to the party, but here is an absurd decorousness in the denunciations -- from the Obama and McCain campaigns and across the liberal blogosphere -- of the current New Yorker cover.
John McQuaid: A Fist-Bump for the New Yorker
Mr. Stringer said raising the tax rate to 4.332% from 3.876% for the wealthiest New Yorkers, a move he described as a "tweak," would allow for a "huge, meaningful" tax cut to 95% of the city.
Stringer Calls for Tax Cut
Rudy Giuliani was quite happy to wrap his sweet arm around Bernie Kerik yet he refuses New Yorkers the basic human right to enjoy the becalming company of ferrets.
My Kingdom for a Ferret: James Wolcott
In John Lanchester's short story "Expectations" in the Jan. 9 New Yorker magazine, his 2007 banker-protagonist's "considered view of the Damien Hirst spot painting, looking at it from aesthetic, art-historical, interior-design, and psychological points of view, was that it had cost forty-seven thousand pounds, plus V.A.T.
Spotting the State of Art
He told The New Yorker that not merely non-Christians but nonorthodox Christians including his wife are going to hell. . .
Philocrites: 'Sponge for punishment.'
To this end, he cajoled thousands of Irish New Yorkers to join temperance organizations and helped establish the Irish Emigrant Society, which placed immigrants in jobs and then monitored their diligence and commitment to the “work ethic.”
A Renegade History of the United States
Well, as you read about a couple days ago, I'm a real, honest-to-goodness New Yorker.
It does look like a Renaissance festival," the chic New Yorker laughed, commenting on the tattoos and the brightly colored sateen/polyester flouncy shirts that a team from Colby College sported.
Julia Plevin: For Recession-Chic, Look to the Woodsmen
You may think me an outlander but my parents were New Yorkers and never forgot it.
He was a legend, and a good humanitarian who exuberated a winning attitude that all New Yorkers could appreciate.
Room Eight
Small in scope, minutely focused on the emotional dynamics of a gaggle of neurotic urban characters, shot in dark, unslick images and wholly bereft of special effects, Baumbach's closely observed tale of dysfunctional family relationships has the microscopic texture of a New Yorker short story and the darting, spontaneous style of a French New Wave movie.
Here There Be Monsters
The New Yorkers closed the gig in their usual flamboyant style.
The Sun
The New Yorkers closed the gig in their usual flamboyant style.
The Sun
New Yorkers have been told what they had long suspected but did not particularly want to know.
Times, Sunday Times
Per capita, New Yorkers put out between 45 and 70 kilograms of trimmings, almost exactly what we get from our modern wet-waste composting program.
He has also restricted traditional public access to City Hall and demanded civility and politeness from traditionally sharp-tongued and sarcastic New Yorkers.
While Police Commissioner Ray Kelly mingled with a star-studded cast of entertainers and rich New Yorkers -- including Chevy Chase, Ron Perelman, Charlie Rose, Michael Douglas and Jimmy Buffet -- in the Waldorf's ballroom, a tough-guy security guard was harassing and threatening a young female reporter for the New York Times.
Len Levitt: The Police Foundation: Making Enemies and Alienating Reporters
Another goodie is a reading of the Constitution by some illustrious New Yorkers.
Archive 2004-08-01
Malcolm Gladwell, in his magisterial ability to state the obvious, broke this old news to the American culturati in a recent issue of the New Yorker.
Matthew Wills: How About a Global Fight Party?
As a former New Yorker, I hate the fact that this carpetbagger is one of our two senators!!!!!
Florida delegates file lawsuit to get delegation seated
All you who feel less than competent at humour (and life) could do worse than following the wifely admonition in this New Yorker cartoon," says Paul Szabo.31st over: South Africa 149-3 (Kallis 31, du Plessis 1) Now it's seam at both ends, with Shafiul Islam coming on.
Bangladesh v South Africa - live! | Rob Smyth
New Yorkers build on a grand scale.
Shoddy umbrellas and whipping winds drive most New Yorkers indoors during stormy weather.
Cawfee Mug: Channel the inner New Yorker and diner coffee lover with the "Brooklynese" mug.
Serious Eats
Ms. Orlean, a staff writer for the New Yorker, explores "the life and the legend" of Rin Tin Tin and perceptively illuminates both.
The Dog Star
It also praised the reaction of New Yorkers to the tragedy: ‘The supposedly ungovernable city showed it could govern itself under the most terrifying pressure.’
The script doesn't break new ground, or scintillate with New Yorker wit.
Reporter Alan Nearn covers Central America and is a regular contributor to The New Yorker.
Through the years the myth has arisen that New Yorkers are the most sophisticated of sports fans, ready to cheer what they consider a great performance even if, perchance, it is recorded by someone who plays for a team in another city.
As she gets ready to portray a neurotic New Yorker, she displays all the usual actressy contradictions.
The great postwar disillusionment began for many Americans when they left the city in search of a simpler life and discovered that watering, fertilizing, weeding and mowing the measliest yard takes more time over a year than the average New Yorker spends looking for parking.
15 Ways To Fix The Suburbs
Long before the BlackBerry and the PlayStation Portable, New Yorkers loved their hand-helds.
In a 1994 profile in the New Yorker magazine, agent Michael Ovitz called Mr. Calley "frighteningly egoless.
Film Mogul Retired Early, Got Bored and Came Back
Art Miller became a man just as society was unmanning men like his New Yorker father.
Fall arrived almost exactly on cue last week, the temperature suddenly cooling so that New Yorkers awoke the morning after Labour Day to a slight nip in the air, and a distinct sense of seasonal change.
Ralph Lauren has a way of bringing out the inner cowboy/hunter/forager in people—even New Yorkers.
How the West Was Worn
First, his candidacy was introduced to the state as a kind of fait accompli, something Granite State voters resent even more than they do those pushy New Yorkers.
A Scion Hits The Streets
Thus, after a few scant weeks of training, Monk Eastman and the New Yorkers were abruptly pitchforked into the great final push of the conflict — an attack on Germany's Hindenburg Line.
A Gangster Goes to War
Update, 11/15: "The twin specters of Ingmar Bergman and Woody Allen hover over this talky history of a relationship between two New Yorkers," writes Stephen Holden in the New York Times.
GreenCine Daily: Flannel Pajamas.
The author, David Grann, is a New Yorker writer, which I suspect gives him great pull, but sheesh, that is the nonfiction big think bestseller crowd coming out in force.
Some books I am reading at the moment
It's unseasonably warm and sunny, as if God is trying to give New Yorkers a break and the sickly sweet smell of decaying flowers mixes with the acrid smoke.
Oenophiles, on the other hand, likely are torn between cursing newly-proposed taxes on wine and cheering a plan that would allow the sale of wine in grocery stores, a convenience available in many other states that New Yorkers have long coveted.
Daily Record--Legal Currents Column
As the New Yorker piece showed, one portion of the GOP elite selected her because they were "dazzled"; a larger subset of the GOP elite despise her and the empty populism she represents.
Poll: Palin Is Now The Top Concern Voters Have About McCain
Surprisingly, the doors are normally closed at weekends as the bulk of trade is carried out during the week days when New Yorkers and ex pats take a break from the hustle and bustle to wine and dine in the popular premises on East 41st Street.
The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest Book is the first and so far only collection of those captionless comics at the back of the New Yorker magazine, each printed with the three “finalist” options and the winner that appeared in sequential issues of the magazine.
Archive 2009-09-01
Most New Yorkers do NOT especially care if the rest of the country wants to "memorialize" 9/11--those of us who were there just want to go a single day without having to see the same footage--the planes crashing, the towers collapsing, and the other nightmare images.
Archive 2004-09-01
In the rest of her column she advises Jennifer Anniston, "Next time, try showering with a friend."; she calls the Yankess "oversexed"; she jealously mocks Maureen Dowd for wanting to bone the president; and she curses New Yorkers for being so fat, and unsexy.
Oliver Sacks' most recent New Yorkerarticle, about people who suffer from alexia, or loss of the ability to recognize written language, puts the wondrousness and complexity of that last brain function into perspective.
Marian Salzman: Headstrong, Part II: The Creative Process
What helped killed Chatroulette -- the many pantless chatters exposing their privates -- may now be saving it as well, according to a recent New Yorker post revisiting Chatroulette and Andrey Ternovskiy, its founder.
Chatroulette Selling Pantless Chatters To Hustler
Could this have anything to do with the roasting he gave the New Yorker's film critic recently?
The show was based on the work of Charles Addams, whose cartoon creations about this ghoulish family appeared regularly in the New Yorker.
Ives was a slender New Yorker with deep-set eyes and a dandified bearing who had been born to a family of socialites on December 25, 1828—hence his middle name.
Fuentes points out the Hispanic influence on one of New Yorkers' favorite pastimes: baseball.
I was born and raised in this state, clammed in its waters, went to school here, married a native New Yorker.
Though the rodeo was an event for New Yorkers to gawk at starting at $15 a ticket, bull riding is a family tradition and a serious livelihood for many of the riders.
Roping and Riding
(Oliver Sacks 'most recent New Yorker article, about people who suffer from alexia, or loss of the ability to recognize written language, puts the wondrousness and complexity of that last brain function into perspective.)
Marian Salzman: Headstrong, Part II: The Creative Process
The feuilleton is a genre pioneered in Viennese newspapers that lies somewhere between the New Yorker's "Talk of the Town" and an op-ed.
Dispatches From a Lost Empire
Like many New Yorkers, he had a romantic image of country life.
The same month, Mackey again angered liberals when he told a New Yorker writer he didn't believe in climate change.
Whole Foods' Organic Capitalism
Is this the first time that the New Yorker has dropped the F-bomb, not in a quotation or a piece of fiction, but to express the author's own attitude in a review or non-fiction piece?
Despite being raised from birth as a native new yorker to hate LA, Marissa doesn't.