
How To Use New moon In A Sentence

  • You might consider doing this ritual destruction on a New Moon, as it is a phase of the moon commonly held in association with new beginnings.
  • Mon 11/30/09 12: 14 AM everytime i saw him i wanted to start singing johanna from todd haha he really chooses the weird and somewhat dark pieces between sweeney todd and new moon 'New Moon' Volturi member Jamie Campbell Bower wants more power |
  • In the curious ceremony of the fixing of the Nones (the first quarter of the month), held on the Calends in the _curia Calabra_, she seems to appear as a moon-goddess: the _rex sacrorum_, after a report from a _pontifex_ as to the appearance of the new moon, announces the result in the formula: The Religion of Ancient Rome
  • Twilight's sequel New Moonis all set to playa huge part at Comic-con in San Diego andat th... Twilight’s ‘Eclipse’ First New Cast Member
  • The new moon promises rich times in love and partners could have two secrets to share. The Sun
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  • Blow the trumpet at the new moon , At the full moon, on our feast day.
  • The new moon brings a face that really lights up life. The Sun
  • On Late Night tonight, he got all wide-eyed and fluttery over a still-ailing Kristen Stewart, who was making the last stop on her New Moon publicity tour. Kristen Stewart on Fallon: 'Jimmy! Move out of the way so we can see Kristen!' |
  • When the epact of the year is known, the days on which the new moons occur throughout the whole year are shown by Table IV., which is called the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • The New Moon takes place in your opposite sign of Libra on the 15th.
  • Now I have absolutely nothing to do with crystals, gems and precious stones whatsoever: my thing is fire magic at new moon.
  • The new moon was the occasion of festivals of rejoicing in Egypt.
  • And unrelated to the geodetics of the situation but corresponding to the Aries New Moon, a fireball blazed in the sky throughout the midwest states of the US on Wednesday night as the fiery Aries New Moon squared off against Pluto. Astrological Musings
  • Discovery would enter a parking orbit around Saturn, be-coming a new moon of the giant planet.
  • The new moon adds luck to spare time work. The Sun
  • I am looking forward to New Moon and am hopeful that with a bigger budget the "cheesiness" of the film can be toned out or completely eliminated next time around, but all in all I was very happy with Twilight and plan to see it again this week. Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • You feel a rush of energy and optimism as the new moon enters your birth sign. The Sun
  • The new moon brings a face that really lights up life. The Sun
  • horns at the ends of a new moon
  • It would seem, then, that the shophar and not the hacocerah was in Biblical times used on the feast of the new moon of Tishri. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • The latest rash is people thinking the Twilight cast is Tweeting the happenings on the New Moon set on Twitter. Twilight Lexicon » Kristen Stewart: Still Not Tweeting
  • Near the time of new moon there is no point on the Moon that can both see sunlight and transmit to Earth.
  • Traditional folklore refers to this as the ‘Old Moon in the New Moon's arms ’, a phenomenon created by earthshine - the reflection of light from the Earth back onto the surface of the Moon.
  • Every month, the first crescent of the new moon is observed, defining the beginning of the new month, whilst each year Ramadan commences 11 days earlier.
  • Outside, the new moon shines bright all around, but the lonely lamp on my desk is dim. How l wish this small piece of paper would take to youmyresdess yearning.
  • The time of the waning moon leading up to a new moon is considered to be the optimum for detoxifying and letting go of what the body no longer needs.
  • On the day of the new moon, a particular observation was made upon the tide in Malay Road; and it was high water at ten minutes past eight in the morning, or nearly _eight hours and a quarter after_ the moon had passed the lower meridian; and the rise was ten feet two inches. A Voyage to Terra Australis — Volume 2
  • There six separate oblations to Agni, and so on, are enjoined by separate so-called originative injunctions; these are thereupon combined into two groups (viz. the new moon and the full-moon sacrifices) by a double clause referring to those groups, and finally a so-called injunction of qualification enjoins the entire sacrifice as something to be performed by persons entertaining a certain wish. The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Ramanuja — Sacred Books of the East, Volume 48
  • De Soto is going to be demonstrating his anger to the Apalachee on the new moon. Fire The Sky
  • When the moon does not shine, they suppose she it dead; and some call the three last days before the new moon, the _naked days_. Traditions of the North American Indians, Vol. 1 (of 3)
  • Your ambitions are sharpened by the new moon. The Sun
  • A team of international astronomers has found five new moons orbiting Neptune.
  • The first day of the month is kalends or Kalendae in Latin, from which we derived the word Calendar and was the day of the New Moon. The Ides of March
  • Idd-ul-Fitr is a Muslim festival and public holiday that is celebrated on the sighting of the new moon at the end of the calendar year.
  • Idd-ul-Fitr is a Muslim festival and public holiday that is celebrated on the sighting of the new moon at the end of the calendar year.
  • Outside, the new moon shines bright all around, but the lonely lamp on my desk is dim. How l wish this small piece of paper would take to youmyresdess yearning.
  • The new moon in your money zone means the world is your oyster. The Sun
  • The New Moon takes place in your opposite sign of Libra on the 15th.
  • The new moon in the part of your chart that helps you think makes you the zodiac's smartest star. The Sun
  • To the most religious people in the world at that time God said: Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and Sabbaths, the calling of assemblies.
  • The new moon of the ninth month of the lunar calendar shines down on an Afghanistan that is struggling with the uncertainties of a fragile peace.
  • 'Twilight Saga: New Moon' smashes 'Harry Potter' box office mark - Articles related to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (PG)
  • Follow up on new career opportunities that come up after the new moon March 15.
  • New moon was so cohesive and rarely swayed from the story line. Twilight Lexicon » IESB: Chris Weitz New Moon DVD Interview
  • The new moon in your birth sign will inspire you to give your life a makeover. The Sun
  • The new moon in your birth sign will inspire you to give your life a makeover. The Sun
  • Considering he just got on the Hollywood radar because of the Twilight Saga (imagine, he was almost recast before New Moon) and just days ago blew out the candles on his 18th birthday cake, Lautner with his 8-pack abs is the newest and youngest action star in a dizzying volume of movie deals made over recent weeks. Twilight Lexicon » Taylor Lautner in Abduction: The Ink Isn’t Quite Dry Yet
  • You feel a rush of energy and optimism as the new moon enters your birth sign. The Sun
  • The new moon helps you up the ladder of success if you think and act constructively. The Sun
  • The new moon heats up your ambitions and you are ready to put them to the test. The Sun
  • Outside, the new moon shines bright all around, but the lonely lamp on my desk is dim. How l wish this small piece of paper would take to youmyresdess yearning.
  • Two of the new moons have prograde orbits - that is, they orbit in the same direction as the planet turns.
  • New Moon" stars Christian Serratos and Edi Gathegi appear to be taking their conversations about gummi bear attacks off Twitter and over to a private phone conversation, for whatever that's worth. ‘Twilight’ Stars Callin’ Each Other, Tiger Woods And Nicky Hilton Gets Robbed In Today’s Twitter-Wood » MTV Movies Blog
  • The new moon in your money zone means the world is your oyster. The Sun
  • The power of the new moon in your values chart makes you smarter and luckier with money. The Sun
  • News will arrive immediately, on or close to the soar eclipse ( new moon ) August 1.
  • The new moon gives you the willpower you need to make a fitness plan succeed. The Sun
  • From new moon to new moon, and from sabbath to sabbath, all flesh shall come to worship before me, says the LORD.
  • HPFacebookVoteV2. init (366998, 'Weekend Box Office Review: Cedric Diggory Crushes Harry Potter -- Twilight Saga: New Moon Opens With $142 Million', 'If you\'re a Batman fan or a general guy-centric geek, you\'re probably thinking \ "That was close ... too close\". Scott Mendelson: Weekend Box Office Review: Cedric Diggory Crushes Harry Potter -- Twilight Saga: New Moon Opens With $142 Million
  • I sat in the soccer field gazing up at the sky as the sun was setting and a new moon was rising.
  • The boy who blocked his own shot because i freaking love Brand New Jesse lacey is a lyrical genius!! p.s. i actually think its an Edward song from the new moon playlist used to demonstrate the bit when he leaves it totaly fits that but i guess it could work as a Jacob song!! however i am totally team Edward lol Twilight Lexicon » Eclipse Music Poll based on Stephenie Meyer’s Playlist!!
  • A vigorous new moon in your sign will soon restore that amorous confidence, and you'll be perkier than ever, sans pharmaceuticals.
  • Sitting in a sweat lodge with five other women on the night of a new moon, it is dark. Wild Feminine
  • The new moon was the occasion of festivals of rejoicing in Egypt.
  • The power of the new moon in your values chart makes you smarter and luckier with money. The Sun
  • The new moon helps you up the ladder of success if you think and act constructively. The Sun
  • About a week after new moon, the moon reaches first quarter and appears high in the southern sky at sunset.
  • Consequently, since this month always began with that new moon of which the fourteenth day occurred on or next after the vernal equinox, Christ arose from the dead on Sunday, the seventeenth day of the so-called paschal moon. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • The highest high tides, called the semilunar tides, occur twice a month around the times of the full and new moon.
  • Outside, the new moon shines bright all around, but the lonely lamp on my desk is dim. How l wish this small piece of paper would take to youmyresdess yearning.
  • And she wore haircloth upon her loins, and fasted all the days of her life, except the sabbaths, and new moons, and the feasts of the house of Israel.
  • In the “Meadow” suite, the bed in the center of the meadow is surrounded by a canopy of trees under the “New Moon.” TWILIGHT SAGA NEWS FOR NOVEMBER 9TH | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • For instance, the new moonlet might be quite porous, like an orbiting icy rubble pile. Other moons near the outer edge of Saturn's rings - like Atlas, Prometheus and Pandora - are also porous.
  • - In today's installment of TA Talks Back, I (Kara/Team Switzerland) give you my very long (I prefer to use the term thorough) review of The Twilight Saga: New Moon. ShowHype - Top Entertainment News, Videos, and Blogs
  • The new moon gives you the willpower you need to make a fitness plan succeed. The Sun
  • Krystyna, who runs: Justin Chon Fansite, The Twilight Files, and The Twilight Files Forum manged to help out the New Moon movie with some authentic area props. Twilight Lexicon » Twilight Fan Provides Movie Props
  • Also from twelfth-century France is the cognate story of a man achieving animal transformation by stripping and rolling in the dirt at the new moon.
  • The new moon heats up your ambitions and you are ready to put them to the test. The Sun
  • De Soto is going to be demonstrating his anger to the Apalachee on the new moon. Fire The Sky
  • The winter, unwilling to pass easily without denting our consciousness, made a surprising joint appearance with the new moon last weekend.
  • When P = 2 the new moon falls on the ninth, and the epact is consequently twenty-two; and, in general, when P becomes 1 + x, E becomes 23 - x, therefore P + E = 1 + x + 23 - x = 24, and Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • Outside, the new moon shines bright all around, but the lonely lamp on my desk is dim. How l wish this small piece of paper would take to youmyresdess yearning.
  • NEW MOON PREDICTIONS www. As the films (and books) gain in popularity, so do the amount of people who want in on some of that action. TWILIGHT SAGA NEWS FOR OCTOBER 20TH | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • The Geminid meteor shower peaks on the night of December 13/14, coinciding with a New Moon, which means there won't be any moonlight to block out the meteors--nearly-perfect viewing conditions, although a bit cold in the Northern Hemisphere. Zoe P. Strassfield: Plans and Precommitment: 2012 in Space!
  • The new moon gives you the willpower you need to make a fitness plan succeed. The Sun
  • The girl from Donegal is the star attraction and she will be joined by Derry country band New Moon as well as Mayo's own Marc Roberts.
  • The only way our vision of New Moon can be portrayed is if they know how we feel. Twilight Lexicon » New Director on the Horizon
  • During the low light of new moons, the satellites are sensitive enough to capture the network of electric lights girdling the globe.
  • Mad Cow in west sussex, england Dec 22, 1984-a new moon conjunct Neptune. Debunking Astrology: Mars Can't Influence You | Universe Today
  • Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart will be doing a Q&A in Luna Park in Sydney on May 31 followed by a screening of New Moon. Twilight Lexicon » Australia fans – Win Tickets to see Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart
  • She talks about going bowling on an off day during the filming of “New Moon” — candlepin bowling, it sounds like from her description — and how difficult it was to keep score without the electronic aids present at most bowling alleys: “They handed me a piece of paper and a pencil, and I had to do the score by hand,” she says incredulously. TWILIGHT SAGA NEWS JUNE 23: ECLIPSE PREMIERE, STEPHENIE MEYER & MORE | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • Outside, the new moon shines bright all around, but the lonely lamp on my desk is dim. How l wish this small piece of paper would take to youmyresdess yearning.
  • The new moon promises rich times in love and partners could have two secrets to share. The Sun
  • But I was seized with a fever of foolish curiosity and went up to the door of that tent, wherein I saw a young man, without hair on his cheeks, who fellowed the new moon; and on his right hand was a slender-waisted maid, as she were a willow-wand. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The second condition is that the Sun, Earth and the Moon must also be lined up, corresponding to the phase of the New Moon.
  • Outside, the new moon shines bright all around, but the lonely lamp on my desk is dim. How l wish this small piece of paper would take to youmyresdess yearning.
  • His lacquered shelves hold priceless pottery -- peachblow and cinnabar and silver grey -- pottery glazed like the new moon, fired how long ago for a moon-pale princess of the East, whose very name is dust! Profiles from China
  • Outside, the new moon shines bright all around, but the lonely lamp on my desk is dim. How l wish this small piece of paper would take to youmyresdess yearning.
  • The new moon sharpens your mind so you select winning answers and recognise genuine people. The Sun
  • Another omen claims that if the first crescent of the new Moon appears with its lower horn obscured, stormy weather is indicated in the first phase of the Moon.
  • The Earth's natural satellite takes on a particularly magical quality during a supermoon - when a full moon or a new moon coincides with the closest approach the Moon makes to the Earth on its elliptical orbit.
  • Small horns, like the new moon, adorned her smooth human brow.
  • The new moon was the occasion of festivals of rejoicing in Egypt.
  • From the earliest times they had observed the twelve ecliptical "mansions" and zodiacal signs, and also that the time occupied by the sun in travelling through a mansion was rather longer than one lunation, or the time intervening between two new moons. Ancient China Simplified
  • The most intuitive new moon of your year will help you understand how a partner thinks. The Sun
  • The power of the new moon in your values chart makes you smarter and luckier with money. The Sun
  • The new moon in your money zone means the world is your oyster. The Sun
  • As regards lunar periodicity, E.M., has summated his results in a curve, after the same manner as Mr. Perry-Coste, beginning with the new moon. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
  • the new moon peeped through the tree tops
  • Seasonal variation in the moon's path through the night sky changes the variance in ambient moonlight between proximate new moons and full moons.
  • And the new moon inspires you to dress in a way that gets you noticed. The Sun
  • In Yorkeshire, etc., northwards, some country woemen do-e worship the New Moon on their bare knees, kneeling upon an earthfast stone. Moon Lore
  • For those of you searching for a safe reason to lambaste Twilight: New Moon without sounding like a grumpy old fogy, Asylum. com has the answer: New Moon‘s werewolves simply aren’t werewolves. Do 'New Moon's' werewolves belong on Daytona Beach? |
  • Because the Chinese calendar is lunar based, the Chinese new year begins on the 2nd new moon of winter, usually sometime in February.
  • New moon motivation is among them an IDC company.
  • They wait for the new moon and then, under the cloak of darkness, they cross the ‘wall of mouths’ to settle on a reef.
  • Bower, who played a dark wizard in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II and Caius in Twilight: New Moon, was recently in the studios promoting his Starz series Camelot. Harry Potter's Jamie Campbell Bower and Bonnie Wright Are Engaged
  • The crescent of the New Moon glowed in the indigo heavens, and to his left, Venus, the Evening Star of Ishtar kept him company.
  • The new moon signals a fresh beginning with family and property plans. The Sun
  • A long day after leaving Hiawasee—on the evening of the new moon—we arrived at Napochies town. Fire The Sky
  • Women menstruate on the full moon, ovulate on the new moon, and use lunaception as a form of contraception. Daniel Bruno Sanz: Bad Moon, Burnt Qurans, Birthers and Flat Earthers
  • The sky was black and moonless; the night of the new moon the most terrifying time of the month in these parts.
  • If not, then use the ascendant if the birth was preceded by a New Moon.
  • Your ambitions are sharpened by the new moon. The Sun
  • The new moon gives you the willpower you need to make a fitness plan succeed. The Sun
  • You have the ambition, energy and mental toughness it takes to be a winner as Mercury and the new moon check in to your success chart. The Sun
  • i love everything twilight n oh my puggie pie i love james hes my naughty man i want him to chace me in circles … and oh my edward NEW MOON so cant wait like ahhhh its totally made of awesome grrr i want me some new moon now …. bite me my hott cullen vampires … .. Twilight Lexicon » News
  • I love New Moon and would love to see the third excede it! Twilight Lexicon » Eclipse to Premiere June 30, 2010
  • Discovery would enter a parking orbit around Saturn, be-coming a new moon of the giant planet.
  • The 2nd of January is therefore the day [v. 04 p. 0996] of the new moon, which is indicated by the epact twenty-nine. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • Women menstruate on the full moon, ovulate on the new moon, and use lunaception as a form of contraception. Daniel Bruno Sanz: Bad Moon, Burnt Qurans, Birthers and Flat Earthers
  • It was dark now and the sliver of a new moon could be seen overhead.
  • A peppy new moon may give you just enough energy to heft a barbell or two.
  • This particular beach is many miles long and shaped like a new moon, a convex curve extending into the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Even though "NEW MOON" was just ok, they need to stay true to it. adrien Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 11: 10 PM EST im team edward all the way. and im sure im not the only one with this feeling. but even though edward is absent in new moon, the book just wouldn't be the same any other way. it shows how much he loves bella, that he'd leave her and suffer forever, while she gets over him and would live a happy peaceful life. it shows me how much edward really loves bella khala Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 11: 10 PM EST Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • The new moon sharpens your mind so you select winning answers and recognise genuine people. The Sun
  • From the pictures that I saw last week, the wig is also a lot shorter than her hair in New moon which is a shame. Twilight Lexicon » 10 sec Eclipse Preview Now On-line!
  • As the new moon helps you to see love through a partner's eyes, you can remix the relationship so you both enjoy it more. The Sun
  • Outside, the new moon shines bright all around, but the lonely lamp on my desk is dim. How l wish this small piece of paper would take to youmyresdess yearning.
  • Edward was totally okay with the fact that she asked jacob to kiss her and edward is willing to let her pick Jacob and he wants her to be happy and normal no matter how much pain it causes him also the only reasons that Edward left her in new moon is because he wanted her to be safe so you jacob teamers don't use that against him! Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • The New Moon in sign is a helpful and inspiring indication.
  • She talks about going bowling on an off day during the filming of “New Moon” — candlepin bowling, it sounds like from her description — and how difficult it was to keep score without the electronic aids present at most bowling alleys: “They handed me a piece of paper and a pencil, and I had to do the score by hand,” she says incredulously. TWILIGHT SAGA NEWS JUNE 23: ECLIPSE PREMIERE, STEPHENIE MEYER & MORE | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • And the new moon inspires you to dress in a way that gets you noticed. The Sun
  • Except when your skin was as sickly pale as a sliver of new moon. The Dark Side of Innocence
  • It was dark now and the sliver of a new moon could be seen overhead.
  • And the safety-minded Swedish automaker is looking for lightning to strike twice by getting its products noticed in Twilight sequel New Moon. TWILIGHT SAGA NEWS FOR NOVEMBER 12TH | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • Summit Entertainment, producers of the upcoming Vancouver-lensed sequel "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" will send the "New Moon" cast on a 15-city US tour November 6-19. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Outside, the new moon shines bright all around, but the lonely lamp on my desk is dim. How l wish this small piece of paper would take to youmyresdess yearning.
  • Some people think it is unlucky to look at a new moon through glass.
  • News will arrive immediately, on or close to the soar eclipse ( new moon ) August 1.
  • The new moon heats up your ambitions and you are ready to put them to the test. The Sun
  • Here’s where Ashley Greene talks about New Moon, Kellan Lutz and the eggs, and why the cameramen might be a little scared of her. Twilight Lexicon » Ashley Greene Parts 3 and 4
  • I have caught many large fish during the full or new moon phase and while the catch rate is not as good as on other nights, trout still take my offering.
  • The New Moon takes place in your opposite sign of Libra on the 15th.
  • There was a new moon, and its pale light cast soft shadows in the stillness.
  • The Twilight Saga: New Moon Two-Disc Special Edition DVD has a suggested retail price of $32.99, while the Special Edition Blu-ray is set at $34.99. High Resolution DVD/Blu-ray Cover Art from THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON – Plus What Extras Are Included –
  • Outside, the new moon shines bright all around, but the lonely lamp on my desk is dim. How l wish this small piece of paper would take to youmyresdess yearning.
  • Outside, the new moon shines bright all around, but the lonely lamp on my desk is dim. How l wish this small piece of paper would take to youmyresdess yearning.

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