How To Use New scotland yard In A Sentence
The FBI's New York Bureau Chief Pasquale D'Amuro charged that Kelly's identification of the detective had upset investigators from New Scotland Yard, prompting a call from John Bunn, commander of the Anti-Terrorist Branch, who voiced concerns about what Kelly had told the media.
Len Levitt: Law Enforcement Steel Cage Match: Ray Kelly Vs. Bill Bratton
So thinks Detective Inspector Thomas Lynley, the New Scotland Yard man looking into a wealthy Cumbrian family's private deeds and secrets in the latest Lynley chronicle from Elizabeth George.
In Brief: Mysteries
The group's head office on Victoria Street is nestled at the heart of central government, a stone's throw from the Home Office, the Department for Business Innovation and Skills, the Department for Transport and New Scotland Yard.
Capita deals with £3.3bn of government spending as more work is outsourced
After the sighting, the FBI's multiagency violent fugitive task force in Boston and inspectors from New Scotland Yard scoured London hotels, Internet cafes and gyms in search of Bulger.
Mobster Whitey Bulger arrested in California
As from last Monday it is illegal to take photographs of the Police and security agents protests outside New Scotland Yard, not covered in the Mainstream Media.
Convention on 'Modern' Liberty
After their talks, and with no sense of false modesty, the commissioner told reporters: "New Scotland Yard is a natural place for foreign police chiefs to visit given the international reputation of the Metropolitan police.
Afghanistan transition day four: What did Helmand's head of police learn from Sir Paul Stephenson?
Over 300 people attended the vigil in support of the family, with about 150 joining a subsequent march on New Scotland Yard.
Remember, that, very sneakily, New Scotland Yard isjust withinthe Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 ss 132 -138 Designated Area around Parliament Square see for details, and so the Metroplitan Police may attempt to arrest people, or to impose arbitrary Conditions etc.
Mass photography protest - 11 am Monday 16th February 2009, Metropolitan Police HQ, New Scotland Yard
Anyone knowing ( who knows ) anything about the accident is asked to communicate with New Scotland Yard.
A few months earlier, New Scotland Yard had learned from the Department of Homeland Security about the two stolen credit-card numbers that had been given to Loock to set up the strange sites with names in zeroes and ones.
Jihad 2.0
So thinks Detective Inspector Thomas Lynley, the New Scotland Yard man looking into a wealthy Cumbrian family's private deeds and secrets in the latest Lynley chronicle from Elizabeth George.
In Brief: Mysteries
He chooses to travel incognito but actually he's Commander Adam Dalgliesh of New Scotland Yard.
She Closed Her Eyes
Yesterday, hard on the heels of the departure of the Met commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson, it was the turn of the assistant commissioner, John Yates, to follow his former boss out of the New Scotland Yard door.
One of those Mirror lawyers, Ronald Thwaites , said Monday, I have checked such records as are available to me and I can confirm that Mr. Luckett gave evidence, said that he got the story from a police source and that he also checked the story with the Press Bureau at New Scotland Yard.
With Tabloids Under Fire, Bribe Statement Surfaces