
How To Use New world In A Sentence

  • This construction of a new world order comes from a naïive and untraveled President, emboldened in his ignorance by advisors who have been plotting an aggressive Pax Americana ever since the Soviet bloc's collapse.
  • The distance he covered was one mile, and he did it in 24 minutes 36 seconds, a new world record.
  • In America, gift giving at Christmastime began in the 17th century when early Dutch settlers introduced St. Nicholas to the New World. St.
  • Very soon they had passed from the realisation that in them and through them a new world of giantry shaped itself in the earth, from the contemplation of the great struggle between big and little, in which they were clearly destined to participate, to interests at once more personal and more spacious. The Food of the Gods and how it came to Earth
  • Why, I wonder, don't these novels ever depict a brave new world that's learned its lesson, one that's loving and gentle instead of harsh and brutal?
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  • In the New World, Spain coupled religious orthodoxy with political conquest. Marilyn Mellowes: 'God in America:' A Question of Religious Liberty (VIDEO)
  • He was one of the first to portray animals from the New World.
  • With luck, we'll find definitive proof that Solutrean peoples came over from Europe, built the pyramid, and colonized the New World," says Coe. Pyramid Found in New England
  • And just as I was settling into the new world, ready to explore it, I was whisked away to the mysteriouse oriente .... How To Kill My Interest as a Reader
  • They believe they hold in their hands the beginnings of a brave new world of cruelty-free meat.
  • Miranda and her two friends struggle not only with the trials of this new world, but with the tension between their old New Jersey identities and their “real” Roumanian identities. Book Review: The Tourmaline, by Paul Park | Mind on Fire
  • The fresh tale follows the familiar style of the original - the eponymous hero magically transported from a suburban fancy-dress shop to a new world.
  • New world records in the track and field events are chalked up from time to time in the past few years.
  • It is a new world tonight, bathed in love and intimate rejuvenation with the whole universe as we dance together under the glittering lights of a Kalahari sky. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • As trade with the New World increased, cochineal became the standard dye for a wide variety of uses, from the red coats of British soldiers, to the red tints of artists' paints and the coloring of pastry icings.
  • The end of the Cold War has produced the prospect of a new world order based on international co-operation.
  • In this new world, any departure from the narrowest fiscal path is hazardous to the health of the offending country.
  • The Erethizontidae is a family of rodents commonly known as the New World porcupines.
  • Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian-born merchant and explorer who took part in early voyages to the New World on behalf of Spain around the late 15th century.
  • Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born. Anais Nin 
  • From Dvo ř á k ' s " New World " Symphony, with its construct of Indian and African-American folk idioms, to Messiaen ' s bird-song transcriptions of Bryce Canyon, composers have responded to it most often with collages, drawing on different musical and even extramusical references. Turning the City
  • It conjures up an image like that in the novel Brave New World, where everyone is doped up, rather than having their real problems dealt with.
  • The spiv, the showman; Mr Blair promised a brave new world - a shining castle on the hill - very Reaganish... a promise he most certainly could not uphold as there was no hill, the castle was made of papier mache and when the rains came it melted away...... The coalition counts on blaming Labour for everything. Bad move| Rafael Behr
  • Welcome to the new world of groovy indoor cycling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Either spacetime could be made to fold, skipping ninety lightyears and putting the colony ship only seven years away from the earthlike planet that was its destination, or the ship would obliterate itself in the attempt . . . or nothing would happen at all, and it would crawl on for nine hundred more years before reaching its new world. Pathfinder
  • Juan Rodriguez Fonseca, who had the chief management of the affairs of the Indies, and was permitted to fit out an expedition to visit any territories in the new world, except such as appertained to Portugal, or such as had been discovered in the name of Spain previous to the year The American Quarterly Review, No. 17, March 1831
  • It was a brave new world recovering from the atrocities and bleakness of war.
  • AS THE clock ticks past midnight and today moves into tomorrow, the new world rankings will be spat out from a computer in Florida.
  • This chateau makes wine for Old World claret drinkers rather than for the powerful New World wine critic, Robert Parker.
  • While the play's the thing, one thing for sure in this particular brave new world concoction is that there is no Prospero in it. What fools these mortals be (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • And in a recent column in the Catholic New World, the archdiocesan newspaper, he called for a renewed civility in debates in the church and in the wider culture.
  • The preference is evident in the gargantuan New World Department Store in Shanghai's commercial heart.
  • Of all the frightening specters looming above us in the brave new world of Bush II - and there are many to choose from - I think the scariest is the privatization of Social Security. The scariest thing
  • The borders of this new world will remain protean, subject to change over time. The New World Order
  • This construction of a new world order comes from a naïive and untraveled President, emboldened in his ignorance by advisors who have been plotting an aggressive Pax Americana ever since the Soviet bloc's collapse.
  • The conventional view held that cultural impress on the New World was rudimentary, artless, too recent to have mellowed the garish profusion of nature.
  • Benoît Mandelbrot was that IBM employee who successfully measured the coastline of England in 1967, coined the term fractal in 1975 and opened new worlds in mathematics and now, I believe, human emotional understanding. Fractal Geometry, Human Emotion and Social Marketing - Tom Troja - MediaBizBloggers
  • But this new world faces a new threat of disorder and chaos born either of brutal states armed with weapons of mass destruction or of extreme terrorist groups.
  • Most people seem to take one of two general points of view on the quest that rockets represent: A vocal minority is certain that humanity will colonize space, just as Europeans colonized the New World.
  • Elephant for the mammoth Cheetah for the New World cheetah Przewalski's horse for the tarpan In one proposal to "rewild" North America, Asian and African elephants would play the ecological role of the now-extinct Columbian mammoth. Pleistocene Park: Where the Auroxen Roam
  • We were well accustomed to the noises of our strange new world that summer. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It's like taking the sex and drug use out of Brave New World, or removing all "phonies" from Catcher in the Rye because Heidi Montag might take issue. Why a new edition of Huckleberry Finn is wrong to remove the N-word
  • Taro is sometimes confused with malanga, yautia, and cocoyam, tubers of a number of New World tropical species in the genus Xanthosoma, which are also arums protected by oxalate crystals. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • In the new world, arms sales abroad are a more critical problem than superpower arms control.
  • Responses to "What are good fantasy books to read for fun?" pendragon, dj machale - ten book series, its amazing, a boy that finds new worlds and must save them from the evil guy, lol, (saint dane), he is called a "traveler" and works together with the few other travelers to win and save the universe aka halla. Master Site Feed
  • He had hoped to set a new world record, but was frustrated by bad weather.
  • Immigrants felt they had truly made it in the New World when they traded in their four-storey walk-up for a four-car garage.
  • The rough hand of the New World had been laid upon the Scotsman from his boyhood; but sterling honesty was written in every line of his bitter-seamed face, while a prognathous jaw proclaimed to the onlooker that honesty was the best policy, -- for the onlooker at any rate, should he wish to do business with the owner of the jaw. CHAPTER 6
  • Recovery requires many moments of metanoia as we bring forth a new worldview and heightened consciousness.
  • We were well accustomed to the noises of our strange new world that summer. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The cry to abolish intoxicating liquors increased within the amenable audience of hard-working farmers that were money conscious and trying to make it in a new world.
  • However, thanks to smuggling, piracy, and trade with the New World, England was able to thwart Napoleon's plan.
  • Or we could admit that this new world is taking us towards juryless courts in high-profile cases of this kind. Times, Sunday Times
  • Via Locus Online their "blinks" in the left column I found the article Sci-Fi's Brave New World, about science fiction as mythmaking. Science fiction as myth
  • A new world is opening up, one that is so much more complex than the genomic world," said Moshe Szyf , an epigeneticist at Canada's McGill University. Whew! Your DNA Isn't Your Destiny
  • The elements of national life which were consistent with the new world order were solely cultural, not political or economic.
  • This activity is almost Zen-like, though the NSNC's Zen-ologist resigned in late 1491 -- just missing the chance to join Christopher Columbus in the first edition of Who's Who in the New World. Dave Astor: One Complete Idiot's Guide to Hospitality Suite Scrapbooks
  • He hadn't switched on the light for fear of dispelling the fragile new world he had created, but now he was anxious to look about him. PROSECUTOR
  • It is a brave and safe new world in which technology has liberated humankind from tedium.
  • Even for those who did not accept these apocalyptic scenarios, emancipation portended a chaotic and terrifying new world.
  • A freshening north-easterly brought three new world records and a stunning British win on the second day of heats here yesterday.
  • It was as much a new world to me then as it was to those earliest Europeans who waded ashore nearly 500 years before me.
  • Similarly, Chechnya's population grew apace after the arrival of corn from the New World.
  • Day of the Dead (1985) shows the beginnings of a new world, where survivors learn to domesticate the zombies.
  • Now that IT appears to have visited that particular New World, more and more stouthearted explorers are itching to move on again -- and client virtualization appears to be a logical destination. Making sense of client virtualization
  • Fruit pastes are also made in the New World; for example, Fannie Farmer quotes peach leather as a speciality of Charleston in S. Carolina.
  • The rumba - which originated in Africa - travelled from Zaire via the slave trade to Cuba and the New World, then back to Barcelona, where it was adopted by the gypsies.
  • A large brownish wading bird(Aramus guarauna) of warm, swampy regions of the New World, having long legs, a drooping bill, and a distinctive wailing call.
  • The Cactaceae are among the flowering plants that dominate the vegetation of arid and semiarid zones of the New World.
  • Embassytown" might be called the culmination of these interests: For his eighth novel he has created a new city on a new world in a new universe, one underpinned by the immer, a "big and tidal quiddity" where normal rules of space and time do not apply and which ships cross to travel between planets. Full Immersion
  • He had hoped to set a new world record, but was frustrated by bad weather.
  • All I've read of this so far is the Brave New World preview, but in that it seemed like Father Time was the corrupt version of Uncle Sam at least the way he acts, even if it doesn't look like the same design. Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #1 Review | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Schouten and other heroic marine worthies of distant times had navigated the globe, discovered new worlds, penetrated into the most secret solitudes of the deep without any notion of longitude and with no better instruments to take the sun's height than the forestaff and astrolabe. The Frozen Pirate
  • In the rest of the Spanish speaking New World, the brand name had fathers reaching for their horsewhips, machetes, and guns. WE WIN YOU WIN WE WIN THE PEOPLE WIN JUSTICE WINS
  • Arguably, he could have done a lot more; he could have let Calvin turn seven, which would have opened up a new world of possibilities, but it would also have denied the inalterability that some see as intrinsic to the comic strip art form. The Vivisection of Bone, Part 2: Mytho-Bone-esis
  • Classic New World Chardonnay with vanilla, butter and exotic fruit aromas.
  • However, the needlewomen employed in Marseilles continued to produce quilted goods for sale to other European and New World markets, as well as to French consumers willing to run the risk of buying contraband goods.
  • For nearly 20 years it has been putting the New World to shame in terms of its competitive price and reliability.
  • All we have to do is speak our preferences plainly and a whole new world of mutual felicity should arise.
  • They introduced customers to the brave new world of telephone banking.
  • The promise of the new world these pursuits would bring takes the shine off once prized activities, relationships and pursuits. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a powerful cat to be tethered to, the largest felid in the New World; worldwide only the lion and the tiger beat it in size.
  • The total approximate "Amerindian" or aboriginal population of the New World at the present day is 16,000,000, of whom about Pioneers in Canada
  • The CGß gene first arose in the common ancestor of the anthropoid primates (New World monkeys, Old World monkeys, apes, and humans), after the anthropoids diverged from tarsiers.
  • Stories of angels, princes and princesses of far-away lands and fairy tales would certainly carry off children to a new world, where their imagination could take on wings.
  • I never got into the new stuff, the GF was a Storyteller in the Cam, and had bought me a membership to try and get me to try the LARP of the new world. while the settings commingle better they feel stale to me, and I never could get into them White Wolf – Dead Yet? « Geek Related
  • We've entered a new world of politics now, where no one can be trusted and the truth doesn't matter.
  • The Spanish islands and their natural harbors became vital hubs of shipping and trade for the galleons that carried the wealth of the new world to Europe.
  • I don't condone hackery, just realize there is a whole new world out there called penetration testing which is legal.
  • In general, warmer New World countries, such as Australia, produce white wines of lower acidity.
  • Other South American rodents include guinea pigs, chinchillas, and New World porcupines (one species of which has dispersed into North America).
  • Mr. John Erskine will assist us in honouring the largest school of music in the British Empire and the subject of his address will be "IDEALS OF MUSIC IN THE NEW WORLD". Ideals of Music in the New World
  • The new technology developed to enable human self-support on the surface of Moon and Mars can have valuable applications on Earth, by gaining advances in health care and medicine, resource and environmental management, new construction, better products, new jobs, new world, and many other new areas. Last Visit To Hubble - NASA Watch
  • The depurating process of the New World's grandest community lies ready for use in this natural drainage-system. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 87, January, 1865
  • In very hot regions of the lucky, sun-kissed New World, colours, tastes and textures have to be big, highly contrasted and sharp to be seen at all.
  • When their typically apocalyptic vision of a new world faded, they retreated for the most part into traditional humility.
  • It is quite likely that future interstellar explorers will have a wide range of new worlds to explore.
  • The new World Bank resident representative in Sofia was presented to ministers and the media.
  • West African guitar phenom Lionel Loueke sits in on a few tracks and adds a funky, polyrhythmic feel to "A New World," proving that Blanchard can stretch into cousinly genres without sounding like he's speaking down to his audience. Terence Blanchard: Free Will And 'Choices'
  • Europeans usually built defensive stockades immediately upon arrival in the New World in order to protect their foothold on the shore.
  • Microbots-New World Creatures A lot of research is under way to develop small robots that resemble insects.
  • Calvert shared his father's interest in the new world and was actively involved in his effort to establish a colony.
  • This is an historic and unique opportunity to build a new world and this opportunity we do not want to see pass by. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Australians were way short of beating their own new world record, but the weather was a little cooler and the wind a little more blustery.
  • A whole new world of exotic design possibilities abound with zen-like bamboo, luxurious lacewood, distinctive makore, or safari zebrawood to name a few.
  • The spirit of rebellion proceeded from the new world back to the old.
  • Bush insisted that his policy was clear: the United States would punish aggression to insure the new world order.
  • Reading intertextually, there is no more mystery to YHVH's ways here than there is to those of European plantation owners shipping slaves to the New World. Archive 2006-02-01
  • Restricted to tropical parts of the new world, it includes the paca, agoutis, and acouchis.
  • In this David-Goliath battle Philip had armaments, a trained army and more annual income (largely from the New World) than other European nations and princedoms combined.
  • New World Catharus thrushes are common nocturnal migrants amenable to biotelemetry, allowing us to measure physiological parameters during migratory flight in the wild.
  • Omland, Lanyon, and Fritz also found that it was important to sample more than one individual to accurately infer species relationships in New World orioles.
  • He is the founder and editor - in - chief of New World Poetry Bimonthly which was launched in 1990.
  • The puchero originally introduced to the colonies by the Spaniards was long ago brought back to Spain enriched by the addition of New World ingredients such as potatoes and squash. The World's Most Versatile Stew: Puchero
  • Stuffed with either ground meat, olives and raisins, or with a chestnut dressing, the Christmas turkey is a European preparation of a New World bird, far different in culinary character from the turkey served in the dark, rich wedding moles. A Mexican Christmas dinner: tamales, turkey, tejocotes
  • “Cheep … cheep … cheep” is the salutation of the newcomer, the emigrant, the casual at the gates of the new world. Chicks
  • We can't exclude the possibility that some warmongers will run the risk of starting a new world war.
  • Avenue Q "downsized" - moving from its Broadway home of six years (the Golden), to Off-Broadway's New World Stages - it lost 306 seats, some of its ticket price, and … that's about it. : News
  • In English, these sapucaias are called paradise nuts, an appellation dating back to the European discovery of the New World, then considered the site of heaven. The Fruit Hunters
  • Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born. Anais Nin 
  • The remainder of the volume consists of quite thorough summaries split into five major fossil groups: prosimians, New World monkeys, Old World monkeys, hominoid primates, and human ancestors.
  • As my eyes adjusted, to the new world around me, everything was a glare then a blaze of ambers.
  • If I have adventured in a new world of common things, have you not lingered in the old world of great and impossible things? The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • He had hoped to set a new world record, but was frustrated by bad weather.
  • Use high-tech gadgets to imagine what a new world might be like. Times, Sunday Times
  • a brave new world of technomania is developing in the name of reason and security. Bill of Rights Defense Committee - Headlines
  • BRITAIN is in a new world of demographic change. Times, Sunday Times
  • The starchitects thus acknowledge that modernism failed in its crucial mission of providing a new architectural canon that would make man at home in his brave new world.
  • The French crown was forced to pay for its Canadian expenditures by borrowing or taxing in France and shipping specie to the New World.
  • The promise of the new world these pursuits would bring takes the shine off once prized activities, relationships and pursuits. Times, Sunday Times
  • For every vision of a genetically crafted wunderkind, think of the legions of genetically damned who could inherit the Brave New World of bioengineering if it runs amok.
  • At the time, it was assumed that the new world would be multipolar, with the U.S., the European Union, Japan, Russia and a rising China sharing power and balancing one another.
  • The seemingly inexorable march of new world records may be coming to a halt. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ostensible reason is that the new world is changing so fast that no one gets a chance to feel at home in it. Christianity Today
  • As so many urbane sophisticates did before him, Lévy comes to the New World and completely misunderstands the Natives.
  • The new world members of the genus Blepharida include about 45 species, many of them monophagous and feeding mainly on Bursera or other members of Burseraceae and Anacardiaceae.
  • These slaves were most likely taken from Africa, then transported to Seville, where early slaves were christianized, and they probably spoke Spanish by the time they reached the New World. Blacks In Mexico - A Brief Overview
  • In fact, it really just underlines the now yawning chasm between the old and new world approaches to wine.
  • The council shall assist the major party candidates and the president-elect by making every reasonable effort to facilitate the transition between administrations," Bush's order said. and a few more hosannah's ... world sees obama's victory as a new beginning for america* world celebrates barack obama victory* around the world, obama triumph lifts battered US image* the world reacts to president-elect obama: 'a new deal for a new world'* propelled by internet, obama wins presidency* how will president obama wield his vast internet army? Media monarchy
  • Liquid acrylics can open up a whole new world of possibilities.
  • The cabin epitomized the new world in which they must thenceforth live and move. THE UNEXPECTED
  • Christopher Columbus set sail for the New World in the Santa Maria.
  • It has the new world freshness of ripe melon and citrus - good for the scorching weather. The Sun
  • Pianist Michael Linville, now the New World Symphony's Director of Admissions, played with stylish musicality in the Allegro, ma non tanto from Dvorák's Quartet in A for Piano and Strings Op 81.
  • Sometimes painful and often farcical it is a journey that introduced them into a whole new world. The Sun
  • Thus, when Europeans encountered the bird in the New World, the word turkey was a lot easier to remember and to pronounce than the Aztec word, huexoloti. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • That also seems to be the case with some of the other New World quail and appears to reflect a bit of Old World bias of the authors.
  • A whole new world of gardening awaits you when you go searching for water lettuce, water hyacinths, lilies and prairie grass.
  • It was a German cosmographer who suggested that the New World be designated ‘America.’
  • I'm glad he no longer has to suffer not only the physical agony but also the mental anguish of rejecting this new world.
  • And to this continuity of the circumpolar land, and to the consequent freedom for intermigration under a more favourable climate, I attribute the necessary amount of uniformity in the sub-arctic and northern temperate productions of the Old and New Worlds, at a period anterior to the Glacial epoch. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
  • It is hoped that a new world record will be set with thirteen threshing mills operating at once.
  • They may not like to acknowledge it, but they have reason to be grateful to winemakers in the new world.
  • When they summon up the realm of the familiar, you step into an entirely new world with much knowingness or willingness yet find it hard to fathom their essential meaning.
  • Google's Brave New World gained extra acreage and more vraisemblance Monday with the release of the latest upgrades to its mapping tools. Faces Of The Week: June 12-16, 2006Forbes Faces Of The Week: June 12-16, 2006
  • Monkeys in the New World evolved quite separately from those in the Old World.
  • The New World is not hampered by Old World restrictions and includes the white grapes in the blend and on the labels.
  • Perhaps one day the little building blocks of life hidden in this ghostly spiral will form part of a new world. The Sun
  • The Old World producers are exclusively European and, not surprisingly, the whole Old/New World concept is European in origin.
  • Peas and lentils were sown along with cereals on the first farms of the Middle East; the New World grew beans and maize, soy and mung were planted alongside Asian rice, and peanuts aided sub-Saharan root crops.
  • The neat trick is to connect the uneasy church-and-state issues that dog Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson (who all play themselves in archival footage, thank you) all the way back to the arrival of the first religion-obsessed New World settlers. PBS's calm and evenhanded 'God in America'
  • Ms. Coelho, who not only can wax poetic about the female epiphytic cycad in the Botanical Garden's New World Lowland Rainforest exhibit or the incendiary Capsicum chinense peppers in the Edible Garden area but who also spars gamely with chipmunks on her own property, in Putnam Valley couldn't have been more generous with her time or patient with my level of horticultural idiocy. Growing Tomatoes With a Pro
  • Muslim culture, as absorbed by Spanish Christians, also indirectly influenced the New World in the form of family honor codes, home design and the plateresque style of architecture.
  • But sooner or later the wolves will be hungrily roaming the forest and if they step into the forest of reality on their way to their version of the New World Order both are going to get more than fleeced. Matthew Yglesias » Why Two Parties?
  • The major banks in America are insolvent andeconomic chaos lies ahead from whichcould well emerge ~ the dreaded New World Order: Allen L Roland Absent in Geithner's Bank PLan / Truth and Transparency
  • And to some of those skilled in the emerging new world of cyber-warfare, Inspire seemed a natural target.
  • This was a very agreeable crisp, dry wine which could stand its own against an equivalent French, Italian or New World offering.
  • UK businesses aspire to be leaders in this new world, and want a clear regulatory framework on which to base investment plans. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sailors travelled to the New World with the urge to conquer and explore.
  • Sometimes painful and often farcical it is a journey that introduced them into a whole new world. The Sun
  • The collapse of Communism at the end of the 1980s encouraged hopes of a new world order.
  • If you haven't, welcome to an enchanting new world of whimsy and witchcraft. Times, Sunday Times
  • Callipepla californica are New World quail, birds that have chunky, rounded bodies and crests or head plumes.
  • It is full steam ahead for a whole new world of ski holidays by train. Times, Sunday Times
  • Soon after he enters the New World, the European sheds the skin of civilization, passes through a temporary condition of savagery, and finally appears as a completely new creature.
  • The capuchin is a New World monkey, brown and cute, the size of a scrawny year-old human baby plus a long tail. Monkey Business | Impact Lab
  • Coonawarra is well known for producing Bordeaux-style Cabernet, while McLaren Vale produces typical New World Cabernet - rich, soft and ripe, with lashings of red berry fruit.
  • Europeans come to the New World, Europeans buy big operations, Europeans lose buckets of money.
  • It's a whole new world of chic chefs and funky food producers. The Sun
  • It was a tayra, a large, weasel-like mustelid, one of the real gems of New World rainforests.
  • You may conceive a new world in the atomic age.
  • The proud descendants of Pizarro marched with heads high, as in the times when their ancestors founded the city of kings; their traditional scorn rested alike on the Indians whom they had conquered, and the mestizoes, born of their relations with the natives of the New World. The Pearl of Lima A Story of True Love
  • A freshening north-easterly brought three new world records and a stunning British win on the second day of heats here yesterday.
  • ‘Cultures are taken to be only manifest and exteriorized phenomena that those who do not enter the new world cannot observe’.
  • A catenary is the "curve made by a freely flexible chain or cord when hanging between two fixed points" Webster's New World. December, 1908
  • Even the earlier buildings are referential, trying to create meaning in this New World by referring to an imaginary old one.
  • NOTE: There's nothing inherently wrong with the Chardonnay grape, though I prefer how it's vinified in Chablis in Burgundy to the fruitier, ditzier New World styles. Obama, Farrakhan, and how Hillary Clinton took the opening and then squandered it.
  • Hundreds of thousands of French "colons" were convinced they had created a stable new world in Algeria. Gabriel Rotello: Israel: The Next 60 Years
  • This may sound like the conventional wisdom on the brave new world of short-term, contingent jobs.
  • (PETERBOROUGH) As Canadians coast-to-coast anticipate new world records being set in Vancouver starting this weekend, Peterborough city and county residents have set a record right here at home. MYKAWARTHA - Home
  • The old town was established by the Spanish in 1519 and was a central stopover between the old and new world, making it a most cosmopolitan spot.
  • But is this the kind of brave new world you want to live in - where household gizmos are smarter and more articulate than most politicians?
  • Chesser examined the molecular systematics of the New World suboscines and included three antpitta genera (Grallaricula, Myrmothera, and Grallaria) and one antthrush in the study.
  • And I†™ m arguing, finally, that that relationship is one of convergence; that in the strange new world of immateriality toward which the engines of production have long been driving us, we can now at last make out the contours of a more familiar realm of the insubstantial†the realm of games and make-believe. Inkblurt · Dibbell on the game-reality shift
  • Transaction value was sufficient in a world of mass consumers buying toasters and teacups, but in our new world of complex individuals, relationship value is the key to long-term growth.
  • There's a decent range of Spanish and Mexican dishes on offer too, including three paellas and staple New World offerings such as fajitas, enchiladas and tacos.
  • It puts me in a whole new world, where I can relax, said Kammerer, 51, of Rockledge, Fla., who works for Bridges, a community organization for people with special needs. Women find a space of their own with mom caves
  • In the study of formations, which is the great end of geognosy, the knowledge acquired in the old and new worlds should be made to furnish reciprocal aid to each other. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Introduced to the Americas. it was so well established by 1825 that Candolle described two new species based on trees considered to be native to the New World (McClintock, 1982). Chapter 8
  • The seemingly inexorable march of new world records may be coming to a halt. Times, Sunday Times

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